The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 53: Blue Ray (2)


Karlstein offered words of comfort to Maxien, whose eyes were blazing fiercely on the screen.

It seemed she was truly angry that the battle wasn't going well.

"Good work, Maxien."

Maxien bit her lip at his consolation. He understood her feelings.

After all, she wasn't someone who should struggle against a mere Triple Numbering.

Even if the opponent was specialized in high-speed movement, it was still a Kaiju numbered in the 200s. Considering her reputation as the Cosmic Sword Saint, it didn't make sense that Maxien couldn't even close the distance.

However, this was unavoidable.

It was also a restriction he had placed on her.

The more power beyond a certain threshold her race, the Asterians, used, the more they gradually came to resemble stars.

They become ruthless and emotionless, eventually losing even the will to live.

A mental death.

It wasn't just because of war that she had lost her fellow Asterians and survived alone.

From the beginning, the Asterians were rapidly heading towards extinction. It was almost inevitable from the moment they left their planet and ventured into space.

He had saved and taken her in, but...

-If I follow you, can I remain human?

-Yes. If that's what you want.

-When I become a star someday, are you willing to plant flowers on me?

-That too. If that's what you desire.

-I am in your care.

The promise made when they met.

He didn't know exactly what it meant, but for an Asterian, the meaning of planting flowers was surely not trivial.

To keep his promise with her, he needed to restrict her power to some extent.

When Karlstein first met her, he was struggling just to take care of himself, so he couldn't be certain if he could keep his promise to her. In a way, it was a situation where he could just persuade her with any promise she wished to hear and draw out her potential, without necessarily needing to think about keeping that promise.

However, he had made every effort not to do so.

Karlstein believed, and still believes, that her potential could fully bloom even without using her racial power.

As a result of that belief, the fact that currently only her eyes and hair resembled starlight was a sort of achievement.

Therefore, Karlstein tended to encourage her obsession with hunting Kaiju. Her going out to the front lines every day to hunt Kaiju and developing emotions close to madness was the right thing to do when thinking about the future.

It was the same case now.

She’s a bit scary sometimes, but.

His feelings to help her and do things for the sake of their promise hadn't changed.

Of course, it couldn't be said that she had never awakened her potential at all.

My role from now on is to make sure such situations don't occur.

She had kept her promise with him in most situations.

So it was also true that he felt rather proud of her.

Even in her current state, she was incredibly strong. This was undeniable. However, with her restricted power, she could only be effective at close range.

But even with just that, she was counted among the highest-ranking heroes of the Galactic Empire.

There were three who were considered the representative Great Heroes in the Galactic Empire.

The highest-ranking heroes that everyone had to acknowledge.

The pride of the Galactic Empire.

Maxien Asteria of close combat and one-on-one battles.

Camilla Bashatiret of ultra-long-range sniping and fleet battles.

And lastly...

"Who am I?"

-...Karlstein Babylon.

"That's right."

Creak- Creak-

Heavy sounds of friction leaked from the full-body armor he was wearing.

Grind- Grind-

The armor was constantly screaming as it struggled to withstand the power emanating from his entire body.

"Camilla is busy right now... She's working hard, so there's no need to call her."


At a small asteroid about 80,000 kilometers away from the battlefield where Maxien was.

Two long metal rods were embedded in the asteroid where he was standing.

To be more specific, long metal rods 30 centimeters thick and 1 kilometer long were deeply embedded in the ground near Karlstein.

The elongated metal lumps, also called 'Spears of God', were emitting red Ether Waves.


-Force Field Control, Aiming Line Assistance, Ether Wave Adjustment...

His groans mixed with Aria's voice.

As he grabbed the handle part of the metal and pulled out the rod, the ground split and vibrated roughly.

However, Karlstein's posture remained as steady as if he were standing on flat ground. This was likely because Aria's Force Field Control technology was firmly supporting the ground plate.

"It's been a while since I've dealt with this distance."

Karlstein spread his legs and took his stance.



The armor constantly emitted Ether Wave sounds.

Karlstein Babylon.

A tanker…

As well as a medium to long-range bombardier.

He moved. After a run-up, he threw the spear.


The spear that left his hand flew like an arrow towards the target point, trailing waves of circular rings.

The moment Karlstein's 'throwing spear' split the universe, the asteroid he was standing on was destroyed by the aftereffects.



A moment later.

The flash of destruction directly hit the heart of No.221 Blue Ray.

-Hit confirmed. Situation ended.

Aria's calm voice announced the being's death.


On the bridge of the Imperial Ship.

Everyone on the bridge quietly watched the screen without making even the slightest sound, as if agreed upon in advance.




[Target hit.]

[Confirmation of life form annihilation complete.]


Both the Captain and Chief Mate, who had been clasping their hands, let out sighs of relief at the green text that appeared on the screen. The crew members below were no different.

"As expected..."


"It's still unbelievable no matter how many times I see it."

All crew members aboard the Imperial Ship were elites carefully selected from the Galactic Empire. In fact, they were the elite of elites, overflowing with battlefield experience.

But even for them, the sight of a Triple Numbering Entity getting annihilated with a single shot never became familiar.

After all, the 'Numbered Entities', monsters even among Kaijus, were nothing short of a calamity.

If recalling the past when just one four-digit entity had devastated several star systems, the scene they were witnessing now didn't feel real.

"It's truly amazing."

The reaction of the Captain, who had been responsible for the Imperial Ship for a long time, was particularly intense. Having the most battlefield experience before becoming Captain, he knew that the current scene was nothing short of an impossible miracle.

His awe grew every time he watched the Emperor's battles.

It was truly beautiful.

The scene of a red beam of light piercing through space and striking the heart of a Kaiju always set his heart on fire.

As he had lost his entire family to a Kaiju in the past, he didn't hesitate to board the ship even at his old age to witness such scenes.

The nightmarish memories of battle. But within them, the Emperor's presence was nothing short of a symbol of promised victory.

One who didn't hesitate to ignite the flames of hope in the hearts of all imperial citizens.

The Captain's heart swelled with emotion.

How long would he be able to follow behind the Emperor?

These days, he sighed, feeling that he might no longer be able to board ships due to his declining judgment that came with age.

Your Imperial Majesty...

The gray-haired Captain recalled the most intense battlefield of the past.

The horrific apocalyptic battlefield also known as the 'Lüpir Star System Assault Operation'.

He couldn't forget that moment when the seemingly impossible operation called the 'Single Number Subjugation Campaign' was proposed.

Everyone hesitated and tried to stop the Emperor.

Saying it was madness. That it was impossible.

That humans couldn't defeat gods.

That he should keep his sacred imperial body safe.

However, the Emperor, who had brushed them all aside, spoke firmly.

"As of this moment, humanity will reclaim the Barrier."

The majestic operation that ended the Great War and the Emperor's brilliant achievement.

The currently vacant position of No.6 was proof of this.

Who else could challenge a Single Number?

In the midst of the tremendous battle where 90% of the heroes who participated in the subjugation campaign died, an august Great Hero finally achieved victory for humanity.


He is a light too dazzling to even dare look up at.

The Captain sincerely wished that times like this would last forever.


The moment Karlstein's throwing spear struck the heart of No.221 'Blue Ray'.

Not far from that battlefield, behind a small asteroid, a certain being opened its eyes.

Kkireureuk- Kkireuk-

The compound eyes of the being hiding its body on the asteroid slowly opened, emitting pitch-black waves.

This being could instantly grasp the state of the current situation from the death of 'Blue Ray'.

Kkireureuk- Kkireuk-

The being pondered.

Whether it was right to continue hiding as it had been doing.


Or whether it should abandon the work it had been carrying out for a long time and step out directly.

Kkireureuk- Kkireuk-

The compound-eyed being pondered for a long time, but the answer was already set.

It would abandon the ongoing work.

Rustle- Rustle-

The pitch-black dark energy enveloping its body slowly began to dissipate.

The death of a low-ranking entity was no problem for it, but…

It was too early for them to know about the existence of the 'Sap'.

The passage had to be closed.

The asteroid instantly vanished in the dark waves rising from its entire body.


This being, which possessed a speed incomparable even to 'Blue Ray', instantly reached the battlefield.

The compound-eyed being, gleaming with an ominous black color, appeared before the three who were wearing rather idiotic expressions.

Everything according to Father's will.





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