The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 17

17. Let my brother-in-law admit it.

The ceremony was over, and again in the great hall was overflowing with a lot of buzz.

Nevertheless, I, Pride, and Tiara, like my mother and father, have almost no time to welcome each other this time with all the greetings from nobles and guests invited by neighbouring countries.


… I guess that’s quite the point.

In the corner of my head as I greet the Guest, I look back at how I stood earlier.

When I walked with Pride, I was concerned that there were too many voices to me than Pride. It would be a big deal for the first time or for the upcoming intake, but still not interesting.

But Pride had taken it for granted and had not changed one expression.

And the appearance of Dear Tiara and Father. Everyone still praises Tiara, the second princess. Sure, he seems very cute and has a strong shadow over his mother. One thing with me. She, like Pride, had a different kind of affection than any kid I’d ever met.

But as soon as I saw the look of pride sitting next to me, I didn’t care about that.

I’m laughing. But the expression had shed some melancholy shadow.

On my heart, a small flame lights up.

No kidding, mine, the only first princess in this country is Pride.

So I decided to show it here.

In his pride when he spoke to Dear Tiara, the earlier melancholy was not even dusty, but filled with love for his sister. Like when you first met me. [M] I’m sure she’s already embraced Dear Tiara’s presence.

But that’s not enough. To show her prestige.

I go on. Dear Tiara, no, kneel down to Tiara… first, decide where to stand.

It is not the vicinity of a princess made up of ordinary people, etc.

I am the royal family of this country, the First Prince. Second princess’s brother. And auxiliary to First Princess Pride. In the future, the second-largest presence of supreme power in this country.

And with pride and confidence, I call her.

Not from the bottom, but from the top position. As her brother.

“It’s the Stale Royal Ivy. Tiara, I’m honored to be your brother.

Tiara answers that happily. My sister who divided the blood of her pride. The gentle grin reminded me of her.

… It’s okay, this kid and the adult who tried to fall in pride are different. Same as pride, kind princess of heart. And one of my family to protect. [M]

I know exactly why Pride turned a gentle grin. Very cute, a really good sister. But…

Not yet, not enough.

I go on, laughing back at Tiara for calling me my brother.

“Your sister, the First Princess of Pride, who is also you, is a wonderful woman, just like your mother and father. We’ll do everything we can to help you, sister.

Yes, it’s not me or you who deserves the most respect in the future. Our dear sister, your pride.

She said she was a wonderful woman. Her Majesty deserves a vessel. And me and Tiara will support it.

I proclaim it to my mother, to my father, to Tiara, to my people.

Tiara answered it with a smile without hesitation.

Good, she’s really sweet. I’m sure she will defend her pride with me.

My love as brothers and sisters is born to Tiara, who replied as I wished.

Tiara peeks pride over my back.

I look back together. [M]

My gaze alone shows that everyone is paying attention to pride except me and Tiara.

It’s okay, I’m sure Pride will respond.

My belief, if she had the Queen’s vessel.

Pride responds. Put on and say thank you to us.

“Three brothers and sisters, let’s protect this country… the people, shall we?

It was the best answer.

In a moment, I was finally satisfied with the cracking applause and cheer directed at my pride.

Look, listen.


Admire it.

This is our future king.

It was really good to have studied a lot for this day, Style thought. Although it is still a burning blade, now some of the adults who were swarming with Chancellor Jilbert at that time…

“It was a brilliant behavior, Her Royal Highness Princess Pride I, Her Royal Highness Prince Steele I, and Her Royal Highness Princess Tiara II.

I accidentally glance at him for his voice disguised as a soft waist that suddenly came in.

Jill veil…

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