The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1131

II177. My brother-in-law is not confused.

“Well then, Your Highness, that concludes the report.”I would appreciate it if you could take a look at the survey of the people exploring the product list and report back to me about Anchorson.”

“Ah, let me tighten up the guards on the merchandise list.As for Anchorson… I didn’t expect this to happen. ”

The office of the king.

It’s also my father’s work room, where Jill Vail just finished his report.He doesn’t have time to breathe. He asks his father for his next permission. His speed is a boulder.

And even though my father has just received a report, he is thinking of a definite response.I was used to listening to my father’s interactions in this way, even as I took the lead on the King’s Order business under Gilbert, but there was no waste in listening to it many times.And Jilbert and Father aren’t the only ones in this room right now.

“Thanks to Captain Column for infiltrating me as an instructor.”

“Then I’ll tell Rosa about it.You heard Pride, too, Stale.Can you handle the report? ”

“I’ve just finished writing.I have attached it to Prime Minister Gilbert’s report. ”

I will show Tiara, the King’s aide, and Uncle West the report that I have summarized.

Even without listening to Jill Vail, the current situation is in my mind, but it would be better to accurately describe what was reported to my father to prevent the difference in reporting.Uncle West, who took my report and confirmed it, nodded, “Well done.”

After returning from school and completing a meeting with Pride, Tiara and I returned to the assistant as usual.It was me and Tiara who once split up, but my mother’s assistant, Uncle West, was summoned because Gilbert, who returned to his father, told him there was a report of Pradest.

Though Pradest, a domestic school, has jurisdiction over his father and is entrusted to Gilbert and Pride, it was decided that Uncle West should also report to his mother due to the possible involvement of a foreign human trafficking organization called the commodity list and Anchorson’s involvement.

“Tiara, have you found the case file?”

“Ah! Well, not yet….”

“Father, if it’s the Anchorsons, I’ll put it together.”

“Niisama, this is my job!”

I apologize honestly to my sister for inadvertently speaking out…. I did it again.

Tiara, who has just started learning to work under her father, has yet to grasp the materials in this room.I couldn’t help it because it was a hassle at first.

However, because of this, I have been taught the royal work under Jilbert, and sometimes I do things that are not necessary for Tiara’s work.Unlike me taught by my father’s assistant, Jilbert, Tiara has been handled by my father as a formal successor to the king’s division, but there are still many jobs that I know better now due to the difference in experience.

It seemed a bit regrettable to Tiara, and now she’s still swelling her cheeks and staring at me with her crystal eyes.At that time, I learned the royal work because of pride, but I didn’t expect Tiara to scold me.

Not only Jilbert but also his father and uncle West laughed at the reprimand from Tiara, which was already a dozen times.

It seems unusual to see me angry with Tiara many times.Naturally, I’ve barely fought with my brothers and sisters before.

I’m not trying to take Tiara’s job, I’m not trying to get in the way of remembering her job, I’m not trying to show her that I know better.However, I have a habit of getting out of front of myself especially when it comes to my father’s work.Until now, Gilbert was a competitor, not Tiara.

I feel uncomfortable on Tiara’s back as she grabs the materials against her hard memory.I don’t feel good if Jill Vail spears me through the work I’ve been tasked with alone.

Feeling his head getting heavier, he exhaled so as not to make a sound, and Jill Vail gently opened his mouth to “Tiara-sama.”

“You don’t have to hurry.We still have time to inherit Pride’s throne… and you will have me and, above all, your brilliant next Regent brother. ”

In the soft words of Gilbert, Tiara closed her mouth small with her eyebrows raised.

After that, Tiara nodded once, took a deep breath and then started looking for the materials again.In that state, I suppressed the feeling in my head that I wanted to say, “It’s the third book on the second stage.”… when I do this, I feel that maybe I’m also quite overprotective of Tiara.I’ve always acted like a brother to Tiara.

I’m your brother!!!!


I accidentally smashed my forehead and turned off the sound of a clear resurrection in my head.

Uncle West asked me what was going on, but I pushed through with “nothing”.This matter is not only known to the upper echelons, but also to the castle’s people.Because I wanted to hide it from Pride.

I can’t help saying that Arthur helped me.I know Pride and Lieutenant Eric wouldn’t say anything, but I can’t help but feel ashamed and guilty about what Pride knows.

As Uncle West returns his report to his mother, I leave the room after that.Once again, I wonder if Philip felt the same way about Amlet as Tiara, who returned the greeting, was still standing in front of a bookshelf where she should desperately have the materials.

Philip… I’m supposed to be a friend of mine over a decade ago.

I wanted to hide it from Arthur or Pride or Tiara if it came true.I told Lieutenant Eric, to some extent honestly, that I had no choice but to know what I knew, but I didn’t want to know anything other than Amlet.

Unlike Amlet, who doesn’t remember me, Philip is totally my associate.If this happens to remind me of Pride more than a decade ago… my chest will be torn.

He doesn’t have to worry anymore.You really did too much.

I should’ve just done Amlet.

It would have been best if I had finished my undercover visit to the school and then said to Pride, “I’m an old associate, but I’m only three years old and I don’t remember you.”You can still insist that I avoid it just in case.

I told Powell about my special abilities, and I disguised myself in the past.If Powell had told him about Philip Berners, he wouldn’t have suspected me of having the same age or name.Philip knew I was adopted, but he didn’t think there was a prince in a human trafficking cave.Whether it’s an extermination battle or a top-secret inspection, I’m lying about my name, position, clothes, past and family.

If I hadn’t met Philip in person without seeing Amlet, I wouldn’t have been afraid to be noticed.

That’s why Pride never stopped personally engaging with Amlet.

To be honest, the more pride gets along, the more Philippe wants to see Jeanne.However, as long as I’m looking for Amlet’s girlfriend with special abilities, I’m out of range.I was caught in the sight of someone else.I don’t doubt the age manipulation that I know of as a transient.

… I never thought I’d be ambushed in front of a school gate with no escape.Besides, you can’t even come to work!!

King Cedric’s brother really saved me.

If he hadn’t lent me a carriage over there, he would have certainly been caught up in the same greeting as Arthur.At least it sounded like a loud sound on campus…. as a “sudden friend” who was talking to Amlet.

In general, if he didn’t even look at my face, such as a friend over a decade ago, he wouldn’t even remember the topic.

Anyway, my brother is still rooted in his old friends.

He had a lot of trouble with the book!!

What! Why are you telling Amrett about me?

Dunn, I stumble on the floor with an unexpected slap.West’s uncle, walking in front, looked back and lied and deceived him that he had stumbled.Oh, no, now that I think about it, I can’t help it.It would have been easier to be as faceless as before.

Whatever you think, you’re making a mistake out of Amlet because you told him I was lying down so easily.

I was relieved that I hadn’t broken the rules, but honestly, the moment I realized it, I said, “Stupid!”I wanted to shout in the carriage.If Amrett had stayed down from the beginning with all my existence, he would never have been misled.

Amlet mistakenly mistakes me for being narrow because I told her about me, and she thinks I won’t “contact you at all” that I have severed my relationship with Philip and the others because of the rules, and she bought Amlet’s wrath to protect me from Amlet who despises it, and she can’t push me along Amlet’s path to avoid bothering me!!!! How many multiple accidents is he causing because of me?!!

Now, if Philip has something to say as “stale,” he’s definitely saying, “Don’t worry about me, forget to support your sister.” But… there’s no way you can say it like this.

If it were true, I’d want to be amlet’s ally more than anyone else.Why are you on my side there?I’ve never played, childhood friends, etc.A friend who only had a few things to say eleven years ago.… eleven years ago.

About me leaving suddenly without sparing a goodbye.

Since I decided to be adopted by the royal family, my father, who refused at the time, gave me a grace period.

However, I was forbidden to say anything else until the day I was taken back because I would not be targeted for kidnapping or the like, which would be the royal adoption.That’s why my mother was crying alone trying to hide it from me without being able to spit it out to anyone, and I couldn’t tell my friends or city people that I’d be adopted until the moment they took it back.

Still, I could spare if I tried.Even if I could not say goodbye, I was able to spend that minute with my friends at the time…. but I didn’t.

I gave priority to spending time with my only family, my mother, over spending time with friends and city people.My mother was the only one I chose at the end.

Instead of saying goodbye to Philip and the others, he refused all the invitations to play and the time to talk.It’s no wonder the kids think I hated Philip and the others.But I thought it would be the same if I was cut off anymore, and I was full of my head about my mother, who would be the only one before that.

And I still have no regrets about that decision.

That’s why Philip doesn’t have to cover for me.Instead, I could say worse.And I don’t know why it fits.I really appreciate your friendship with Powell, but I want you to forget about me.And because Amrett wants to be like me, it’s too complicated.I can’t do this anymore… no, no.

“Stale, once we’re separated, we’ll head for the royal family.Make sure there are no suspects in or out of King’s Landing by then. ”

Recently, I will reply with a smile to Uncle West who gave me instructions to enter the office.

I will head to the bookshelf to shake off what I just thought, and take the necessary materials one by one.

I’ve been working with Uncle West for three years.I can now see the arrangement of the materials in this office as if it were my own room.Uncle West said, “Let’s divide them,” but perhaps half an hour will have time.In the meantime, it is calculated that there is room for confirmation retrospectively up to about three months ahead if it is only King’s City.Knowing where the materials are and the merchants, vendors, and nobles who come and go on a regular basis is not such a difficult task.

“By the way, Uncle West. About your sister’s regular visit to the kingdom of Anemone.Tomorrow or the day after…. ”

“Do you want to accompany me? If we can finish all the rest of the work by today, I’ll give you permission.”

Thank you, thank you and renew the feeling that we need to finish the work ahead of us soon.

Now is not the time to be distracted by Philip or Amlet.There’s something more important than that.

Neither the student who predicted Pride nor the student who predicted Nate has been handled yet.In addition, we will be able to take specific action on what Captain Column told us.

Pride thought of it for his students.I will not have any more of the students expelled from the school.

Because I’m a family member, I don’t need to dress up.Call me Pride. ”

I am the First Prince.

Pride’s brother-in-law, his assistant, Tiara’s brother-in-law.And I’m a royal Ivy.

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