The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 57

4 Love Trap

Prince Rain and Emelda are joining us to explain the situation again. A prince cuts out with a refreshing smile as he walks through the woods.

“That was a disaster. But it’s okay now. I’m Rayne. It was Ville who helped you, and this girl is Emelda. The three of us are traveling together for a reason.”

I know. I’m the one who led the witches to make a strange case and brought you out of the castle to date Emelda, right?

Rain Mistria…… Son of the Hate Mistrian King, Lord of the Ville. And Sonia’s fiancée. It’s a profound opponent for me.

But I haven’t decided whether to include the prince in the scope of revenge yet. Because he didn’t do anything to me himself, and he seems to be putting the witch at risk in one way or another. I’m drawing that king’s blood, and although I’m negligible in that I solicited Ville as a knight, I can’t decide how to handle it.

Either way, let me get involved in a revenge plan.

The prince looks like a witch. He’s a refreshing, shady, shimmering type of beauty. That’s the opposite of me.

Just right for bait. If you say “give the prince to the most helpful,” you must increase the tension among the witches of the organization.

Of course I’m not actually going to feed the prince. I won’t let the witches think good. I’m going to ask the prince to be pseudo-bait.

In terms of manhood, Ville could also be targeted by a witch. He has a stern face resembling a cross.

It’s just that Ville would inspire more hatred than witch desire.

I steal the sword that was lowered to Ville’s waist. Some of the organizations were witch-hunted in Mistria and fled to other countries. The witchkiller sword evokes the trauma of such witches.

We have to be careful not to let the ville get eliminated on its own. The witches at the end of the organization don’t know who I am, the boss, and I’m not issuing the directive not to attack Ville because it’s unnatural.

Ville is cautious of his surroundings while scratching the dried meat. Oh, you used witchkiller to wear it out. It doesn’t seem like the only reason I’m being distracted is because I’m in the mood for snacks to be taken away…

Shit. Looks like he didn’t like it.

It’s not a good idea to stimulate too much, so I have no choice but to shift my gaze from Ville.

Emelda was grinning all the time saying she loved the little one. You’ve grown up to be a very emotional daughter. I peeked at this forehead, but it was the innocent girl herself full of charity.

I ordered you to finish it as a tool… it’s hard to do.

“So, what’s your name?

“I’m Citrine Nuipure.”

This is a pseudonym made by combining the names of the ancestors of the Konrat family with those of the great magicians. It was Nefra who thought about it. It’s a lovely name that’s perfect for your master, and he was annoyed at how satisfied he looked. But I have no complaints about the name itself.

“Yes… how could Citrine have been alone in the woods?

“Uh, I’m looking for your mother. One day, suddenly he was gone.”

My mother and I were just two people selling medicinal herbs and crafts and living on foot, but we fell off. There are no clues, and thus wandering unapologetically.

… Oh, my God, that’s a big lie. I don’t have a mother. [M] So I can’t find it, and I think it’s a hard lie to find out. You just have to “your mother didn’t tell me” about your country of origin and the rest of your family.

“Yes, very, very pathetic…”

Emelda drew a sympathetic gaze. I wonder if maybe you remember Sufe, who just passed away the other day.

Sufe, as contracted, died herself so that Emelda could travel easily. At the end of the day, beg me to have mercy on Emelda.

I won’t be bonded, but, well, I guess I won’t bother killing Emelda. It’s a life that can only live for about a decade at any rate. You can let him live as long as you want for the rest of his life.

Emelda suddenly let her face shine and slapped her hand.

“That’s right! Then let Citrine come with us. It’s safer, and your mother will find you soon.”

Yeah, yeah. It’s a suggestion as I directed it.

“You can’t possibly do that. You can’t travel with children.”

To Bill’s sharp words, Emelda lowered her eyebrow butt softly.

“But I won’t leave you like this. I’m worried.”

“It’s more dangerous to go with us. You don’t know when a witch will come after you. Let the Knights of the Kingdom protect you and gather information from all over the place. How quickly can you find it?”


Emelda pushes silence.

What Ville says is true. It’s a decent decision. I won’t let that happen.

I pinched my mouth well. [M]

“I would love to follow you all! I want to be a strong man like Mr. Ville! Please!

When I look up with my eyes sparkling with admiration, Ville exhales a deep sigh.

“No. Break up in the town ahead through the woods”

“That’s it!

As I clung to the hem of my coat and wept in my eyes, Bill wrinkled between his eyebrows. It seems more confusing than angry. The prince slapped me on the shoulder when I felt like I could handle it if I kept pushing.

“Well, calm down. I just saw something like a flash of light, can Citrine use magic?

“… Yes, if it’s a simple procedure. I didn’t learn it properly, so I suck.”

I took a crude magic crystal out of my pocket and showed it to him. My nucleus is sealed from detection. [M] It’s a technique we wore together when we braided the magic that temporarily sealed the rose jewels.

I tried my best to explain the magic I could use. [M] Check the orientation with magnetic forces, generate light sources, and make loud noises to disturb the Warcraft. Describing what might be useful for the journey, the prince nodded with a strange look.

“That much magic at that age, and self-taught… isn’t that amazing? I have the talent of a magician. All right, let’s acknowledge Citrine’s company.”


Ville opened her eyes to the prince’s words.

“This way, you’ll follow me on your own. It’s more dangerous.”

The prince stroked my head, adding, of course, that I would order the Knights to look for my mother.

“However, it’s a really dangerous journey, so if I decide I can’t do it anymore along the way, I’ll have it pulled out. Is that okay?

“Yes! I’ll do my best! Best wishes!

I try to express my joy in a childish way all over my body. Yeah, you’re a pretty discerning prince.

… I thought I’d be disappointed to eavesdrop on my conversation with Ville later.

“I wanted to serve the side of the magician. Citrine looks promising in the future, so there’s no harm in scouting it out and letting it experience action right now.”

“Prince… Citrine is still a child”

“Of course that’s not all. We met shortly after Emelda’s prophecy to gather the four of us together. I can’t ignore it. We need a period of time to figure out if the prophecy is real and if Citrine is one of our people.”

Hehe, I see. That’s right, or should I still say, a king’s child. If it seems available, use it and treat the people as if they were pawns in tabletop games.

I don’t mind because it’s convenient for me. It’s not about each other.

By the way, the wording of Emelda’s prophecy is my creation.

Prevent it with a blue prince and four companions as the Red Witch’s daughter brings the scourge of doom to Mistria.

The second half is to make it easier for me to join the journey, because if I had four people, I wouldn’t be suspicious of anything.

The first half is… to increase the princes’ distrust of witches. Sooner or later, the kingdom and the witch will confront and crush each other.

I chose the word Red Witch Daughter to bring it to Sonia’s attention. Whether it’s Emelda’s ability or her exploration of the organization’s witches, Sonia’s information is hard to gather.

Ask the princes to explore Sonia as well. I want to know how she reacts when her suspicious eyes are on her.

Ultimately, I want to meet in person to confirm the crowd. In order to do so, we need to call them out to places other than Kruge. I don’t know what a child looks like, but if I see my elder grandmother, she’ll know who I am.

Face to face with Sonia, only as the citrine of others in red.

For the time being, I have to travel a long way to follow a strange case.

Let’s be good kids who don’t say Wagamama so we can get along with Ville so we don’t raise weird suspicions.

One day, a few days after Prince Rain revealed his identity and told me why he was chasing a witch, I shook my head beside him with all my might at the entrance to a certain town inn.

“Absolutely not!

The Prince and Ville were in trouble for my trembling tears. Is Emelda tired of walking or rowing the boat in the lobby chair?

“I only got two rooms today. Citrine and Emelda are in the same room…”

“Why me! I don’t like it!”

It’s a nightmare to spend the night alone with Emelda, and in a room with only one bed.

“Why are you so stubbornly reluctant?

“Though I’m more of a child than you guys, I’m twelve now, right? I think it’s a problem to reveal it overnight alone with a woman of my age! What will you do if you make a mistake!

I would never make a mistake, but I can’t physiologically! I can’t sleep!

Ville glanced at him like he was shocked, and the prince looked sinister.

“I thought you were still a pure child… I’m shocked”

“When they say that, I’m starting to feel like there’s a problem. I have no choice…”

Let Emelda sleep in her room, and the three of us go into one room. There was only one bed to give way to the prince, and me and Ville would each sleep on the paired couch. Little me fine, but a well-fitted ville looks cramped. Either way, Bill would have gone to the couch, but I can’t help but be pathetic.


Though I fell asleep right out of tiredness, I feel a fudge and open my eyes.

Ville was looking out the window. Golden eyes glow mysteriously in the moonlight.

“Did I wake you? Sorry.”

“No…… what’s wrong?

If you notice, you don’t see a prince in bed. I rub my eyelids and approach Ville. [M]

Outside the window, at the garden tip of the inn, Emelda and the prince are talking about something. It’s a little close. And it looks like fun. Especially Emelda’s eyes staring inadvertently at the prince.

Meise under the starry sky was quite picturesque.

Oh, maybe those two, love is sprouting?

Sure, Emelda has long admired the prince of the story, but that doesn’t make Prince Rain seem more than satisfied.

Wow… that’s going to be an unpleasant development. That’s not what I was after.


Wait a minute. Prince Rain, you, you have a fiancée. Don’t get your hands on my country girl for playing.

I’m getting kind of upset. I don’t know what Sonia would think if she found out…… no, it’s an unrelated rage about my daughter or something, this is…

“Mr. Ville is in trouble. I can’t believe we have to keep an eye on this place, even though it’s for an escort.”

I was out of my sight early. It’s a very bad video for the spirit.

Ville was staring at the two blurred. You don’t hear me. [M] Eventually, I groaned somewhere lonely.

“Emelda is such a strange woman… she may not even be able to forgive her heart”


My liver got cold when I felt the fever that shouldn’t be at the end of Ville’s words.

Could Ville also…?

“What’s up, Citrine? My complexion.”

“Hey, it’s nothing… sorry, I’m going to bed now”

No way. That’s not true…?

I, until now, have had a dry life unrelated to youth and romance, so I don’t know about the shaking of young people’s minds.

So I’m sure it’s my fault. It’s okay, it’s okay……

No matter how much I tell you, my anxiety doesn’t go away. I had a sleepless night, trembling at the signs of the biggest miscalculation.

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