The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 19

Her Majesty the Tabernacle Queen and Her Royal Highness the King

“Hey… Albert.

My daughter, Tiara’s birthday, came to a successful conclusion, after she returned the children to their respective rooms.

Rosa, my wife, speaks to me, Albert Royal Ivy, who visited her room to work for a tired wife on the Queen’s business.

“Pride… you’ve changed a lot in a while…”

She leaks her sigh as she looks at me through the mirror. It’s been a really long time since my wife has seen Pride.

“That kid used to try to be a good daughter in front of us, but his essence didn’t change at all.

Both I and my wife knew that pride was past me and before my wife, and that the desertion stood out. My daughter’s ratings in the castle, too, everything.

“So you always said that, didn’t you? Ever since that day, when that kid woke up his abilities.

As she meditated her eyes a little hard on my words, Rosa opened her mouth as she whined.

“Pride cannot be queen. This country will be inherited by Tiara…. although it should have been.

“Though it will be my usual return… Is that your ability to predict? Or…”

“Of course, my thoughts as a queen and as a mother. That’s why I didn’t see Pride. Because I thought Tiara, the second princess, was the true queen whom Heaven must have given us.

As she stroked her soft hair, Rosa said, “Of course, I love you as a daughter about Pride.,” he continued.

“It’s just… that’s why it was hard to see that kid who wasn’t the Queen’s vessel. Especially since I lodged Tiara in my stomach. Because one day if Tiara woke up to her predictive abilities, I would have had to tell Pride as queen that she had no right to inherit the throne.

If you are convinced of the love from yourself, the queen, Pride will stop believing and suspecting that you will be queen in the future, that’s why you won’t see him. I need to see him. Those are words that I repeated over and over while turning away from me. That’s why I also went to Pride during my official duties, and I loved Rosa’s share, and I kept telling Rosa how Pride was every day.

Her eyes were overflowing with love and pity as a mother when she told her she would not see her, that she would not see her. Yes, since the birth of Tiara, a woman, she was sure of Tiara’s succession to the throne. And that hasn’t changed since Pride gained predictive power.

She didn’t try to believe me when I said that I had mentioned Tiara’s presence first or that I had picked her up for life because of her pride. It’s not like I’ve already heard of him somewhere, but by chance, he said he was working on the wheel. Sometimes he doubted it like he didn’t think he was his mother.

No, would it be right to keep looking away?

Put your hands on that shoulder as you stroke her hair from behind. Then she lay those thin fingers on my hand.

“I woke up to my predictive abilities when I was sixteen…

Just when you met me, yes, whispering in my ear lit her cheek a little.

predictive ability. Rosa, with that power, had predicted many different things before. She had already predicted that, both when she was caged in pride and when she was caged in tiara.

Most of them cannot predict the future of their own free will. She says it’s “coming down”. All of a sudden, when you see the future on your head without any warning. In addition, there are times when the prediction also depends on the whereabouts of the country, and there are times when it will rain to a great extent tomorrow, with a large amplitude. Very few in history have been able to predict the time, place, or person they want, of their own free will. Frequency also varied according to the ability, with some queens about a few times a month, like Rosa, and a few times a week, sometimes once every decade, she said.

“Then again and again I’ve made all sorts of predictions, but that kid in the future was helpless…

I don’t know if it was after Pride became queen. I just couldn’t even tell my beloved Albert, but Rosa understood from several future predictions that Pride would always prefer and hurt the weaker than herself, to be such a child. Because no matter how much I love you, no matter how much I tell you, the future won’t change on top of that.

“Yet… since you told me about her predictive abilities… suddenly I stopped seeing her future…”

Nothing, it’s not like the predictor can’t see the future of the predictor, or Rosa’s abilities have diminished.

Still, the fact is, I stopped looking at the future of the pride I’d been looking at. It’s as if it’s because we’re just in the middle of a change.

At the same time, rumors in the castle suddenly changed his pride attitude, and in part he began to hear the assessment that he was still the same kind princess as His Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the King.

And today’s birthday.

At first, Rosa wondered, as usual, if Pride was only playing a good First Princess in front of them. But soon I realize it’s not.

That was above all evident from the recent appearance of Pride’s brother-in-law… Style.

In fact, Rosa had predicted the existence of the style three months earlier. But when I predicted it, I didn’t know who it was, but what came into her head was an expression free style like losing her heart and the figure of Tiara holding that hand.

Yes, it was precisely the very appearance and the composition of all of that greeting from today’s style to Tiara. Except for changes in style.

The predicted style just ended up with a formal greeting. Yet, in reality, it was different. On top of that, Style said a grand greeting.

“I can’t believe Style… that girl who hasn’t come to my castle for a month has gone so far for her pride.

That means pride is worth just doing so for him… And most importantly, the predicted future was changing. Can you say that this has nothing to do with the change in pride or the fact that I no longer predict its future?

“The future… has changed… That kid is becoming a good queen… for some reason.

Ha… and Albert accidentally laughs bitterly at Rosa, who exhales a great deal.


“Yeah, that’s right. ‘Cause that’s what I’ve been dealing with when Tiara becomes queen… and she thinks she can’t have her pride? Especially pride… for that kid.”

I could hardly do anything like a mother. Rosa held her head to clog those words.

“Which means you did exactly what I said.”

Rosa gave Rosa a small glance at her satisfied giggling husband. Keep it up, yeah, yeah. You were right! and vomit half-throated words. And when the men of the castle saw him, all his eyes would have dotted.

“You always said that. Pride is still young, the future is undecided, and there is still the possibility of being a good queen as we hoped.

My husband, who smiles gently with only his eyes, is a little hateful now.

“I’m… mother disqualified… queen disqualified…”

He succumbs to stick to the table as it is and stops moving. Then Albert put his hands on both his shoulders and gently whispered in his ear.

“You always get shaky as soon as it comes to your family.

You’re such a fine queen in front of the people. If she continued to do so, Rosa turned her back to turn away from her husband.

“Your attitude towards pride… well, I can’t say that I wouldn’t be sick to let you say it as the father of that child, but as king, there are some things I can say as your husband. … then love him properly now”

An even greater sigh overflowed from the queen in her husband’s words.

“Because… I’ve dealt with that girl only with the majesty of the queen before… and all of a sudden I’m too ashamed to deal with her like a tiara…

Then I didn’t even know the king would breathe out small to do it behind me, as if to avalanche in… Rosa’s words overflowed.

“How hard it has always been to deal with that cute, cute girl so cold… I can’t overwhelm my affection as a daughter just because she looks like me, but she has beautiful crimson hair just like you.” I love and love her already… how dare you see that girl alongside Tiara today? When you line up with Tiara, there’s a shadow like you, a shadow like my daughter, and she’s with a cute little Tiara, isn’t there? I already love you and I love you and this is why I didn’t want to see you with extra direct pride. Something that I would definitely spoil as before if this love had increased. So Tiara deposited it with her nanny so she wouldn’t, and while she took some distance, she firmly instilled her education as a queen and her affection as a mother, and I can’t believe that pride suddenly became such a good child, even though she thought that the presence of pride was the cross to bear that I and your childhood spoil had invited! It’s against the rule that such a cute little brother-in-law or sister would like you to be a good girl, even though not succeeding the queen without growing up to be the kind of child you wanted me to be, to a cute little girl like you and me who hurts people! When I heard that you asked Pride to write to Style’s mother, I was so impressed for a moment to decide whether or not to give her permission to write to Style as a queen, and if she told me that I could love her now without putting up with her, I would feel like spoiling her again and wasting it, me, me… ”

“Your voice is too loud, Rosa. What if the guards even ask me?

Slightly poke Rosa, who accidentally appeared vegan.

Yes, it was Rosa who originally spoiled her young pride to Betta better than herself. She herself was raised by the former queen, the king… a man of the castle with little involvement but official duties to her real father and mother. Is it the recoil… I won’t leave it to the nanny, Rosa insisted that I raise my first child too cute, and as a result the young pride did whatever he ordered around him not to be angry and even praised and spoiled him, raising him as cute and cute. As a result, Pride grew up to be my poor daughter who abused the First Princess’s privileges as a young child. And that lasted until just before Rosa predicted the future of pride, and that Tiara would be born.

The day Rosa continued to cry for three days and three nights on the day she decided Pride didn’t deserve a queen, and it was no longer an official place.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine this time, I’ll be on it, won’t I? Don’t hold it alone.

Rosa’s shoulder shivered as she continued to do so. Albert in a small voice… and calling my name.

So I kneel down to her as I always do and pull that hand. She covered me to collapse and I held it tight.

“I love you, Master Albert… I can’t do anything without you… I can’t live without you…”

“I told you that the way you called it was gone the day you officially succeeded the queen. And… I love you more.

Rosa makes her face bright red with hot words from her husband. When I held him up straight to Albert, he covered his face with both hands and couldn’t even breathe.

… Well, on official business and private, I love this gap again.

With that in mind in a corner of his head, King and Albert leaked their sighs.

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