The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 43: Gacha Store (2)

[Dimensional Store]

[Purchased ‘Plain Flour Bread’ for 5P.]

[Purchased ‘Clear Water’ for 5P.]

[Remaining Points: 10,420P]


Namgung Jin picked up the bread that had fallen from the air and took a big bite. It melted softly in his mouth, almost unbelievably smooth for such a cheap price. A and savory taste that could never be found in the Central Plains.

He then grabbed the ‘Clear Water,’ sealed in transparent packaging, and put it into his mouth.


With a slight resistance, the packaging burst, and clear water flowed down his throat. The packaging dissolved like water and was also swallowed without issue.


He had finished today's meal.

Namgung Jin twisted his body to apply Golden Salve to the wound on his chest. It wasn’t easy in the narrow cave, but he managed without difficulty due to the familiarity of such actions.

It had been months since he was chased by the underlings of the Demonic Cult. They had set up a massive Net of Heaven and Earth around him to capture the last direct descendant of the Namgung Clan.

“I have no face to show my ancestors… How utterly shameful...”

The once proud Azure Sky of Namgung had fallen to the bottom.

The Sword Emperor, Namgung of the Azure Sky, the Head of the Five Noble Clans, and the Pillar of the Orthodox Faction—these titles of Namgung's fame had long been trampled under the schemes of the Demonic Cult.


A bitter taste of blood rose from his throat. Hiding in a narrow cave for so long without properly treating his injuries had led to worsening wounds. Even the Golden Salve had its limits for treating external injuries.

Still, his situation was much better compared to a while ago.

Back then, he couldn’t even secure proper food and had to endure hunger.

Secretly gathering tree fruits to stave off hunger was a temporary solution, but as the encirclement became tighter, even that became difficult. It was hard to break through the net or endure hunger while only in the First-Rate Realm.

If only I had a bit more time…!

Had he reached the Peak Realm, he wouldn’t have been driven to such a miserable state.

Namgung Jin, who had completely stepped into the First-Rate Realm at a young age, was recognized for his talent in swordsmanship even within the Namgung Clan. Even though this was partly due to the influence of the [Integrated Dimensional Community].

Regardless, it was all meaningless now.

What good is innate talent? A martial artist needs absolute time. For now, he was just a young kid with a body that has not fully grown. It might be a different story in the distant future, but that was not the case now.

The invasion of the Central Plains by the Demonic Cult began before he could reach the Preak Realm. The Demonic Cult, which had been sharpening their swords, quickly destroyed the Namgung Clan and the Wudang Sect, showing a rapid advance.

“Damn Demonic Cult bastards…!”

Sadness and anger surged in his eyes. This invasion by the Demonic Cult was different from before. Unlike the past, where they relied on brute force, this time they used all sorts of sinister plots and schemes to systematically destroy the Central Plains.

“I cannot see a way out….”

Currently, the Demonic Cult was desperately searching for the Namgung Clan’s secret vault. To capture him, who knew the location and key to the vault, they had dispatched dozens of Peak Realm martial artists to chase him.

In such circumstances, he was naturally grateful to the Administrator for allowing him to obtain food and water from the Dimensional Store.

Thump- Thump-

However, it seemed that this would soon come to an end.

The vibrations were getting closer day by day.

They must have devised some means to find him.

He had intended to hide and endure until they retreated by using his remaining points.

As such, he had deliberately saved points, eating only bread and water.


There were no clear strategies to resolve this situation through the other items of the store. He also lacked the points to raise his VIP Grade.

Should he perhaps enjoy a last meal before being discovered?

Such thoughts crossed his mind.

Just then, something flashed before his eyes.

[The Dimensional Store Update is progressing.]


After waiting for a moment, the [Integrated Dimensional Community] reactivated.

“Dimensional Store….”

Upon checking the Store tab within the community, he noticed some changes.

Previously, items listed in the [Dimensional Store] could be chosen and transferred directly.

But now.

[Do you wish to connect to the ‘Premium Store’? Y/N]


Something was different. But would it hurt to try? Although he didn’t have many points, he thought he could at least look around.

The Administrator seemed to do many mysterious things, after all.


When he accepted, he felt dizzy as if being sucked somewhere, and he lost consciousness. frёewebηovel.cѳm



Namgung Jin was startled and looked around.


He quickly fumbled around his waist. But he couldn’t find his sword.

Let’s calm down.

Only then did he start to see the people around him properly.


People in dark shadowy forms were looking around.

Namgung Jin realized that he also appeared as a shadow to others.

Where am I?

It felt like another world. That was how truly mysterious the space was.

An infinitely vast empty dark space with endless precise blue lines crisscrossing it, and floating numbers and letters glowing in blue, changing complexly in the air.

Turning his head, he saw a promotional video that had been a hot topic recently, displayed prominently. Something a bit unusual was that there were other videos besides the one with the woman in strange attire.

Is that armor? And what is that?

But he didn’t have time to watch the video.


He noticed everyone looking in one direction and felt curious, so he approached. It wasn’t easy to get close with all the black shadows around.

Drawn by some compulsion, he approached and opened his eyes in surprise.

H-How peerless…!

A truly peerless beauty was smiling brightly.

[I’m wishing you all luck, okay?]


Namgung Jin now understood why people were gathered there. Even though he couldn’t see the expressions on the shadows, everyone seemed entranced with their mouths open.

Ah… Could it be that Daji, a celestial beauty who was said to have brought down dynasties, had looked like this?

“They say she’s an idol?”

“What’s an idol?”

“How would I know?”

“Who are you, anyway?”


“Hey. Don’t talk to me. Points get deducted.”


Namgung Jin ignored the surrounding commotion and checked his points. Just staying in this space was deducting points. It seemed that talking or doing something also quickly deducted points.


The community was abuzz because of that woman who was said to be an idol from the Galactic Empire.



?Argh! This must be an illusion!! I, who trained for 30 years in celibacy..!


?all the beauty in the world is gathered there….

?crazy.. this is fucking crazy.. this is absolutely insane..

?iyaaaa… how can someone look like that?

?just looking at her makes me happy… this is the first time ive ever felt this way..

?how many grandchildren should we have?

?walao eh

?Where must I go to meet that lady?

?Is it true that after creating that woman, God specifically created this universe to show her off?

Indeed, she was extraordinarily beautiful. So much so that words couldn’t describe her beauty. At first, he thought he was under a Bewitching Technique. Although it was clear she was not one of the human species, it didn’t matter.

Even if it meant spending all his remaining points before dying, it would be worth it just to admire her beauty.

[Don’t you want to take a look?]

When he met her eyes, he lost strength in his legs. Before he knew it, he had clicked [Draw] as she recommended.

From the spot where she stood, a bright light shone, and electric currents began to surge from a round device on the floor.


[Wow! I have a good feeling about this!]

Her radiant smile seemed to light up the surroundings.

Ah, wait! Oh no! Should I have just saved my points to admire her a bit longer?

A single draw cost a whopping 10,000P.

But perhaps it was worth it since he could make eye contact with her?

“Ha, my goodness.”

What a ridiculous situation. He definitely didn’t feel any artificial manipulation that would come from something like a Beguile Technique.

[Don’t be too disappointed if the result isn’t good, okay?]

She was even saying words of concern for him in between.


Follow current novℯls on ƒгeewё


[Oh my?]


[Congratulations! You have drawn an SSR-Grade ‘Vibroblade’!]

From the glowing floor, a golden flame burst forth, and a long object appeared.

Simultaneously, golden letters sparkled and flashed throughout the strange space.

['JinNotGungjin' has drawn an SSR-Grade ‘Vibroblade’!]

“SSR means it's incredible, right?”

“I’ve watched, but no one’s gotten one yet. It’s a first, apparently.”

“You haven’t been here long though, right?”

Namgung Jin was in a daze. With the woman’s congratulations, questions were flying at him from all directions.

“How is it?”

“Vibro… Blade?”

“Is it different from the R-Grade Vibroblade?”

“Tell us what is different.”

“Of course, the grades are different, so it can’t be the same, right? Haa, you are truly hopeless too.”

“Look here, you…!”

When he came to his senses and reached out to grab the long object…


[Insufficient points. Exiting the Premium Store.]


He returned to reality.

Uh…? Then what about that just now…?

Panicking, he fumbled around and grabbed something.

Phew. What a reli…

“Found him! Fire the signal flare!”

“That rat-like bastard!”

“Report to the Captain!”

The situation in the vicinity had no intentions of waiting for /genesisforsaken

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