The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 10

10. My brother-in-law knows the First Princess.

Stay Royal Ivy.

I rebel in my head over and over so that I can answer my name properly.

I’ve never been more cursed to have been born with special abilities.

I was happy when my father died and I was surrounded by my mother, who was the only one, but still kind mother and friends all over the city.

My mother boasted that my special abilities were very rare, and above all, I was proud that my special abilities helped my mother when I moved and went out.

I’m not wealthy, so I still couldn’t read or write anything other than my own name that my mother taught me, and there was a big deal going on, but with this ability, I’m sure I won’t have trouble working, you swallow fast, so I’m sure you’ll be a big shot in the future. I was just proud that my mother and neighbors would say that.

But I never thought I’d be born in such a way.

The next generation of Regents. Yes, I wasn’t sure when the castle user told me, but I knew it was amazing from the mouthfeel.

But as soon as I saw my mother’s complexion, I knew it wasn’t good.

I have to be adopted. You should no longer see your previous family. As soon as I found out about it, I got scared.

I don’t like it, I can’t believe I left my mother. It’s just one family, and I’m the only one who’s got a mother, and even I’m the only one who’s got a mother.

I didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, and I tried to use my abilities to escape and chase it back, but my mother stopped me on the way.

The orders from the castle are absolute. If you refuse, the whole family will be felonies.

There was nothing I could do. Tomorrow when they told me to go to the castle, all I could think about was running away with my mother.

But I received a two-week respite from His Royal Highness the King.

For two weeks, my mother was away from work and stayed with me all day. He did a lot of things with a smile on his face every day, but I know he cried by pushing his voice to death every day after I went to bed at night.

I don’t need any money, don’t take Steele. You’ll never forget crying like that with your mouth covered with both hands to keep me awake when I’m supposed to be asleep.

When we broke up, neither I nor my mother cried.

I swallowed every word of my mother and laughed just like my mother who put up with me, please be healthy, take care of my body and tell her I’ve always loved her the best.

I remember when the carriage kept getting away from home and I could almost only see the shadows anymore, my mother got smaller to collapse.

I’m sorry I said goodbye to you in such a shackled terrible way. That’s what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t tell him until the end.

Regarding the castle, too, I couldn’t change my mother’s appearance at all, not even in front of His Royal Highness the King. What if he kills me for disrespect or something… but I can’t help but change my attitude. Feelings squashed me. It was like I wasn’t my own body.

Originally, I wasn’t very good at giving faces.

Laughing, angry, sad, it’s a huge hundred million bucks to put it on your face so that you can see it in your heart or in your opponent’s eyes. Still, my mother knew exactly how I felt, and even my friends around me didn’t care. Of course, someone who can be good to us, someone who can give us a job. For those who wanted to like it, I moved my eyes and laughed, and I could use it externally to live with my mother.

But even that doesn’t work at all right now.

It was that simple.

First princess of pride. In the city, it was a dedicated rumor that she was an impatient princess who grew up spoiled and looked nothing like Her Majesty the Queen or Her Royal Highness the King.

Lord Pride, whom His Royal Highness Wang introduced, was a very beautiful man.

Pink lips on bright red, wavy hair and beautiful skin. It also made me feel like I was so elegant that I thought I was only older. I’m just a little scared of my slightly suspended eyes.

His Royal Highness the King explained a lot about me and the shackles. Looking at my shackles, I stared at my feet until the end of the conversation, feeling drawn to the pride of how I obviously pulled it off.

They said they were staring at me even though I had to spend the rest of my life, and I was afraid they wouldn’t like me.

But Lord Pride, who took my hand and greeted me, was so sweet…

I was surprised, but the more I thought about it, maybe I was just wearing a cat, the more distrust prevailed and I couldn’t even give it back well on the surface.

I didn’t feel like sleeping even after being guided to the room and shrunk all the way down on the oversized bed. It was hard to remember all my mother’s crying face if I closed my eyes.

“Stail…? I’m coming in.

I was surprised when Master Pride came into the room. I can’t imagine what the hell you’re going to do, I really didn’t want to talk to anyone, but I’m more afraid to break my mood and return the word.

“Dear Pride… Can I help you…”

Can I help you now? [M] If it were tomorrow, I would submit to this man for the rest of my life as a de facto proximity. [M] Why is this man trying to take away the time I have left?

The more I think about it, the more I feel like the pride in front of me hates me, but I can’t let it get to me.

We can’t let Master Pride get in a bad mood here.

“I’m sorry in the middle of the night. I really wanted to talk to you before tomorrow’s contract.

Master Pride slowly approaches me like he cares about me. I thought I’d come in with more Zukazuka.

Is he a good person after all… I don’t know.

People like the First Princess want to talk to me, and I can’t understand why. I lean my neck and give back my words. Master Pride walks further.

“Hey, Style. Do you want to see your mother?


Her heartbeat went off so fast, she said, “I want to see you!” Seeing Lord Pride indulge in the desire to scream.

I want to see you, I really want to see you.

If Lord Pride tells me I can see her, if I can find out about my mother, if I can tell her I’m fine, I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything.

I took something out of my clothes when I got a strange smiley look that Lord Pride seemed to be complicated.

It’s dark and it doesn’t look good, but it also looks like a key…

“Is that…?

No way, that’s…

I couldn’t believe Master Pride had it.

If this is the key to the shackles, why show it to me? There’s only me and Lord Pride in this room right now. What are you going to do if I break out now and try to forcibly take the key away from Lord Pride?

Yet Master Pride went on to say increasingly incomprehensible words.

“The key to your shackles. I snuck in from my father’s drawer. Now you can get away with it.

You want me to run away?

I can’t read Lord Pride’s intentions at all. But my answer was already decided before I thought about it. [M]


When I answered that, now I opened my mouth like Master Pride was surprised.

For a moment, I thought you were saying mean things when you knew I couldn’t escape, but when you saw that reaction, it seemed different.


Are you stupid? I knew all royalty didn’t know how we felt or what was going on.

I’m getting angry again gradually.

When I talked about my mother while suppressing my emotions, Master Pride listened to me much more seriously.

Every time I talked to her, I was reminded clearly of her crying.

Don’t cry, I have to endure like my mother who laughed at me. Besides, you shouldn’t let such a royal person see your weakness.

Grabbing my knee over and over again so I don’t cry. Put my strength in my hand and I will continue to speak.

“Besides, if I run away, they’ll call me a different kid this time… I have a friend and only a sister with a family, and he’s capable too… I don’t like it if he calls me instead…”

That’s just hard for me and my mother.

With that in mind, I somehow began to expect Lord Pride to tell me that if I kept pretending to be more pathetic, he would let me see my mother.

… shall we try to cry thoughtlessly without patience?

If he’s just a good guy who’s really stupid, maybe he’ll let me see his mother. I’ve heard His Royal Highness Wang adores me.

I feel like I’m getting cloudy inside of me. But as soon as I peered just at Master Pride so that he wouldn’t be noticed, that idea was supercharged.

Because Master Pride looked so sad.

Reminds me of the look on my mother’s face when I broke up.

That’s the look on your face when you’re indulging in something and enduring and enduring for someone, not yourself.

For who?… of me…?

But how much I’ve ever been spoiled by Betta there, how much I love you, has made me more frightened than touched by the pride who sympathized with me.

Instead, the thought of using it until just now diminishes, and I hang my words on Lord Pride, who says nothing.

“Thank you for caring about me like this. Good Lord Pride… it’s not an honor. I don’t need a key. Please go to your original location.

Leave me alone already. There’s nothing you can do about what you can do. It was the moment I was about to tell you that I wanted to cut up the conversation so that I could cover up my thoughts.

Lord Pride is holding me tight.

At first, I didn’t know what happened.

Why Lord Pride is holding me, why he’s holding me so tight, why there’s a princess in this country so close to me.

Why is this guy crying so much

I can’t believe it, but I don’t care what you think, it doesn’t even seem like a joke or an act. Instead, I wipe my tears to hide them from me, and I can see them over my back scrubbing my nose.

“I promise… I will never hurt you any more… I will make sure that you and this country with your mother are all laughing…! Mine, as long as I have life…”

Master Pride screaming like that was in tears after all.

If you don’t hurt me, you’ll make sure that I, my mother and everyone else are laughing as long as they live. Why, why so far…

Even the spoiled princess heard all sorts of rumors that she didn’t deserve the First Princess. I thought you were just a stupid, stupid, spoiled lady. Yet,

Does this man think of me so much about our people?

Everything Lord Pride has said and done that has only ever seemed negative is flipped.

This isn’t just something a spoiled lady can think of. There’s no way I can say this as far as my life is concerned.

It was only the first princess of this country herself, who was crushing our hearts to our people no matter how we looked at it.

It wasn’t until earlier, it wasn’t like when I broke up with my mother or when I was alone, something hot came up and blurred my vision. I heard a knock, and I didn’t even realize it was a tear until Lord Pride swelled my eyes and wiped my eyes. “I’m really sorry I’m late. Good night, get some rest.” Lady Pride, who laughed, still looked like she was going to cry.

– Why are you doing this to me?

That’s what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t say a word.

Until Lord Pride left the room, all I could do was stare at his back.

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