The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 8

8 Witchkiller Weaknesses

I decided to watch Ville fight while I forgive Unica. I’ll get ready for some cover magic, but maybe you don’t need it.

Ville pulls the witchkiller out of her sheath. Shortly afterwards, my skin peeled and popped.

What a vortex of disastrous magic.

Red light reflects demonically on the blunt blade. I felt like my whole body was freezing.

That’s about it, beautiful.

Neither I nor the silver wolf would nail it.

Unnatural silence covered my ears.

Ville steps in, the silver wolf kicks the ground late. The battle came to a close. Ville slashed the silver wolf with one knife, not even a thick fur wrapped in magic.

Aside from the injury, he did not return blood and his breath was not disturbed. I felt like I wobbled just a little when I saw a wolf with golden eyes lying on it, but soon returned to nothing.

The blood and fat on the sword were extinguished with a tinge and a sound. Looks like he was absorbed by the witchkiller.

A feeling of paralysis ran through my spine.

I’ve seen many battle scenes of Ville on “Later,” but I thought they were exaggerated.

Confess. At the moment of the slash knot, I couldn’t even see what move Ville had made. It’s not just the power of witchkillers. Ville’s strength is considerable.

“… thanks, Ville. I knew you, you were very strong. You’re reliable.”

Yeah. It was stronger than I thought. I’m in such a hurry to see what I can do. I won’t show it to your face.

“The rhetoric is good. What about the funeral?

“Right. Shall I keep it?”

I lay my hands on a breathless silver wolf from the horse.

[Exhausted life, refine yourself, and cruise the heavens and the earth again]

Chanting, the body of the silver wolf disappeared wrapped in a pale light. He left a piece of sharp nails of his right arm to be exact, and later vanished. Both I and Ville offer brief silent prayers.

This is the art of funeral.

The art of reducing a corpse to a river of magic in nature, but the nucleus of a warcraft remains unblended. Well, finally the body disappears and you get the loot.

So in the case of this silver wolf, there was a nucleus in his nails. It’s a piece of magic, so I can sell it for quite a bit.

… By the way, the use of burial techniques on witches and nuclear bodies is forbidden throughout the continent. It’s the result of learning from bloody history.

Ville honestly picked up her nails and offered them to me. Generally, loot belongs to the person who stabbed the stubborn, except if the companion has a subordinate relationship. Ville, you seem to be aware of yourself as a squire.

When I received it, I stroked Ville’s head because of it. I was avoided silently after just a stroke. Too bad.

“Hehe, let’s have something delicious tonight for the reward. What’s good?

Pickling and shaking shoulders, Ville.

“……………… ku”


“… I like meat dishes”

Cucumber, and a dumb sound echoed in the woods.

Oh, you’re just like the original there, too.

I managed to get to town by sundown.

I’ll pick up the inn, keep Unica, and pick up dinner at the neighborhood liquor store.

On the desk, there is a narrow row of dishes and a mixture of fragrant smells. I enjoyed the sight in front of me with sweet and sour fruit liquor.

The gaze of the other guests, who were gathered at first on me, is now focused on the one with them.

Pak Pak. Mog Mog.

Grilled rice, sweet and spicy stewed chicken, fried pork, venison soup, and beef stew.

Five servings of likely dishes disappear into Ville’s mouth as he sees them.

Strange and quiet dining scenery for breaking the pace. Eating guts is nasty. As a former knight of the prince, I feel the least amount of manners.


“Very tasty”

You’ve never had such a soft answer back to my question. It’s slightly up the edge of my mouth, and I look blissful.

He seems too obsessed with the meal to even forget that I’m in front of him.

Eat well nonetheless. I thought you were exaggerating this with “afterwards,” too, but keep it up.

The witchkiller sword that Ville has consumes a tremendous amount of magic when used. That price is this big meal.

In the original, I used to go down and empty my prince’s purse, and drop hot dogs and seriously dents.

Make it the only drawback of a solid, cool ville, one of the adorable points, apparently.

As far as I’m concerned, I hate my body a little less fat no matter how much I eat. But watching Ville made me overwhelmed and I lost my appetite, so maybe it’s just right for the diet.

Even after eating some obvious dishes, Ville seems to be lacking. You’re dining with a woman, but you shouldn’t look like that to me.


Transfer the chicken momomo meat that you have divided into your own plates to Ville’s plates.

He was a little more vigilant compared to me and the chicken, but eventually he reached out and ate pacli. Because it’s the last one, or I taste it tremendously.

… cute.

My cheeks naturally loosen up too. I think I’m getting hooked on feeding.

When I was smiling and watching, Ville finally noticed my gaze.

“Why are you laughing?

“People who eat a lot, think it’s nice”

Ville turned to him with regret and embarrassment.

“… good fuel consumption wasn’t the best virtue?

“Could you have cared? You’re not like a horseman.”

Ville didn’t seem to fall to her heart, but she flattened the rest of the dish with pepper.

The master of the tavern served me dessert in praise of Ville’s abundance of food and my beauty. A lot of stories come to my ear as I relax while tasting apple and honey cake.

“No, Prince Rain’s wedding to Aronia’s son, he said, is no good. Wang Du said he panicked.”

“I hear the Prince had other lovers for anything.”

“Nice! You pierced pure love. I envy the other lady.”

“Asshole. I’m disappointed. It’s too insane to make it a bust just before the wedding ceremony. I’m worried about the next generation of Mistria.”

“Master Aronia’s daughter, that seems to have been beautiful. And you forgive the prince’s disrespect.”

“I’m glad you’re a broad-minded daughter. I wish I could fight witches again, I’m terrified…”

My reputation is good. Since it was such an outrage in front of a large crowd, it seems that the Kingdom side could not manipulate information to shelter the prince either. But the focus of everyone’s talk is all about the divestiture, and they haven’t talked about the truth about the raid twenty years ago.

Your Majesty, you have the power.

I wanted to hear a few more rumors, but I decided to go back to the inn because Ville seemed uncomfortable.

I have a slightly larger room for me and a normal room for Ville, two rooms. I said I could be in the same room, but I said I absolutely didn’t like Ville.

“You’re in trouble. I’m already full today. The prince’s wedding is gone and there seem to be a lot of returning guests… I’m sorry, but I need you to try something else.”

“Please do something about it there. This is the last place!

The reception room was noisy.

Your parents, small children, and three families were desperately eating at your innkeeper’s husband. From what I hear, they missed the room and there’s no inn tonight.

“Can’t you just ask this kid? I’m feeling a little sick in the morning…”

“You’re sick… I’m sorry to hear that.”

Look, a little boy is coughing with you. The cheeks are a little red, so maybe you have a cold. Poor thing.

I turned to the receptionist.

“Excuse me. If you don’t mind, I’ll give you one of our rooms.”

“Eh, okay!?”

“Yeah, we’re each other when we’re in trouble. Hey, Vil.”

Ville said something terrible. I was doing that, but I was swallowing words watching the spicy looks of the child. The fact that the inn is full seems to be due to an example engagement breaking commotion, and you can’t ignore it, can you?

I bent over and put my hand on the boy’s forehead. I was surprised, but my throat hurts and I don’t seem to have a voice. I have eczema around my neck, and it’s a symptom of a cold that’s been prevalent among children lately.

“Let him drink honey and maquinagishoga dissolved in hot water. Much which pain will be relieved. I still have a slight fever right now, but I better stop forcing myself to move because I have a high fever about noon tomorrow. See the doctor in this town first thing in the morning.”

“Yes. Um, are you good at medicine?

Your parents seemed anxious.

“I’m still studying, but I’m making my pharmacist a living. It’s okay. It’s a cold that’s hard for adults to catch, and it’ll get better as soon as you’re at rest. Take your time tonight.”

Don’t worry about anything, when I smiled confidently, both your parents and your innkeeper were caressing their breasts.

I gave them a room with a big bed and I rolled into Ville’s room.

It’s a cheap room, so there’s just a bed for one and a shower room. It is extra painful because it is narrow or silent.

“Oh, I’ll reveal the night at the tavern.”

“Wait, Ville. You have to sleep properly and get tired. You’re going to risk the Lord on tomorrow’s itinerary?

If you look closely, Bill was sweating on his forehead. He looks like the end of the world.

I wonder why men are more nervous in this situation.

Maybe I’m being disrespectful?

“Then I’ll sleep on the floor…”

“I don’t mind sticking around in the same bed, do I? It’s about Ville, who respects chivalry. It wouldn’t be weird, would it?

“Oh, of course! But I still can’t be with you. I don’t. I like the floor…”

Not to mention I held my head in the corner of the room.

Let go of me already because my will seems solid.

“If you really want to, I won’t stop you. You want to take a bath first?

There was a reply that could also be taken as a groan, and I spilled a tickle of laughter.

When I was fighting, when I was eating, when I was hit by happenings, they saw all kinds of villes.

We’re still going to have fun on the way home.

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