The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 2

2 Witch’s Secret

When I was twelve, I mastered the magic of past sight.

It’s quite a tricky trick. “One genius in a hundred years, then,” he said repeatedly every time the elders met, “it’s not an Aronia concession, it’s an emotion.” Was it a mess?

I traced my own life back in time.

I wanted to know what your father was like because he had passed away before he even noticed. You didn’t seem very concerned with the children. I’ve always been a dark-rooted man reading books.

Disappointed, out of curiosity I went back more in time.

Before the fetus than the baby, the moment I questioned what Zero’s memory was, I saw something that could not have crossed the border.

That’s probably a memory of a previous life.

How dare you chase the life of a woman from another world!

The woman was a man who dreamed of the fantasy world.

I especially loved the story of “Emelda and the Witch Legend,” abbreviated as “Emeden,” and used it as food for life.

Surprisingly, the moving story of “morrow” was about the country I live in. The fact that my own mother is portrayed as the root of all evil and I myself am “rasubo”……

The last woman said of me, ‘Ah, die quick, damn it! Rather I corn!’ He said. Nasty thing.

What is the cause and effect of space-time?

Was it also the ability to predict the future of different worlds to the author of that “Emeden,” or did multiple human aspirations result in this world being born, yet another prank of God…

I decided to put it behind me because my bones are going to break to find out the truth about it and work out future measures for now.

Because in the last of the stories, I’m knocked down by a woman named Emelda, and she dies.

I don’t necessarily go along with this futures story, but my life is at stake. Even if you can’t easily believe it, you can’t scorn it.

Anyway, I was careful not to overlap the evil deeds as originally done. I’ve gotten a lot more ambitious because I’ve seen past lives over and over again.

The letter from Prince Rain, which I was secretly looking forward to, replaced the melancholy one, and I began to hear words from my mother in half.

I am neither manipulated nor confused by anyone.

That’s how I’ve lived under oath.

And today is the day of the first appearance of Sonia Carnelian, the Wicked Witch in the original.

The mysterious girl, wrapped in a veil, gets mad at Prince Rain for being bulleted. Leave it to your emotions to reveal your mother’s sins and your plans…. Aren’t you too stupid?

Though he tries to get Emelda out of jealousy after confessing, he is prevented by a knight who serves the prince and abruptly retreats. But at the end of the day, we leave behind a throwaway dialogue and a curse on the prince.

Muli to me.

I can’t imagine how much gold was piled up in such an unusual imitation.

So I decided to twist and bend the scenario early.

“… no. I have only come for the dowry, under the covenant made by King Mistria and his mother Aronia. There is no such thing as a crime as Lady Rayne said.”

Speaking to sing, I ripped off a pure white veil.

Long deep red hair spilled and the place squeezed all at once as my face became dewy.

“Oh, my God, beautiful…”

Pompous and someone leaks a grunt.

You will, you will.

I feel confident in my appearance.

Whatever you say yourself, burning red hair and red copper eyes attract and nail people’s gaze.

In my hometown, they say it’s a beauty ghost. The skin, hair and nails are perfectly maintained. The body is also ideal for everyday effort.

The ladies who helped me change and make up earlier also said, “Alongside Prince Rain, you’re not inferior at all!” and was leaking an exclamation.

I don’t know, Prince Rain.

Compared to the girl next to you, it doesn’t suck, does it?

Instead, I’m more complete for wearing makeup and decorating.

Prince Rain repeatedly blinks and is stunned. The face was a little cute, so I smiled and shook my shoulders. Or maybe he gave me a thrill.

I hope you regret it a little.

Nevertheless, it is not at heart beautiful to inspire my beauty too much.

Shall we get to the point where we are proud to win and move on?

“King Mistria, first to see you. My name is Sonia Carnelian, daughter of Red Rin’s Witch.”

When I bowed gracefully to show, His Majesty the King returned the courtesy.

“And you, my Promise – Lady Rain Mistria. It’s a pleasure to meet you. But I’m not sorry. I didn’t know you were going to hear such a statement from someone who believed you were your future companion… an insult not only to me but to my late mother Aronia, I can’t overlook it.”

To prove that there was nothing dark behind me, I stared at Prince Rain.

In the original “Aftermath,” Sonia’s face remains hidden in the veil at this stage and is not revealed. It was a revelation since I was cornered at the end.

But on top of that, it was expected to be an absolutely beautiful girl because the people who breathed Sonia’s voice were super popular.

They do often say that their voices are “colourful and envious” too. Hmm.

… not that I wanted to dispense with everyone’s suspicions by showing my face so early. ‘Cause whatever you say while you’re hiding your face, it’s full of suspicion, right?

While slightly frightened, the prince was courageous and disputed by Emelda and his squire.

“But here’s the evidence… there’s a witness. The sister disciples of Aronia did say. Twenty years ago, all the witch raids were set up by Aronia.”

“Right. In that regard, I do not intend to deny it. Your mother deceived her master, Jebella, and made her raid the kingdom, and she made her predecessors king Mistria.”

“Become… Then you admit it. Aronia was the true evil.”

A cathedral that shudders as soon as possible.

I try to imitate the prince and control him by hand, too. A slight wave of stirring pulled away. I want you to listen to people until the end.

“No. Your mother never encouraged you to raid with personal greed. There was a reason.”

Turn around and I speak dignified to the audience.

“From what I hear, the previous king of Mistria feared the power of the witch, so he cited his country for harsh oppression – a witch hunt, right? The witches were being chased or executed for no reason on the land where they lived… at the time, all the witches, including your mother, were angry and hated Mistria”

It was only twenty years ago. Many of the aristocrats gathered remember the time. Inside he nodded at my words, and also saw those who were drooling.

“A cold ditch lay between the kingdom of Mistria and the witches, increasing the luck of the battle day by day. Even if your mother hadn’t instigated Jebella, there would have been a raid on the king’s capital sooner or later.”

“That’s why…”

“That’s why your mother hurried you to raid the king’s capital. The more days we spend in witch hunting worries, the more witches we think about destroying Mistria, the more united we become and the larger the battle. If that happens, many kings and witches will die. Or the battle will never end until one of them really dies. Isn’t that right?

As I inquire, I give no gaps for the princes to answer, spinning the words.

“Jebella was the spiritual backbone of the witches with her predecessor, King Mistria, who resolutely executes the witch hunt. By making these two deceased early, I lowered the morale of the battle that was growing. Mother truly wished for peace, so she went through the measures and defiled her own hands. so that it is done with minimal sacrifice.

… Of course I was heartbroken. You also said, ‘I really wanted to publish my own ploy’. But we really needed a savior to stand between the kingdom and the witch, and that was just your mother. Because the real purpose was to propose peace so that witch hunting would never happen again. ”

I opened it up for a little while, but no one uttered a word.

Neither the prince, Miss Emelda, nor the audience move as if time had stopped.

“What caused your mother to lay down sick was her guilt for cheating on her master and killing him with her own hands and for being called the Savior… she broke your body with mental hard work”

I smiled softly after laying my eyes down to mourn just a little.

“I am truly sorry that it has been a carriage that tells the truth in this way. But now, two years after my mother’s death, I think it’s just the right time. Again. My mother did not plot a raid on the King’s capital for her own lust. to avoid a major battle…. did you understand?

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