The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1132

II178. The trade prince asks.

“Oh, the messenger came this morning.”

I go to him in an unusual and bright time, and I laugh.

In front of her gaze was Val, who put his mouth directly on the bottle at the usual table, and Cefek and Chemet lined up to cheek the fruit.

He used to come to my country in the middle of the night except for deliveries to the kingdom of Anemone, but today he came to my country after noon.I don’t know if you originally intended to visit the castle, but I saw it when I was just getting down to the castle during the inspection and talking to the people, so I got on the carriage and went out with them.

At first, neither I nor Val noticed, but Sefek said to himself, “Ah!Leon!! “he pointed out, not only the people, but also the guards and knights.Sefek, who inadvertently abandoned me as the royal first prince, didn’t look disrespectful, so I immediately called them to the carriage.Thanks to Val, he was riding with his tongue shut.

Many castle guards know them, but they may be seen with bad eyes by people who don’t.As soon as I found out you knew me, my nerves eased, but I still wanted to evacuate them to the carriage without noticing.They have followed me to the castle as my escort, but I have been wearing a hood since then and the people are still unfamiliar with it.

Protect them from the kingdom of Anemone in one case of pride.Especially after the recapture war, Chemet and Sefek became more friendly than before.I think it’s the difference between heaven and earth compared to when I first invited them to the castle.I’m really glad, and I’m really glad that Sefek, who was supposed to have made the most distance from me, not Kemet, called me by name from afar…

I know quite well why she is alert to adults other than Val, especially men, and I can see how much it has changed for me to speak up.I didn’t even look at my name until a little while ago, but even after I evacuated them in the carriage, my cheeks relaxed spontaneously talking to the people.Thanks to this, some of the women fluttered and collapsed along the way, but I couldn’t afford to weigh on myself anymore.It is more difficult to be happy than hard these days.

After I got into the carriage, Sefek and Val or Chemet were told what was wrong in the meantime, and I lay my hands on my lap and became smaller.As soon as I came in, she was really cute, as I remembered, with her little lips pointing out, “What I hadn’t taught at school yet.”Because of my mind, I feel that the technique is a bit similar to that of Tiara.

He invited me to the castle because it was a corner, and unexpectedly Val and I both rode back.I wanted to say something different about my appearance under the hood, but I put up with it until I showed him to the room.I could easily imagine jumping out of a carriage as soon as I got in a bad mood again.

So now we finally settle each other’s hips and finish the toast.

Pride was the first thing he said when he opened his mouth with a loud throat.

“It’s troublesome again,” he complained, but even from where he told me that he should have sent a letter to me, I think he is more enthusiastic than usual.

“But if you were going to come to Anemone today, I wish you would have agreed to the brief.”

Wouldn’t that save you a lot of time?I said it while tilting the glass.

Unlike those with special abilities, the messenger may just have been in the wrong place, but he’s traveling by horse.When the courier came here, the Freesian messenger, who had been forced to travel long distances, felt a little pathetic when it came to work.Our country is the closest to the King’s Capital of the Kingdom of Freesia, but it is still the same as the movement between the country and the country.

Suddenly “know” what I said, he shook the chair slightly diagonally and turned his neck wide enough to be lazy. [M]When I asked him if he was a little tired, he said he had dinner in the square once after he had finished talking with the prides yesterday. They didn’t even take a place to stay, and he almost kept delivering until he came to Japan today.

Once again, I am impressed that he is a boulder after he has already peered into our country and traveled around three neighboring countries.Chemet and Sefek may have slept on the move, but despite their special abilities, they had to take the rudder of the move because he had to stay awake all the time.

It’s a faster workload than usual, but I think he’s pretty busy telling me he has to go back to pick up the delivery and the transcript…. well, especially now.

“Still, I didn’t expect you to be there.”

Well, that’s my line, damn it.And she brought me to the princess. ”

I’m sorry, I look at him again with a smile.

His back length is the same as usual, but his body and face are different.Same as when I met him at the castle after the school tour.Far younger than usual, he is said to have been brought back to age 18 by special abilities.

Sure, he often wears a hood or mouthcloth when he goes out, and other delivery destinations won’t easily notice him as he is.Instead of accepting answers from countries other than mine, it seems that they only exchange deliveries.

Anything. He’s infiltrating as a student as part of Pride’s escort.Even Arthur, the Knights of the Kinshasa, has a real secret and a thorough escort of the Freesian kingdom to rejuvenate them for escorts.Pride and grade are different, but it is comfortable to have someone in a position to help her while hiding her identity when something happens in the same school.

He seems to be busy with the short amount of time he can devote to his work, saying that delivery is done gradually after school for undercover.For that reason, I think today and tomorrow without school would be a valuable time for him to concentrate on his work.In that way, I feel a little bit proud that it was only for him that he stopped by Anemone on a whim that our country became the next easiest place after Freesia.

As it stands now, it may be easier for the kingdom of Anemone to spend less time with people who know themselves than in their own country, which usually has a bare face.

Looking at him silently while thinking so, he raised his eyebrows as if he had noticed my gaze. [M]What the hell are you looking at? I knew the intention clearly without saying it.I tried to deceive you, but at the next moment, there was no honest laughter.

“Eighteen… It’s strange that I’m older now.”

“… for me, Teme is still a kid.”

Throwing up, he turned his face away from me and leaned the bottle at once. [M]

Originally he was going to hide it, or I didn’t know anything about his infiltration, but even considering that he visited the kingdom of Anemone after accidentally knowing it, he might be wondering if it’s good now that he already knows it.Not to mention whether he had intended to visit the castle from the beginning, but he still cannot think of the possibility of seeing me frequently under the castle.Until the last time I saw him, I never saw him in Anemone, not even in the Kingdom of Freesia.

Ning Rong, the delivery from the Kingdom of Freesia was not Val, but rather from ordinary messengers, and I think they avoided it to hide the situation.Now that I know about it, I think I’m lucky to know about his situation, because this is how the break came to visit me.He will have difficulty going to the familiar shop with his appearance, and today I would like you to take a drink as well as an apology for disturbing my sleep at work.

“Speaking of which, what about Sefek and Chemet?Are you with me at school? ”

Unplug the new bottle and place it in front of him.

I also tasted another sip of the glass and waited for their response, and after swallowing the fruit in my mouth, the two of them turned to me without looking at each other.

“Sefek is in middle school, I am in primary school, and Val is in high school, so it is fragmented.But it’s with the delivery. ”

“Val told us to pretend to be someone else at school.Don’t look for the Lord, and don’t talk to him if you notice. ”

I wanted to see the children of the Lord!And Cefek glanced at Val with his triangular eyes, displeased, and said, “I want to see it too!”She shouted.

Apparently they haven’t seen Pride yet.It was a little surprising that not only Val, but also Sefek and Chemet spent time alone at school, but I think it would be really happy to be close even if they were away.

When I told them, who were intrigued by the appearance of the pride students, that “all three of them were very cute”, Sefek said, “Not good!!” first.Chemet asked for details about what she looked like in the past, and until then she consciously tied her mouth to a boulder that could not be said right now.

When I apologized for not being able to say it without permission from Pride and the others, they were both visibly disappointed.Val laughs slightly pleasantly at the appearance.In this state, it seems that he is the only one who knows Pride from the guards’ side…. and yet…

“Just pretend to be someone else.”

I repeat Sefek’s words in my head.

I don’t know if he said that as it is, but it is very impressive how naturally the word “swing” came out of their mouths.And even if Val returns the word “uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

That’s all they know about each other.Though it may be natural for me to know that we have been together for three years.

They look at each other again, feeling their faces smile naturally.Sefek, who just noticed Val laughing spirally, said, “What!I was just hanging the water from the front.I was a little surprised at first, but now I’m familiar with it.

Chemet stood up in a hurry and offered Val a napkin.While wiping his face with his sleeves, Val also reached out with only Chemet’s voice and grabbed it and brutally wiped his face.I think it’s really the usual sight. That’s funny.They seem to have more dormitory life after school starts, but I’m sure this relationship won’t change.Above all, I don’t want you to change me.

“I hope you make good friends at school.The opportunity to make friends of your age is certainly precious. ”

“I’m done!”

With confidence in my words, Sefek’s eyes were shining. [M]

I also heard about the last time I was an honorary student, but that’s all I know is that school is a really good time.”That’s the story again,” said Val, tired and vocal, placing a wet cloth in the corner of the table and drinking up all the rest of the bottle.

In his present eighteenth form, Sefek and Chemet look like brothers and sisters who are usually close.There is nothing strange about having a fourteen-year-old brother and sister…. no, Chemet and Val are still a little too far apart.Royalty and nobility are not uncommon in many ways.


“… Chemet, what’s wrong?”

Val unexpectedly turned his gaze away from Sefek.

Turning to his voice to catch me, he stood in his seat to hand Val the napkin, and he still stood beside Val without returning to his seat.

Looks like he was leaning on the floor, and he was very energetic in Val’s words, “No!”and raised his face. My sleepy hair bounced.

He hurriedly went back to his seat, saying that he was blurred.And he sat right next to Sefek, and she said, “What’s the matter?”Chemet smiled and shook his neck sideways.I wonder if he didn’t get that much sleep while on the move.

“Would you like to stay?It doesn’t matter if it’s my room or my guest room. ”

“That kind of dialogue comes out when you can say it to the Lord.”

I said I wouldn’t tell Pride, and I shrugged him with one word. [M]

Grabbing a new bottle of wine, he put it on the table once without mouth.I thought I’d go home, and I stretched my neck toward Chemet, who was sitting between them.

When I called out Chemet, who was obsessed with chewing the fruit on the plate as if distracted, the shoulders of Chemet, who had just stabbed the next bite with a fork, rose and fell visibly.The appearance caught on a little, but it seemed a little unusual for Val to open his mouth wider to Kemet as he turned his shoulders up.When Val opened his mouth and gave him the fruit stabbed with a fork without saying anything, he was eaten with a bite of bakri.As a result, Kemet’s strong expression became brighter and brighter.

“Sweet,” followed by Val, who says only one word about the taste, and Cefek and “Me too!The fruit on the same plate was chemet.It was always Chemet who broke his face happily and offered Sefek a sip of fruit.

As if nothing had happened, the next time he asked for a bottle of wine, Sefek offered Chemet “ahn” fruit.Kemeto cheeked the tip of the pak and fork with a small mouth, which seemed to taste many times as good as eating with his own hands.

“… tomorrow Pride will come to Japan for a regular visit.How about you, too? ”

“Hate, I just told you yesterday.More importantly, it seems that Teme has done something with the red-haired guardian. ”

It is presumed that the word “redhead” refers to the column.

In principle, he has red-haired hair rather than red-haired hair, but he is the only one with red hair who is the guardian of pride.Column, and I think about it at Prince Stale’s birthday.Then I think that’s why Pride wanted a regular visit today and tomorrow.I didn’t mind reporting it from the mouth of the column, but perhaps you were reluctant to let me know.Well, it was the shape I got involved in, and it would be more appropriate to talk to me in that sense.

It wasn’t a big deal, and Val pointed at me with a bottle of wine after he snorted his throat.

“You know what I mean?Temee will be in trouble again. ”

“Of course, that’s what I wanted.Aren’t you, too? ”

I’ll try to hit him with one hand with a face that looks more troublesome than anyone. [M]

As soon as he did so, he whispered a big tongue and stripped his teeth like teeth, “Don’t go with Teme.”I drank more than half of the bottle at once.When I opened the new liquor and put it in front of him, the lazy man barely got up after stretching out. [M]

When I asked him if he was going, he replied in one hand that he had just opened the bottle.I re-wrapped the hood and mouthcloth so that no one in the castle who remembered his face would notice the change in age.Sefek and Chemet, who emptied the plates, got out of their seats and followed him.

I regretted having to drink shorter than usual, but he’s still on his way to work, and it would be nice if I thought I had official business. [M]I turned my back on him and told him to drive me off the door and say, “See you again.”

Chemet and Sefek also said, “Sorry to bother you!He waved at me again.The baton and the door were closed once by the guards in the hallway, and the maids who had been holding their breath came in to clean.

“Well… I guess I should get back to work.”

Nhh, stretch your arms above your head, inspired by Val’s stretching.

I’ve had a little too much rest, but I think I can concentrate on the rest of my work.

Looking out the window, the light of the high sun was spreading into the room.If the maid opens the window to ventilate the aroma of alcohol, a pleasant breeze will come in.Tomorrow, when I thought that Pride would come to our country with this wind, the token and chest began to grow.

Teme will be in trouble again.

“… I’m looking forward to it.”

Fufu and no smile, I stepped into the office for work with my nose mixed.

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