The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1134

And I decide.

“Well, as long as Lord Ankerson and the innocent students aren’t targeted.I wonder if those are the two things that need urgent attention…? ”

There is no problem if only those two are resolved while Nate is at least working on them.I can solve the remaining problems even after I’ve finished my undercover visit.Find out what happened to Nate, rescue him if necessary, and then start searching for the last target……… nobody.


As soon as I thought about it, one person passed my head.

As Stale and the others nod, I feel my smile harden.Even though the body does not move, there is no spare time for blinking in the sense that only thought is playing back at a high speed with great momentum.Tiara and the others noticed the sudden pause with a smile and called out a few seconds later.

Shit, I thought a little too much and shook my head and laughed back, “Nothing.”Anyway, it’s okay with you as long as Prime Minister Gilbert and the others are working together.Now that I’m even pausing the search for the target, I tell myself that Nate is the one I should think about the most.But even if you don’t have more time than the first one, if you’re wrong about the priority here, you won’t be able to see it.

Having finished eating fruit, I now reach out for a plate of confectionery that is rare in Japan.My assistant, Stale, noticed and put it on the plate again.

Thank you, and then I looked at Leon from the front.I still have my requirements.

“And, Leon, I have a personal favor to ask of you….”

For three days from school to today, it was the result of working with wisdom to the fullest.

All this is better than me.

When I corrected my posture in front of the plate where the confectionery was placed, Leon extended his spine from the sofa to respond immediately.I don’t know, it’s a nice tone, but the look is serious.When the emerald eyes were straight, they showed me my face, which was powerful.

Stale and Tiara, who we haven’t talked about yet, called me small.Tiara leans her neck and peeks at me, and Stale looks at me with her face on the front and enters the corner of her vision at the same time.

“Also, I would like you to visit Japan several times under the name of school tours and… regular visits to me.Of course, after the case has settled down. ”

“? Of course. That’s why Prince Stale planned the next school visit.”

“Yes, and… well, one more thing… I know that I really have to ask Leon, the first prince of one country, to do this…!!!!”

I bought something really impolite while saying it, and I put my hands on my lap as much as I could on my shoulders.

Talk to Leon about Nate the other day.I can only say that I predicted a boy named Nate because I can’t say all the settings of the game yet, but Leon’s eyes have changed sufficiently with just the word “predict.”

Following Cedric, Leon is all too sudden and reckless… and more than anyone is aware of the level of involvement of the next king in such a thing.Especially for the task at hand, I found Leon’s eyes turned round and looked like crystals.

He leans down from me against that state.Still, you have to say your wish to the end, and consciously move your mouth several times to turn your tongue.Feeling like, “That’s right!I complained with a feeling that I could sit on my feet that I had never done in my previous life.

“… of course, you can refuse.Especially since we know that the latter is too rude and too difficult to ask Leon, the royal family of the kingdom of Anemone, for anything. ”

In the end, when I realized that I was sincerely appealing to you as a begging side rather than an ally, I came out with a respectful word.

I wonder if Leon was stunned for a while with his face down, or if he was angry with Leon for pulling the boulder without answering.From left to right, Stale suggested, “If that’s all, don’t ask Prince Leon,” or Tiara said, “Is there a reason?”I’m worried.I can’t say exactly yet.I don’t really know how long Nate is in that state, and there is a possibility of underdevelopment.

Above all, in the worst case scenario, the problems of our country… if you think about it on a royal scale, you will involve the First Prince in such a small problem.There is also a feeling of using it slightly, so there are some parts that are not necessary.But in Nate’s case, it’s Leon, not Cedric, who can solve both efficiently.I still want Leon to know about his future.

At least if the background was blurred beyond what Nate said yesterday in his “predictions”, Stale would tell me the reasoning, and Tiara would cover her mouth.

“… by the way, what kind of kid is that Nate?… is there something about Pride asking you to do that…? ”

It’s a natural request.

When I nodded and raised my face, Leon, who was still on the sofa, poured his gaze at me over the table.Once I swallowed my mouth, I said, “I’m still going to investigate,” and explained Nate’s “predictions.”It’s just an excerpt of the absolutely universal part of his setup, just like I explained to Stale and the others.

Depending on the situation, of course, I am also thinking of asking Leon after hearing his opinions.But… even considering his appearance, I can only think of that possibility as rare.

I heard Captain Column breathing behind my back.Looking back at the angle of his neck, he wondered if he remembered anything, but the front lip of the royal family remained tied, but his eyes revealed two characters of “convincing”.Looks like he remembers something.I wanted to ask you a few questions, but now I’m focusing on talking to Leon.

“I take full responsibility for ensuring that Leon is not in danger.However, I can’t read when it will be, and I don’t think I can wait when it comes…. ”

Please, I think I swallowed that word alone.

Although I am in a position to ask, I know very well that if I say such a thing, I can’t refuse a gentle Leon.I think Leon will have to do the rest, but I’ll keep my mouth shut.It feels bad to sue with your eyes, and you shut your eyes and feel silent waiting for the Judgment.As Stale and Tiara shut their mouths, they broke the silence that seemed to hear the sound of their breaths.

“………… fu!!…… fufufu… haha!”

“… Leon?”

Leon’s. It sounded like a fun laugh.

Following Stale, I never thought I’d hear Leon laughing in a situation like this, but I just kept blinking.When I looked at Leon with an open eye with his mouth open, he was distracted from me in front of me, twisting his body like Stale had just done. He covered his mouth with one hand.A giggle tells me that trembling shoulders are not angry.You can see that the complexion is slightly flushed to thrive on smooth, pale hair.I thought I’d made you angry if I didn’t hear this laugh.

You lean your head to the left and right again and again without knowing what’s stuck to the gloves.As I asked, I threw a gaze at Tiara and Stale, and Tiara returned with a smile and a shoulder-shrinking motion.They both seem to know.

This time, despite asking, Leon couldn’t stab me cheerfully. After waiting for a while for Leon to stop laughing, Leon looked back and said, “I’m sorry.”Leon, who looks slightly tearful, seems to have endured a lot of laughter.Leon laughs “a little surprised” after removing the water droplets at the end of his eyes with his fingertips, and his neutral appearance stands out and looks cute.

“I didn’t think Pride would ask you to do that…. happy.”

Fufu, Leon’s cheeks are in a good mood again, and my head is tilted extra.

If it’s still “funny”, I know, but why is it “happy”?But I wonder if this meant that you agreed with me.And while I was thinking about it, Leon said, “By the way, Prince Stale?The client also proceeds with the conversation, saying, “I would be happy if it were the wish of Princess Pride.”

“I’ll ask my father.Could it have been two weeks before Pride’s visit?In the meantime, as a precaution, I’d be fine if I stayed in Japan. ”

“Yes, I’ll handle it responsibly.”

“Please come and visit school many times.Then I will definitely be with you as the second princess! ”

And Tiara!

I can’t say a word about the gentleness that pushes up my predictions diagonally.Now I’ve done quite a bit of indifference to my First Prince!!

Yet, in front of me, there were three people who were far from being considered or contemplated and who smiled back into the tea party.It seems that this baked sweet is popular with women. Really, my sister would like to see it, but the air is completely coming back.I couldn’t say anything with my jaw off while Stale was spreading baked sweets on me and Tiara’s plate.After listening to the sound of the small plate landing on the table, I managed to squeeze out the words “Is it good…?It was a quote.

And then Leon changed his angle so that he could look straight at me slowly from above, and then smiled.I was called “pride” with a gentle voice, and once I came, I also put my strength into my spine.The next time you can’t imagine what they’re going to say, the tension just stretches out from inside your body.

It’s kind of like a prince.


A glorious smile came from Leon with incredible fragrance.

Even though it is daytime, it stops breathing in a faint and strong light that is as if it were even moonlight.The movement of gently applying the tip of your index finger to your mouth is extra bad for your heart.All at once, the circulation of blood got faster and I turned to my eyes.

If I had the dishes, I would feel a strong color enough to think I definitely dropped them.On the evidence there was a sound of a fork being dropped from Tiara, who was about to cheek baked confectionery.It seems that Tiara was also exposed to aftershocks of colour.

Why are you smiling like that here?!

Instead of being able to breathe, he shouted so in his head.Stale and Captain Column were worried and called out, but it seemed that his face was already hot and he was suffering from heat stroke.I want colder water than warm tea only now.

“Like” and nothing, Leon is a true and perfect prince!

I can’t make words because my tongue is numb.At this close range, that glorious smile is more fierce than a blade.My heart is pounding and bothering me.

“I wouldn’t turn down an ally’s request.Rather, I would say that I would definitely want to think about the future.I can trust you if you introduce me to Pride. ”

Fufu, there is no word to return to Leon who keeps talking without worrying about the severity of Tiara and me.

“Thank you very much…” she said, calming her heart as she leaned against each other.I heard a bright voice back, but I couldn’t afford to look at my face.

“I’m looking forward to seeing Pride in a bit more time.”

Leon said that with a pleasant voice that seemed to sing a nose song, and then called the maid outside the room to make the cold water easier.

Prime Minister Gilbert, Captain Column, and Val have decided to join more allies here.

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