The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1137

II181. Advance selfish girls.

“Jeanne! Jack! Burners! I’m really sorry about the other day!!”

After a limited time, Amrett jumped out of the front seat before Stale and Arthur stood in the moving classroom.

Immediately after Professor Robert announced the end of the class, it was unusual for Amlet to be so loud as to resonate with the classroom that it attracted the attention of the whole class.Without even the usual prints and writing equipment, the rushing amlet bowed his head deeply before us and apologized again.

“I’m really embarrassed to get involved in family problems…I’ve kept you waiting for so many knights to pick you up, and the Berners are taking up time because you’re not feeling well…. ”

“Don’t worry about it, Amlet.Lieutenant Eric doesn’t care, and Philip will be fine once he’s rested. ”

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, and I’m desperate to repeat my words to Amlet, who politely apologizes one by one.

With a smile on his palms, Amlet finally raised his head a little bit.It seems that the white skin is dyed bright red sometime.The colour was clear up to the tip of her ear, and I knew exactly how much she had been unwilling for the past two days.

Maybe even though I wanted to say it a long time ago, we were not there for as long as we could, so it is possible that we rubbed our minds too much.I can’t believe we kept Jeanne waiting while we were waiting for Nate.

Arthur slowly stood up in front of Amlet, who was still leaning to hide his red face even as he raised his face.Stale then stood and slightly repositioned to hide behind Arthur.Poppy, hot air was coming out of her head, and even when she raised her face, her hands layered in front of her were trembling slightly.Arthur lightly raises his hand with “um” in front of her.

“They’re fine, too. I’m glad to know that Powell has a good friend.We’re in a mobile classroom, so don’t worry about Jeanne and teach Amlet to study again. ”

Now, politely, he lowered his head from Arthur’s side and turned his arm around Stale’s shoulder, pulled behind him.

I said, “Let’s go,” and Stale lowered his head and walked together.Surprised that he was flushed away, Amrett raised his face and chased Arthur and Stale like he was in a hurry.It was Arthur who twisted his body and looked back at Amlet as he tried to rush over with his thin feet.

“Please continue to get along with Jeanne.We will continue to eat with Powell. Thank you very much. ”

With a clear tone, he once again lowered his head deeply to Amlet.

At the end, he tapped Stale with his arms twirled to indicate that he agreed.As he nodded to Amrett so that he could understand, Arthur took Stale to the moving classroom early.When it comes to Amlet, Arthur is more reliable than usual.

It’s the same age now, but seeing this kind of thing makes me realize that he is the biggest brother among us.I’m really glad you had Arthur on your tail.Arthur has always been there between Amlet and Stale, and I’m glad Stale has someone to rely on…. well, that’s how difficult it is for me to rely on my sister.

“Um… are you sure Philip isn’t angry either…?It’s so annoying to keep you waiting even though you’re not feeling well, and you have the same name as my brother….. ”

After Arthur and the others completely disappeared from the door, Amlet turned to me with a still anxious look.

My bright red face calmed down a little, but I’m still worried that Stale didn’t tell me anything.Eflon, oniisama is a bit bitterly laughing at you, but I’m sure it’s because you’re a brother and sister.

Above all, Stale and Eflon oniisama are the exact opposite of the type, which is why Amrett and Stale may have been embarrassed.But oniisama herself was a very good person, and I don’t think they would be embarrassed.

“It’s okay. Philip wasn’t really angry either.I was just a little surprised that it had the same name as oniisama.Don’t worry about it. ”

She laughed at Amlet, who made her face anxiously strong.

In fact, Stale is not mad at Amlet at all.Since he got to the castle, he’s focused on school and Nate as if he had changed his mind, and I’m sure he’s going to continue to distance himself from Amlet.

Instead of wearing a name, it’s actually more accurate that Stale imitates it.More than that, when I opened my mouth again to take care of her.

“Good morning, Jeanne! Amlet!”

A healthy boy’s voice jumped in like a bounce.

Looking back with Amlet, the same face came into the classroom with a bunch of paper in one hand as I thought. The Farnham brothers.

My brother, Dios, rushes over at a light pace and Chloe walks slowly behind him.A thick bunch of paper was also held in his hand as he shouted, “I’ll fall” and gave up slightly.

I hear you brought me a printout of the exam I was telling you about.While I was making that decision, the next moment Dios rushed towards me, holding me with his hands open.

I was hugged!!, and even though I’m a little used to it, my back turns against the momentum.I was able to hold Dios with my arms around his back to catch him, but unfortunately, I’m not the same as Cedric, so I think I’ll fall down and hit my head on the floor someday.

“I brought this as promised!And I bought my sister, Chloe and a notebook on my holiday.So, I wrote about last week’s class and I wanted Jeanne to see it…. ”

“Dios, stop hugging Jeanne and tell her how many times.Look, Amrett is also amazed. ”

I’m sorry, but Dios was honest with me when he reprimanded me.

I was worried about Croy’s words, and when I looked at Amlet, it looked more like a half-laugh than a daze.She looks at me and Dios with her eyes wide open.”Good morning,” he remembered, returning it to Dios in small words, and he said, “Good morning!”she replied with a smile.

At the next moment, as she tried to hold Amlet with her hands wide open, Chloe grabbed the back of her neck and stopped.”Not for the other girls,” he said, lowering Amlet’s shoulders with her breath as she relieved herself.

I think it would be enough for Eflon Oniisama to bring him here if he knew.

“We don’t have much time, so let’s get started.Amrett, get me some test papers and stuff. ”

As she noticed Amrett, telling Crowe to lower her hips to an open chair nearby, “Ah, yeah!He rushed back to his seat.She takes the print out of the back.Meanwhile, Croy was next to me, and Dios lowered his hips to the seat opposite me.

And he was standing on a stick from his seat and he said to me, “Jeanne, don’t you want to sit down?”said Dios.At the very least, I wanted to stand and wait until Amrett came back, but then Chloe told me, “What, you want to look down at us?” and I decided to lower my hips first.Sure, it would be the only way to look down at two taller people than I am now.

Amlet, who came back with a bundle of strength tests, sat opposite me in my diagonal seat and the study group finally began.

Amrett also asked me whether it was still difficult to tell oniisama in front of the two of them, or whether it was a problem that I didn’t understand in the usual way.

“It’s a matter of calculation here… how did Jeanne and the others solve it here?I’m going to take a lot of time, so I’ll put it behind me. ”

“Yes, this calculation. Instead of calculating everything together…”

“Ah, the one Chloe was mad at Jill for.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Mostly in the form of the Farnham brothers observing what I explained to Amlet.

Sometimes Dios receives “Ah, that’s right” before I run out, so sometimes I’m a little helpful to be sorted out and taught.If you teach this kind of thing yourself, it becomes a commentary while thinking, and it becomes a phenomenon that you often say, “I don’t know what you don’t understand”, so it is very easy to progress when you take a step back and see how you are teaching to study.

It was very impressive to see Dios, who was supposed to have been taught to study almost from scratch until now, actively teaching Amlet to study.I wonder what it feels like for a teacher to fly out of a nest.

And Chloe said, “Jeanne, can you check this out because we can teach you from here?When I looked at the notebook they gave me, it contained a very detailed description of the class that I would have studied in their class last week.Somewhere in the world, characters with a slightly different writing appeared frequently, and I think it’s probably a Croix character.I mean, it’s a collaboration between the two of us.

Although both letters are similar, I remember that the habit is slightly different because I noticed both Stale and I at the special students’ study party.The writing habits are still similar, but Dios tends to get bigger and closer to round letters than Chloe.And Chloe writes more diagonally, or unexpectedly closer to beating than Dios.Maybe the letter itself was taught by Farnum onee-sama, but… onee-sama’s letter was so thin and detailed that it was easy to understand at first glance, so I’m sure they practiced it themselves after teaching the basics.

“Well, I thought the answer to this question… was the” kingdom of anemones “…”

“Ah, that’s the catch. The neighbors are also” old allies of the kingdom, “and the alliance with the kingdom of Anemone itself is quite recent.

“? But wasn’t it the oldest relationship?My teacher told me that he had an old relationship with Anemone in the last history class. ”

“In this case, it means that the history of the alliance is old!”

Dios, who answers Amrett’s questions with great ease, is good enough to tell me that he’s fine without me anymore.

Driftstone is the top of the middle school for two years.I think it’s probably because of its incredibly honest character that I can absorb what I remember beautifully and do it with my own strength.It seems that Cedric will be assisting me at the international post office in the future, but this way I can become a good tutor.I think that a teacher who is good at teaching, has a high level of community, and is kind is the ideal for students.That is why the teacher of this school will be very good in the future.

I really think I can tell Dios and Chloe, but I think there was a job that was much better than manual labor.Dios is much more alive when he talks and helps someone next to him than when he’s carrying the cargo.In Pradesh, I hope that the students will find a job that suits them little by little, like Dios.

Dios would be most pleased if he wanted Cedric to be his assistant now.The work at the castle is expensive and stable, and if Dios is worried about helping people or helping them, it will definitely help Cedric.Even though I am very familiar with my castle now, it also means that one or two more of these familiar beings will be added to Cedric, who has emigrated from the United Kingdom of Hanazoo…. and that.

“We haven’t left the country yet. Where’s Amlet?”

“Me too. I’d like to go to the kingdom of Anemone, but I’m still a little scared outside the country.I’ve heard that before from the Radian Empire. ”

“But now there are many allies in Freesia!You promised me you wouldn’t attack Radiya after she lost to Freesia, right? Hey Jeanne! ”

“Ah, yeah…. but I’m still thinking about leaving the country with my kids.At least when you’re an adult. ”

“Dios, Amrett, Jeanne. Too derailed.What time is it now? You know that, right? ”



Then, Chloe rebuilt the derailed orbit with a single blow.The three of us tied our lips together in a voice that was so mercilessly low.When I got to Amlet, I held the pen and it solidified.

“I don’t have time for this, so just go ahead and explain.Isn’t that why you’ve barely progressed? ”

Croy’s theory didn’t make any noise.

Cloy wrinkled between his eyebrows as he ran out of cheek canes next to me, and as we silenced, he thumped the print in front of him with his fingers.

“Go ahead,” he said, and we went on to explain the test form to Amlet again.Dios whispered in a small voice, “It’s a little good,” but at the next moment, Croix, who had a tiny ear, said, “Did we have room for that?I chewed my lower lip and was completely silent as soon as I was told strongly…. well, actually, if you ask me what time it is now, it should be a break time.

… yeah. I think it’s good to have these “angry people” around Cedric and Dios.

Again thinking so, I returned to the commentary.

My spine grew slightly more than usual to the feeling of a demon instructor next door, but thanks to this, I was able to proceed with Amrett’s printed commentary as never before.

It’s called Stale, it’s Prime Minister Gilbert, it’s Uncle West, it’s called Croy, and this might be the best person for an assistant.

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