The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 23

22. The outward princess fought back,

… something incredible happened.

Roderick, chief of the Knights, was confused by the sight in front of him.

Many of the recruits suffered serious minor injuries, besides being blocked on the escape route, with no decent supplies, in the current situation where they were even running out of those supplies.

The advance troops of the special abilities are coming soon, but I’m sure you won’t want a lot of supplies for making speed a priority, and even if you can miss a few of them, it’s going to be hard to completely flip the war.

Anyway, I must at least let one or more of the recruits survive… at worst, even in the direction where I will be.

I thought so, but…

“Knight Commander, ammunition refill complete.”

“First aid for wounded soldiers is also in progress. May I make a request to replace the bandage?”

“I have stopped the bleeding…! I can go back to the front, too.

“Hey, there’s a weapon over there, too.” “Somebody go get it.”

In the present situation, where only the protection of the injured and a slight counterattack were allowed, defending themselves from enemy shooting with a rushing shield… now there are shields and weapons, one after the other, as well as bandages and medicines, in front of them.

Recruits overwhelmed by the phenomenon at first are also regaining morale like lies if they explain that it is a rescue measure from the royalty.

First Prince Steele.

To be adopted as the first prince, he says, requires a special ability that is quite high and excellent.

But I didn’t know he was a special ability man for instant travel.

Special abilities vary from person to person and can be a terrible threat depending on how they are used.

Only some people and royalty in the extreme know what the First Prince is capable of. I didn’t even know myself, the Knights of the Kingdom, until today. But it wasn’t hidden as a country either. In the past, there were princes who inspired special abilities, and vice versa, who hid them through to their death.

And Prince Steele first. He was also famous in the castle for being a very intelligent and discreet man. He gets to know every human being in the castle better and hears that many of the executives are already cordial in the social world. But no one knew what he was capable of. In part there were rumors that Princess Pride, the first princess, had forbidden her. but if you confirm that with the person, he will always deny it with a cool face and laugh, “But I’m prepared to show you even now if the First Princess of Pride wants to,” he said. I have seen that myself, in many ceremonies. Regarding this, when Lord Pride says, “If you want to show me, I don’t mind,” he returns, “I want to use it when I want, not when you want, sister.” In everyone’s eyes there was a strong sense of loyalty and trust in Lord Pride.

And he didn’t even reveal it, instead of showing it to the public for three years after he became royal.

… what a hideous hidden hand.

Roderick, to be honest, was more afraid of pride than of staying.

… Probably not just myself, recruits who know what’s going on here, and Clark, the deputy commander across the footage, all the other knights, will feel it.

The First Princess of Pride for the special abilities of Master Stayle… she has never made a tease of it before. The power of his assistant, Mr. Steele, is seen as the power of Mr. Pride as it is. And yet, not once. How many times have I ever had the opportunity to show it off? And now we can hide the ability of Mr. Steele as it is.

Yet she had no hesitation in letting Lady Steele use that power. And Master Style, who has ever kept his mouth shut about his abilities to any heavy town, has also allowed her to demonstrate that ability without any hesitation in her words.

Because of his youth, there are some limitations on his abilities. But move things to that coordinates that you almost want no matter the distance. All the supplies I have received so far have also appeared almost three meters from me.

If Master Steele

If Lord Pride

If I had abused this in the worst way possible, such as assassination.

I’m just relieved to think about it.

When a conscript shouted without thought, “Why don’t you drop a bomb or something directly to the enemy soldier’s side at all,” he yelled unexpectedly.

Besides, Lady Stayle also replied, “If you want me, I don’t mind,” without changing her complexion. Master Pride immediately said, “I won’t be. That’s not what Stayle should have done,” if you hadn’t said so strongly, what would have happened?

Yes… it is our duty to defeat our enemies and sometimes take their lives.

Never let him get used to killing people.

If we let him get used to it, it would be a threat beyond one army. A boy who has already shown this much special ability at a young age. The future growth is also terrible.

Even at this stage, I can already feel signs that if Lord Pride orders me to kill people without hesitation…

In part, there were voices who suspected that “we did not really have a subordinate contract, but a contract of subordination” to Lady Style’s very obedience to Lady Pride.

But now with our eyes it was totally denied. I don’t know why. But Master Style is sure to keep doing what he wants for Master Pride. Only the actions of the person can be tied in a contract of servitude. I can’t bind my will or my heart.

But there is a clear will on the part of Mr. Steele in front of us.

The strong will to “do it all for the First Princess of Pride”. How many of our chosen knights would be willing to be that strong?

Without a doubt, the first aid for the soldiers is proceeding, as is the counterattack on the enemy soldiers by means of supplies that Master Steele moves instantaneously one after another. Instead of a team of special abilities, this would endure until the other Knights came to support us.

“Really… head down…”

To Style, who used this special ability, and to Pride, who gave his life.

Small enough not to sound like the other side that went through the screen, the Knights of the Kingdom squealed that way.

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