The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 20

20 Ville upset

Strange case of noise in the alley.

I go around the children’s eyeballs, cleave the beauty’s face, and implant a bomb in the warcraft to make biological weapons……

There was no special significance for the crime of the crazy witch, but at best he thought it was to make the kingdom more secure and to plunge into chaos.

But these inconsistent offenses seemed to have a reason.

Ingredients for the rose jewels that bring immortality and rejuvenation…… it was the body of humans and warcraft.

What a terrible thing Jebella has created. It’s insane.

“The killers in the weird case were collecting material for the jewels, right?

After the melancholy hour of amulet duty, I went home and questioned Sonia.

“Come on? I’m irrelevant, so I’m not sure?

“It’s nothing. I’m not turning you down as a mastermind. I just want your views.”

Sonia laughed thinly. Maybe Ville’s right, he said.

Assuming the purpose of the weird case is to gather material for the jewels, there is something of concern.

“Is there anyone else with the recipe besides you?

“Perfect recipes, including those I remember, shouldn’t exist in the world, but it wouldn’t be strange if someone had as much as a note on the research”

Sonia said that the Aronian slave witches had changed their faces all the time.

Was it used to experiment or was it killed for buying Aronia’s unhappiness? Or did you escape out of fear of horrible research?

An escaped witch was stealing the contents of the study, and now she may have begun her activities to create a jewel. Or is it that whoever threatened the witch was behind the strange incident?

“Or maybe Jebella hid some other recipes. Someone may have discovered it recently.”

In the end, Sonia also says she doesn’t know who has the recipe.

It’s too dangerous.

The witches who made the weird case were insane with all of them. They’re like collecting ingredients for everyone. If those guys complete the jewels, they could bring turmoil to the kingdom.

“Wait a minute. Surely Aronia was provided with materials by the King…?

“Yes, a few times a year, some of the humans processed by frozen magic arrived from Wang Du.”

Take it easy, Eggy…

It seemed that those who were the ingredients were unsuspecting even when they were gone – sinners, orphans, or those who were socially in the dark profession behind them. Are you saying that the King’s sponsorship had allowed Aronia to study the materials without any difficulty?

Really bad chest shit.

“How come you’re willing to tell me about the weird case now?

“I was actually going to put some more on. But there’s no point in keeping it a secret anymore.”


“You don’t think Ville thinks it’s about me anymore, the mastermind of a weird case, do you? At this point, I thought I’d clear my suspicions completely.”

Sure, I’m starting to think of Sonia as not an evil witch. My personality is incredibly twisted, but given her birth, I can’t help it either. Instead, I even learn respect for the part where I blow out the past and laugh positively.

There is no connection between Sonia, who enjoys life in Kruge, and the hunting incident.

Now that I know what motivated the weird case, I can assure you it is clearly Shilo.

There is no way Sonia, who has suffered scatterly in Aronia’s experiments, is going to try to create a treasure.

The king will prepare the ingredients in case you are willing to create them. If you’re going to try to make it to the King in confidence, you won’t cause a flashy case in the first place.

“… I don’t know. How come you didn’t try to clear your suspicions right away?

“Because it’s more thrilling and fun to be suspected”

When I saw Sonia’s refreshing smile, my body grew heavier.

I look like an idiot who’s worried about a lot of things.

“Just kidding. I just didn’t have the time to talk.”

Sonia shrugged her shoulders.

“Although the purpose of the weird case must be to collect material for the jewels, there must be other purposes. Why did the killer you guys catch come up with my name?

“… because I want to put wet clothes on you, right?

“If that’s all, it’s going to create conclusive evidence that I was involved. I’m halfway there to just let some crazy witch testify.”

I thought about it as I roared.

Sonia’s name is mentioned as the mastermind from the mouth of the murderer in the weird case. It’s my fiancée’s name to the prince.

Sonia said when. He said we should discuss it first for a peaceful solution.

“Normally I would go to Sonia herself to find out the truth, or what? Letters are fine…”

“Right. So if you know you’re being set up by someone, you usually act to clear your suspicions. Maybe the killers were trying to get me out of the cruise.”

I don’t know to what extent the recipes for the jewels the killers have, but Aronia’s experimental data from more than a decade of researching Jebella’s recipes would definitely be a substitute I’d like to get.

And Sonia herself has strong antibodies to the poison of the jewels. Maybe he was going to capture it and use it for experiments.

“As a matter of fact, you guys didn’t come in contact with me until the wedding day. Nor did I try to find out when I heard rumors of a strange incident. That would have been a miscalculation for the mastermind.”

It would have been unexpected that Sonia exchanged doubts at the wedding. Sonia hurried me back to Kruge. Even with a knight with a witchkiller by his side, the witches can’t get their hands on the detour.

“Hmm? Could it be that you took me back as a squire… to avoid witches?

“You had just a few thoughts about that. But that’s why I want to play with Ville.”

Apparently, the road to the Wang capital went quite a long way and carefully. He also said no because the reception from the royal family stands out.

“… is it possible that King Mistria is involved in a strange case?

“I think it’s low. That one is afraid of being exposed to the truth twenty years ago. You won’t do anything fancy yourself. Instead, I feel like I was swimming Prince Rain and asking him how to get out.”

“Weren’t you trying to legally detain me for a crime you didn’t commit?

“My prince and I were going to get married. I didn’t have to go out of my way to be big enough to be bound up as my stepdaughter any day. That’s smarter.”

Indeed, if Sonia and the Prince are married, as kings, we can have those who know the truth at hand, and we can force the study of immortality. Is there no reason to purposefully wear wet clothes to break up a marriage and create a national scandal? So far it would be reasonable for the King to consider it irrelevant to the weird case.

“Well, the purpose of the mastermind is unclear, and what we just talked about is just a guess. Maybe it’s just a witch harassment who hated me.”

“You… you have a lot of enemies”

“Right. I don’t remember doing anything wrong myself, but was it crude what I did in my previous life? Nothing good, though. Born with this beauty and wisdom, we need to be prepared for some adversity.”

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fair, would it?

Sonia asked me for my consent, but I could neither affirm nor deny it.

The life of a squire under the Lord in jeopardy passed so calmly that it clapped out.

I’m getting used to farming a lot, and I think I’m making better chores and breakfast. Phantom and I made up (?), and exhaled the liquor as she heard her daughter boast.

I am not particularly dissatisfied with living with Sonia either. Instead of dissatisfied, he has the fullest diet of the last twenty years.

One morning, I came to town with a buyout. This is the first day I’ve been out there alone.

The town of Dendra is a few dozen minutes away by horseback from Kruge. The traffic of merchants is flourishing and busy as the road to the western capital, Azraw, is maintained.

Is Sonia trying me? There is no sign of being watched. Now I can escape from witches and kingdoms.

The money I was given is too much, although I was asked to. They say you can keep the rest for a penny and buy whatever you want.

Whatever it is, it’s an amount of money you won’t have any trouble spending on your trip for a while if you keep it running.

… Well, I’m not willing to get away with it at the moment.

It will be time for a response from the Kingdom. I am going to see about the result.

‘Go home and tell His Majesty. The witch Sonia is unwilling to break the peace treaty with Mistria. Still, if you threaten me or my precious things, I will engrave the tragedy of more blood than twenty years ago into national history. I’m waiting for your wise reply. ”

What will the King say to Sonia’s threatened message?

How does Lord Sunnig move?

How many witches are on Sonia’s side when it’s a battle?

Among the witches I accepted because I thought they were allies, a flavor of the weird case might be dispersed and targeted at Sonia.

What am I supposed to do?

‘It’s not going to be a fight. Something that forces from all over the continent are now antagonizing. Even Your Majesty should want to avoid rubbing with witches and showing gaps in other countries.’

If another country attacked me when I was fighting witches.

Once the crew ties in with the rest of the power and the coup thing is exposed.

As far as that is possible, King Mistria does not conflict with the witch. I will definitely accept Sonia’s proposal. Sonia was so sure.

I understand the logic, but will everything carry what Sonia wants?

No one anywhere knows the mastermind of the weird incident, or how much the king wants the rose jewels. Even though there is no guarantee that you will not drown in greed and go into radical action.

Sonia remains calm, even in a state like standing on thin ice.

How long is your liver sitting, or your senses paralyzed?

But if she says she’s okay, it’s weird because she’s really going to feel okay.

Even if the inconvenience occurs, it will be solved by itself. At least you don’t seem to count on me. No, I have a problem with being relied upon.

Still, I intend to serve as Sonia’s squire for a while. I don’t know how serious the word you want to play with me is, but if it’s one or two of your selfishness, you don’t mind being swayed around. You’ll get tired of it soon anyway.

But before we do that, we have to clear up one matter of concern.

“I knew you’d better apologize… no, but -”

I was lost.

Whether I should suspect Sonia as the mastermind of a strange incident and apologize for working in a scattered disrespect.

Sonia didn’t do anything wrong after all. Nevertheless, I have said a lot of tough things to Sonia so far and have been disrespectful.

Shouldn’t we also apologize for that now that innocence has been proven?

I don’t think Sonia cares much.

But if I don’t apologize, I’m sorry. But this is my self-satisfaction… I just want to refresh myself. Isn’t it cowardly to push on your own an apology that Sonia hasn’t asked for and make it easier just for herself?

Besides, I don’t feel like I can honestly apologize in front of Sonia. What do you look like and what do you apologize for?

I’ve been asking unanswered questions here lately. I’m disgusted by my pity.

“Brother there, roar in the middle of the road and you’re in the way! Stop by and take a look! Some items just arrived!

The owner of the fresh market called me back.

Yes, it was. I’m here to buy it out. Retrieve your shopping notes and purchase what you are looking for.

Yeah. Let’s buy a little more meat than we were asked to… The roast beef in the meantime was delicious enough to make me cry. Will you make it again?

“Brother with dark hair, you’re Sonia’s new squire. So how about this? Yang-flame berries. I love her.”

“Pseudoberry? Never heard of it.”

Red fruit piled up like a mountain. The sweet and sour aroma comes along, secreting nature and saliva.

“It’s a specialty of the region. I’m out earlier than usual this year. Tastes good too. Don’t buy Sonia one! Hey, okay ⁉”

The owner’s desperation is suspicious.

If Sonia likes it, it’s something that’s likely to be grown in the orchard inside. But the shopkeeper said the Yangtze Berry only grows at the foot of an active volcano. It was the kind of explanation I put on it.

“… Actually, I misplaced the unit of the arrival number. If you buy me a lot, I’ll serve you in the future.”

Eventually, I gave in to the owner’s crying.

Well, okay. I have extra money. Girls and children like to eat fruit, and let’s give this to them to anticipate when to apologize.

I casually bought a few boxes of Pseudoberries and went back to Kruge.

“Welcome back, Ville. Did you get anything good?

When I got into the house, Sonia picked me up. You were still trying to see if I was coming home right?

Or the mood of parents worrying about their first grab…… no, that’s just disgusting so let’s not think about it.

“I could buy everything I was asked for. And… and this.”

Sonia breathed a lot more when I offered her some pyrotechnic berries. It’s a rare reaction.

“Ville…… how did you get this?

“No, because the store owner says it’s your thing and he seemed to be having trouble holding inventory…”

At that moment, now I breathe.

Because Sonia smiled so hard.

A different look than the usual black smile. He looks really happy, even to me watching…

“Thank you. I love this. Hehe, glad.”

“Oh well…”

I was out of my mind. I don’t know, it’s crazy. Oddly enough, my heart is noisy and restless. I feel like I’ve been attacked by accident.

“What reaction?”

“No, because I didn’t think I’d be so happy with about the fruit…”

“I don’t want Ville to tell me she’s happy with the meat. And I was crazy… and I said I’d buy whatever Ville likes, and then I’d come home and buy whatever I want. Are you finally willing to do all you can to me?

“Shit, no! That’s why…”

“Whatever. Make tarts for today’s snacks. Yeah, but so many…… you can make jam too. It also fits the steak sauce. I think Ville’s gonna like it too.”

Sonia headed to the kitchen with a pyrotechnic berry. I held my heart unconsciously as I dropped off my grumpy back.

For the first time, Sonia looked like a sixteen-year-old girl. Where did the usual piercing go?

I bought it casually and smiled so dazzled…

The apology thing blew me out of my head.

It must be because of the way it looks. Regrettably, Sonia’s beauty must be acknowledged. That would also be highly destructive for a smile. If I could see a face like that, no man would…

No, let’s not think deeply.

Not if you’re upset about this.

The tart of the Yangtze berry was exquisite in its rushing sourness and the mellow sweetness that spread through his mouth. The aroma of alcohol goes hand in hand and is a treat for adults.

When I felt like it, I bought it again, and she told me, and I nodded silently.

Now you’ll buy it for the taste of tart or Sonia’s smile, which one.

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