The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 52: Blue Ray (1)


The silvery liquid named Astral Flow.

As the name suggests, this silvery liquid emerging as a crucial material related to dimensions was a new material that had all of Karlstein's expectations. Especially because it showed tremendous reactivity related to the Astral Dimension, making its potential applications endless.

It was like the Philosopher's Stone.

As they say, if Astral Flow could be installed like fiber optic internet cables in the Material Transfer System he had built, it could dramatically increase stability and efficiency.

Moreover, it could solve a significant portion of the numerous problems related to relay installation with just this one material.

Currently, he was steadily proceeding with the construction of Dimensional Relays, but it was truly inefficient for him to be involved in and invest in everything from start to finish.

The tail might end up wagging the dog instead of vice versa.

Wasn't that why he had rushed to move up the schedule for the next update that could drain Karma Points?

But in the midst of all this, if this liquid material alone could solve half of his worries, how could he not be tempted?

The problem is that it's difficult to obtain the material...

There were too few samples. And the required amount was too large.

With more material, he could experiment in various ways.

As this material was unable to be found anywhere in the galaxy, all he could do was wait endlessly for beings with silver blood to appear like last time.

What should I do...

He was in the midst of such worries. Aria's voice broke his reverie.

-A Triple Numbering entity has appeared at the coordinates I just sent you.

"Triple Numbering?"

-Maxien, who was returning, has departed.


Well... For Maxien, a Triple should be easy...

Triple Numbering referred to special entities among Kaijus that were assigned three-digit numbers.

-It is a high-ranking entity even among Triples.


-Yes. It is Blue Ray, numbered in the 200s.

No.221 'Blue Ray.'

Among the countless Kaijus beyond the Barrier, these were special entities numbered by the Galactic Empire according to their danger level. Even among three-digit Kaijus, there was bound to be a difference between those in the 900s and those in the 200s. Basically, being in the 200s meant it was quite high-ranking.

"Blue Ray is..."

Moreover, Blue Ray was a Kaiju specialized in high-speed movement and mid-range bombardment, which didn't match well with Maxien's abilities.

While he wasn't too worried since Maxien had a record of repelling Double Numberings one-on-one, it couldn't be said that she wouldn't be affected by the issue of incompatibility with her opponent.

"Maxien might have a tough time, huh?"

-Yes. But the problem is...


Blurry figures captured on the screen caught his eye.


The screen showed three figures, presumed to be Cerebrates, observed near where 'Blue Ray' had appeared.

Those honey pot-like Cerebrates are there too?


But what's this?

Why are Blue Ray and the Cerebrates acting like they don't know each other?

Kaijus were known to basically communicate like a collective by emitting certain waves.

Although Cerebrates were also reported to be a kind of Kaiju, why did it not seem that way judging from what was on the screen? Was it just his imagination?

Whatever the case, it was something to check directly.

He didn't want to make Maxien struggle alone unnecessarily either.

"I'll go right away."

-I shall prepare everything.

It would be troublesome if an irritated Maxien were to sweep away those honey pots without leaving a trace.

Karlstein hurriedly headed towards the area near the border.


[So what do we do?]

[I don't know!]

[Why did it just have to be a Chaos punk!]

Three figures surrounded by silver flames were in disarray.

One had the appearance of a High Monk with a third eye on his forehead, another had a horse's lower body and a human upper body, and the last one resembled a woman with six arms.

[Kriella's traces definitely led up to here.]

The High Monk was relatively calmer than the other two, assessing the situation rather than showing panic.

[So what do we do? The trail just stops here!]

[Then it would be accurate to assume she perished here.]

[The problem now isn't Kriella. What does it matter now about someone who thrashed about like a whippersnapper and ruined a world?]

[In any case, since the Root ordered us to track, we should definitely find out the situation.]

[We might perish first before that, what are you...]

The three of them were commonly surrounded by faint silver flames, but they didn't seem particularly close.

Nevertheless, the reason they gathered close together, seemingly relying on each other while being wary of their surroundings was...

[Isn't that guy from the 《Chaos》 faction that's been rampaging at the front lines recently?]

[Judging by the appearance, it seems so.]

《Chaos》, one of the forces hostile to the 《Great Sephiroth》.

It was a being with large gun barrels on both shoulders and six pairs of membranous wings on its back. It looked like a mix between metal and monster.

It was a 《Chaos》 being that was said to be leading some groups and wreaking havoc on the front lines recently.

[But why are they fighting?]

[Who knows.]

Where they were looking, the Chaos being and a human woman were clashing, sweeping through the surroundings.

Rumble- Rumble-

Although it was the middle of the void where no sound should be heard, the effects of the battle were reaching even here. Large and small fragments of light and waves were scattering, embroidering the universe.

[Won't we get caught up in this too?]

[They had probably noticed us long ago.]


They were in a position close to spectating the battle scene from afar, but not quite.

As they moved away to avoid the battle, they could feel the other side paying attention and following them. It was truly an absurd situation.

They were fighting, but it seemed like they didn't want to lose sight of this side...

[Aren't they underestimating us too much? We might be easy targets alone, but there are three of us!]

[Still, they're definitely not opponents to be taken lightly.]

In truth, although they shouted that out of pride, it didn't seem very convincing. This was evident just from watching the battle scene between the Chaos being and the human.

[But how can a human be that strong?]

[It feels like a human hero facing off against a god.]

[Wouldn’t it honestly be better if it was just a mere hero?]

[Still, wouldn't that human woman be more open to dialogue than the one who massacred countless of our kind?]

[Are you suggesting we negotiate with a mere human?]

The centaur-like being seemed to have a hurt pride expression. He particularly despised humans. Although the others might have been tired of his unreasonable attitude, deep down, they agreed to some extent.

The 'human' race was like livestock. Like microorganisms that added vitality to the worlds they take root in.

[Still, for the sake of the Great Sephiroth, we should be able to swallow our pride.]

[That's not the only option.]

The six-armed woman's eyes flashed ominously.

[We should aim for a win-win situation. In any case, now that Kriella's demise has been confirmed, we can't easily back down.]

[That's right. Even if she was just a troublemaker like a whippersnapper, she was clearly one of our kind.]

[However, there's something that bothers me.]

The High Monk's third eye shone as he took on a more serious expression.

[Didn't you feel a sense of discomfort when entering this dimension?]


[I don't feel anything at all, though?]


The High Monk felt something was off, but couldn't explain it clearly.

[We need to be careful. How about retreating for now?]

No matter how he thought about it, the High Monk had a bad feeling and suggested retreating, but...

[Do you think the Root will leave us alone if we do that?]

[We need to bring at least some results. We might even be rewarded.]

[Sacred Blood...]

The other two didn't seem to think that way, perhaps due to greed. The 《Root》 they served was a superior who was clear in distinguishing rewards and punishments. In fact, they were surely someone who would give out 'Sacred Blood' even for minimal results. Such opportunities weren't common.

[On the surface, the Chaos being seems to have the upper hand, but it looks like it's actually being pushed back. That human woman is no ordinary being.]

[Is she even human?]

[Who knows. But it doesn't matter.]

After all, they weren't weak beings either.

[Let's support the Chaos being for now.]

[It's dangerous, so let's not get too close.]


In normal times it might be different, but this was an urgent situation. They began to combine their powers, sharing their minds.

[We'll target the human woman first.]

They were unaware that someone was rapidly warping towards the battlefield.


Maxien narrowed her eyes as she split the opponent's blue bombardment in half.

This one...

It was definitely a being she remembered.

Blue Ray.

An entity in the 200s specialized in mobile bombardment, cunning enough to rival Double Numberings.

But if there was something strange, it was that it was much stronger than she remembered.

Have I gotten weaker?

That couldn't be.

In fact, she wasn't being pushed back. No, if she could just close the distance, she was confident she could behead such a being in an instant.

However, its movement speed was extraordinary. A speed clearly faster than in the past.

Even though she tried to close the distance while accepting damage, she just couldn't get closer. It could be said to be a difference in compatibility.

Boom- Slash-

Another bombardment was split by a sword in mid-air.

Currently, 6 swords were spinning around her, and 4 swords were chasing after the being. She was also pursuing it with a sword in hand, but...

The distance just wouldn't close.

It was not that she could only attack at close range. However, the further the distance, the more drastically her power would drop. This also meant that the closer the distance, the stronger her sword strikes would become.

Hoo... How frustrating.

Irritation clouded her eyes.

At that moment, she noticed three fly-like beings starting to do something foolish.

Should I deal with those guys first before facing this one?

Right as her gaze deepened.

Someone's voice message arrived.

Her busy pursuit came to a sudden stop.

-Good work, Maxien.

She absolutely didn't want to show such an unsightly appearance.

Though extremely angry at the current situation, Maxien’s mood was partially relieved, because she quite liked his voice. Regardless, her cold gaze swept over the opponents.

"It's over."

She no longer pursued them. The situation was already as good as finished.

A flash of destruction pierced through the battlefield where she was.


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