The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 50: The Overlord Guides The Way (4)

Namgung Jin had never seen a greater master than her in his entire life. Ah, of course, that isn’t to say that there weren’t even greater monsters in the [Integrated Dimensional Community].

However, what he was implying wasn't exactly about martial prowess. It was more about martial arts theory? Martial studies? In the theoretical field, he felt an insurmountable wall that no one could overcome.

He even dared to say that, if there was someone who could be called the greatest in martial arts throughout history, it would be her.

When discussing martial arts with her, Namgung Jin felt like he was looking at a sky above the sky.

-(JinNotGungjin): The martial art I'd like to discuss this time is the Lightning Thirteen Sword Thunder!

-(JinNotGungjin): Yes, yes. I shall start by telling you the Sutra.

-(JinNotGungjin): Yes. And the development of the Movements is... And the Inner Qi requires 30 years of cultivation...

It's not like they were ever going to meet, and she lived in a completely different world. Surely, revealing a bit of his clan's secret martial arts wouldn't have any impact. After all, there weren't that many Namgungs in the community to begin with.

What surprised him more was her insight.

-(JinNotGungjin): Huh? No, this part is supposed to be done like this, though?

-(JinNotGungjin): What? Uh...? Heup!

-(JinNotGungjin): Um..., you are saying this seems different from the original intention of the ancestor who created this Secret Manual?

She said things that were completely unbelievable.


-Jin. I did not know your comprehension was this outstanding.

-Hoho. The Namgung clan is truly blessed.

-Truly a talent so stellar that it cannot be described as mere genius.

-If only your physical foundation was better... You could have been unrivaled under the heavens.

-Young Expert Jin, could you perhaps take a look at our clan's martial arts as well?

Namgung Jin realized that ordinary people could never understand geniuses. The seemingly nonsensical things she said sounded like a completely different world to him, or just gibberish.

How... is this possible? Just by listening and speaking, she could point out flaws in Secret Manuals, and even go further to complement them, reaching a realm where she could create peerless martial arts.

Ah... A genius that ordinary people could never understand. A talent blessed by the heavens.

-(JinNotGungjin): Noonim!! No, Teacher!!! I respect you!!

-(JinNotGungjin): You must be busy, but please teach me!!

With his characteristic sociability, he received a lot of help from her. A single casual remark from her could unblock his stalled enlightenments. However, due to his insufficient physical foundation, he was still only at the First-Rate Realm.

Namgung Jin sincerely answered her various questions about Jianghu.

-(JinNotGungjin): Huh? The general sentiment of the common people?

-(JinNotGungjin): If you mean nobility... Ah, regarding the class system…

-(JinNotGungjin): Well... To be honest, aren't martial artists just thugs with swords? Of course, I carry a sword too, but in the eyes of ordinary people, we probably all look the same. However, sects and powerful clans do take charge of maintaining public order. Moreover…

-(JinNotGungjin): Huh? Effective insults for provocation? Um...

Namgung Jin answered everything he knew and didn't know with all his sincerity.

-(JinNotGungjin): Ah... There is no need to thank me. Haha. I have received a lot from you too, Teacher. Besides, it has been a great comfort recently.

He didn't know the details of her circumstances and situation. However, he found great comfort in her recent story about losing her family. After all, he too had experienced the extermination of his clan.

"By the way, how did you move to another world? I cannot even imagine that such a thing could be possible."

Well, was there any need to be curious? It was not like he'd be able to understand anyway.

Sometimes when talking with her, he felt a sense of distance, self-deprecation, emptiness, and impatience. But now, those feelings were gone. He acknowledged what needed to be acknowledged and learned what needed to be learned. Naturally, he started calling her Teacher.

"Haha. Teacher, you're going to appear in Jianghu?"

Just imagining it was enjoyable.

Well, from the perspective of that Murim, it might be a disaster.

Anyway, as he was about to end the conversation, he heard voices calling for him again from outside.

Oh dear, it seems I got too absorbed.

Namgung Jin politely ended the conversation and stepped outside.

It was the Murim Alliance Leader and the Wudang Sect Elder.

Namgung Jin cleared his throat unnecessarily, put on a serious face, and greeted them.


Murmur murmur-

Numerous martial artists were lined up at the main gate of the Murim Alliance. All the warriors of the Murim Alliance, including Elders and seniors from the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger Units, were waiting on both sides of the main gate.

The heat and confidence emanating from hundreds of warriors seemed to pierce even the sky.

"The Alliance's prestige reaches the heavens."

"Hoho. To think of coming here alone without fear. No matter if it's the Heavenly Demon, wouldn't they regret it when facing our Alliance's might directly?"

"We have to give credit for their guts."

"Perhaps they are coming after giving up everything. Hoho."

"Look, someone is coming."


The eyes of everyone in formation turned towards the outside of the main gate.


Someone wearing full-body armor soaked in blood was approaching. The blood dripping from the dark red armor seemed to stick to the ground, giving off a strong smell of sanguine.

What is this?

Setting aside the alien form of the armor, how to put it… Was it the attitude? The atmosphere? Everything felt out of place.




"Alliance Leader. Are you certain it is that person?"


"Truly a barbaric individual."

"Judging by the shape of the armor, it seems to be a woman."

"Judging from a glimpse of her figure..."

"How fearless. Does she not know where this is?"

Come to think of it, this was the main gate of the Murim Alliance headquarters. And it was guarded by numerous martial artists.

Was it even possible to walk so nonchalantly under such piercing gazes in a place like this?

Thud- Thud-

Regardless, the opponent arrived at the main gate and calmly surveyed the surroundings.

"Is this the place called the Murim Alliance?"

What's going on? I can't sense any particular Inner Qi, though? Is this person really the new leader of the Demonic Cult?

However, before the Murim Alliance Leader could sort out his thoughts, someone pushed through the crowd.

"How dare you show your filthy face in a place like this?"

The Alliance Leader was taken aback by the Wudang Sect Elder's sudden outburst.

No, we haven't even confirmed if this is really the Demonic Cult Leader y...

It was understandable. To him, who lost everyone including his sworn brothers, masters, and disciples in the annihilation of the Wudang Sect, the Heavenly Demon Cult was nothing short of a mortal enemy.

Still, shouldn't he consider the time and place?

"Your manner of welcome is terrible."

A monotone voice flowed out from the red armor.


The atmosphere among the warriors instantly froze at the artificial voice that couldn't be distinguished as male or female.

But why did she it feel like she was somehow smiling?

The Alliance Leader tried to stop the Wudang Sect Elder through Sound Transmission. However, before he could, the Elder had already drawn his sword.

"Welcome? Did you say welcome? How can you utter such words unless you are intentionally trying to insult our Murim Alliance!"

The Murim Alliance Leader realized that the Wudang Sect Elder hadn't lost his reason and rushed out recklessly.

He was subtly pushing the idea that his actions represented the Murim Alliance while spitting in their face and reputation.

You cunning old fox!

First, I need to stop the Elder, then create a way for the new Cult Leader to respond...

"You talk too much. If you have drawn your sword, come at me. Or do you intend to fight with your tongue?"


The Elder was struck speechless by the Demonic Cult Leader's brazen provocation.

Perhaps the Elder himself hadn't really intended to fight. Although his sect was annihilated, he might have wanted to shout to the Orthodox Faction that they could rise again at any time, whenever he wished. Perhaps he had to mediate between them to save fa...

"Your master must be lamenting in the afterlife. For having such a filthy coward and hypocrite as a disciple."


Was the Cult Leader trying to discuss the destruction of entire clans and bloodlines?! How could she use such low-level provocation?

However, even the same provocation can have different effects depending on who says it and who hears it.

For a survivor of the Wudang Sect, annihilated by the Demonic Cult, this was the worst possible provocation.

In the end, the Elder, who had lost his mind in fury, drew upon his Six Yang Divine Arts to the extreme and thrust forward with the Great Purity Sword Technique.

So it has come to this after all.... No, perhaps this isn't so bad.

Even though his wrath was substantial, judging by the unwavering trajectory of his moves and his concentration, it didn't seem like he had drawn his sword carelessly. The close-range surprise attack of a Transcendent Realm martial artist was that fierce.




"Brother Mujin!"




As a stream of blood spurted from Elder Mujin's severed right arm, sparks flew from the eyes of the warriors in the hall.

"You vicious Demonic Cult!"

"How dare you attack the Murim Alliance?!"


"Demon Extermination Team, step forward!"

In an instant, the martial artists who had completed their battle formations began to surround the red armor with a menacing aura.

Oh no...! This does not look good at all. Even a one-on-one duel to the death with someone who came as a messenger could be problematic in terms of justification, but intimidation? Moreover, the visitor was the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult.

Even if they are the Demonic Cult...

However, the Murim Alliance Leader had no time to worry about such things.


He was too busy recalling what he had just witnessed.

What... did I just see? It clearly was...

It seemed that the ascending move of the Great Purity Sword Technique that Elder Mujin had displayed was perfectly replicated in the opponent's hand. The reason he couldn't be completely certain was because it happened in such a fleeting moment.

No... It wasn't exactly the same. Rather...!

It was as if the Great Purity Sword Technique had been evolved to a higher level, removing Elder Mujin's unique habits and quirks.

His mind went blank at this impossible assumption. Perhaps the Masters of the Murim Alliance at the Unrestrained Realm and above would vaguely sense it.

The Murim Alliance Leader shook his head and barely regained his senses. It was similar to when the brain stops functioning after witnessing something incomprehensible.

It is not the time for this.

In the ominous atmosphere where a bloody battle seemed about to unfold at any moment, he quickly sent a Sound Transmission somewhere.

-Intangible Divine Sword. It is your turn. As promised, deal with that person. No, just stopping them would be enough. I shall personally take responsibility and help rebuild the Namgung clan!

Yes. You say you overthrew the Heavenly Demon Cult by force and seized the position of Cult Leader

But we have a card of that caliber as well.

If you have a new Cult Leader, the Orthodox Faction has the Intangible Divine Sword.

A divine figure of the Orthodox Faction no less formidable than you!

Come! Show the spirit of the Orthodox Faction!

Not long after sending the Sound Transmission, a beam of light shone down into the hall and the clouds parted. That wasn’t all. A mysterious mist began to descend from the sky. It almost seemed like celestial music could be heard from somewhere.

The mouths of the Orthodox Faction warriors gaped open. The Murim Alliance Leader was no exception.

From high in the sky, someone wearing a bamboo hat was slowly walking down, stepping on clouds with their robe fluttering.

It was as if the Heavenly God had descended.

Everyone's attention was focused on this figure.

Meanwhile, Namgung Jin was looking down, sweating nervously.

A-Aren’t these theatric way too much? I didn't expect there to be so many eyes watching!

The effect of the item he got from the gacha draw had far exceeded imagination.


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