The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 34

30. The outward princess goes to return it.

“… Queen Pride, may I ask you one thing?

There’s a knight.

Is it an escort? She is sitting beside a woman sitting on the throne with her hair curled like a bore.

He can also see the color of a little nervousness. He is quiet, his consciousness is directed to her, who only looks straight ahead but relaxes beside him.

“Seven years ago a cliff collapse… was that really an accident?

In the knight’s words, the woman said, “Could that have happened?” and returns it like it doesn’t matter.

This footage is the middle of the game.

Arthur finally became the Knights Commander. That figure, which I pruned up briefly, looked a lot like that of Chief Roderick Knights.

In remembrance, Pride and the two of us are the only ones in the situation, and he’s trying to get the truth out seven years ago.

Yes,… I remember.

Cruel, give me this footage.

“Ah…… Yeah, an accident? I predicted it right then.

Naturally, she speaks with a mouthful like that.

I can’t feel any emotions there.

“Prediction and…” I mean, Her Majesty knew everything at that time… then why put the advance troops on a cliff without giving an order to withdraw… ”

“‘Cause that ambush… my soldier, that is, he poked at me? I can’t forgive you. That’s why I had him die a long time before the cliff collapsed. If you give a retreat order, you might even survive an ambush.

Arthur is shaking his fist at her words, which he speaks without evil cowardice, but rather with laughter. Anger and withstanding hatred.

Having borne all the responsibility of the Knights, the Knights Commander, he doesn’t even come true to wave one fist down on her, the Queen.

And I’m sure she knows that, too.


She’s… I’m, like, the worst out-of-the-way.

Yes, Pride said in the game’s past recap scene.

to Arthur, who sees his father in crisis.

Not yet, just one word long before the cliff collapses.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Pride knew by prediction.

All the cliff collapses.

On top of that, she sent the advance troops to the cliff.

… the scene has changed.

“… eh, eh, eh… eh…”

Finishing the pride escort entrusted only until the style returns, Arthur, alone, is being struck by the rain.

I look up to heaven and groan to hide my tears… crying.

She killed her father and the knights.

I couldn’t do anything, I just could see myself in the past.

Tell her gladly about the tragic events of the past so that it’s not a big deal.

To that girlfriend, who can be considered the enemy of her father, is herself now unable to get her hands or feet out of the position of chief of the knighthood.

Now he hates all of that.

Somebody help him.

Even though he is not guilty.

Come on, come on.

I can save you… little by little, of a kind second princess…



“Phew Phew…”

I was roaring in front of the mirror.

Her eyelids are heavy.

That should do the same. Because I cried so much yesterday. I think I even had a bad dream because of it.

My samurai Lotte called me out for breakfast, but I don’t want to go out to dinner with this frivolous face.

To Lotte, he laughed, “It’s totally nice compared to the muddy two days ago,” apart from that and this.

When I called Marie, the elder, to talk to her, she said, “It’s okay because today it’s just Lady Steele and Lady Tiara. It is too late for lunch for Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the King to return.” and was pissed and truncated. I had no choice but to open the door and Tiara and Style were waiting for me when I got out of the room.

“Good morning, sister”

“Good morning, Pride”

“… Morning, Tiara, Style.

I’m embarrassed to show this face at a good age. They pretend they don’t care either of us, but they think it’s absolutely frivolous…

I can’t believe Tiara lost her temper than she did yesterday and was able to sleep alone last night, but I can’t believe the two of us are ambushing each other this morning.

“How are your plans today, Pride?

Stiles takes my hand as I walk down the hall.

Whenever there are steps, I’m glad you did this, but it would be nice to give Tiara priority over me.

“I’m going to return the uniform I borrowed from the Knights Commander.

On the occasion of the cliff collapse, the uniform borrowed from the Knights Commander.

It was dirty everywhere, and there were stains of the blood of the Knights Commander and the Raiders, but when I asked Marie to do it, she washed it perfectly white in two days. Boulder veteran samurai.

“Then I’ll give it to you too.

“I’ll be with you.

When I said that and plugged into the next step, both sides were taken at the same time.

Hmm? Though I thought we both seemed in a good mood and it was hard to walk, but we walked straight down the hall.

I kind of feel like the two of you will miss me even more from yesterday’s meeting with the Knights.

Honestly, as a sister, I was pissed off by the Knights Commander, I couldn’t stand to say something great and run out of butches, I promised myself to Arthur, your son, that I’d end up crying with the Knights Commander, and I’m all embarrassed. No, maybe that’s why the shame made me feel closer than before. I desperately think positively.

Eating breakfast, I was remembering.

I fell asleep last night with my eyes swollen, but it’s about the maiden game I played in my previous life.

Arthur Beresford.

In the game of “Kimihika”, he was 20 years old on four of the main character Tiara, the same as the Roderick Knights Commander, the righteous handsome Knights Commander with silver short hair and blue eyes.

He was chief of the Knights. His father died in battle as a child.

He said there were constant fights over whether to be a knight or not.

He stuck that his special abilities were a complex and he had no talent for becoming a knight.

But a recruit led by his father was ambushed and badly damaged. The weapon is also stagnant, and the Knights leader’s father struggles to protect one until backup arrives, but Big Rock takes his foot and forces him to struggle. In the eyes of such a father, Arthur, who kept screaming, was relieved by the arrival of the advance troops along the way, but it also collapsed in the midst of a mix-up between the ambush and the advance troops. I got to watch my father get drunk by the rubble right in front of me.

Incidentally, Pride, who had become queen early at that time, was forced by his neighbor to interrupt the Knights’ operational meeting, skipping terrible instructions and further disrupting the Knights. Especially cruel is the fact that all the advance troops were sent to a surprise crusade on the cliff, not the support of the Knights Commander. I can’t believe Arthur showed up in the operations conference room when he saw it over the video and said, “I’m sorry.,” he laughs. While the Knights Commander still fought the Raiders and the cliffs hadn’t collapsed. During the course of the game, she laughed when Arthur, who became chief of the Knights to Pride, asked her for the first time about its sincerity, saying she deliberately drove all the advance troops to the cliff knowing the fall of the cliff with prediction.

To annihilate all the Knights who assault themselves.

“That cliff zone was originally a loose ground. So, my father would have lost his life either way. But in such a way… there is such a good way to be truncated…” he said, filled with hatred for pride and sorrow when he lost his father.

“Please don’t touch me. I don’t want to be touched by anyone who separated that woman from her blood,” Tiara was truly like a goddess when she ran over to Arthur, who knew the truth about her father’s death and one tear in the rain, didn’t touch it, and didn’t leave to listen in the rain.

I don’t know why I couldn’t remember it before, but honestly, I knew the first book in the series was too faint to remember, and most importantly, the figure was too different from when Arthur attacked. Arthur was a polite, orthodox knight with words, very similar to his current father at the time of the attack. When Tiara praises the behavior of the Knights captain in the game, it is an imitation of my father. He said. In the wake of his father’s death, he will aspire to be a knight. To the knight his late father wanted, as well, but his primary reason was to hear the sincerity of the Word of Pride thrown at him before the fall of the cliff. He said that one day he had heard the truth and encouraged his father’s carelessness and his workout of it on his chest. And he also told a fine knight at all that he kept imitating his dead father’s tricks and so on trying to get closer to his father.

I do recall that Tiara had a rough tone when she pinched or defeated Pride in the game. The gap also coincided across the series and his fans were numerous. He has played the knight everyone seeks, and the chief of the knighthood, even though he has been annoyed by the great shadow of his dead father.

That’s when you take up the position of Knights Commander, meet Tiara at her sixteenth birthday, and gradually become able to love one human being: yourself.

In the episode around the end. “My father is my father… but I, who have lived imitating my father, am also who I am now.” and embrace myself, who has made me look like my father, so that I can live forward.

And then Arthur’s special abilities, which he said were useless. It still looks like you don’t know how the game is set up in that way, should I tell you? But there’s something called a time of year, and if you plan on knowing when you’re twenty in the game, I’ll tell you…

“Pride… Pride, your hands are stopped.

When he noticed, he stopped Fork’s hand and was thinking about it. Style and Tiara look at this one and go in worried.

“Sister, do you have any thoughts?

“Yeah… well… I was wondering how Arthur was.”

I can’t say I was remembering the game settings. It’s true that Arthur is concerned, and when they laughed bitterly like that, they looked at each other and laughed.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine, Master Arthur.

“Tiara is right. I had Pride do that for me.

That far, that would be Arthur’s prediction. Certainly it’s a royal prediction. It’s not the kind of protection that ordinary people can get. But…

“If I could push his back on that level… I’d be happy to.

So they looked at each other again and said, “What the hell are you talking about?” “Have mercy on the stranger” and other things that included everything, and at the end of the day, “Your sister is wonderful” and “Be more proud of yourself” were also half scolded. You two are really sweet.

Finally, Stayle added, “To it,” and shrugged like this.

“Lord Arthur… he wants me to be more intimate, too.

Though seemingly faceless, I knew exactly what a fun smile Style looked like for me and Tiara.

In the game, Style and Arthur have little to do with anything other than work. I feel that Stayle was always grumpy when involved above honoring Arthur with “the hard man to use,” and Arthur said, “I don’t know the bottom… I feel like a creepy man.” Having said that, “I felt advised the protagonist Tiara that it would be better not to trust her very much. Rather, it’s pretty lame.

I got a little worried that it would be nice if we hadn’t fought early…

That grin wasn’t such a bad grin, but it was also a grin when I came up with something.

By the time we had finished breakfast and studied by the teacher and caught the swelling in my eyes, we took a couple of Jack and his guards to the Knights’ practice area in a carriage.

Even though it had only been two days, the Knights seemed to be in the exercise unchanged. Of course, although the Roderick Knights Commander and severely ill recruits seem at rest for a while.

When our carriage arrived and walked over to the practice area, Deputy Clark, who was the first to oversee the exercise, rushed over here.

“Dear Pride… to His Royal Highness Prince Steele to His Royal Highness Princess Tiara II…!

“Good mood, Lieutenant Clark. Sorry for the sudden visit. I wanted to give something back to the Knights of Roderick today. I wonder if you’ll be in the practice hall today.

Due to that guy’s character, I thought he would be in the practice area even if he was absolutely at rest…

The deputy chief shouted to the knights, who were practicing aloud to say, “Hey, someone call Roderick. Master Pride is here.”

Then the knights, who had exercised until earlier along with the reply that they were awed, ran out here and came together saying, “Master Pride is here,” “Is Master Pride here?” and “Don’t push me stupid. I’m first.” I’m slightly scared that men bigger than me are making me blind.

All of them, gathered all the way behind the Deputy Commander’s rigging, kneel, face up and look at this one. We’re already face-to-face for three days in a row today, and it won’t be uncommon… shouldn’t we see Tiara, the beautiful girl next door, if we’re going to see her?

While kneeling like knights, the knights muttered, “Dear Pride, what can I do for you today?” “Dear Pride, my name is Alan…” “I’m terrified of the First Princess.” “Um, I’ll see you once…” “Idiot! That’s secretly…” he mumbles. I don’t know what it is, and when I ask Style for help as a wobble, Tiara and I somehow shoulder to shoulder, “Boulder, sister. That’s so popular,” she smiled. No, please help me.

When I was in a hurry to pick a word, now I heard something crashing into my head from across the field. Looking back, now the Knights Commander came running with great momentum from the direction in which that sound was made.

“Dear Pride, I’m sorry! Thank you for waiting.

My forehead is slightly red, so the sound of the bump just now could be him. Kneeling and breathing, it also looks as if nothing happened at first sight. I don’t know what to do, I really want to stick to my forehead.

Roderick Beresford, the father of Arthur, the attacker.

“I’m sorry to show you the ugly spot, Master Pride. Roderick is at rest because his wound hasn’t healed yet, but at least he said just for the exercise. Just…”

Deputy Clark looks ridiculous, and he’s laughing.

“He was drinking too much yesterday. Besides, I did my archery on your son at home first thing this morning, and I went back… and that’s why I’m here. Rest in the back until now.”

The Knights chief yells “Clark” in bright red at Vice Chairman Clark’s words, but the Vice Chairman doesn’t seem to care at all. On the contrary, it’s the end of adding, “This is why parent idiots are in trouble”. Parents and children seem friendly and above all.

“You’ll be the same one who drank till dawn,” the Knights chief says back, but the vice chief still doesn’t care at all.

“Arthur is being auditioned quickly, isn’t he?

“Yeah,… they were waiting for me the first time this morning to get ready for an audition. My wife is also surprised.

The face of such a knighthood leader seemed really happy. The knights holding back behind them are also laughing when they look at Niyaniya and the Knights Commander. I’m sure I can’t help but smile at how cute my son is the Knights Commander. As he was about to tell the Knights, “Really, I don’t think it’s been years since I’ve held the sword…” I sensed the signs of the knights and looked back and drank “Don’t laugh”.

“Oh, and speaking of which…”

Two, as I recall, the Knights Leader continues. Keep saying, “Well, this is something you can say to my knights…” and cough up looking at the knights all the time.

“My son told me about Lord Pride this morning…”

“Fucking dad, what are you talking about?”

The yelling sounds to block the words of the Knights Commander. Turning to surprise, there was Arthur with a bright red face there.

“You… why are you in the arena?

“You came all the way here to deliver it because Teme forgot about it after the audition. Wow, apologize a hundred times, you fucking father!

Arthur throws the Knight Commander’s sword at the Knight Commander who looks surprised.

“Oh… did you still leave it at home… sorry.

“I’m too drunk, fucking dad!

Kelly and evil, my gaze is all the way toward me.

“Dear Pride… Yesterday…”

I don’t have a good word for it, or maybe I don’t know how to speak to the person on the horizon. I said, “Hello Arthur. You look fine and most importantly.,” he smiled, blushing again. “… Yes.” He answered.

Yesterday’s prestige seems to be a lie. I may have no choice but to get nervous about my immediate human opponent, but I seem to have been distanced a little and miss him a little inside.

Arthur was the only one who didn’t change his outfit, but he had long hair in one bracket at the top of his head and now he can see his face neatly. Yeah, when you look at it like this, it’s the Knights of Arthur, the target of the attack, after all.

Arthur went straight out of his sight and said, “Well… I’m sorry about this.,” he thanked and turned his back.

“Oh, Arthur. I’ve met Master Pride in the corner, so why don’t we talk about it more?

When Lieutenant Clark sounds so pleasant, he yells, “Ugh, Clark, next time I say it, I’ll bust you.” Then you turn slowly towards me.

“… talk about… enlisting in the Knights, and then… I will.

So he peppered me again and bowed his head. Good, they don’t seem to hate me.

Until he joins the Knights, of course, he won’t join the Knights in practice. This time I visited here as part of the Knights Commander, but only humans who have passed the tough exams are allowed to come here.

I guess he and the Knights chief were doing the audition at home first thing in the morning because they both knew that. I wish there was something I could do…


It was a style. That’s what I say. Now it’s time to pull Arthur’s back off trying to go home.

Arthur looked back as surprised.

“If you have time, will you accompany me in my audition?

I was surprised by the words directed at Arthur with a smile on my face. Sure, he said he wanted to get along, but he didn’t want to really fight like I expected him to.

The Knights chiefs are also surprised by this, and they raise their voices: “Dear Stayle, what the hell is that…”

“No, I was having trouble with the archdeacons, too. Dr. Carl is busy, too, and it was troubling that he could only practice during class hours. So if you don’t mind, I’ll see you later. And if you think you’re better, I will. You may be confused by a different technique than the Knights of the Kingdom, but I think it would be mutually beneficial to acquire different areas to be strong.

That’s what I say. Reach for Arthur.

“Strongly…” Arthur whimpered, holding Steele’s hand hard as it was.

Knowing the game is just the combination for me.

“Then Lord Arthur will come with us to our house as soon as your business is done after this.

Do you mind if I say so? The knight captain who was confirmed looked surprised but replied “Of course”. The deputy commander is joyfully slapping his shoulder behind him.

“That’s right, sister. Take this.”

That’s what Tiara gave me the package. Yes, I did, even though this was an errand today.

Say thank you to Tiara, receive the package and hand it to the Knights Commander.

“This is the jacket I borrowed the other day, thank you.

Upon receiving it, the Knights Commander, who already looked a lot over-capable, opened the package and checked the contents. And suddenly you look like you remembered something.

“… buzz”

He is shivering his shoulders as he turns away from his smiling face again. It was obvious what I remembered.

The knights and recruits who knew when I was held by the Knights Commander also laughed, as they immediately perceived.

Even though I was about to erase it from my corner memory, I remembered it all at once and my face turned bright red.

“Wow… please don’t laugh.”

That makes me laugh extra when I waste my time treading the estate. The other knights, Style and Tiara are twisting their necks like they don’t know. Although only Arthur was a little grumpy that “my father… laughed…”

I felt like I was going to make the extra laugh worse even if I tried to make them stop laughing any more, so I pushed the back of the stiles and said, “Excuse me.” After the scene.

He even dropped me off properly, but when he yelled at the knights who still couldn’t stop laughing and said, “I won’t forgive you if you say anything else about that.” He replied, “Ha-ha-ha.”… Though I still laughed.

We took Style, Tiara, and Arthur to the carriage and we headed back to the main house.

It’s totally black history now…

Maybe next time I’ll make something moveable just in case. And I thought in a corner of my head.

Then, Stayle said, “Because I want to make some arrangements with Lord Arthur.” and took Arthur to the auditorium. As a result, I would be asked why the knights were laughing extensively by Tiara until Mother and Father returned.

Later, with the approval of her mother and father, Style began to engage Arthur in archery as he did every day.

It should be a long time before the game starts… but I felt things were going out of the game’s way without knowing it.

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