The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1135

The store owner gives up.

“Sorry about the shop. Please get back out.”

The customers who drank it all night also worshipped the morning sun and paid.

Mornings and nights got used to life the other way around, but because it was buried in the basement, only the light on the ground leaking from the door blew into my eyes.

Suddenly he turns his back towards an open door from the outside, wearing a mop to the corner, wrapping up broken liquor and glass fragments.I was stunned and exhaled before I saw whether I wanted to drink it from the morning.I run a tavern in front of me, but I don’t drink in the morning, day, or night when I’m immersed in a backstreet like this.

I earn worse than my previous job, but as a tavern, my customers are stable.It was not unusual to have guests outside these hours, especially in the back world.But we’re already in the middle of something.I took off the prolapse and hung it on my waist. I crushed the cigar I had been sucking on and threw it away.I don’t want to fight anybody until tonight.

Clean up the roughness appropriately as usual, put it together until noon, and prepare for the evening.Purchases are ordered at the same time.It was obvious that the door was not even open by the vendor, even with his back pointed.

I don’t know if you’re drunk or hungry for alcohol in the morning or at night.While I was studying it properly, the signs behind it remained standing.

“… Bayle Rutherford, the owner of the illegal casino, is he now hiding in the basement?”

The moment the name was called, my shoulders stretched before I thought.

There are only a few people who can tell me all my names.And it soon became clear to me that I didn’t want alcohol stopping by here for a man who obviously knew my past.

Looking back at the mop, an elegant man wearing a hood from head to head pointed his eyes at me like an old well.Her eyes, which are the same color as the light light light blue hair that hangs from the bottom of her clothes, are terribly cloudy.

If you feel as if you have seen some tsura, you can trace your memory to one of the customers of the previous store.Except for the eyes, however, there was a strange feeling of discomfort in the shingle.

Asked him straight with his face full of humor, the man moved his mouth even further with his mud eyes open.

“Have you forgotten? Well, it won’t be impossible.I met you at the trial two years ago. ”

The word “trial” drew back bad memories of chest crap at once.

The light-blue hair that struck me down in the trial and the cold face of the Prime Minister with his long, sliced eyes just burned freshly into my brain.

With your mouth stunned open, you can’t say a word, and even the blink of an eye can’t stay stuck.He’s a good customer, he’s the bastard who read my charges at trial.

All the funds, shops, customer information and transactions were quickly found and put to trial.Without even asking for one delusion, if I noticed, I was exposed to everything from the back connection to the hidden money.Had it not been for the rumored prime minister who was involved in the trial at that time, he would not have been punished or punished.

Casino management that earned as much as every night.

Even if I kept quiet, some money was flowing in on my own.If the duck hadn’t rolled in, it wouldn’t have made a lot of money, but it was easier than it is now.They are also connected on a fairly large scale, and even after being taken away thanks to you, rumors and information don’t bother customers.Even if I circulated alcohol and information, I would have been able to live with the old connection and open the job introduction.

I don’t want to cross the dangerous bridge again. I’m satisfied with this life now, but it’s definitely the prime minister in front of me who broke down the fortune I built once.

At the time, I learned at the trial that he was the mastermind of the expulsion because he had arranged the trial of a child villain like me.

“… what can I do for you, Chancellor?This is not a court. ”

Looking down, I noticed that my mouth wanted a cigar.

The great man who appeared in front of me got his hands wet.I don’t know, this time I’m going to cut out this tavern.Haven’t you done enough for the Chancellor to carry his legs around?You’ll feel better if you take it from me.

Feeling a cold sweat and sucking a cigar from his pocket, the prime minister climbed up to the back of the shop before setting it on fire.

When he stops at the table closest to me, he finds something in his pocket.If I hadn’t been Prime Minister, I would have backed off thinking I’d even brought a gun, but there was only one sack out.I immediately realized what was inside the audible sound that I could hear over the cloth.

“I want you to sell the information.Everything we ask for. ”

You’ll get as much as you want.The continuing Prime Minister seemed to be able to speculate that I also handled products other than alcohol.

Huh? Then I heard a big voice across my shoulder.If you don’t take full advantage of my business, you’ll want to buy it instead of picking it up.

I don’t think it’s a trap from the excision two years ago.I don’t intend to cross such a bad bridge that the Chancellor will feed on him personally.The handling itself, including trafficking in human beings, also handles illegal information and referrals, but I don’t remember being used in such a distant way of exploration.If this prime minister is serious, he can crush my shop in an instant with power.In fact, the casino two years ago was just one night.

Bullshit, I don’t want to sell it to Teme. I yelled at him enough to spit on him to get his ass back home, but the Prime Minister still didn’t move.

Though I thought I’d just hang out with a small bag exposed to defenselessness, I’d cut through the extra money sooner rather than later.

He left, he was killed, but he stared down at the Prime Minister and kicked an empty bottle at his feet.No matter how much you intimidate the Prime Minister, the sound of broken glass will not move a single expression.You keep saying to me, “I’ll pay you if you want” and “I don’t mind if I multiply it.”I don’t know what kind of information you want, but more importantly, I’m selling this guy shit.

Explore something else from your pocket before searching for fire with a cigar in your mouth.No matter how many prime ministers you are, it doesn’t make sense to be a person when you come to the underground alone.

“All the information about the special abilities.And I want you to continue to explore all the information from the general public about the special abilities of lower-level underemployment and human trafficking.Three times the price… no, four times the price. ”

“Can’t you see you’re going home?”

Waving from his pocket, he threw a knife at the Prime Minister’s throat.

I don’t want to get involved with a dangerous guy who is troublesome and uncomfortable with the Prime Minister, and I’m supposed to be cuter than money.

It’s not a fake. When I gently pressed the edge of the blade against the throat, the blood was easily transmitted.With a lowly throat like this, you can easily kill a gentle shake here.With that in mind, he looked under the hood, but the prime minister didn’t change his complexion.

I thought it was darker than before, but I didn’t even change my expression.Only the light blue eyes that moved were pointed at the knife that was pointing at his neck.

“… excuse me”


I didn’t feel anything. At the same time, a dull shock ran into my belly.

Your head finally understands that the moment you exhale, your stomach is poked.I can’t think of a thin body. It was a sharp blow, but it was his hand that stabbed him in the stomach, not a knife or anything.

I don’t think it’s a fist, but the sharp poke of my hand will break through my internal organs, and the knife will come off my hand and kneel.I couldn’t believe my body couldn’t stand being beaten by a drunken undertaker or being used to being sidetracked.

The guards or the knights would have looked up at the prime minister with their bloody eyes, but the only man there was still a man who looked at me with his muddy eyes.Looking desperately for air, he pressed his painful stomach like a broken cigar or a dropped knife to get better.

Even if I open my mouth for nothing, I can’t suck it up well.You’re desperate to breathe one breath while drooling your saliva in a cough mix.The floor that should have been wiped roughly is dirty again.

What the hell is going on?This is the rumored Prime Minister’s special ability, and the moment he slightly turned his head in thin breath, he was now trampled on his rounded back.

Becca, there’s no explanation for your lack of physical strength. It’s crushed by your strength.I can’t figure out why this man has such power.

When you try to pull the other one out of your back, you are noticeably grabbed by your right hand behind your back and twisted and sealed by each joint.The second knife was also recovered while the fingers convulsed, raising their voices to the pain running through their shoulders.The cloth that was wrapped around the forehead in search of breath was hit on the floor, and the hair was dripping.The eagle grabbed her hair from the top of her head and politely hit her to lick the floor from her face this time.Cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer and an inorganic feeling like pushing on paper repeatedly hit me and broke my forehead.

“All the information about the special abilities.And I want you to continue to explore all the information from the general public about the special abilities of lower-level underemployment and human trafficking.I’ll pay you four times the price.I want you to hide my identity and gather it behind closed doors. ”

It doesn’t matter if it’s just rumors or a list of trafficked goods, so I lined up the words like I said earlier without feelings.

Feeling the blood coming to my eyes from the cloth that I couldn’t breathe, I tied my teeth.Even if you want to raise your face and stare at it, if you raise your jaw on this spot, your teeth will be broken into bones this time.I don’t know why this is happening to me.Wasn’t he just a prime minister?

“All I want is the information you collect.I’m not interested in this shop or your business right now.But if you can’t help me… I’ll narrow down even the information I have now. ”

The prime minister’s words were barely in my head when I spoke indifferently.

However, at the end of the day, the voice like the bottom of the earth dropped sharply…. moments. Severe pain in my feet.

Aahhhhhhhhhh, I can’t even think about what the pain is, so I rip my throat.When I tried to roll it into too much pain, I was slipped and weighed down on my back and sealed.The castle official literally laid me down.I regret that I built a shop in the basement just now.

Neither the Prime Minister nor I could cry or cry for help.Beyond the Prime Minister’s closed door, you can’t even reach the ground.

Forcefully open your squeezed eyes for memorable moisture and pain running all over your body.The first knife that had just rolled away had disappeared.I realized that you stabbed me after I kept screaming.

“I’ll give it back. Well, it’s not deep, so if you stop the bleeding, you won’t die.It will be a necessary foot to turn around the store, but it is not necessary to narrow down the information…. as long as your head stays. ”

Your whole body is running scared.

I brought out the knife, but I was the Prime Minister rather than retaliate like this.I don’t even want to know what I’m going to do with the word “head”.The more I forgot to scream for a moment, the drier my throat, the smaller the pin and the stabbed knife cut through the flesh.Even the movement of the finger was severe pain on the screwed leg.The only time I was able to hold my fist with both hands safely, I hit the floor and resisted the pain, and now I was rubbed on my shoulders from above.

“From my shoulders… but I don’t mind.Could you throw up about once before that?If you can’t do that, there’s no use for you anymore. ”

Speaking indifferently, the hand stroking your shoulder creeps up.

From the base of his neck, he rises like a snake, sending his jaw dirty with saliva and blood, and his fingers stroke his cheeks.I forgot to scream sometime, even though I’m not a woman, if my hair feels like a thin finger.Instead, a thin sound was leaked, strangely sharpening the sense of each of the Prime Minister’s fingers.Your whole body is stretched to the cheekbones, and you can stroke your head and stop breathing on the feeling of being caught simultaneously on your ears.

“All you have to do is put a little force into your hands and turn your head in the opposite direction…. would you like to try it? ”

He’s crazy.

I understand that this is not an end to intimidation.

All right, I’ll give it to you, I’ll do what I say, I’ll give you all the information you have, and I’ll roll it up instead of begging as I can imagine.I’m sure the next moment this guy’s in a little bit of a mood, my neck will be broken into a thin hand.

If you complain together with your spitting breath, you’ll be able to pull the cloth out of your arms.Instead, he held his shoulders up again and dropped the order with a low voice, saying, “So, information.”

I don’t work well with pain. I desperately squeeze my head and turn my tongue to information about special abilities as much as I can think of.

I chewed my tongue several times as soon as I got into my mouth to cause severe pain.Still, I kept vomiting, and eventually I rolled up the rumor that there were no roots or leaves.If it is not enough, I will look for it as a priority in the future. I will give you the list of products, so I will look for special abilities on my own. If I scream enough to lose my breath from my stomach, I will finally be released from the weight of my back.

The merchandise list is heard in a waveless voice and tells the counter where to hide without even thinking about whether it is a trap for picking up anymore.

When I crawled to the floor to get the most worthwhile list storage, which I couldn’t explain with my mouth alone, my feet suddenly started to hurt again.

I cut myself with a single scream this time, but my leg pulled out the knife without saying anything, and then my whole body pulsed again.The crawling hand stops and the cloth on the forehead is pulled out from the top.Looking back at my neck, I wondered if I was still trying to squeeze something, and the prick stopped bleeding in my leg.If you are tied up with a cloth and don’t worry about bleeding to death, you will now turn your arm and lend your shoulder.

I have no further doubts about the Prime Minister walking beyond the counter while supporting my body, which is supposed to be bigger than Teme.It is carefully unloaded and freely removed from the hiding place and handed over to the roots.It was a good bunch of things in the past, but the prime minister who saw everything on the spot said to me, “That’s enough.” In a few minutes, he turned to me.

“The amount of information exceeds expectations.Again, here’s the correct answer.I’ll be in your way again at this time next month, so please keep purchasing the information. ”

Not even a knife, not a word to face.Nod like an idiot over and over again and give him back a few short positive words.In this way, life is more important than the spirit of Teme.You’d better go to the prime minister so long as you break your neck on the spot.

I look back with dry eyeballs without knowing the last time I blinked.Once the Prime Minister left me, he came back with the sachet.

Gachan, the same sound as before will be dropped in front of me.A recoil dropped from the Prime Minister’s hand saw several pieces of gold in the sachet.

“It’s a reward as promised. Add a gratuity.”

The cost of treating the injury and resting for a few days.As a matter of course, the Prime Minister took another bag out of his pocket and lined it up in front of me.

He sat on the floor and stared at it instead of the Prime Minister’s face with his back on the shelf at best.No matter how cheap the estimate was, there was ten times the price of the amount of information there.

“Alright,” said the Prime Minister in a light word. As he dressed himself, he turned his heel and disappeared in the direction he came in.Gachan, the sound of the door closing relieves you from the bottom of your heart and exhales deeply.

To some extent, I am accustomed to being rough imitated as I live in the back business.It’s not the first time I’ve been stabbed or knocked down.Post-trial penalties are huge.

But I’m sure the Prime Minister, who talks like nothing else, is crazy.We’re getting closer.

I thought it wouldn’t be strange to spit out information like this and be killed, but I was able to connect to the future for the money.I don’t know what he did to me after taking people’s property, but the payment in front of him is not bad.Above all, turning that man into an enemy would have only shortened his life.

Your fingertips are stretched out with a hand that is barely powerful.When I scratched one of the mouths of the sachet, Charlene and the gold coin fell again.

He said he was a good customer for paying me…. I felt so comfortable in my diminishing consciousness.


“They called us here at the corner.Leave the sachet. ”

At that moment, I decide to retreat.

It’s time for the tide. Turn your back on a suspicious backer and gill veil and throw it away before it’s too much trouble.

I introduced it in Tsutte, but I don’t have feelings for customers.Above all, I hated getting caught up in bloodthirsty people and getting hit by that Jill Vail.Either way, I’ll have to take care of it.

I refused to let Jill Vail and the others pull me out if it was too much trouble, and there’s no reason to hesitate here.Whichever wins, it is visible to see blood.

“Bullshit, this money is a reward.There’s no money to pay uselessly. ”

I thought it was something because I came at a different time, but I didn’t know I was looking for a fantasy capable person with only such rumors.I couldn’t find it even if I searched for a root scraper.

Until today, I’ve been spreading countless pieces of information about the psychic from one end to the next, but the man never had a happy day.What they call “fairies” are also gaining an alternative.I’ve heard similar information several times if it’s just rumors, but there’s no such convenient special abilities.

If you have a special ability to heal an injury, it’s a dream story of a fool who dreamed of being sick.The fact that the prime minister of the country was swinging around in such a conversation is a surprise in itself, but… well, even if I put it down,

“Bayle, gather as many people as you can right now.I’ll pay you first.I don’t have to choose the means, just the numbers. ”

Oh, no more.

I think so, recalling the face that became a ghost’s eye even more than when I met him the second time.

I’m sorry I was such a good customer, but that’s all.If what I was looking for with my bloody eyes was an idiot’s dream story, I couldn’t serve my purpose first.

It’s probably time for the tide to show up with such clogged rattles.They’ll kill you like that, or they’ll destroy you.Either way, it’s not the same as rolling down a hill.

I don’t think we’ll see each other again.I’ve never seen a man with such eyes live long.He was originally connected to the undercover business (this side) by the Prime Minister, but sooner or later it was visible that he would end up falling to the point of falling.It’s impossible for a mortal to come up first.

Unless the Saviors show up, it’s settled.

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