The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 49: The Overlord Guides The Way (3)

[External Ether Circulation System]

This system, also known as 'External Ether Circulation Operation', was essentially an achievement she had obtained on her own. It went beyond simply circulating Power within the Enhancement Suit, constructing a circulation circuit within the body and functioning like a second organ.

This was her talent and accomplishment that even the Administrator had praised, saying she had done well.


The remaining 3% Power began to circulate through her body and suit, exerting force.

3% Power.

It was an extremely small amount compared to when she used to consume 10% for a single Vacuum Slash in the past. Enough to run out of Power after moving just a few times. However, she hadn't been idle either.

This Power Source was an unknown energy that could show vastly different results depending on how it was utilized.

She was confident she could demonstrate the same performance as before while using only a tiny fraction of the Power.

She tightly gripped the gauntlet of her suit.


The sound of metal screaming echoed from her fist.

Noticing her fighting spirit, people began to rush at her from all directions. Some who had been hiding in the ceiling and shadows suddenly jumped out, thrusting their swords at her.

She slowly acknowledged the situation around her and nodded.

Indeed, her eyes hadn't been wrong. People who carry weapons and draw swords at the slightest provocation couldn't possibly be normal.

The corner of her mouth twitched.

There was no need to go to the trouble of finding an excuse.

Let's see.

She had experienced one-against-many battle situations to the point of nausea. So she knew well how to effectively lead the fight.

As she scanned her surroundings, her eyes fell on a middle-aged man.

The highest-ranking one here.

It was ambiguous to say he was the strongest, but it was easy to tell he was the person of highest status.

As quickly and efficiently as possible.

She wanted to clean up this place quickly and then examine the so-called 'Sacred Flame'.

For some reason, it was a flame that caught her attention.

And while she was at it, she also wanted to look around and see what kind of world this was.


The chant "All demons shall worship and submit to the second coming of the Heavenly Demon!" kept reaching her ears.

…Is it a religion?

Her brows furrowed.

Does something like a god really exist?

That can't be. Even if they did exist, they wouldn't be the kind of being these people think of. She recalled her past when she had cried out searching for all sorts of gods.

Then she hesitated.

No. That's not necessarily true.

She naturally thought of someone who had saved her and who controlled all dimensions of the community at will.

A being she thought was truly worthy of being called God.

She recalled the real name she had heard from him.

Karlstein Babylon.

Yes. If something like a god existed, she would choose him without hesitation.

Heavenly Demon?

To her, it just sounded trivial.

Perhaps guiding this place's religion in the 'right' direction wouldn't be uninteresting either.

She smiled cynically.

This time, perhaps rather than extermination...

Her eyes gleamed ominously.

Soon, her body began to move like a beam of light. Red blood splattered everywhere.


"Cult Leader!"

"How dare you!!"




"What is going on? What do you mean retreat?!"

"How would I know what those Demonic Cult bastards are thinking?"

The Vice Leader of the Beggar's Union sighed as he downed alcohol from his gourd. At this, an elder from the Spear Creation Sect fumed, unable to contain his anger.

"Are we just going to watch them quietly return like this?!"

"Hoho. Then what else? Do you wish to grab those quietly retreating fellows and start a war?"

"Of course we should if necessary! They started it first. How can we agree to let them decide the end as they please?"

"What about the opinions of the common people and smaller sects? They only hope it doesn't escalate into a full-scale war like the past Great Wars Between Orthodox and Demonic."


"We also need to consider the Evil Alliance watching from behind. They are probably having a drinking party, just watching the show in safety."

Murim was divided into three forces: the Orthodox Faction, the Unorthodox Faction, and the Demonic Cult. The Evil Alliance was a union between the Unorthodox Factions. And they would surely be clapping their hands in joy at a war between the Orthodox Faction and the Demonic Cult.

"Ugh... So did the Demonic Cult propose some kind of peace treaty?"

"Well, about that..."

The Vice Leader of the Beggar's Union made a strange expression as he thought about something. The tip of his bright red nose twitched.

"They said they would come alone."

"Who? The Vice Cult Leader? Or is one of the Six Great Demonic Path Leaders coming in person?"

The Elders of the Murim Alliance present here looked at the Vice Leader's mouth. The contents of the letter from the Demonic Cult side that had been sent to the Alliance Leader hadn't been disclosed yet, arousing curiosity.

"It seems... the new Cult Leader will visit in person."

"New Cult Leader?"

"Did they change leadership in the middle of a war?"

"The new Cult Leader visiting in person?"


"Looks like things are complicated on their side too."

"But they truly have got guts. To think of coming alone into the heart of enemy territory."

"This might be a good opportunity to teach them clearly who's above and who's below."

The reactions around seemed to be thinking of 'peace treaty' or 'surrender'.

At this, Vice Leader Geol Ungae clicked his tongue.

It does not necessarily seem to be quite like that...

He had an ominous feeling. According to the spy planted in the Demonic Cult, this person had overthrown the upper echelons in an instant and risen to the position of Cult Leader.

Moreover, the feeling was different from the Demonic Cult's official documents up until now. It was the same in that it wasn't a dialogue but a notification, but...

To summarize, it said things like 'Will visit soon after retreating', 'The Heavenly Demon Cult will be reborn as the Galactic Divine Cult serving a great ruler', 'All who commit sins or harm others will be considered enemies of our cult'.

It didn't make sense.

If anything, it was closer to a declaration of war. It was also quite arbitrary.

And what's this about a great ruler...

Are they referring to the Emperor, the Son of Heaven?

Even the Demonic Cult wouldn't have a reason to provoke the government unless they've lost their minds. No, wait. They said they're serving a great ruler, so are they saying they'll kneel to the government? But judging by the tone, that doesn't seem to be the case either...

What is this? A metaphorical expression? Political rhetoric?

The rumors about this so-called new Cult Leader were also unsettling.

The Vice Leader's head was throbbing with a headache.

The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon...

The Elders of the Martial Alliance, oblivious to the Vice Leader's concerns, were raising their voices about spoils of war and reparations.


"Alliance Leader! Is it right for you to personally visit a junior who is far beneath us in terms of distribution?"

The shrill voice of the Elder from the now-extinct Wudang Sect, filled with nothing but poison, grated on the Alliance Leader's ears.

The Alliance Leader furrowed his brows as he looked at the Elder who was raising his voice, focused only on distribution.

Is he in his right mind? How can he say such things after personally witnessing the divine might of the Intangible Divine Sword?

If it weren't for his political usefulness as the last survivor of the Wudang Sect, or at least if it weren't for their personal friendship, he would have shut that mouth immediately.

"It is we who need the Intangible Divine Sword's help this time, so it is only right that we visit in person."

"This one is not satisfied with that either."

The Alliance Leader wanted to snap back asking what he was going to do about it, but he had to hold back. There was no time to worry about a single Daoist Monk right now.

The new Cult Leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult.

Dealing with that was the urgent priority.

The Beggar's Union did not seem to know detailed information due to the limitations of being an Orthodox Faction intelligence organization.

However, the Alliance Leader, through his personally planted informants, was one of those who knew in detail.

A woman who appeared claiming to be a Messenger of God, serving a great ruler, swept away the Demonic Cult's leadership, and took over the Heavenly Demon Cult in one fell swoop.

The letter stated she would come in person to negotiate.

Considering the realms of the Heavenly Demon Cult's leadership, which was naturally made according to the law of the strong, her realm was estimated to be at least at the Profound Realm and at most Life and Death Realm.

Would she really just come for negotiations and leave quietly? That was unknown.

Even if that were the case, they couldn't just let a Profound Realm martial artist go. Considering the greater calamity it could bring in the future, it would be right to deal with her in advance if the opportunity arose.

In order to do that...

"Intangible Divine Sword. I have urgent matters to discuss."

He arrived at the Intangible Divine Sword's quarters, tucked away in a corner of the Martial Alliance. There was no answer to what he might be doing.

The Alliance Leader smiled confidently as he thought of Namgung Jin.

Yes. That’s right. Don't we have the Intangible Divine Sword on our side?

Previously, he had personally witnessed the divine might of the Intangible Divine Sword.

Could this be what the Mind Sword is like? Could this be what the Absolute Realm is like?

A divine might comparable to a Martial God. The Intangible Divine Sword who effortlessly unleashed Mind Swords that no one could block or avoid.

Moreover, it was fortunate that he was an individual easy to control.

Previously, he had been wary of the Intangible Divine Sword, but that was now a thing of the past.

Perhaps because he was still young, he showed political weakness. How such a young fellow obtained such power was a secondary issue.

From the moment the Intangible Divine Sword agreed to the Murim Alliance's deal, he was already in a position where he couldn't freely draw his sword.

When they aggressively threatened to use him as a sword, he seemed to have retreated passively out of fear.

The deal itself was 'to lend his power to the Murim Alliance just once. Other than that, he wouldn't easily draw his sword', but one way or another, after the deal was made, it was in the Murim Alliance’s favor.

If the Intangible Divine Sword tried to wield his power freely, it would be beneficial just to weigh down his hands and feet based on the above agreement. As long as he didn't refuse dialogue or show the typical uncompromising attitude of a powerhouse, it was enough.

Moreover, the new Cult Leader said she would visit in person.

It seemed like a perfect picture if they could have the Intangible Divine Sword assassinate the Demonic Cult Leader.

It could be said that killing an opponent who came alone to enemy territory as a messenger would be an action the Orthodox Faction couldn't avoid responsibility for.

It would be killing two birds with one stone if the Intangible Divine Sword took the infamy and the Murim Alliance reaped the benefits.

Ah, of course, the best result would be if both sides were destroyed.

Well... if the Intangible Divine Sword turned out to be completely uncontrollable, that was a problem they could discuss countermeasures for when the time came.

"Intangible Divine Sword? Are you in there?"

And around the time the Martial Alliance Leader came to visit.

Namgung Jin was completely absorbed in a conversation with someone.

(JinNotGungjin): Oh my, Teacher!! What brings you to call on me!

(JinNotGungjin): Huh? Yes? Ah, that is right. I am from the Murim World of Jianghu!

(JinNotGungjin): Ah, there are many similar worlds indeed. Yes, yes. I shall answer sincerely to the best of my ability!

(JinNotGungjin): Oh my, Teacher! It is my honor!

He was happily replying to messages from his spiritual mentor, ranked 3rd in the Unofficial Sword Debate Rankings.


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