The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 12

12. My brother-in-law is determined.

Since I signed the contract, I can’t remember anything.

Beginning with reading, writing and manners, the history and calculation methods of this country.

It was all new and seemed like a flat head, but it was fun when I understood it quite a bit, and I had been educated about the castle at the beginning.

Me and Pride spent most of our study time together.

While being taught by separate teachers, I wonder what Pride is learning by now from time to time.

When I ask my teacher, Pride seems very good.

Originally, he said he remembered things better or that the pace of understanding was faster than that of ordinary royal and aristocratic children. “Nevertheless, this speed of remembrance is astonishing, even though Master Stayle said he started where there was no foundation at all,” but I felt indescribable.

As an assistant, as a brother-in-law, I think it would be ideal to buy a little less than pride without any objection around.

But somehow, losing my pride was a little regrettable. One of these days I’m like, “Shall I tell you? I thought over and over again about how to say no successfully if you say” or something like that.

Please don’t let that be said, but I will repeat what I learned that day further in my head in order not to be said.

There’s so many things in my head that I need to remember and understand in order to practice and be better at what I call pride next, and I’m wondering what Pride is doing right now, and I’m wondering how to say no if Pride asks me to teach him to study, or if I should thank him as an assistant brother in law, and I need to remember what I learned today, and I need to calm down, and in a little while, I need to start basing my sword on it, and I need to think about how the royal people can see it better.

Think about what your mother’s doing right now, and your chest hurts over and over again.

If you noticed, three days later in the morning your head was getting hot to boil.

No, I still have a lot to think about. Not if you’re asleep. I need to study a lot today and see my mother soon. I have to tell her I’m fine.

The day’s study was best pretended to be fine, and little content came into my head. Oh… I’ll have to repeat it in my head again later.

Still, we head to the garden where we promised Pride yesterday to keep our footsteps tight.

The time spent with Pride was very healing. You always welcome me with a smile, and you laugh happily even when it’s boring, and you really rejoice in my presence, as soft as the time I spent with my mother. I’m sure you’ll feel better if you see Pride again today.

Before we get to the garden, we meet up outside with Pride, who has also finished his studies. Pride turned his usual smile on me and my face broke unexpectedly.

“That’s right, Style. Let’s have a chase! Competition to the garden!

Pride rushes out, I chase late.

If we don’t catch up, come on, faster. Running, studying, height all -…


If I had noticed, my vision would have turned white and I couldn’t even open my eyes.

My pride is screaming, and yet I don’t know what I’m talking about. I don’t know what’s going on with me right now, but I don’t know why. [M]

Oh… I… now what am I supposed to think…

… ………

… Mother…

… I had a dream.

I have a mother. He’s cooking rice for me with his back turned, as usual.

Oh… I’m glad to finally meet you, but dinner’s good, so let’s talk more.

How have you been, Mother?

Mom, I remember a lot.

Mother, Your Royal Highness is a good man.

Mother, your pride is nothing like a rumor.

Mother, are the people in the city doing better?

Mother, don’t you live in disarray?

Mother,… aren’t you crying anymore?

Grab the hem of your mother’s clothes, and slowly your mother turns around. Wait for dinner, ’cause I’m doing it now. That’s what I’m laughing at. Oh, good. I’m laughing. As soon as I thought so, my mother, who was cooking until just now, nodded and cried. Again, grab my mother’s hem. Don’t cry. Mother, I’ll come back to see you. I’ll do my best. [M] Mom, are you listening? Hey, Mom, Mom…

“… whoa… whoa, whoa, whoa…”

Still crying.

My mother’s crying there.

Something is dripping down my pomp and face.

With my eyes closed, slowly I think I’ve been dreaming. [M]

But I can still hear you crying. I wonder if he could have used his abilities to fly to his mother without knowing.

Mother, don’t cry. I’m here.

When I opened my eyes, there was pride there that kept the tears coming to me.


You’re still dreaming, you weren’t your mother, why I’m here, why is this guy crying again?

I look up to my pride without even understanding because I don’t get the euphemism.

Pride is staring at me crying with a look like he can’t stand it. And if you think your pride mouth has finally moved, it’s…

It was a word of penance.

I don’t know what that means. Why is this guy crying so much again, only that question turns around when he turns his head.

Slowly, I put it into words at last. [M]

“What… so…?

Pride also spins words in the words, mixing whimpers as he squeezes his mouth so as to indulge.

Why are you such a bearable, indulgent cry face?

“… I can’t even lift one of you… and I can’t even… notice… I’m sorry…”

To put it that far, Pride shook his lips again as if he was speechless, and he cried out.

Keep your pride covered and embrace me. The body of pride, the scent, the softness, it all overflows me. I’m so ashamed of why, my body doesn’t move like it was nervous, and even my body, which was just getting hot, gets even hotter.

My pride is crying again on my shoulder.


This man already cried about me enough that night. [M]

My pride allowed me to spend so much time laughing in my castle life.

I was looking forward to my meal time because my pride was there and you told me it was delicious.

Because it was pride, I was no longer afraid of subordinate contracts either.

It was pride, so there was hope for the future.

Pride took me, laughed at me, and needed me. Don’t tell me you helped me with this. What is it?

Pride understood that I was hard, he noticed.

Yes, that night when Pride brought me the keys, it wasn’t just hard for me to never see my mother again. I miss my mother, it’s hard to think about my mother who may be feeling lonely, it’s hard not to be able to do anything to the mother I left behind, and it’s all hard to be alone forever from now on.

But Pride told me… that he had to hurt me any more.

Pride promised me… that I, my mother, and the people would all be laughing.

That’s what I said, he gave me a hug.

Pride had noticed all my loneliness and spiciness long before I realized it. So I guess that’s when the tears that I’ve been putting up with flowed.

He stayed with me. He cried for me. He hugged me. He wished me happiness. A reciprocal relationship, that’s what he said. He called me by name over and over again. And he made me call his name. He greeted me in the morning, greeted me at night, guided me through the library and the garden, and gave me time to rest in peace.

Pride buried my heart.

Why are you apologizing?

It was pride that saved me. [M]

Why, why…

I would have held my pride back. [M]

What I can’t say is itchy teeth. I wish this feeling would stay warm and pass it all on to pride.

I was thinking about it until I stopped crying or pride, and suddenly pride’s exhalation echoed in my ear, and I froze myself into the words whispered continuously.

“If… we… to the damned queen… if… you… kill me…”

Thoughts stop.

It took quite a while to mishear or doubt if it was empty ears.

I never thought I’d get another shocking word from Pride again.

Yet the word pierced my heart sharply and deeply, as if it were a blade.

Words, thoughts, everything is white.

My body, which was getting so hot, now pulls with the sweat at a terrible rate of speed.


I don’t like it. That was the first time I thought of her when I could finally swallow her words.

I don’t like it, I don’t want to kill this guy.

Such a sweet and nice guy.

If you noticed, the whimpering also subsided and Pride seemed to fall asleep as it was.

Pride…? I spoke up and turned to my back. I put my force on my hand again to make sure it didn’t respond, and I look up at the ceiling.

I wonder what this man is so afraid of.

Why would this man, so kind, so good at his country, so good at his academics, think of himself as the lowest queen?

I don’t know. But if you’re always smiling, and you take all kinds of responsibility for one of me, even this guy you like has something to fear.

“I’ll protect you.”

On its back, where there would be no reply, Style whines one person.

And I held Pride’s back tight and closed my eyes.

– Holding the first princess of this country in her thin arms, the boy falls asleep again.

Put a small determination in its chest.

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