The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 27

24. The outward princess comes down from the dance.

Style doubted Pride’s words.

For the past three years, I had never doubted the word of pride from the day I made my vows, and I thought it was never going to happen again. Yet.

“Bring me to that battlefield.”

That word of pride was a word thrown at me more than anyone else.

Battlefield… ⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉82 Even though the footage says that a large number of ambushers still depend on killing the Knights Commander. Besides, if pride predicts it, the rest of the place will soon collapse. You can’t instantly move your pride to such a dangerous place.

“Well… no, sister.” “Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”

“It’s okay. Trust me.

With that said, I shake my neck hard on Pride, who is struggling badly to remove the hardware from the vertically broken skirt section.

“No, sir. You are the first princess! If you should go to that battlefield…”

“This is the only way to save the Cavaliers fighting on that battlefield. Please.”

Never before had such an awesome hegemony been directed at pride. They grab both shoulders and twist their faces close together.

“I predicted it. We can still save him now. We can save his father.”

That’s what I said and pointed to was a young man who appeared earlier, the son of the Knights Commander. His screams are still catching on to his head.

“What about your mother?”

I have a mother apart from Her Majesty the Queen. An important, important birth mother in her hometown.

Another important family that would still not have even been able to reach me if it hadn’t been for Pride’s reckoning.

I sent a letter on my birthday even before this.

I’m still fine, and I’m happy because of Princess Pride, and my mother asked me to look out for her body.

When you give your whole soul to your mother and the people of this country with pride.

It may not be a very different text every year. But that hasn’t changed anything for me since then. It was hard losing my father, and yet my thoughts about my mother, my vows to pride, all that raised me with one woman.

… I don’t want him to let his mother taste the same fatherless grief he did. That’s for real. But…

“Still, I can’t let you go, the queen of the future.”

“I’m a crook.”

Gah, my hands get stronger grabbing Style’s shoulder. Pride said she had no power, but she also thinks in the corner of her head that she was so gripping.

“I don’t want to be such a shitty queen who can save one of his people to our cuteness.”

The eyes were serious in themselves.

Ha, and Style recalls his promise to Pride three years ago.

Embrace herself, crying and hugging, not long after she has yet become royal, and the words she wished for.

“If I were to be the worst queen”

I can’t keep an eye out of her serious eyes. From the video you can hear the Knights Commander groaning and the Surpriser laughing over and over again.

… Yes, I am…. pride.

Grab a fist for a long time and stare back at pride.

“Are you sure you’re okay?


I sigh heavily on the pride I return without getting my hair done. Touch the hardware part of the skirt where she was struggling to remove it as it were and move and remove only the hardware instantly.

She also took a step away from it, a little surprised, “Thank you…” and held the sword back in her hands, which she was pinching beside her with a small grunt.

And I hold her strong with each sword. Her shoulders trembled at the vicious and unexpected, and

At the same time, she vanished from my arms.

The knights around them raise their voices, Dear Pride, no way. I don’t care about the voice of an elephant.

The fact that I sent her to the battlefield remains the same. [M]

“My first princess, … everything as you wish.

To protect your beautiful heart.

As I recall the vows I carved again, I proceed to the boxes of explosives and sparks that the knights carried.

… worst case scenario, I’ll let this go down on them directly.

With his trust in pride and his willingness to kill an ambusher, Stayle turned quietly to the video as the knights twirled.


… That’s it…

Roderick, the Knight Commander, exhaled quietly.

I avoided the bullet I was shot at and played it. But as long as they take the distance and shoot at the same time. If you stand up to at least make it easier to fight back, you will be targeted for shooting on the cliff. But if you give in, you won’t satisfactorily avoid it either. It drains your health and doesn’t stop the bleeding where you were shot.

Right now, he had almost prevented the attack with his energy alone.

The men, convinced of their victory, are pointing their gunpoint at us with a lowly grin.

Now is the time to laugh, all the outside roads. If my first princess predicts it, you will be underneath the rubble with me in no time.

If I thought so and gave him an invincible grin, one of the mad ones punched me near my face. Summers cheeks, blood tells.

The chatter, the chatter and the preparation of one shooting after another begins. I also, as a knight, just let it be accepted and sword up.

At that time


Suddenly, there was a scream from the cliff.

Everyone turns to the top of the cliff.

Then one person, another person and the men who were gunning on the cliff and asking what was going on under the cliff were clearly not me, firing in another direction, and screaming and falling.

It wasn’t just me, there were multiple signs on the cliff that I should have felt earlier while all the ambushers under the cliff were stunned.

What the hell…

But that didn’t end my surprise.

If you think you heard pampering and gunfire coming from the cliff, the hands of the men who were pointing guns at me in front of you were shot out one after the other, rolling out to the ground with screams.

If you miss that gap, the gun that rolled to the distance my sword would reach, retrieve it and stab the ambusher in the stomach.

The other men who saw it pointed their guns at me simultaneously again, but each time, the sniping from the cliff caused them to roll to the ground in the same way. Those who do not have guns are also walking around precisely with their hands and feet shot out one after the other.

If you think the gunfire stopped after a while, incredibly a small shadow jumped straight off the cliff. Even the men in front of you came down with rope and a long way around, and who are you?

The men who are out of my sword range turn their backs as if they have forgotten my existence and capture the approaching shadow from the front.

No way.

I stood up and peered into the shadow from the position above the men’s heads, doubting their eyes.

“You guys really didn’t have ammo refills anymore. I’m running out of them now.

In the voice of a flattering young girl, she says.

With a slender sword in one hand and a torn skirt in two.

“Be prepared. Little villain.

An invincible grin that doesn’t look like a girl, she identifies a dozen men who are still there.

“He is my people.

There was no doubt about that Rin voice.

I almost dropped the sword in my hand by accident.

That’s the most irrelevant person in the world.

She was the first princess of our country, Lord Pride.

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