The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 2

2. My princess skips herself.

“Why did you do that?”

It was the first time I had ever been born to see my father stunned so far.

… is that it? But this, like I’ve seen somewhere…

“No way, you already have the same predictability as Rosa.” “Is that why you fell?”

Rosa and I are queens of this country. I mean my mother.

He took a serious peek into my face and gently stroked the hair on my forehead.

Father gave way to crimson and Mother gave way to wavy hair.

“Woohoo… Congratulations, Pride. My country’s true heir to the first throne.”

That’s what I said, and I burst into tears in my eyes. Father made me laugh.

But the opposite of that father’s smile, I was speechless in my flattering remarks. I am desperate not to scream at my mouth like a goldfish.

That’s right, what I’m saying right now… the pride childhood recap scene I saw in the game isn’t exactly what it was.

The stage of this maiden game, “Give me a glimmer of light with you”, is a big country called “The Kingdom of Friesia”. It is the only strange country in the world where humans with special abilities are born.

“Predictive ability”

A special ability person who has a chance of giving birth to one in hundreds. Among them was the “ability to predict” that only the heir to the throne of that country would be given it.

Special abilities differ from person to person. Only the predictive ability of something awakens to royalty once every few decades.

Many of them have been given to the first heir to the throne, man, especially a woman, and in the Kingdom of Friesia it is a lesson to bequeath the next throne to this man who has gained this prophetic power as “the revelation of the next king”.

There was a scene in the game where Pride suddenly collapsed when he was eight and when he woke up he referred to the presence of his sister, who was still kept a secret. It’s about the day my father decided to reveal his sister to pride. That was the moment when Pride gained the ability to predict and inherit the throne.

This isn’t the way things are anymore.

The attacking character who told me about this said, “That was the beginning of the tragedy in this country.”

I apologize to my jolly father, but I had no choice but to despair once again of this situation, which would be going according to the game.

There was no good idea to try to find an excuse for not being predictive from a goldfish state.

Father rejoiced at me so often, “Rest now. We’ll talk about my sister… and Tiara later because you don’t know yet.” She went to tell her mother.

Guards and samurai who were out of the room in exchange for their father come in.


I shrug so small that I can’t hear you around me. Now I turn my face towards the window in the room where I can look down into the garden.

“I already… even though I know it all.

Elegant and thoughtful Mother and Father of the Kind King who assists her.

It was my sister, Tiara Royal Ivy, who inherited the depth of thought and kindness of those parents. She is the second princess and the protagonist of this maiden game.

The weak and poor princess, weak from birth and kept her presence secret from the danger of assassination and kidnapping until her sixth birthday. The family but also the young pride was never informed of its existence again.

Tiara… what an adorable name, unlike the pride of a high-flying name to see.

No, when I get sentimental with my eight-year-old body, I get tears. This doesn’t suit an evil outrageous lass boss.

I can snort and sip my nose with tears.

Yes, I’m the lass boss of this world.

The protagonist and attacker’s rival, the evil outrageous self-centered First Princess, is this me, the Pride Royal Ivy.

And no matter which route of the game, it’s a villain, in other words a lass boss, who is bound to be convicted and die by the attacker.

Well, in the bad end, the other way around, Tiara or the target of the attack dies…

So I can’t be honest with you about taking this cheat of past life memories to the bad end.

Because by then the protagonist Tiara and the attacker are good men, and Pride, the lass boss, is dead and naturally a very evil and outrageous queen of levels.

“Kimihika is my favorite game, but I don’t like Pride to be a hundred out of a hundred, including me. Players dislike it proportionately to their liking, especially if they like the target of the offense.

I get angry when I think I’m in that pride right now.

The shoulder of the samurai who was lying next to her jumped vividly when she accidentally kicked the mini table by the bed with her guns and feet at her usual condition.

“Ah… sorry.

Shit, this is the kind of pile that makes you an extremely evil outrageous queen… apologizing with that in mind, the samurai who silently rebuilt the table turned her eyes round. Only my mouth finely replies, “It’s nothing…” but I’m obviously upset.

That’s right, because until now I’ve fired as many maids as I can without my father, or punished him, or even called him a death sentence. Although, of course, it was all stopped at Father’s hands when it came to punishment and the death penalty. Still, it would have been noisy if I’d kicked the table and said, “Quick, get back on your feet.” But honestly, I can’t do that very much now that I know my accomplishments on top of the plain common guts and ethics of my previous life back.

By and large, Pride has not helped to do anything at all good in the game while awakening an amazing force of predictive abilities. Instead, if you can frame the target of the attack, or even predict that a tragedy will happen, take a high look… even this prediction, if you predict something else enough to predict that your sister was there, for example, yes, your father’s…


That’s when I remembered.

that the tragedy was already about to begin.

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