The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 89

17 The Awakening of an Angel

Tiga didn’t move. Looks like we’re watching this way out.

Rose with her back turned won’t know, will she? What does my knight look like?

Looking at this one, but with a soothing look somewhere.

You must have been waiting from the bottom of your heart for us. It was the first time I thought Tiga was cute. Healthy things.

It makes me want to live up to my expectations. Of course I won’t sacrifice Ville…

Sonia, leave Tiga to me.

Ville pulled out the witchkiller. The red blade glows demonically.

Surprisingly, you take good care of yourself, don’t you? Even in just a few weeks, the disciple is the disciple. It is the role of the master to stand in the way to teach the harshness of reality.

Looks like Tiga will be fine if we leave it to Ville. Let me do my part.

“Yeah, please. But I don’t have much time to play. You can cut off your hands and feet if you want to persevere.”

When I told him cold, Ville nodded as he moved his pickles and brows.

“… I understand”

“That’s it. Wait! Tiga, no more!

Rosé blues for our exchange. Tiga, by contrast, laughed. And he shouted as if to put a drink in himself, kicking the ground forcefully.

Metal sounds in the boxyard. The battle between the Knight Apprentice and the former Knight began.

Tiga seems to have done everything from the beginning. The movement is sharper than when we first took on a battle against Ville. I wonder if the results of Ville’s teaching have been achieved. I see a solid sword mould in a beastly motion.

But that’s too bad. Whatever you think, Ville’s win can’t shake. The difference between the two can’t even be filled in just a few weeks.

Ville is sure to prevent Tiga from attacking and shredding her temper.

“No more, please…”

Rose collapsed from her knees and covered her face with her hands and cried out.

I sighed and whispered to Celesta.

“So, what do you do? Just watching?

“Yeah. I’ll leave the Rosé thing to Sonia. More Effective Than Me”

“Oh, yeah. I kind of feel like they’re dancing and it’s not funny.”

Celesta gave a slightly annoyingly classy grin.

“Instead of pushing troublesome roles, I’ll give you a chance to be just as lucky. Don’t worry. I also help when the prospect (…) comes off”

Oh, I see. Right. Celesta, who knows Luziaro better than I do, can’t possibly fail to realize that possibility.

I finally got her purpose.

“Were you going to do that from the beginning?

“That’s right. ‘Cause if you’re gonna start over, it’s easier to zero. What the boss couldn’t do, I’ll do it instead.’ Cause I think that’s my revenge and payback.”

Celesta laughed vaguely.

You’re going to follow my weakness exactly. When Celesta gives me your father’s (Ambert’s) name, I can’t recieve it like I always do.

“Your father is a sinful human being…. I won’t thank you until it works out.”

“Fine. Nothing. Because I’m the one who appreciates it.”

I exhaled thoughtlessly and changed my mind.

I have to deal with Rosé now more than Celesta does.

… I’m not very good at preaching honesty. So let me play the villain.

“Kohak, wait a minute”

Unwilling to leave it with Celesta, he unloaded Kohak onto the ground. My golden eyes said, “What are you doing? Are you okay?” I’m just twitching. But I didn’t try to follow you. I knew this kid was smart.

Through the side where Ville and Tiga were fighting, I walked over to Rosé saying it was easy. Tiga is full of hands with Ville’s opponent who turned to attack. Or are you not going to stop it from the beginning?

Rose looks up at me in tears and hugs her own arm. You’re on guard for a long time.

“Rose, I’m here to pick you up. Let’s get back to the ground.”

“Mr. Sonia… I will not return. I dedicate this life to angels and save Luziaro. Please don’t stop me.”

The trembling voice contained a strong determination. Smiling at my temper in a spirit that was already on the verge of collapse drove a passion to sleep deep in me.

I really hate it.

“This was good. I’ve always been afraid to go out in public as a princess. I’m halfway through witch training and I don’t feel confident… I don’t have anything. Really, it’s not worth anything. It was painful to have an identity that didn’t fit my height. So I was relieved to know that I was really just offering sweet blood to an angel. I… will do my part”

“I hope you don’t say that lightly. Didn’t Celesta ask you what Master Yulaia and Melissa tried to do to save you?

Rosé glanced at Celesta, situated near the entrance, and leaned down.

“Yes, I also heard that your mother and Melissa tried to replace Sonia and Ville in my place. It’s outrageous.”

You noticed how I was feeling a little grumpy, Rose shook her neck to the side.

“Mr. Sonia will not care about my death. You have nothing to do with the fate of this country.”

“Yeah, right. Doesn’t matter. I don’t want to throw my life away from the start. This country is not among my precious things. I was a little confused and trying to prevent the prediction of a disaster, but if we were to get hurt, we were going to pull back.”

Oh, it’s so much easier. I still have a good personality because I can be a bad girl just to be a little hypocritical to the real deal.

“Am I mistaken? I have no philanthropy. I’m here to pick up Rosé, ’cause more than half of it’s for me. The other half was asked by His Majesty the King, who guided his daughter. Something I’d have trouble with if I turned it down and had a bad relationship with Mistria.”

I laughed with my nose at the tasting rosé.

“Even if they tell you not to stop, right? Rosé’s resistance doesn’t make any sense. What a way to break your resolve, ten ways in a flash can come to mind. You can stun them with magic, or you can threaten them with words. Look, if you don’t listen to me, or I’ll kill Tiga, then you’re gonna have to obey, right?

At a time when he is thus facing me, Rosé can no longer be the sacrifice of an angel. Something Rosé has no weapon to stop me from doing.

“I’m sorry to hear that. If it was a princess’s favor, I might have asked you, but not anymore. Or if you were a witch in public, there would have been a chance you could have fought and left me…. Right, Rose. You have nothing. He’s an unidentified child without identity or power. In this world, the weak can’t even live the way they want.”

When I grinned, Rosé trembled. Tears pour out of my eyes.

“Sonia! That’s too much!

They were watching us as we fought, booming voices coming up from the ville.

Heh, he’s pissed off, but you don’t feel bad.

“It’s a good thing you can afford it, but hold on tight Tiga”

Worried about Rosé, Tiga tries to come over here. Ville quickly held back and the recoil blew Tiga away. You fell flashy.


Block Rose’s whereabouts as she tried to rush over reflexively.

Is this enough to stir it up?

“Hey, Rose. Do you understand that? For what Tiga is challenging Ville to a battle without a winner”

My childish eyes tremble.

“That, is…”

“Tiga is waving her sword with her life at stake for you. I’m just putting my life on the line to save Rose’s life and heart. And yet you say you’re worthless? Is Tiga’s life-threatening behavior pointless?

“Because Tiga is, really, so sweet…”

“What kind of sensibility is that, hey! You’re not being nice to me!

Tiga gets up with her face up, holding her head down with her hands.

“I just want to stop because it’s weird that you’re going to be sacrificed! Can you admit such an irrational thing!

Did you scream and even wake him up dizzy, Tiga nodding on the spot? Ville has a long shot at saying, “Is it okay for me to sacrifice…”

Well, Tiga knew we’d definitely stop Rosé, so you dared challenge Ville to fight. You wanted to show it in action because you can’t say it with your mouth. How much Tiga cares about Rosé.

“You’re an undressed knight. But I agree. I don’t like it either. I’m here to pick up Rosé because I don’t want this development”

Like someone a while ago, Rose thinks that if she sacrifices, everything will fit in circles.

“Shit” from the side is such a chest shit bad ending, even though I don’t want this pussy.

Did Rose do anything wrong?

I have not just lived carefully in the woods. I wasn’t even killing raiders like me, just how can a twelve-year-old girl have to give her life?

Even if it was built and brought to life to be used, destiny can be changed if you have the will.

I know you’d be a little more convincing if you told me about my physical experience, but I’m gonna stop because Rose seems to have a lot of excitement. I wonder what kind of “uh, designation” you used to have in your last life. Besides, I knew I was a little embarrassed…

“I don’t care what it was built for. Do you really want to be sacrificed?

“Wow, I…”

I’ve been saying this for some reason, but if Rose is going to say she’s going to die hard, I won’t stop, though I regret it. Because I want to let you choose what you want to spend your life on.

But if you look, you’ll see. What if I’m not trained to live? If you only know the secrets of your birth and are pessimistic about your life, I’ll make you stop.

Though temporary, I am the master of Rosé. Fine, right?

“Even you can live on your own. The truth is, wasn’t there anything else you still wanted to do?

Rose looked at me, at Tiga, and finally looked up at the angel. And I closed my eyes all the time.

“I am…”

At that time, the air in the boxyard changed.

I draw Rosé’s body toward me and hide it on my back.

[The time is full. offering new blood, or descendants of the king]

The statue of an angel emits white light and swallows in a breath the magic that was full of space.

For the first time in three hundred years, the angel Ruin Alin woke up.

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