The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1155

And exhale.

“I think you’ll be very happy just to thank Pride.”

The Farnham brothers probably didn’t expect any more.

Even though Pride and Stale have already given us a stable life and a house, I don’t think we should be forced to do anything more.

While I nodded Tiara-sama and the guard knight behind me, Pride was the only one holding the dorm key firmly with both hands while still looking sorry.

It’s about time, and I’ll stand in line with Mr. Stale.

I’m taking the time to meet with Pride, but it’s time to get back to where I belong.Though Tiara is still at rest, Stale is also Regent’s aide.Since Tiara-sama was decided to take charge of the King’s Order, Stale, who has been able to concentrate on Regent business even before, also has a high reputation from the West Regent.

Following Arthur and Lieutenant Eric’s return to the Knights’ Exercise Ground, we left Lord Pride’s room after our greetings.

Now that Pride’s policy for tomorrow has been decided, I must also take care of the challenges I have been given as Prime Minister.

“I want Prime Minister Gilbert to work with your investigation to prevent it as much as possible.”

He is also the director who left the corner to me.

Recently, especially Pride has begun to ask for cooperation from the surroundings.I can’t betray your expectations here.Moreover, this time, it was a new institution that I had been waiting for for many years.

Whoever causes failure therein needs to be eliminated…. yes, whoever it is.

“You’re back, Jill Vail.Is Tiara still in Pride’s room? ”

Through the knock and into the king’s office, Albert was there, as usual, facing the desk.

I guess from the number of wrinkles between his eyebrows, he keeps looking through the paperwork, perhaps even while I was away from my seat.Yeah, I looked back before the door closed, and I ordered the maid in front of the room to prepare tea.

I smile back at him as usual after the door closes and the sound is partitioned.

“Pride has yet to grasp anything specific about prediction.However, students and teachers are still unaware of it and spend time without hesitation. ”

“Good. I hope she has concrete convictions and clues as soon as she can predict.Especially since Pride and Tiara are not the same predictors of all time, there’s nothing Rosa can do. ”

Naturally, Pride raised his face from his desk on the subject.

Phew, I think you’ve been concentrating on poking your cheek cane with a sigh.Lately, Tiara-sama has been following him for a long time.He would have handled Pride’s fiancée, but if his real daughter had been with him, he would have remained a little nervous.Shortly after Lord Tiara left the room at rest time, it was time for him to concentrate.

“And, Gilbert, I heard from you about Sir Anchorson, but I’ve decided to hold a council meeting at the top as soon as the investigation is complete.I need you to have the materials ready for me as soon as possible this weekend. ”

“That’s good. I wanted to get rid of it for First Prince Leon.”

The boulder is Albert. It’s as fast and accurate as it gets.

The information I conveyed was truly a very partial one, but it still made me decide until I had enough room to discuss it.Then I’ll be a little busy if I don’t give instructions to the Servitors to gather the upper levels.

Once back at my desk by the time the maid knocks, I prepare the contents of the command to the top.Write one sheet and leave the rest to the Servitors to reproduce and distribute.

Open the drawers, sort the necessary items one by one, and then place the materials previously received from Vail on the desk.I haven’t shown this to Albert, but Mr. Stale’s been through it for the first time.

The first bundle is a document that I first requested and presented only as much information as possible.This bundle was a lot for Val and the others, but the bundle that was delivered afterwards was brilliantly gathering the information I wanted from many sources.

Rumors and reputation in the castle due to the trend of “Sir Anchorson”.And an investigation of the backyard business against Pradest.

There were mixed rumours of no roots or leaves, but they also contained information that was not socially relevant.

At that time, I should have done quite a background check on the castle, but such scorching things are rarely spoken of in social circles.Especially if it’s the Anchorsons.The aristocratic society knows better than anyone what happens when they say a halfway rumor.

As far as background checks alone are concerned, this level of collapse and rumors is not strange if other aristocrats beat it up.It’s not like only Anchorson is dyed.

Besides, I asked Bayle to look into this information for a different purpose in each case, but it does catch on anyway.It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with this, but I don’t think there’s anything that connects these two things.

The death of Anchorson’s wife and the shadow of the “side room.”And is it a coincidence that the trend of the backyard business is connected to the root of rumors of some sort of “show” plan?

There is no side-room system in Japan, but there are people who surround women in such roles without saying it publicly in the wealthy.

Since the side chamber is not officially recognized, on the contrary, it is not clear “from where to where the relationship is worth to the side chamber”.Is it just that all the women with eyes are called side rooms, or is a dedicated maid worth it, or is it called a side room if you spend the night with your wife?In Japan, where the position itself named “side room” is not recognized, the separation is difficult…. I don’t really want to understand when I love someone other than my wife.

However, in a word with the side room, it seems that the information could not be traced in a few days even by the boulder veil until it was discovered how relevant it was.There is some information, but it is likely that these rumors are twisted in an interesting and interesting direction.

With regard to the side room information, it was unclear whether it was a nobleman, a servant, a walking woman, or a shop woman.There are rumours of revenge, hiding in the countryside where they lost their lives, were killed, died of illness, were driven away from the castle.All of them are still too messy.

“… though he will never be the only one to slap it and get dust out.”

When I noticed it, it was small and broken out of my mouth.

I know. To that extent, it’s rumored that not only the Anchorsons, but also the aristocrats with some power have no roots or leaves.

However, in light of Bayle’s information, it still doesn’t seem to be a rumor.I am also concerned by the relatively mild rumours that the “Okuma Eye Show” is planned.In addition, if we overlap with what is happening in Pradest now, it may already be troublesome.

I thought this had to be cleared up early, so the knock went in.

I passed the maid who had prepared the tea through the room and watched her brew, gently returning the Bayle’s materials to the drawer again.

“Let’s take a breath, Your Highness.Before the tea gets cold. ”

Leave only a set and encourage Albert to thank the maid who is leaving.

After the door was closed, I gave him a cup by the receptacle and pointed a sharp glance that seemed to be staring at me.Thank you, and return the smile from me with a gentle voice.

“When Tiara returns, I will report back to Rosa for confirmation.Just let the Servant report to Rosa first. ”

“Oh, of course. First of all, if you cut the cup in half.”

Stand next to him sitting at a desk, prioritizing his assigned tasks in his head.

While still looking for tea that emitted hot air, I now only said words to let him relax his shoulders.

… it’s probably only a matter of time before Stale finds out.

Now is the time to think about a young man named Nate, but even if it is solved, you will soon realize the connection and discomfort of the materials through the first reading.Until then, I want to do everything I can to make things as nice as possible.

Pradest is a new institution created by Pride.That’s why Albert did it early.

“…? That’s an unusual scent.”

“Because you don’t like sweet scents either.The tea I received from the kingdom of Anemone the other day.It seems to have a relaxing effect and a reputation for women. ”

“… I’ll give Rosa another shot.”

“I’m going to brew it for Maria tonight.”

Those who interfere with the school system must be eliminated as soon as possible.

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