The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 14

14 Ville’s determination

I felt denied everything about myself overnight.

Witch hunting and coup d ‘état, starting with the immortal jewels, the truth about the death of the parents, the covenant at the price of the life of the prince, the life expectancy of Emelda……

All the truth hidden in the shadows of the world is ugly and obscure.

What was my twenty years?

The night I slept with hunger and burdens as a child, the blood and sweat I spent to become a knight, and the days I have endured thinking of the happiness of the Prince and Emelda, were crushed by the woods.

The sense of vanity is much greater than hatred.

You look like an idiot.

My parents, betrayed to death by the king prince of my native land, must be disappointed to see me now. What a terrible filial affair you had. I knew I should have died without being born.

Prince Rain. Poor Lord of mine who was unaware of the King’s plot and was forced to take his place in a secret covenant.

What would you look like if you found out everything?

You told me my father was a noble knight, but it was your father who drove that knight to death.

I wonder what would happen if I said that.

… I’m sure we can’t trust each other as much as we used to.

No, maybe the prince didn’t believe much about me or anything.

If you knew about Emelda’s life span, why didn’t you tell me? Because you’re happier not knowing?

If I found out about life expectancy, I would advise Emelda to rest. Then you wouldn’t have kept your mouth shut because it was a hassle, would you?

Because I have trouble using Emelda’s predictive abilities.

I’m sure it is. Prince Rain is drawing the blood of a filthy Mistrian royal family.

No. You’re not.

… I really do. It’s a mistake to resent a prince.

That man is royal. I was born separated from myself. There is no way that we can build trust equally. What were you complacent about, me?

He bears the burden of being the next king.

One human life and peace for all the people of Mistria. I know which one to choose. I’m in a position to make a decision by deluding my heart.

The prince must not have been able to reveal anything about Emelda because that’s how I can’t calmly break things off.

You can’t blame the prince on me.

Yeah, the most pathetic thing is Emelda.

I must still know nothing and dream of a happy future with the prince.

I believe I can get out of the house arrest room one day, and I must be waiting for a predicted visit to save my predicament.

… even though I’m no happier than being in that room with her anymore.

If you really think about Emelda, you should go help her.

I can’t let you stay in a despicable king’s castle or anything. To make sure no one else uses it anymore, we need to dwell on the truth, force them out of the castle, and let them escape somewhere far. Protect her with this one no matter what sludge you apply to her and do your best to have a happier time than anyone for a shorter life span. Isn’t that the true knight……

But I can’t move.

I don’t have the courage to tell you to choose me, not the prince, or the confidence to give me happiness beyond the status quo, or the readiness to reveal everything and despair. It sucks.

I don’t deserve to be named a knight to such a pitiful man. I can’t tell you how much I love Emelda when my mouth rips open.

“Something You Can’t Do Anything Where You Know the Truth”


What can I do now?

What am I supposed to live for now -?


I woke up with a child laughing. Is it even a chase? Signs of fun come from outside the window, but the curtains don’t tell how it’s going.

I looked indoors blurry.

It’s an unrecognizable room. Except for my sleeping bed, all I see is a desk, a chair, a closet.

Only a witchkiller sword and a small amount of luggage on the desk. The sense of life is not like that.

There was a red ribbon wrapped around my right index finger. Did someone prank you? Solve silently and drop it on the pillow.

My head was heavy and my body lazy.

There doesn’t seem to be a fever, and there’s no place for special pain. Maybe it’s anemia or dehydration. Since last night – I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I’ve barely said anything.

My last memory was just before I entered the tree sea.

The moment that woman told me to get off the horse and put my foot on the ground, my vision circled.

“You’re awake, Ville. How are you feeling?

“… it can’t be good”

Sonia came to the room. Completely solve the outfit and look relaxed in a piece. I have a basin in one hand. Why do you have a sunny face without a heart?

“You’ve been nervous for five days. My mind and body were at their limits.”

It was apparently only a few hours after I fell.

Sonia put her back on the bed, so I woke up. The medicinal water offered was suspicious, but I honestly decided to drink it. I could do as much as I wanted while I was asleep if I was going to do something, and I no longer care what they did.

I was totally self-inflicted.

“This place…”

“My house. This is Ville’s room starting today. Use it as you like. Let’s go buy something that’s missing next time. … Welcome to the Cruise”

The Witch’s Inside Crew.

The prince asks me what kind of place it is.

Originally, the witch was caged in the back of the mountain to immerse herself in the study of witchcraft, and she had no interaction with her companions or people except to pick up her disciple from time to time. Witches often become villains in old stories, probably because they had a creep who didn’t know what they were doing.

It was the shift in time that led to the appearance of those who were dyed in the dead and married to human men.

Though smoked at first, the wealth of knowledge about drugs and warcraft was welcomed by people, and witches gradually accepted.

But twenty years ago the witch hunt created a crack between the witch and the people of Mistria.

The previous king had put out his touch to offer a witch to the people. If you shelter the witch, you will be guilty of the same crime, and you will be condemned. Some areas seemed to be where the people would take the initiative to privately imprison witches out of that fear.

The witches, snitched by their neighbors and fled with their lives, gathered at Aronia, the Savior, in search of rest.

I cannot return to the people of Mistria. But I’m used to the life of the town, and now I can’t live in the back of the mountain. So he decided to build a inner for the witch in close proximity to the town of man, and to defend himself among those who were not confident in power.

That is the Kruge.

If there were Aronia, the Witch of the Redemption, humans wouldn’t bother to get rid of it either. Instead, they can be more generous than before. Aronia also reached out, not letting her compatriots come down for help.

Nowadays they also reconcile with the people of Mistria, and it seems that the witch of Kruge is also cordial with the lord of Azrite.

Some say Kruge is a symbol of witchcraft and Mistrian friendship.

But now that we know the truth, it is doubtful whether it is true or not.

… I don’t care, that.

“I’ve never lived anywhere else, so I can’t compare, but life here is good. It’s natural and relaxing, and if you go away a little, you can play in the Azlit capital. I live in the country, but I’m not bored. Bill’s gonna love it, too.”

“… the witch killed my parents, and I’ve killed the witch, and you think I like the inside of the witch?

“Ville misunderstands the witch. We’re not all sexually vicious, like our mothers and the murderers in the weird cases. Besides, the only bad witch Ville’s been killing.”

Yes, I was a law-abiding knight. That’s why I only slaughtered witches who dyed their hands on crime.

But I’m not a knight anymore. Finally, the mental state is unstable.

“Isn’t it dangerous to let me in here right now? I don’t know what to do.”

I laughed that it would be okay while I was conscious, and Sonia poked her finger at my cheek.

“Nevertheless, if Ville did, he’d be completely unfaithful. Well, I don’t know what else to do. I took you there. Not what I’d say, but last night Ville must have been the unhappiest man on the continent. But there was only one way to tell you the truth.”

That’s understandable.

I just heard from Sonia only and I wouldn’t have believed it after all.

My familiar side of the king – I could recognize that Sedonil was there, so it wasn’t a joke.

There is no possibility that Sonia and the King are consigning to deceive me. Because purposefully creating your own scandal won’t gain you anything.

Last night’s story was unrestrained and true.

I gave Sonia her hand and sighed.

“Did you feel sorry for me for serving the royal family without knowing anything? Is that why you didn’t kill me last night?

Sonia knew the truth about my parents’ death. I mean, you already recognized me at the wedding, and you dared nominate me as your squire.

From the side, it would have been stupid. While serving the son of the Avenger (Prince Rain), I made my daughter of the Avenger (Sonia) hate me.

“Right. Bill is pathetic. I’ve worked so hard, I can’t really die without getting paid for one thing. Miserable. I can’t overlook it.”

Usually I would yell, “I don’t need sympathy,” “OK, don’t talk windy,” but I don’t have that kind of energy either. I covered my face with both hands.

“If you really feel sorry for me, let me go…”

Don’t bring them inside the Aronia’s making, etc.

“Oh, that’s a glamorous demand. Then I ask, is there anything else you’re willing to go to?

I had to shut up.

I will not return to the King’s Capital…. I can’t go back.

Knowing the truth, I am in the way of the royal family. You can’t keep him alive.

I don’t care about their lives anymore, but I still don’t like it in their hands. If you’re enough to be humiliated like that, poke yourself in the neck with a witchkiller…. Oh, you can rip your belly just like my father and mother.

I am not going to see the Prince or Emelda in the future.

I don’t want to break Emelda’s little happiness. I want the rest of my life to be calm. Better than nothing, even love full of deception and hypocrisy, given by the prince.

I don’t have anywhere else to be or anybody to rely on.

“Hey, Ville. What do you think of me now? You still want to kill me?

I didn’t answer that question well either.

When I just woke up and saw Sonia’s face, hatred and disgust were fading a lot. The hatred of kings and sedoneers is stronger for what you believe and betray than Sonia, who was a bad impression from the beginning. It could also be significant to have doubts about Prince Rain’s words and actions.

Above all, my anger and disappointment with myself is swirling violently, and I guess my evil feelings for Sonia are weakening in relative terms.

I’m not willing to resent Sonia for the raid twenty years ago. This woman wasn’t even born, and if she’s a child of vengeance, so is the prince.

I’m also beginning to wonder if maybe it’s really irrelevant about the recent monstrous incident in which the involvement was suspected. It’s just a feeling, but I’m willing to be so good that there’s no doubt about this woman.

That’s not why I forgave Sonia my heart. I’m not even going to forgive you.

In last night’s interaction, I once again had a feeble creep for Sonia. I was used to rough things, and there are still signs that I’m hiding something. Don’t think you’re working any other, uninterrupted evil.

I am not insulted with my sixteen-year-old little girl in every way. There is too much piercing.

At last, I was freaking out because I couldn’t see Sonia’s bottom.

But there’s no way I can tell him that.

“You said it yourself earlier, but Bill’s messed up his mind and head right now, isn’t he? Then stop deciding how to shake yourself right away. Something you can’t possibly make a decent decision about. As my squire for a while, I think it would be a good idea to help me manage the fields by cleaning, buying out, etc.”

I turned away from Sonia’s tender grin.

“… why do you care so much about me? You’re the one who thinks of me.”

“Didn’t I tell you? I like Bill’s face, his voice, his personality. And let the man who hated me in the fur samurai, and I’ll feel good if I can touch him.”

How far are you serious, this woman? I don’t know. Scary.

“Well, if you really don’t want to work, you can gobble up in your room… then you’re just a pet”


Sonia chuckled when she saw me as I was out of line.

“Oh, that might be good, too. I’ll make you look lovely. I’ll give you lots of rice and toys, and I’ll give you a walk. Then you don’t have to get back on your feet.”

“Wow, okay. Work. Give me a job because I’ll work. I just don’t like pet handling.”

I was unwittingly begging. As a knight, I’m dead, but as a man, he still had his pride as a man.

“Really? Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll introduce you to everyone inside.”

Resting only today, he whispered sweetly, Sonia walked out of the room.

… Shit. This is what she thinks of the kettle. I was stunned without a voice.

Danced entirely over Sonia’s palm. Everything is spotted, manipulated and cornered.

I somehow decided on a future policy in me.

Escape from Sonia’s demon hands. Is it something that will kill the keeper?

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