The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 57: Galactic TV (3)

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]


"Oh my! Welcome! Thank you for the donation! I'll do my best to take on this challenge! Let's go, let’s go! Fighting!"

On the screen, a cute girl was choosing weapons before tackling a dungeon. In front of her were a spear and a short sword.

"Hmm. What should I use? I haven't chosen my main weapon yet!"

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

-Obviously the spear.


He wouldn’t do something as cheap as speaking through chat. Donation messages were essentially his chat window.

"Ah! Another donation! Is it some kind of event today?! Thank you so much!"

The brown-haired girl with twin tails repeatedly bowed towards the air to express her gratitude.

"Then shall we try using the short spear?"

At that moment.

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]

-It seems you are greatly mistaken or unaware. Obviously it must be the sword.

Hmm? The sword is a good weapon too, but...

"Ah! The sword?"

The girl was a bit flustered.

What should I do? Whose advice should I follow?

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]

-ignore the weapon noob okok? there's a reason the sword is called the king of all weapons, right?

What? Weapon noob? Is this guy picking a fight?

A vein popped on Karlstein's forehead.

In truth, he didn't have an extraordinary level of expertise with spears; he just preferred them because they were easy to overwhelm opponents with physically while being convenient to use.

But about this 'OneArmedBlindSwordsman' with his strange tone…

His way of speaking was irritating.

He couldn't lose to someone like that.

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

-Spears are more efficient for beginners. Swords take too long to master. And the king of all weapons is actually the spear.

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]


['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

-Also, if this is a dungeon, isn’t it a practical exercise? Even experts can easily get hurt, you know? But the fact that you’re recommending a sword to a beginner right off the bat? Your level… there’s no need to even question what it is. heh.

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]

-Bullshit. The king of all weapons is the sword. And are you going to live as a common soldier forever? Of course you should learn advanced weapon techniques.

A rebuttal came immediately.

Hmm. What's this?

He could just let it go, but…

What is this subtle unpleasantness stimulating his oh so manly instincts?

-You think there are no spear experts? No matter how much you insist, the fact that spears are superior is a fact.

-Don't butt in if you don't know. Besides, isn't a dungeon a melee? Of course swords have the advantage. They're also easier to adapt to various environments.

-Short spears are the answer. And if you grip it widely, it's good for defense too.

-From the start, swords can both thrust and slash, but aren't spears just one-trick ponies for thrusting? Isn't it common sense that 2 is stronger than 1?

-Common sense my ass LOL

-Hah. You're pissing me off. Unless you're going to fight in formation, of course the sword is superior. Are you stupid?

Of course, donations went back and forth rapidly.

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100P.]


As the argument continued, a broad smile spread across the girl's face.

And then finally…

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 10,000P.]

-Fine. Whatever. Let’s stop here. Who cares what you say. Anyway, spear gogo.

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 10,000P.]

-Only 10,000 points? What a waste of a username. What do you even do for a living?

The swordsman was pulling a "So what's your tier?" move, or so it was called.

Me? I'm the Oradge and the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

But I can't say that, so...

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 10,000P.]

-im at least doing better than you, so dw

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 100,000P.]

-LOL “level” my foot.. You scared?

100,000 points? Still, trying to compete with me using Points is a bit...

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 1,000,000P.]

-Don't act all tough. Just leave.

In the end, the two of them settled their competition through personal attacks on their character and honor, as well as making it rain.

Naturally, the chat went wild.

ㄴwho tf are these guys?

ㄴidk. who cares if it's a spear or sword?

ㄴlook at those amounts going up LOL they've entered a battle to the death LMAOO the extinction of their points

ㄴwow. are they really doing this just because of their pride?

ㄴOneArmedBlindSwordsman is a named user in the sword debate tab LOL

ㄴI heard he single-handedly established a kingdom?

ㄴHow much Karma do you get for establishing a country?

ㄴfrom what i can see, PayToWinGuy is probably gonna lose LOL usually people with usernames like that aren't normal.

ㄴbut he probably still lives better than you

ㄴMy guy. can you not with the harsh truth bombs ffs


ㄴanyway, they're definitely in a different league than us LOL

ㄴi just came to watch hawawa high school chan's dungeon run, but i'm getting quite a show.

As the amounts gradually increased, other viewers started to gather one by one.

ㄴIs this where the battle to the death of their points is happening?

ㄴWhat do you have to do to accumulate that many Points?

ㄴwow LOL this is fucking hilarious HAHAHAH

ㄴdamn, they're throwing around 10 million points like it's nothing LOL

ㄴnah this is the shit HAHAHAHA

ㄴcant believe im watching an extinction battle live LOL

In the midst of this, 'PayToWinGuy' caused a huge commotion.

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100,000,000P.]


100 million? At first, the viewers thought they had seen it wrong.

Is he crazy? Why 100 million points for something like this?

It was an unimaginable expenditure for ordinary people!

ㄴwtf 100 million?

ㄴSince when did 100 million become something that can be thrown in the streets?

ㄴseems like for him it’s more than possible to make it rain with 100 million.

ㄴiyaaaaa, i wonder what kind of people spend hundreds of millions of points on their pride

ㄴThey're definitely not normal.

ㄴFrom our perspective it might seem that way, but for them, maybe this is just pocket change?

ㄴ100 million is pocket change...? Am I misunderstanding the definition of pocket change?

ㄴAnyway, they can't be considered ordinary people.

ㄴur scared now, aren’t u sword boy?

The girl was left speechless, her mouth agape at the battle between these big shots.

She would have been happy with a reasonable amount, but 100 million?

It was a number that didn't feel real.


In the end, the sword guy admitted defeat while trembling in frustration at the 100 million points. Of course, leaving a message of spiritual or moral(?) victory before departing was the unwritten rule when it came to things like this.

['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has donated 10,000P.]

-fck... Anyway, swords are the best.


['OneArmedBlindSwordsman' has left.]

ㄴ100 million?

ㄴHoly shit!

ㄴmfer ran away LOL

ㄴwhat is this? some bullshit spirit victory? LOL LOL LOL this is hilarious LOL


ㄴWow, how many zeros is that?

ㄴit’s my first time seeing this username... Does anyone know who this is?

At any rate, from the girl's perspective, she hit the jackpot. Her two eyes trembled violently in disbelief. In an instant, she had earned enough to graduate from dungeons and live comfortably for the rest of her life.

"Th-This is..."

['PayToWinGuy' has donated 10,000,000P.]

-Anyway, I had fun. Take care and good luck.

"O-One, ten, hundred, thousand... Heup! Y-Yes! Th-Thank you so much! I'll definitely use the spear! Thank you!"

The girl finally burst into tears, expressing her gratitude.

Karlstein wiped under his nose.

Well... Who cares whether it's a spear or a sword…

In the end, the one who fights better will win anyway.

He had donated in the first place because he found it admirable that the girl was working hard to survive in the harsh environment of the otherworld, diligently hunting monsters. He found his own enjoyment in it, with the mindset of donating to a young breadwinner.

'PayToWinGuy' and 'OneArmedBlindSwordsman' ranked 1st and 2nd respectively on the Official Constellation Rankings of 'HawawaHighSchoolChan'.

A screenshot of the Constellation Ranking showing the donation amounts spread through the community, causing controversy for a while and saying things like:

Who the hell are these guys?

Give that money to me instead. I'll do anything you want.

She hit the jackpot just by trying to choose a weapon.

A screenshot of the girl crying was also preserved in the community. She had to bear the envy and resentment of the community users.

Afterwards, broadcasts with concepts like sword vs sword, spear vs sword, and mage vs knight popped up like mushrooms after rain.

And quite a few users realized.

If this takes off... couldn’t it be life-changing?

The donation system. It's just insane!

The number of users earnestly waiting for the selection of a Constellation increased.

Of course, Karlstein didn't think that far. He was satisfied with just playing around for a bit.

"Ahemmm. Now what should I do?"

Of course, the reason he could relax like this was because he had worked hard. He had been diligently working on matters related to Kaiju and the Silver Blood.

In fact, even now, all sorts of information was coming in through his main account, and Aria was busy filtering through it.

And when it came to the field of research, talents from all walks of life were deployed and things were progressing smoothly, with astronomical investments already made where needed.

Need there be anything more to be said?

It wasn't for nothing that Aria had generously handed over 10 billion. So, no one would say anything even if he took a break.

That's why he was posting nonsense on the community and watching various videos to soothe his mind and body.

Yes, this is the shit. This feeling of spending time doing nothing. A time of no productivity.

In the midst of this, there was a broadcast concept that caught his eye.

"Avatar blind date?"

What's this?

[I'm going to propose marriage to the princess of a neighboring country. I heard she's really beautiful heh depending on the donation points, of course-]

Marriage proposal?

A marriage proposal when I'm still single even after becoming the Emperor of the universe?


['PayToWinGuy' has donated 100P.]

-how much and to what extent?

I'll teach them a lesson with money!


"Everyone is present. It's not an easy group to gather, but..."

The languid yet decadent voice of the silver-haired woman announced the opening of the meeting. As her voice rang out, the dark space around expanded infinitely, and polygons of cubes reassembled here and there, revealing the silhouettes of people one by one.

They all quietly looked at the woman in the center.

The First Chancellor of the Galactic Empire, as well as the Chief Secretary.


Though she appeared to be an ordinary commoner without even a First Name, no one there dared to disrespect her.

After all, she was undoubtedly the closest confidant of His Imperial Majesty.

This was a fact that no one could deny.

Even the few who knew that she was not human, but an Android Terminal, felt the same way.

The atmosphere in the virtual conference room grew heavy at her opening declaration.


Among them, there was a large man standing in the corner of the conference room, looking nervous.

Mylo Ranka.

A great hero who survived even the fierce battle known as the 'Lüpir Star System Assault Operation' or the 'Single Number Subjugation Campaign'.

As one of the Hero Council of Salvation and the one who took the position of sub-tanker when His Majesty was absent, he was a member of the highest echelon of the Galactic Empire.

But even he could barely breathe properly in this conference room.

After all, there was not only 'Aria' who was presiding over the meeting, but also the starlight-haired woman 'Maxien Asteria' standing to her right.

Those two alone were formidable enough.

However, as he carefully turned his eyes, he also saw a small figure in a hood sitting in a corner of the conference room.

Camilla Bashatiret.

Uniform metallic sounds echoed through the conference room from the gas mask worn over her mouth.

Ssaek- Ssaek-

But no one dared to question it.

The Head of the Executive Department, as well as one of the Great Heroes, which had the likes of Karlstein Babylon and Maxien Asteria in their ranks.

That was who Camilla Bashatiret was. And no one dared to challenge her.

Only Aria, the top of the Internal Affairs Department, or Maxien, the Cosmic Sword Saint, could stop her. And they were already used to it, so they didn't even pay heed to such things.

The same was true for Mylo.

"I assume everyone has checked the circumstances of this incident?"


There was no confusion in their expressions as they nodded or silently watched.

As befitting the closest confidants of Emperor Karlstein, everyone had come prepared.

"Is His Majesty's sacred body alright?"

In response to someone's question, the top figure from the Medical Bureau answered.

"There were no particular symptoms. It is truly fortunate."

"My goodness. Even after using that power..."

"That does not mean we can let our guard down. Especially since it is a matter related to a Single Number. We do not know what might happen, after all."

A small commotion arose in the conference room.

However, it soon quieted down at Aria's next words.

"His Imperial Majesty's [Mental Invariability] is fine. There is no need to worry to that extent."

Everyone clicked their tongues in amazement.

"It's practically awe-inspiring."

"Who else but His Majesty could handle it?"

"That's true."

"Hoho. As expected of His Majesty."

Everyone felt admiration and reverence.

However, amidst this, someone's sharp voice made everyone close their mouths.

Ssaek- Ssaek-

"...Maxien. Aren't you... too incompetent...? To make Him... use that power..."

It was Camilla Bashatiret.

The atmosphere turned so cold it could freeze one's lungs. At this point, Mylo just wanted to go home.

At least in his opinion, the Hero Council of Salvation had long since degenerated into an arena of competition for the position of future Empress, with everyone keeping each other in check.

Why was I even called here?

Mylo, with his sturdy, muscular build, felt like crying.


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