The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 66

13 The End of Revenge

After a failed spiritual mountain attack, Charlotte asked him to take Emelda to Azrite territory.

I plan on attacking Sonia, Ville and Spiritual Mountain before they bring me to the King’s Capital. In return, of course, is a special remedy for my sister’s disease.

I let him take Emelda to see how Ville feels.

Sonia and Emelda, I want to see again which one you choose and how obsessed Sonia is with Ville. I’m talking about Emelda, who’s getting rid of reason and feels like a runaway, so I’m sure she’ll do a good job.

It would be a mistake for me to try the two of them. But there’s nothing to worry about.

A report from Celesta told me how you two were getting along, but you’re kind of unbelievable. I can’t believe that Ville, serious and far from romance all the way, is being boned out by Sonia…

No, Sonia wasn’t a bad witch, and she’s holding back the elements that most men are attracted to. It’s not weird that Ville is in love. But it’s so opposite of Emelda, I’m confused by the breadth of Bill’s defensive range, I am.

I wonder if it fits, those two.

If Sonia and Ville can climb Cathedral Spiritual Mountain without Emelda confusing them, the bond between the two will prove. The fact that he tried to help the royal family also remains. Even if the king collapses with a curse, the witch of Kruge will not be disputed.

I wasn’t thinking about killing all the witches anymore.

I just don’t want to leave any worries in the afterlife. Whoever keeps him alive keeps him alive, and whoever kills him kills him. And I want to end my journey of revenge. [M]

He returned to King’s Capital one foot away with his injured mocha. The capacity of the prince and king remained unchanged, and the castle had a gloomy air.

Mocha was to be seen by the prince. While everyone fears the curse, Mocha is not frightened to see the mole in the prince’s body and behaves as usual. I felt just as guilty about that devotional figure.

“Oh, Master, welcome back. It’s been kind of a long time…”

“We’ve been busy together.”

“No, I’m not…”

In an attempt to stabilize the king’s capacity, the castle magician is driven out day and night. But they’ve run out of hands already, and they’re in a situation where they just have to wait for a miracle. Some subordinates escape for fear of a curse, and Nefra had also abandoned his work. Take out a smile and a single letter.

“Sonia gave me her thoughts on the paper. I greatly admire it…… plus, I have some advice for you. That’s your master’s daughter…”

The paper on the practical use of space magic on a national scale is a challenge that Nefra has been working on for many years, and I have also lent my hand from time to time.

I look through a letter from Sonia. A draft of the auxiliary magic circle Circle, which stabilizes the surgical ceremony, was written. I know perfectly well that you understand the abyss, not the top of sorcery. Sonia doesn’t seem to be as interested when she says that witches show no interest other than witchcraft in their favorite field.

“Here is a procedure that incorporates Sonia’s suggestions. What do you say, Master…”

“Hmm? Not bad, but this neighborhood is a little messy and disgusting. We could be more efficient.”

Then for a few days, Nefra and I went through the procedure.

It feels like we’re avoiding cutting each other out even though we have so much else to talk about. Instead, blossom into magic talks.

While Nefra was struggling with the unfolding of the procedure, I spent a lot of time formulating various medications, writing down the magic ideas I’d written about in books, and organizing myself around.

I couldn’t do much like a master for you. Nefra always worried about me, supported me, and followed me no matter how evil I dyed my hands.

Forget about revenge and penance, at least for the last time, and I want to spend it as a mentor. In all the knowledge and skill I possess, I will teach you something useful for the future of Nefra.

What would Nefra think if I told him what I was going to do? We’ve been dating since this stranger’s apprentice was a child, but I haven’t seen him angry or crying in a long time. Not really, I don’t want to see it.

One day, a crow came by the lab window. Celesta called. I hear Sonia and Ville have traveled. Seems to come straight to the king’s capital, not to the spiritual mountain due to the driving of the lord of Azrite.

“My plans remain crazy from start to finish. I thought we had a little more time.”

It’s time to move. The joint study with Nefra was not completed in a few moments. But maybe that was a good idea.

“Nefra, you have to finish this by yourself.”

If this magic is completed, it will bring innovation to this world. You’d better finish it at the hands of the young people who live the future, not me in dispute. Only Nefra can leave his name in history.

I told Nefra what I was going to do. You were guessing to some extent, Nefra listened quietly and laughed powerlessly.

“Aren’t you in such a hurry to live? If we reveal everything to Master Sonia, we will be able to study a little more life extension……?

“No, you can’t. The result will remain the same. I don’t need that kind of sad time.”

“What is it, really?

“Yeah. I really do. I didn’t mean to live long from the start.”

Nefra said something and shut her mouth. I felt so sorry for my painful face.

I take out a notebook. Usually, we record information that we know and predict in the book. Written with special cryptographic characters, it is crafted with magic so that it cannot be read by anyone other than those with specific magic powers.

Unlike that book, this notebook is just a note that I wrote and beat up on the idea of witchcraft. There are also a number of issues that I have been stuck with, although it is partly because I did not devote much time to research that I could not use for revenge. I’d love it if you could make it a future issue for Nefra.

“If it’s not a heavy load… one day you’ll cross me, Nephra”

Nefra received her notes in a venerable manner and let her eyes shine. Intelligent Mazo is also a good place to be happy to encounter difficult questions.

“I don’t know what the hell takes decades…… I’m happy to have a tough, great master. Make it a treasure.”

I’m glad you have a good apprentice.

Nefra narrowed her eyes so that she could see my feelings, though she could not speak in the light.

Then shortly he ordered the witches of the organization to occupy the castle. Keep the queen and her good men in the dungeons. I didn’t even make it.

I visited the king’s room. For decades, a man who was suffering from pain like being trampled and crushed lay quietly. I’m already beyond my limits and breathing constantly. I couldn’t sympathize at all when I saw a blue and white face with just a skin sticking to my bones.

“I really wanted to make you suffer more, but it’s over. How does it feel to be cursed to death by a son who used it as good?

The king opens his eyes thinly. I follow my lips to smile as I look down. [M]

“I’ll take this country and the throne. Beautiful national territory will be devastated without a trace, and Mistria will be an abomination from countries all over the continent. If the evil deeds that have been done before are exposed under the day, the people will not mourn your death with anyone else. Schnello Mistria is not a famous man, he leaves his name in history as an incompetent and incompetent king.”

I lied. [M] I’m not thinking about what to do with Mistria right now. I am also unwilling to express the truth about the Kingdu raid twenty years ago.

I just said what this guy hates the most. It’s like cursing again to suffer until the time of death, without any pity.

The king opened his cloudy eyes and wept, moving his mouth to complain about something. They no longer have the power to speak up. I didn’t want to die, I could read the words from my lips.

“If you bring Cross back to life right now, you can forgive him.”

The king doesn’t move like he’s frozen.

I left the room behind.

Eventually Charlotte came to the castle with a blue face.

It’s a shame you couldn’t stop by Spiritual Mountain, but just rounding up Sonia and Ville to bring them to the King’s Capital is a tough task. On top of that, I think it was life-threatening to grab Emelda and come running.

I’m not as ghostly as reluctant to reward someone like that. By and large, there is no resentment in Charlotte, but rather as much as I am sorry for his involvement.

Interesting, or I also heard stories that made me feel complicated.

Sonia and Ville… well, they’re already pretty deeply related.

I wonder if you’re all right, Vil. Haven’t they played?

I can’t really trust Sonia. For not being able to try it in the Spiritual Mountains, I guess I’ll just have to check the bond between the two of us straight away. Ugh, I don’t really want to…

I gave Charlotte the pills to free her with that in mind.

Prince Rain stabbed me in the throne. I guess Emelda, to be exact.

Her brain function was already at its limit, so I thought I’d let her see the prince in her sanity… and that led to this result.

Emelda was devoured by a vicious blow by Mocha, but she had a lot of breath. Happy or unhappy, the invasive brain is dysfunctional and will no longer be able to use prediction or all-knowing. After I treated Emelda, I erased a series of memories and entrusted them to Nefra.

Emelda in the first circle was a simple girl.

But Emelda in the second circle had distorted herself not to distort destiny to avoid a bad future, but to recreate a good one.

This is one of my sins. At the very least, I want the time left to live a bright white future without any worries.

The prince and Mocha were both in a state of panic and could no longer be reached. I had no choice but to put him to sleep. Honestly, I don’t know what to do.

I don’t want Prince Rain to die now. Lady Mocha goes without saying.

When the two of them were awake and everything was over, would they be ashamed of their hands and wish to die?

But I don’t have any basis, but I felt okay with you two together.

If anyone thinks of themselves next to me no matter how much I fall at the bottom of my life…

There’s nothing I can do about all this.

At the end of the day, all the witches of the organization were gathered in the courtyard.

The king dies, and the kingdom of Mistria belongs to the witch. Everyone is groaning.

I lie again. [M]

“We still have a lot of enemies, but we don’t need to worry about anything. We can be beyond human boundaries. Nice to see you again.”

“Oh! Finally, you can have the rose jewels!

I smiled calmly and handed out my reward to the witches. Pills of color like hardened blood – sweet sweet immortality poison.

“I’m starting to settle in my abdomen if I drink without biting. Don’t worry, you won’t be as young as I am as a child.”

When I said, “Go ahead,” half the witches said poisonous roses with momentum. Fools who believe in me and try to rejuvenate me first.

Naturally, the vigilant did not move. But when they saw the witches who suffered from the poison of immediacy, they peeled their eyes and attacked them.

It’s a hassle to deal with this number properly. I can’t give you time to chant. That’s why I put in place measures.

“Gu…… why!

The non-poisoned witches’ movements were dull. I sprinkled toxins in the courtyard that were tasteless, odorless and heavier than air beforehand. Of course, there’s no harm in me holding a rose jewel.

“I’m sorry. But once evil-stained witches don’t need them in the world to come…. I’ll be there soon, so wait.”

I mercilessly spin my magic to destroy the witches. [M]

Spread toxins with the magic of the wind. The courtyard had a tragic sight. A normal person would throw up or lose their mind.

But I’m used to it.

During my long journey, I saw bloody scenes over and over again. Maybe that’s the fate.

No one can live a decent life. I think maybe my plans went crazy because I’m being neglected by this world.

“Master, it looks like Sonia and the others have arrived in the King’s Capital…”

“Oh well. Thank you. So, can you show me between the two of you? Please.”

Nefra nods emotionally.

“You’re finally facing Sonia. As a parent and child……”

“Right. I’ve seen him once as Citrine… but I’m not going to father him. It won’t be as touching a reunion as you might imagine.”

Just because it’s genetically so, it’s far from that in the public. What we’re going to do is just self-satisfying.

Pale, tell them what they need to tell them and die. And entrust the rose jewels to Sonia, hoping she can live with Ville.

That’s all.

Nefra exhaled in a deep sigh.

What, that heart-disappointing face? I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but Nefra makes fun of me sometimes, right? It’s the last time, but no, it’s the last time you should scold me?

As I swelled my cheeks, Nefra laughed.

“You’re still a clumsy way to love me. Sounds like a master…… I hope the end of your master’s journey is calm and fruitful. So…”

A disciple who turns his back and leaves refreshed. Even though it’s the last goodbye, it’s clean.

I stood on the spot. [M]

“… love?

What the hell is that? Impossible. Even if I rush to deny it, my face gets as hot as it did when they pointed at the stars.

You think I have feelings for my daughter?

I put my hand on my chest and thought about it.

I don’t know. But my heartbeat was fast and I couldn’t calm down.

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