The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 10

10 Emelda’s Friends

Ville has been in a bad mood since morning.

“… you used drugs?

“I just burned incense with a relaxing effect. It was just a little bit of magic, but… that was neat, wasn’t it?

It’s pathetic that Ville couldn’t sleep, and I think she needed it for my sleep. Sleeping face, I let you indulge.

He slammed the wall silently. Looks like you regretted exposing me to defenselessness.

“My handmade incense. You don’t have any sequelae, do you?

“Maybe a pharmacist…”

“You thought it was a lie? I’m an expert on magic drugs. Especially cosmetic drugs.”

But it took a long time for Ville to sleep easily. If it is also to serve the prince, he must train and be resistant to poisonous drugs.

I know because I have experience too, but it’s pretty hard, isn’t it? Poison yourself.

I left the room somewhat late because I was waiting for Ville to wake up.

At the reception, Ville was envious when she did it to her innkeeper. I can imagine the content, but let’s pretend not to notice it.

Along with my increasingly vigilant squire, I went my way to my hometown.

As Ville approached Kruge, her body became tense. I can’t seem to get much sleep after taking a separate inn. My complexion is getting worse and worse, releasing a tingling air.

You’re nervous. To go to the witch’s lair he hates.

On the fourth day after the trip, at noon, we arrived in the last town.

A whole day or so away from here to Kruge. In the meantime, there are only small villages and settlements, but I’m not staying in this town, and I’m going to leave when I’m ready.

I expect there to be a mountain range tonight. I was a little nervous too, even if not as much as Ville. I can’t get out of my mind until I get back to the Crew.

Ville and I headed to the market for a buyout.

“You’re going to be on the cruise in one day, aren’t you? You wouldn’t need this much, would you?

“No, I need it. I can’t do it without eating it.”

How much dried meat do you buy, carnivore… when you’re talking to Ville, not

“Vil! I finally found it -!

A blonde boy with a big book came running over. Behind it are also men and women with eye-catching looks.

“Citrine? And even Mocha and Charlotte…”


I hid my inner agitation and fastened it to tilt my neck.

Citrine, a blonde boy around twelve.

A pair of men and women my age, a maid clothed girl Mocha and a boy charlotte wearing a big silk hat like a street performer.

These three and Ville are the four people Miss Emelda found.

… It’s not a good idea to meet fellow princes here. It’s too late.

I held back my desire to tongue and bet on my accomplishments.

“You guys, why are you here?

Citrine glittered her eyes and looked up at Ville.

“I got ahead of you with a flying dragon. I’m sure we’ll go through this town.”

“No, it’s not… why have you been chasing me?

“Well, I was worried about Ville! You okay? Haven’t been eaten yet?

Charlotte slapped Ville on the shoulder to Eagle Deep Fried. Ville pays it off depressingly. Looks like the relationship between these two stays the same.

“Extra care. Get back to King’s Landing. I thought you said to protect the prince and Emelda now.”

“No other Emelda asked me to. I’m worried about Ville, so go check it out.”


The look on Ville’s face became much brighter in the words Mocha said pale. Simple man.

Sounds like you’re allowed to talk to your buddies even under house arrest. Miss Emelda, this is an intrusive woman.

It’s not funny that it’s time to be ignored for being, so I stepped forward. At all, is there only a disrespectful person on the prince’s side?

“You guys, from what I’ve seen, you’re Lady Rain’s people, aren’t you? Thank you for worrying about my squire. As you know, it’s Sonia Carnelian. Pleasure.”

Three gazes gather at me.

hostility, not so much, but a rather alarming eye.

I smile soft pretending not to notice it. Then the three of them corrected their abode.

“This is rude. I’m Charlotte Ayrm. Sonia…… it sucks to see it near you. Super beautiful. I envy Ville Ichi -. Ha ha!

“Thank you. I’m happy to flatter you. Could it be you, the Air Arm Chamber of Commerce?

“Yes, yes. You know me well. I don’t think our products are out in the West yet.”

“That’s not true. The dishes handled by the Air Arm Chamber of Commerce are popular, right? We all want it because it’s hard to get. Lord Azrite gave it to me, and I love it.”

“Oh my God! Thanks! I’ll give you something next time!

Charlotte is in bright shape at the bottom. This is still the legacy of the Five Fingers Chamber of Commerce in Mistria. Sure, you’ve been saved by Emelda’s predictions to be one of them where you’re pinching for a lot of money on a bet.

He doesn’t have a wound brain or a nucleus, but he fights with a rare magic gun. The magic crystals that become bullets are very expensive. It’s a weapon because you’re rich.

… By the way, the traitor in the original “Tome” is him.

Even so, I’m not betraying Emelda wholeheartedly. He has an incurable and suffering sister. He told me to be one of them in exchange for that cure, and he was circulating information to Sonia after a fierce grip.

Pushing the charlotte asking me to shake hands, the maid’s girl stepped forward.

“My name is Mocha Celius. We serve Lady Rain as a samurai.”

“Celius… same name as the Viscount family that fell a few years ago.”

“Yes, I am of the line of the House of Celius…. what is that?

“No. Nothing in particular. I’m sorry if I offended you.”


Mocha is a former nobleman’s cool beauty.

Prince Rain has saved me where I fell and lost my way, and I pledge absolute loyalty.

She has a nuke. I’m finishing my spear as a protective technique, and I use a big magic spear. The maid who fights at last. Standing similar to Ville’s, but she’s secretly in love with the prince.

So at first he hit Emelda cold and was trying to pull the two apart “unworthy of a prince”. But gradually he acknowledges Emelda’s hard work and eventually becomes his best friend. I wonder if there was a scene where I confessed to the prince and put on a bully.

And after the heartbreak, you’re gonna feel good with Charlotte, right?

After Charlotte turns out to be a traitor, she gets furious and the two of us kill each other.

In the end, Charlotte can’t be serious and Mocha wins. Charlotte is an unconscious weight. Mocha, who later learned the reason for the betrayal, was shocked, meaning she would leave the front for medical attention.


“I’m, uh… I’m Citrine Nuipure. I was asking Emelda and the others to help me find your mother.”

Hiding behind Ville, Citrine says embarrassingly.

A child who was traveling in search of a living parted mother. Ville has helped me where I am being attacked by the Warcraft and I miss Ville, who has been strong and masculine ever since.

He’s a genius child with a traumatic brain, and he’s a jerk and a character. I can use simple magic, but I’m weak on offense. A line of mascot characters.

But in the middle of the day, I’ll be able to start my studies and fight. When you are surrounded by a herd of Warcraft just before the last battle, you buy a character and leave. “I’m a man, too! You can fight! I’ll take care of this place. Go ahead! Feel.”

In the end, it’s not clear what happened to Citrine. It ends in a scene where the book he cherished is filled with blood in the carcasses of the Warcraft. Life and death are unknown at first, but probably…

The previous life woman said, “There’s a precious shota!!” and blew a bubble. Ville dies the week after that, so you rarely hit the “Shit Shit” mental.

“Um… something?

I stare at Citrine’s face.

I felt a lot when I saw Prince, Miss Emelda, and Ville, but I feel a little weird comparing the painting of “Tome” to the real thing.

Especially since Citrine had a lot of faces that were “swooped” in “morrow.”

“Stop… eh. Please don’t look so hard. It’s embarrassing!”

Citrine covering her bright red face.

Yeah, maybe it’s not too bad with Shota.

Ville hid the citrine so as to protect it from my gaze.

Shall we leave the play at this point? What is solidifying in this face is too much attention.

“Friends, I just wanted to give you some time to cheer, but I’m sorry. We’re leaving soon.”

You’re not even gonna follow me to Kruge, are you?

Because it’s super annoying.

Mocha lowered her head small with no expression.

“I apologize for stopping that. Really, I just came to see how Ville was doing at first sight. He has a dumb part. Aren’t you bothering me?


“I’m fine. You work very well. We’re not totally cracking it down yet, but we’re going to get along. Hey, Ville?

Ville turned away unanswered.

“Ha… she seems more like an adult. Ville Obsidia. You became her squire at the price of divestiture. Even for the prestige of Mistria, the facade (…) must be well served. Don’t forget.”

My younger maid scolded me, and Ville seemed uninteresting, but she was reluctantly nodding back.


Even if it’s not true, I need you to protect it before it’s built.

Especially tonight……

“When we’re settled, I’ll invite you guys to the cruise. I’d love to see you. Now let’s talk more slowly.”

In response to my social decree, the three of them thanked me once.

And we broke up wishing each other well on the road.

Really, I hope the tragic future you were planning to follow will not materialize.

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