The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 47: The Overlord Guides The Way (1)


"A silver flame, is it..."

Karlstein looked down at the new Kaiju report he was reviewing.


The report detailed Maxien's encounter and elimination of a new Kaiju species, including its ability to grow in size and its appearance.

Just escaping from Maxien was enough for it to be assigned a four-digit Numbering. Even if it was at the bottom, there was a reason it was registered as a Numbered Entity - its potential danger. It appeared near the Barrier and seemed adept at surprise attacks and escapes.

Is it really a Kaiju?

They were currently researching its silver blood from various angles. It showed properties similar to Ether and had extremely high reactivity with the Astral Dimension.

However, its properties differed significantly from typical Kaiju body fluids, which was puzzling. It felt like something crucial was missing, perhaps due to insufficient research.

It definitely does seem like it could be a key material for dimensional travel, though...

Even as just a supplementary material, it seemed to have various potential applications.

"Silver, huh..."

Karlstein's eyes flickered with greed.

Could there be a connection between the silver flame Virdel mentioned and the blood of the Kaiju that escaped from Maxien?

He had already received the analysis data from Virdel's Enhancement Suit, Hydra. While there were limitations to the analysis due to it being a suit, it would still be helpful.

The rest was up to his subordinates to figure out.

But still...

“Maybe there are… more of those bastards? It would be nice to have more samples."

Karlstein clicked his tongue in disappointment.


Somewhere deep within the 《Root》 of the 《Great Sephiroth》.

A woman, half-reclining on a massive throne made of silver tree trunks, yawned.

"These Rootlets don't seem to be doing their job properly these days."

The woman's appearance was beautiful as if painted, with her white hair emitting a soft silver glow, giving off a mysterious, arcane aura.

Her languid eyes soon filled with irritation as her brows furrowed.

"Come to think of it, it is pretty infuriating, isn’t it? If they received Sacred Blood, shouldn't they be doing what they're supposed to?"

As her voice exuded anger, the space around her began to ripple. A thin tree branch slowly descended from the ceiling and gently patted her shoulder.

The irritation in her eyes vanished as if it had never been there. Her hand, now full of serenity and apology, caressed the tree branch.

"Ahhh, Mother. I am sorry. I got unnecessarily excited. It's because the children's condition hasn't been good lately."

A drop of viscous silver sap formed at the tip of the tree branch.

"Well... It won't last long, I suppose. With the busy situation at the front lines these days, some useful children have been pushed there too."

The woman smiled as she savored the drop of sap.

"More importantly, I hear some madman from the 《Chaos》 faction is stirring up trouble at the front lines? I wonder what those up above are doing... We should deal with it quickly to ease Mother's worries."

The tree branch gently stroked the woman before curling back up.

"Haaa. Still, punishment is necessary. Those who couldn't even meet their quotas..."

Silver flames enveloped her hand, and as she swung it, several human-like figures fell from within the flames.

"Shall confess truthfully before I shatter your dimensions."

Her stern command was directed at the fallen figures.

Though they resembled humans, these beings with unique appearances were initially bewildered.

But that didn't last long.

Whether it was the man who seemed to have been eating something, or the woman who appeared to have been engaged in some sensual activity.

They all immediately prostrated themselves, trembling violently.

The woman on the throne was one of the 《Roots》 blessed by the 《Great Sephiroth》.

Her position was different from these beings who merely received scraps of grace from the true 'Roots'.

These suddenly summoned beings were mere tenants who appealed to the Root's mercy so that they could borrow areas to manage. They were called 'Rootlets'.

The woman on the throne continued her rebuke, her voice alone exuding intense pressure.

"Recently, one Rootlet has left their assigned territory. And in doing so, ruined their domain."

Those summoned so suddenly could only listen, their bodies trembling.

How dare someone have the audacity to defy a Root?

Come to think of it, they had heard rumors about someone who couldn't even meet their quota recently...

"I'll give you a chance to find out what happened."

They could have argued about how this troublemaker had anything to do with them.

But they dared not even think of going against the woman on the throne.

"Now, disappear."

As the woman on the throne lightly waved her hand, the prostrated figures vanished instantly.

They must have returned to where they were before being summoned.

The woman on the throne sighed as she watched them disappear.

"Surely, they haven't attached themselves to another side, have they?"

As she bit her lip and frowned, a heavy atmosphere descended upon the great hall where the throne stood.

"How dare they betray the great Mother who governs dimensions?"

While it couldn't be said that they had complete control, even 《Chaos》 and the 《Trichiliocosm》 couldn't handle dimensions as well as their clan. This was an undeniable fact.

Her aura turned chillingly cold.

"It seems we need to make an example..."



"Are you really not going to tell us what method you used?"

"Hoho. All this is to uphold the banner of Jianghu, isn't it? But are you not abandoning the greater cause due to greed?"

Namgung Jin, known as the Intangible Divine Sword, bit his lip.

What greed?

He wanted to strongly argue that it was they who were being greedy, but Namgung Jin silently bit his lip instead.

An Elder who survived the bloodbath at Wudang Sect and an old man from the Beggar's Union sent by the Murim Alliance were looking at him with solemn expressions.

"After all, that incident occurred at Wudang Mountain, our Wudang Sect's main mountain, did it not? Surely I have the right to know. Am I making an unreasonable request?"

The Wudang Elder's venomous gaze scanned Namgung Jin up and down. It was the look of someone who had already experienced the extinction of their sect and had nothing left to lose.

"Tsk tsk. Our Murim Alliance has been supporting you more than anyone else. We deployed our hundred thousand Beggar's Union members to spread your message far and wide, working day and night to restore the Namgung Clan's honor. But this uncooperative attitude of yours is a bit disrespectful towards that, is it not?"

Namgung Jin felt a surge of emotion at the mention of the Namgung Clan, but he forcibly held it back.

It was true that they had helped spread his declaration of war widely. And it was also true that he needed the Murim Alliance's cooperation to rebuild the Namgung Clan.

Reviving a clan wasn't possible with one’s strength alone.

Because establishing a clan required more than just military might.

Reputation, honor, and history needed to be built anew. A clan without tradition was nothing more than a group of powerful thugs. Nothing more, nothing less.

And without the Murim Alliance's help, rebuilding the Namgung Clan would take far too long, if it was even possible at all. Especially considering the nature of the power he possessed.

The Clan Lord must have fought fiercely against these wolves.

After all, was it even possible for there to be a gathering of people without politics? This must have been true even for the lofty Namgung Clan of the Azure Sky.

Do they have no fear, even after witnessing that day's battle? He had already handed over the Heavenly Demon Sword as the Murim Alliance wanted, did he not?

Namgung Jin's eyes flashed dangerously.

Honestly, if he set his mind to it, dealing with these people wouldn't be impossible right now. No, it would be as easy as plucking flowers by the roadside.

If it weren't for the need to rebuild his clan, Namgung Jin might not have had such concerns.


What would happen if he cut them down?

They would start spreading rumors about Sorcery and the Demonic Path, branding him as an enemy of Jianghu. The Murim Alliance was already on high alert regarding his might that seemed to have reached a divine status.

And after that?

Yes, of course, he might be able to sweep away the Murim Alliance if he fought them. No, it wouldn't be impossible at all.

But what then? Would he keep slaughtering all who opposed him while shouting the name of Namgung? What if the government intervened then? And what about after he died?

If... he did whatever he wanted, how would he be any different from a Demonic Human?

Perhaps these people were acting this way because they knew this fact as well.

As his thoughts became more complicated, he began to feel a sense of futility.

Of course, these people weren't just making unreasonable demands for no reason. They weren't actually spouting nonsense about revealing the true source of his divine might.

However, what they wanted was for him to unconditionally follow the Murim Alliance's control.

In simple terms, they wanted him to do exactly as they said. In return, they would actively help rebuild the Namgung Clan.

A complex emotion flickered in Namgung Jin's eyes.

Yes, he could swing his sword a few times as they ordered.

According to their argument, they were telling him to use that power for the right cause. If not that, then at least do as they say.

But what they wanted went too far.

It seemed they wanted the annihilation of everyone associated with the Demonic Cult, from villages forced to cooperate due to threats, to those quietly farming in the One Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

It seemed to be both a way to secure political leverage against him and a check against the government. Namgung Jin couldn't grasp anything beyond that yet.

Still... even so.

There's a 'line' that shouldn't be crossed if one is human. This was true even for Namgung Jin, who had been blinded by the seduction of Karma Points.

These people were urging him to cross that 'line'.

Would he only be satisfied if he exchanged these frustrating old men for Karma Points? Must he really go that far?

Namgung Jin's gaze flickered back and forth with his complex emotions.


Finally, determination settled in his eyes. He couldn't be dragged along forever.

And at that moment, someone appeared on the continent where Namgung Jin was, tearing through space.

She, who felt a deep disillusionment towards humans.

A woman wearing dark red full-body armor appeared at the One Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the main base of the Heavenly Demon Cult.


Though damaged and torn in places, her full-body armor was imbued with a faint silver light.


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