The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1156

Ⅱ 195. Knights face to face,

“Good work, excuse me.”

After the exercise, say hello as usual before returning to your room.

I feel a little more tired today than usual because I was very tense about Nate’s invention and Pride’s prediction at school.

Later this afternoon, Prime Minister Gilbert himself visited the father of the Knight Commander, and must have come to report on Captain Column’s lecture hours.When my father returned to the Knight Commander’s Office, as usual, his wrinkles were engraved between his eyebrows, but he seemed so angry that he was fine.

When I closed the door behind me in the dark room, I felt relieved and the stretching was reduced.Fluffy, squeezing in the sound, I slowly open my mouth.

“Stale… turn on the lights.”

“I’ve come to hate you.”And you turn it on. ”

Looking at Stale with just signs, she makes the noise of gently tilting her usual chair.

Even though the First Prince was there, he could not open the door easily, and in the dark, he only unloaded his luggage and lit the nearest light.With a flash of light, I turned again and found myself relaxed in my usual fine chair.Landlord, even though you’re relaxed first, you seem to be more used to sitting down than me with your legs and arms together…. ahh, I’m too calm to even sit on it.

It’s a chair that Steyl gave me before, but I’m used to cheap stuff, and I think it’s going to scratch one of the best things.No matter how many times Stale told me, “I gave it to you, so do what you want.” I thought I should use it when Stale was sitting.

Even after I’ve turned on another light in the room, I’m still sitting on the chair of the supplied product as usual.

“Well, after all, did Val come to the castle?”

“No, I didn’t come. I visited the castle twice yesterday, both in the morning and after school, including to change my appearance. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will bring the information together.”

If I dared to throw it from the right topic, I would return immediately.

Val didn’t come today after the meeting between Pride and Prime Minister Gilbert.He also delivers with Sefek and Chemet, and he doesn’t come to the castle every time.I can’t leave the country for a whole day while I’m at school, so I think I’m making a fine delivery.

Yes, I think there have been a lot of things lately and we’ve been seeing each other a lot more often…. when I came here today, Pride and the others must have been mad at me.

I didn’t think that if I wanted to catch the students, I would simply leave them in the pit without being tied up.I haven’t really changed that in a long time.

When she scratches her neck, she sighs.To be honest, it would be helpful if you moved for Pride and Sefek and Chemet, but not for ordinary people.

“The man did it… to a certain extent, both I and Jill Vail anticipated it.Rest assured, you won’t mind either way. ”

Stale, who breathed out long enough to be caught by me, laid his body on his back loosely.

Considering the expectations, yes, I think Prime Ministers Stale and Gilbert were calm when they heard the story.Pride was holding his head, and he should have been more angry.

I think there’s still something to hide, but I guess I don’t know what I should know.If you don’t know Pride or Tiara, it’s too much.

I’m not going to hide it for the rest of my life, and I’ll wait until he tells me.More than that, I’m gonna let him throw up right now.

“More than that,”

Stale cut the words first.

I felt my eyes slightly rounded when I overlapped the words that had just passed my head.After some time, Stale took off his hands and feet and put his elbows on his knees. He peered up at me with his fingertips on his mouth.

Thinking of all kinds of things, if you slightly bend your chin in a reflective manner, the back of the black-rimmed glasses will glow slightly.I didn’t think I’d do anything wrong, but I looked back at it.

“… don’t you care more about Nate?After hearing your sister’s predictions. ”

She swallowed her mouth inadvertently into the words carefully spoken in a suppressed voice.

Or, I don’t know, but I understand that you worried about him.I scratched my head from the back of my neck and said, “Maha,” and immediately came back to me with the words, “I thought I would.”

Nate, it seems that Pride is the student who predicted next to Farnham’s sister, and that this may have something to do with Prime Minister Gilbert’s original predictions.

Bad mouth, rude words to Pride and Captain Column, and annoying, but I think that ability is real.I don’t know much about the special abilities of inventions, but I only know that they have talents and skills that are different from those of inventors who belong to the Knights.

Even though the two-wheeled vehicles of the advance party have not yet been delivered, most special-purpose items such as special-purpose items distributed to the Knights are ordered from outside.They are all valuable and only used in production except for regular special exercises.Some knights use their own inventions, but still rarely see weapons ordered or things like Nate’s.

Even if I look at the invention I showed you today, I know that he is a special capable person.But I’m still thirteen, I’m small and I’m a kid, but… if that’s what it’s supposed to be like, I can’t help but settle down.

The more you think about it, the more mud you accumulate in your stomach, the worse you feel.That’s all Pride predicted for me.Besides, Stale’s prediction is that he will throw up in a circle.

“I mean you. You really want to move right now…. that’s the kind of person. ”

Tie your mouth to a low voice with conviction.

After all, they know that I’ve been with them for a long time.That’s exactly what Stale said.I hate it when you think I can’t bear it, but actually, I’ve been thinking and deciding about Lieutenant Eric’s house ever since the beginning.

When I scratched my head again to make a fool of myself, I got rid of several pieces of hair that were tied to roses.I lay down my eyes from the stall as I tried to reconnect later.

“But there was nothing I could do more than I wanted.”Your sister would have liked to pass the first plan, but it was still the result of Nate’s wishes.Unfortunately, we still have Nate’s help, but we don’t have the trust. ”

“Wow. I’m not going to move on my own, and I’m not going to dispute Pride’s decision.Senpai, they’re all the same. ”

That’s right. All the Knights of the Guard, except Mr. Harrison, have heard Nate’s story there, including speculation.

Still, everyone is following Pride’s instructions.If Pride says he wants to help Nate, we will, too, if he respects Nate’s opinion.When they say it’s okay to move, it moves quickly.I’m not a kid enough to move emotionally on a boulder anymore. Just…..

“It’s just… thirteen is so hard to say after all.”If I’m in the same position, I can’t say I’m dead, and honestly, I don’t want anyone involved.Nate chose the first one, so you just can’t believe us. ”

“It can be up to thirteen.In the case of Nate, there will be results that benefit from special abilities.That’s not what makes you sick…. well, that’s impossible anyway. ”

“What? Why?”

Because you’re a good man.

I threw it back at the words I was promised that Teme would be with me.

Tsura, who had been looking at it seriously before, suddenly laughed badly.It makes me feel like I’m being fooled, but I think he’s probably going to praise me.Rather, it is close to being comforted by the current situation.

Stale, bragging that I wouldn’t brag about saying “I’m not as good as you,” finally woke up the body that had fallen asleep.I’m going to sit back down with the chairs facing backwards once to match.”No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”

“Teme is just cooler than me.The truth is, you’re pretty angry. ”

I don’t know. I wouldn’t deny it, but I’m better than that.

“Oh no, I’m not fooled.”


This is the first time Stale has been silent.

When I heard Pride-sama’s prediction, Tiara was honest with her expression, but I think Stale had a lot of trouble.He looked calm, but I also know he was pretty smart.

Chancellor Gilbert was more afraid of his eyes when he asked in silence.In his case, it could be a job title.

My shoulders relaxed when I stared at Stale with my mouth shut.I think you worried more about me than about yourself while putting your chin on your back…. well, maybe they just thought I was the simmer.

Still, I don’t think he’s trusted because he’s the one.

If you keep your mouth shut a little bit longer, I’ll remember what I just thought to Stale, who is about to complain.I cut to the chase and got the point from me.

“What’s Amlet and Philip all about?”That’s why I don’t care. ”

As soon as that happened, Stale’s shoulders rose slightly as it was clear that he had applied force.

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