The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 21

21 Gifts from messengers

I’ve been back in Creuge for a month.

Looks like Ville’s getting used to living here a lot. Unexpectedly, the witches have a good reputation. So far, there’s no love, no hegemony, but even a serious young man is something you can tell by looking at the first time you work. They also have high points in front of men.

The children are still flirting with me. You get caught up in a mess, you read a picture book, you get fed freshly remembered sorcery.

Ville was dating as she complained. You take good care of yourself. Citrine liked it, too, and it seems easy for children to miss it.

He is quietly doing his chores at home.

It’s big, but it’s just me and Ville living there. I don’t have a lot of work. Besides, my house is full of household magic props. The magic props, in brief, energize magic and move.

The world of previous life was full of useful tools. Unfortunately, the last woman didn’t really understand how they worked, but I tried to reproduce them in this world for myself. I also think that troublesome cleaning and laundry are a lot easier than other houses.

“If you sell this washing machine, you can become a billionaire…”

When I first taught our laundry, Ville was shaking.

The washing machine is a barrel-shaped demonic prop that cleans, rinses and dehydrates in order thanks to the elaborate fire and water surgical configuration. It doesn’t take any effort to carry them to the water yard, boil them in water, squeeze them one at a time, or anything like that.

But I can’t commercialize it because cost performance sucks. The procedure is too complicated to break well, and consumes a lot of magic in a single wash.

Most of the magic props in this house can only be handled by people with a lot of magic in them, like me and Ville. You have to buy a lot of magic crystals for the average person to use them, and if you spread those magic items without thinking, you could deplete the magic of nature. In fact, some countries have been devastated by the overuse of demonic props.

If you have money, it’s cheaper to hire a launderer, and it’s eco-friendly.

The invention of witches is often not for the good of men for the world.

Well, I can’t help but invent it to make it easier for me. Wisdom, magic and time spent creating things in exchange for money isn’t funny either, the witch thinks.

Even for me, I don’t feel like making money with ideas that someone in my previous life came up with. Most importantly, if Mistria dies because of spreading the washing machine… it sounds a little funny, but I still would stop. Because it ruins a lot of things.

That’s why Ville is encouraging her chores by pouring her own magic into the magic props.

Seems like I have a lot of time left, so I decided to let him help me prepare the medicine as well.

It’s all I can do to snuff out the herbs, keep an eye on the flaming pan, and even kids, but I’m serious about it. It’s because you didn’t tell me in detail what medication it is, it’s amazing and cute.

“Speaking of which, I hear one of the famous performances is coming to Azraw next time.”

“Oh, it’s already that time of year. I wonder what this year’s performance will be.”

Between the tasks, we have a conversation without other love.

Ville tells stories about going out for drinks with the Phantoms and rumors she heard when she bought them out, what I read recently and the romantic stories I asked the other witches.

I’m not particularly excited. I end up with “heh” or “phew”. We can’t help it because we’re choosing shallow conversations that aren’t obvious to each other.

But Ville occasionally glances at me with a serious look.

Is there something you want to talk about?

Or troubles?

I pretend to be a little concerned but I don’t notice. Because if you want to get out of there, it’s not worth asking.

One day, Brother Sunnig finally contacted me.

There’s a messenger coming from Wang Du, and he wants to talk to me and Ville. On the face of it, it’s about breaking the engagement, but in fact, it’s definitely a response from the royal family to my proposal.

If you will leave us alone, I suggest you silence the truth of twenty years ago and cooperate in the defence of the western border.

In the dragon car headed to your brother’s mansion, I inquired into the rugged look of Ville.

“Ville hates His Majesty so much that he wants to kill him?

“Hate…… if I was in front of you I might be slaughtered”

You didn’t even have to ask. King Mistria killed Ville’s parents in a vile way. I had made Prince Rain the subject of a secret contract, and I still have Miss Emelda under house arrest in the castle.

Are you unconscious? Ville had her hands on the hips sword. But I immediately wave my head aside and let go of my hand.

“But killing His Majesty would make Mistria very rough. So… I’m not going to take revenge”

Seems rational enough to be able to worry about you after you’ve done your revenge.

If this is a disturbance, it’s peaceful anyway. If we fight the king with personal grievances and the country is rough, other countries may attack us for this fortune and territory. As long as the people could be sacrificed, Ville can’t move.

If I could have trusted Prince Rain to succeed me, I might have thought of revenge.

“Aren’t you patient?

“Honestly, I don’t know. Lately, everything feels like a distant event beyond my control.”

Ville looked at me jizzily.

“If my presence gets in the way, I don’t mind you abandoning me. I don’t want any trouble in there either.”

If, for example, the messenger has demanded the life of Ville as a condition for accepting my proposal. Looks like Ville is afraid of that.

I was impressed. Ville, who hated witches furiously, is thinking of Kruge.

“It’s okay.”

I stretched out my arm and poked Bill’s cheek properly. grin and smile at him as he strengthens himself a bit.

“Bill doesn’t have to worry about anything.”

The man named himself Nefra Conrat.

“I’ll see you first.”

Age…… probably early twenties. Being single as a king’s messenger is too young to come to this occasion.

It’s white, the lines are thin, and I’m like a scholar because of the simple silver edge glasses. If I thought I felt like the second or third son of an aristocrat who excelled in academics… I really did. The Konrat family is a so-called downstream nobleman, and seems to be a lineage of magicians from generation to generation.

“You’re surprised a young man like me comes as a messenger…”

As soon as they were three, Nefra uttered a dark voice.

Yes, there’s only me and Ville and Nefra in the Aspinel family’s reception room right now. At first, my brother and Eudia were also present, but by the time I got to the point, we had each other leave.

Me and Nefra are sitting across the street, and Ville is holding back behind me.

“How good I am, how trustworthy I am of the king, is it just another shortage of talent? What did Master Sonia think?

Sure, I think it’s a little strange.

His predecessor, Cedonil, was the belly of the king. They come instead, so you think they’re pretty good people, don’t you?

“If I insist, could it be all? Plus there still seems to be a reason.”

“Discover. I prayed to His Majesty myself because I wanted to see Sonia. It’s a life-threatening role. Others were running away, so we decided.”

Nefra had a dark grin.

My predecessor Cedonil was done to the point of losing his voice, but I don’t know what would happen this time if he damaged my mood again. So no one wanted to play the role of messenger, and the candidate Nefra was appointed…… maybe?

That’s what I thought, but apparently not. Nefra put a decorated box on her desk.

“Apologize first. My predecessor has been very rude. You may not believe me, but most of them are not of His Majesty’s will at his discretion. I don’t know if it will prove it, but I would love for Sonia to receive this…”

Nefra opens the box.

A ring fitted with a large red gem jumped into my eyes first. No, this isn’t a jewel, it’s a crystal of magic. It’s a fairly good quality piece of fire attribute magic.

If that’s all, it’s funny with my nose that it’s just a bribe or a good mood, but the ring wasn’t the only one that fit in the box.

At first I thought it was the pedestal of the ring. Because the colour was so different from the original one.

The box contained a tip from the man’s wrist. Wrinkled, earthy skin. Sounds like you have a coating that prevents corrosion by magic. My index finger is wearing a ring.

Ville murdered behind my back, so I control it with my hands.

“I’ve never given you such a bad hobby gift”

I let you live and go home because of it…… no, not that I’m dead yet though.

Sedonil apparently bought His Majesty’s wrath in a recent lapse. I’m also convinced that no one wants to play the role of a messenger other than Nefra.

“Didn’t you mind?

“Right. I’m having trouble reacting. But… I only know that His Majesty was properly followed through with his subordinates’ untimely demise. That’s enough. Please keep it with you.”

“Really? Too bad.”

Nefra lowered the box pale as if nothing had happened. This guy, he’s a little hard to do. I don’t know what you’re thinking.

“Once again, then, to Sonia the Witch, I would like to share with you the intention of our Lord King Mistria. If twenty years ago, the wedding rituals, and the disrespect of Sir Cedonil the other day can be watered down, the Royal Family of Mistria will not serve any of Sonia’s surroundings in the future. Stay healthy in Azlit territory. And I hope Mistria can help me when I have to.”

That was the reply of accepting my proposal.

“As far as I’m concerned, I don’t even wish. May I? Keep me and Ville alive.”

“Yeah. It’s not right for me to fight you guys. It’s horrible to have Sonia at hand now that you know how strong she is. I have trouble getting across to another country. Therefore, it is best not to interfere in a country that separates far distances. each other.”

“You think you’re gonna give up on immortality?

Behind the glasses, Nefra’s eyes narrowed.

“It doesn’t seem to matter if the rose jewels aren’t in anyone’s hands. His Majesty is steadfast in his place, on the throne. You want to be king until you die. So now you’re putting the weird case that was making more noise in the alley than Sonia.”

King Mistria doesn’t think I’m involved in a weird case. And I’m concerned that the backstage of the weird incident is creating rose jewels and targeting the throne… Apparently. That’s a lot to worry about, Your Majesty.

“But happiness or unhappiness, since the wedding ceremony, there have been no more flattering incidents. We are interrogating Prince Rain instead of taking the witch he caught and torturing him, but we have not yet got a clue. Sounds like you’re just a lower end who hasn’t been asked for more information. Sounds like a witch flowing from Tonitrus and Katarata, I see.

I was insulting you from the dodgy modus operandi of a weird case. But around not letting him grab his tail so far, the mastermind seems like an unafraid opponent. Is that okay?

“There’s nothing unusual about me or the perimeter of the cruise”

“Really? Be very careful. If there is anything in your recipe and in the recipe of immortality, neither can the king be at peace with his heart. If you need anything, report it immediately.”

“Yeah, be sure.”

Then I briefly confirmed my promise.

The kingdom of Mistria does not hurt me and those around me in any way. Do not force the study of immortality. I will not make witch-hunting or any other law that abuses witches in the future.

I do not tell the truth twenty years ago. I don’t give anyone the recipe for the treasure. I don’t leave Azrite territory without permission.

It’s just a promise. Enforcement like contract magic, of course, is not even legally binding.

But it’s never meaningless. We don’t have to shy away from each other when our promises are broken. Something you don’t have to get lost or hesitate about when you have to.

“Ville Obsidia. Let me also restrict my actions about you. Follow Sonia and do not leave Azrite territory without permission. And can you promise not to contact the prince or his surroundings”

As your majesty, you’ll want to seal the ville in a place where the blade of vengeance won’t arrive. Even for me, that’s a wish or a fulfillment.

I wish I could honestly nod, but Ville shut up. After a silence that was never short, however, it was bitterly overwhelming.

“… I understand”

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