The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 18

18. The lowest princess finishes her greeting.

“It was a brilliant behavior, Her Royal Highness Princess Pride I, Her Royal Highness Prince Steele I, and Her Royal Highness Princess Tiara II.

It was time to deal with a bunch of visitors and finally set them apart.

Chancellor Gilbert, who is also his father’s assistant, came to work for me. I’m relieved in my heart that if I were in front of the Chancellor, I’d finally lose a little mind. Tiara also apparently has already met Chancellor Jilbert, and she looks calm.

As my sister, I conveyed to Chancellor Gilbert, as my representative, my gratitude and hard work in preparing for today’s birthday.

“No, more than that, I am grateful for this day when all the royals were lined up in the same place like this.

There is really no gap in the way I give it back to you. Though I feel strongly flattered, he keeps a secret about the letter he wrote to Style’s mother, and I’d like to think he’s a good man. Tiara was also happy to smile and thank her back.

… That’s crazy. Something suddenly scares my father, and even Stayle’s eyes…

“Dear Tiara, I don’t think you’ve ever been in a great position either. It’s a shame, but if you had the ability to predict, you would have the same qualities as the Queen of Pride…”

“With all due respect, what does it mean to be spared, Chancellor Gilbert?


Style is giving Chancellor Jilbert a glimpse before his father comes forward to blame him.

“Oh, excuse me for this, Master Stayle. I wanted to tell you that Tiara was excellent by then. Excuse me.

Prime Minister Gilbert giggles back, adding nevertheless.

“You looked different in a little while, Master Stayle. I had a royal face in just a few days. I would definitely like to take the opportunity to talk to you again. Talk about your hometown… well, for example, about your previous family and the special abilities around you.”

“Thank you, Chancellor Gilbert. It was only with the support of the wonderful First Princess of Pride that I was able to get here. From now on, Tiara, I want to do everything I can for you. So once again, as the” first prince ”from now on, thank you. Gilbert,” Chancellor ”?

Style speaks to dispel the Chancellor’s words.

… I don’t know. Wow, things are so scary!

I felt something like killing through the black one on the style of smiling and returning it that way to fit Chancellor Jilbert. It fits in from the second half. So, “I’m in a better position now, don’t lick me, okay?” He sounded like he was holding back.

Style seems Tiara is already adorable enough to intimidate Chancellor Jilbert, who blows weird things into Tiara.

Chancellor Gilbert also felt a little blackness in Style’s smile: “Yeah, of course. Style“ Your Royal Highness the First Prince. “I think I returned it in a lower than usual voice of doss. They both look and speak with a smile, but I’m scared to see some kind of black aura. Gently pull Tiara, who twists her neck without knowing anything, away from two or three steps.

“Oh, disrespect. And Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride. Everyone was distracted by your behavior in particular. By the way, as the first heir to the throne, I’d like to ask you what you think about the politics of this country. Like you, for example, about special abilities…”

At last, I get blame from my father. Chancellor Gilbert holds his head in a tighter fist than last time. Grabbing his neck as it was, he took him to his seat without even hearing a word from Chancellor Gilbert to stop him.

“Sister, are you okay? I’m sorry, imitate what happened.

“Yes, no. Thank you, Style. I’m glad to hear your words. Just…”

Make me laugh that I don’t care about Style, who manages to apologize, holding Tiara’s shoulder in front of me reflexively like a stuffed animal.


“Stayle… it’s kind of different from when you came to the castle, and you’ve come to look like Chancellor Gilbert.


Stunning. The look of the style solidifies so that the word fits perfectly.

“Duh… where is…?

Was it more shocking than I expected, I think I’ve seen a wolfish style in a while. He looks at me like he’s about to sue me with his mouth pounding.

“Uh… you know, how to laugh… or something…?

I made him smile vaguely, but the style seemed kind of a great shock, and he muttered in a slightly weakened voice, “… ahh… I’ve been putting it on my face for a long time… not good, or… not good…”.

“What… did you? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it before…

If it’s hard, don’t push it, okay? And I call out to Style, who completely dropped his shoulder, “… no, because that’s what you think I need to do. When I returned it, I turned my back and said in a small voice,”… yes… for this outer surface… “,” Jill veil by the way… “, and so on. I’m not sure anymore.

I can’t believe I didn’t like the look on your face before Style was deeply wounded in the heart by Pride. But I did get healed by Tiara and went the happy ending route, but the style remained cool character until the end. I wonder if the conversation I had just had with Chancellor Gilbert was really meant to be handled simply with a smile on his face. No, but it’s depressing to be told how to laugh similar to Chancellor Gilbert…

I feel kind of terribly sorry for you. He gently let go of Tiara, who was holding her in both hands, and eared, “Give her comfort,” and asked her to go to Stayle. Dear brother, the style is so cute to stroke that head while dropping the shoulder with Tiara pulling the hem of the style as she speaks. Even though it wasn’t that far in the game, I really want to push these two in love.

Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride.

They call me by name and look back reflexively. I was there…

“Knight Commander.

I speak up all the time to a man with a large body wrapped in armor and white team clothes. I’ve been face-to-face with ceremonies and such before, I’m the Knights of the Kingdom of this country. I also have two knights behind it, who would be my men. Would one have been the deputy commander?

“I was thrilled with your words earlier. Happy First Throne Inheritance and Dear Tiara.

I was a little surprised that the Knights Commander would say that and bow his head. Never before has this man praised me like this, except for a formal greeting.

“Thank you… I’m so glad.

Shit, I feel like I’ve seen the deep blue eyes of a knight captain laughing in some previous life game. When my father first introduced me, I heard that he was hailed as a ‘knight without a scratch’ because of his special abilities and his track record. Despite being on the front line in many battles as the name implies, there was no cut on his face or body. And the short pruned silver hair goes hand in hand with the forged, flexing body, too, man! The word suits you very well.

“Really… you’ve done well within a while I haven’t seen you”

and the knighthood leader smiling at me, he looks really good.

I knew this Knight Commander… somewhere, like I’ve seen in previous life games… It’s called Chancellor Gilbert, it’s called the Knights Commander, and I’ve had a lot of visibility lately. No, but no matter how much of a man he is, there are now loosely late twenties to thirties piercing locks. He is the target of the attack because…

“My son would also like to see Lord Pride someday.

Yeah, I knew it couldn’t be. Having a child in a boulder is too much of an adventure as an offensive character in a maiden game.

And I thought, “Your son’s a knight, too?” What a broken tooth this time when I gave it back. “So… I hope so,” he laughed with his head. Is it a complicated family?

“I look forward to introducing you someday,” I said with a smile, even though I caught a bit of a catch.

Without yet understanding that the day will come in unexpected ways.

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