The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1136

II180. Looking for selfish girls.

“I knew it! I knew it! It was my fault…! I… I…When I was there! What if they don’t find out? ”

… who?

“Don’t say that!! Nate hasn’t done anything wrong… even though he’s been using it all…”

“That’s right, I was deceived by such a demon. I’ve always been a demon. I’ve always been grateful. I’ve always been so grateful for such a bitch. But… but, but… he took everything from me.”

… to Nate… Amlet?

A boy who drowns in tears and ties his teeth is holding his head.Her fingertips were twitching and she stood on her scalp. She shook her neck so hard that she didn’t even want to accept Amlet’s words now and raised her throat.

Amlet took his hand gently and repeated his words to him who trembled, but he still couldn’t reach.Only now will I be rejected if I stretch out my hand so as not to be hurt any more and not to blame myself any more.

Amrett tells me that it’s over and that nothing will change even if I regret it now.This is certainly the second one… and Amrett comforts Nate when he learns the truth before the final phase…… whoops.

I wish I didn’t know that.

“Nate, don’t blame yourself.You’ve only been used to deceive me.It’s not that bad. ”

“Uhhhh… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!”

Amlet hugged Nate as she screamed.

He finally fell to the floor, moaning like a lie, holding his breath until now.In an empty classroom, only the sunset that began to set illuminates them.

Zero tears fell on the floor and wetted it, creating a puddle that could not be sucked.Amlet’s knees were wet, and whatever she did, she spoke desperately to him.From the hands and bodies of a boy younger than himself, incredible screams were mixed with hatred.

Closed windows swayed in the wind, and the rattling sound resonated with his roar.

Tears soaked in Amlet’s eyes as he focused his efforts on his thin arm to divide Nate’s grief and suffering a little.I accepted all the passions of Nate, a body smaller than myself.

The two men, who are one shadow to compensate for each other’s loss, are gentle and pathetic.

… no.

Never. I won’t forgive you.

Nate is not bad. He always just wanted to help someone he cared about.

There is no better way for him to suffer than he has always worked hard to help, to get back, to repay.His most painful, more than his past.

I won’t let you trample me.


“Well, Jeanne, when we get to class, let’s go find Nate.”

School day at the end of the day off.

I smiled back at Stale’s words.

As usual, we were escorted to school by Lieutenant Eric and arrived at the school gate.

“See you after school. Jack, if anything happens to Jeanne, I won’t let you.”


I laughed bitterly at the words of Lieutenant Eric and Arthur who waved at the school gate.

Today, while I was walking from the Gilchrist family to school, I was worried about the three of them because I had fewer mouths than usual.

In the past two days, we have decided how to deal with Nate, and we have also been able to deal with Anchorson and the defective students about what Captain Column told us.I don’t run out of anxiety, mainly about Nate, but I did what I could, and I can finally talk to him directly today.You should know his situation and then decide how to proceed accordingly…. and yet, my dream of this morning is still stuck in my head.

I don’t remember what kind of dream it was, but I’ve been strangely heavy since morning.It was slightly moist when Lotte and the others woke me up and opened my eyes.

Because the story of Tiara two days ago is still on my mind, I have a bad feeling before I meet Nate.It was impossible to go through my memories in an attempt to remember me forever while I was at school.I’ve been fishing in my brain for a long time now before I went to sleep with my second memory, so it seems I couldn’t rest my head while I was asleep…. I’m rather busy again from today.

I went to the school building with Arthur and the others, taking a deep breath instead of sighing to sleep without thinking about it tonight.

“I’m sure Captain Column will be looking for you for two hours.”

I nodded at Arthur’s confirmation as he climbed the stairs through the lift in the middle school building.

Captain Column, who is a Knight’s Choice Lecturer in the 2nd and 3rd Limits, has, according to the story, already secured a hidden Nate on campus four times.The Stray Stone is the 3rd Knight Captain.

So from today on, if you find Nate, you’ll probably have a meeting with us.

In fact, rather than Nate, they discovered him as a result of volunteering to look around the school to see if the students were lurking or doing bad things.

In other words, it is possible that Nate is the only one who is bad in class, or is skipping.Otherwise, either you’re lucky enough to escape Captain Column’s eyes, or you’re lucky enough to get caught before you do…. well, from today on, there will definitely be another boycott problem in class.I’m sorry, everyone in the teacher faction.

Today, or considering the upcoming teacher’s struggle, I feel like my stomach is going to hurt and I will now hold my stomach down.And then Arthur said, “Are you okay?”He noticed very well and shouted, so he hurriedly lowered his hand to the side of his body.

We arrived at the classroom for two years and left our luggage behind before we could talk except for a morning greeting, so we went out in the hallway.You can’t be stopped by a series of guest stars like the last time.Today is the day I have to see Nate in person!!

I felt like I was called “Jeanne” when I left the classroom on a rush, but I couldn’t hear anything more.

In a hurry with Stale and Arthur, I ran down the stairs to the class of the year.We always come to school a little early, and not necessarily Nate is still in school.

A peek into the classroom revealed it wasn’t there.

Not the previous Farnham brothers, but now we’re going to ambush Nate in front of the classroom.

I couldn’t stop thinking about going into the classroom and getting out a little bit, but I realized that standing in the hallway all the time would be quite eye-catching.Moreover, in the same school year, I am still in the lower school year.

Speaking of which, even in my previous life, I felt that the difference in body construction was quite clear in one, two, or three years of middle school.Unfortunately, Arthur, who was tall in the same school year, was remarkable.Every time a year-old child looked up at Arthur as he passed by, he strayed upwards diagonally with his mouth tied to a letter.Some of them saw Arthur walking around in the school yard during the holiday, and the girl told him that he had taken a step backwards.It seems that Arthur is hot here, regardless of gender.

A boulder and an advanced student… obviously, no child talked to a taller and stronger opponent than himself, but there was no limit to the number of boys and girls looking back at us.Come quickly, Nate, to Arthur, who keeps distracting himself in a uncomfortable way!and waited for a while with that in mind, and finally

… the bell rang.

Before class starts, there’s a pre-bell.

I had to go back to the classroom and looked around.

Certainly, Captain Column said that Nate would look up every time he attended class in the morning.Even though it’s such a tight time, I’m not going to school.Within three days, I was more worried about him than about whether or not to go back to class, and my heart pulsed.When you consciously close your lips and swallow inside your mouth.

“… Jeanne, Philip, he’s in the classroom.”


I doubted Arthur’s words when I once again peeked into the classroom that I should have just seen.

Sure, I checked the inside of the classroom when I first arrived, and then I stuck in front of the door of the classroom and kept an eye on it for a long time. I shouldn’t have missed it.

However, if you let me peek at the door of the classroom, there was certainly Nate’s back there.Popular seating behind the window. Not only me, but also Stale’s eyes became rounded and stunned.

Arthur said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see it properly…!”Apologize, but it’s more of a problem for us who missed it when we were supposed to have watched it properly.

“Certainly wasn’t there when I checked earlier…!”

It seemed strange that Stale couldn’t believe his eyes.I think so, too, to him who wrinkles between his eyebrows while pressing the black edge of his glasses with his fingers.

Nate is one of those kids in the same school year, but that’s why I don’t think I’ll miss it.It is strange to have three people passing through one of the targets, and if you look at him like this, he brings a large inflated backpack today.

No matter how low he is, his appearance, including that backpack, will definitely stand out.

I wanted to assault Nate right away, but I don’t have time for class anymore.

“Jeanne, I know it’s a shame, but this is where the class starts.”

“Next time, let’s definitely catch him!”

Take the words of Stale and Arthur and squeeze your lips hard.I really think it’s okay to be late for class just for now, but I don’t think so.But even in the classroom, I have a yellow card from a teacher or a student in the sense that I stand out.

Ugh, suppressing our desire to speak up to Nate, we decided to go back to our classroom once.This time, I swear to my heart, when I’m done with my first shot, I’ll attack Nate.

And then think about it.

… I wonder why I’ve never been able to secure a teacher other than Captain Column.

Of course, teachers were busy, and it was convenient to switch classes and move classrooms.However, it is unlikely that the person in charge will pay any attention to the Nate who is always present in the morning.

After attending, you can call and preach a little bit, or if you’re not, if you’re such a prominent child, and the information is shared between teachers, the passing teacher will say, “Where are you going?It’s no wonder who secured it.And yet Captain Column couldn’t catch him at all.

“Is that what Jeanne was talking about…?”

“No, but whatever it is, just walk right in front of us and you’ll notice something.”

I also thought to Stale and Arthur as I went back to the classroom with my quick feet.

As for Nate, Arthur, who was on a rest day, also shared it with the Kintetsu Knight.Arthur also knows about Nate’s settings that I talked about, so I know what Stale is saying.

Sure, there’s a lot of potential, but at least it’s not being talked about in the game… but there’s no other way for him to get back to class without us noticing.

After all, we slipped into our classroom without thinking.Since the teacher was already standing in front of the table, he sat in a hurry with his head down.

After the next short period, Stale and Arthur should not go to see Nate because they are moving classes in boys’ elective classes.I wonder if the next opportunity is lunch break…. all the school students get messed up on campus during lunch break.

Well then, I’ll take a seat.

Hearing the teacher’s words, I dropped my shoulders.

Today, I’m frustrated by my mission to find Nate and my anxiety about what to do if I can’t even get in touch with her again.

And this day, we came to understand why no teacher other than Captain Column had ever caught him.

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