The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 29

26. The outward princess can be painted on mud.

“This is… where the Knights Commander was…”

An hour and a half after the knights marched out of the castle, it was a rubble nest far from the battlefield.

The cliffs, where there would have been sniping, have collapsed unbroken in sight, and all the places that were roads have been blocked by large rocks. For a while it will be difficult to use this path for interaction with neighbouring countries.

“Yes…! The Knights’ captain, unable to move in the Great Rock, is alone in stopping to miss us…”

A relatively slightly injured recruit was supported by one of the knights who came fluttering to support him, guiding him through the place.

Point to a point that is a trembling hand with tears seeping into its eyes. The heavily injured recruits are continually transported back and forth to the castle by advance troops with special abilities in turn. Other minor injuries are also in the Knights. They will be fine because the special ability to treat injuries is watching.

It can be described as a miracle that there were no casualties from such a cliff crash.

The recruit pointed out that instead of a foot trail with rubble damage directly in front of it, a huge pile of rubble was being built.

No matter how many “Knights Without Wounds” and the famous Knights Commander, there can be no survival in this rubble mountain. I bite through my mouth with an itch I couldn’t make it. Will there be more damage than losing the Knight Commander?

Tightened by memorial thoughts, the knight removes one more person and the debris on the spot, at least to the family of the Knights Commander, even if it is just something to be seen, and digs on.


Captain, there’s a voice over here.

One of the knights waves in a hurry.

Simultaneously, the other knights gather and hurry to proceed with the removal. But it wasn’t a human being who was there.

This is footage from the ops conference room.

“Ah, Deputy Commander.”

Surprised, every knight would raise his voice, but he wouldn’t hear the vice president just for the video of the moment, even repeating, ‘Connect the comms here as soon as possible if you discover this in the Knights’.

A knight in charge of communications will contact the deputy commander in a hurry.

Lieutenant Clark, who has been contacted, will give a quick explanation and instructions to all the Knights on the status quo.

First of all, that this footage was once again sent to the place where the Knights of Roderick were with special abilities. This means that the Knights Commander is buried around here, as the recruits say.

And the footage that the Knights Commander had been sending to the Ops conference room for an hour… the fact that it was considered that perspective due to the special abilities of the recruits, that the rock underneath the Knights Commander’s leg was related to the collapse, or that he was now rolling in a completely different place and from beyond, he could not confirm the Knights Commander’s safety, etc.

Our role now is to remove debris and discover the Roderick Knights Commander who would be beneath it. That’s what I meant. Finally, the vice president was somewhat clouding his words, ‘and…’ but eventually ordered all the knights to hurry anyway.

The knights that were gathering called the other knights again, and the removal work becomes a big deal as they look around.

Did it also cause the ground to crack, or the debris would have stabbed and submerged deep into the ground? The more I dig, the more it continues downstairs. And after a while, the knights realized that if it was enough rubble for two or three of us to hold it, we would retreat it, stab it hard on the ground, or the rocks would fit into each other and put it behind us something that wouldn’t move, and part of it was like a dome painted with rubble.

Retreat the debris around to the edge and throw it away to secure the foot trail. The Knights surround the elongated dome, which would still be 2 metres in diameter and dozens of metres in height, which continues below.

I tapped a chunk of debris with a sword pattern and it sounded like there was a cavity inside.

“This is…”

“At the time of the last correspondence, I heard the word that the man who was with Roderick could be a specially capable man. Maybe there’s Rodericks inside. ‘

The Knights Commander is alive…?

The chest of all the Knights who were on the spot jumped to Deputy Clark’s words, which included that possibility.

Lieutenant Clark called attention to explore carefully, as the knights delved further around the dome, “Anyone?” “Knight Commander!”

And he’s raising his voice.

And it was about two more meters before I could dig in.


Also, if you think it sounded like a crack, suddenly the rubble dome collapsed.

The knights, who notice strange things, quickly leave the scene and take their distance.

Make a ragged noise and the rubble dome collapses. If I looked closely, it would collapse from the inside rather than collapse, and so on.

“Ah… it’s empty, it’s empty”

All knights alert to a bounced voice that is tall, obviously not of the Knights Commander.

The rubble dome collapses, and the dome that stood so high is getting lower and smaller.

And when it was about the height of one human being, all the knights lifted their guard and opened their eyes.

“Knight Commander”

That’s what all the knights on the spot shouted, and the recruits collapsed from their knees. The deputy commander across the footage similarly opened his eyes, and the other knights gathered to see the footage sent by the local knights.

“Captain Knights, please don’t let that man go yet.

The face of the pompous Knights captain peels off from the dome, revealing herself from shoulder to chest within a look.

It would be one of the ambushers that the Knights Commander is catching on both of those arms. He stares around with an obviously regrettable face.

“No way… I didn’t know it would really help…”

The knights gave a joyous voice to the chief of the knights, who would not yet have a sense of reality, and one person and another ran over to the side.

Knights chief, you’re safe and above all, good, really good, we Knights would be…

Everyone held their fists, and some were smitten by the chief of the knights, tears in their eyes, and rejoicing in the safety of the chief of the knights.

And after a frequent tremor of joy, the knights, who regained a little calm, fuzz, one question arises.

Who was this tall voice earlier?

The little girl showed up when the dome completely collapsed and I could see it all at once from the lower half of the Knights captain to his feet.

Even while the knights are happy, they don’t speak a word and look at the knights and the chief of the knights and go in, what the hell is this kid…?

She finally opened her mouth when the attention of the knights was gradually gathered by that unidentified girl.

“The Knights wish to take care of the Knights Captain’s wounds. Those with free hands hurry and shackle the man exclusively for special abilities. If you don’t have a match, hurry. I hope you make a request to Steel.

The girl, dirty from head to foot with dirt and dust, looks almost like a silhouette. Besides, he wears a worn out dress and, for some reason, gives instructions to the knights greatly.

“And all I want to do is get a comm to the ops conference room…”

That’s it, a girl notices the different gaze of the knights, and makes it right.

One of the knights fears “Roderick Knights Captain… what the hell is this kid…?” When asked, “the Knights chief answered with a long long sigh, as he had renounced to think halfway.

“The First Princess of our Country… His Highness the Pride Royal Ivy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

The knights, of course, were to scream, not even Val, a flavor of the ambusher that the Knights had firmly caught with both arms.

It was only two seconds after the knights, who had listened to Pride’s instructions until earlier, knelt on the spot in confusion, followed the instructions and rushed to connect the communication to the deputy commander.

Knights ambush and cliff crash by opposition to the Alliance of Neighbours.


Dozens of all recruits and one Knight Commander.

Dead in our country.


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