The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 6

6. The Princess of Extreme Evil visits the moon and night.

Dinner time also made Stayle finish her meal in the room for the same reason she is tired today. I knew this one would have to sneak in like a game.

It’s one downstairs floor, and I thought I’d tie the sheets through the window and try to break in, but I just bothered the Lottes last time and I can’t do that. Even though I have memories of my previous life, there’s no way a princess would do such a shitty thing cheaply.

Then what’s your pride? How would I meet Style like a game? I would…

So I pinned down and accidentally I laughed niggly. Oh, I knew I was that belly-black princess of pride…

With an affordable book from the room I headed to the Stale room in a grand late evening. When I get to the front of the room, there are still two guards lined up.

“Dear Pride,”

Guards notice me quickly. I laughed and gave it back.

“I wanted to read you a book on Stayle. She won’t be able to read or write yet, so Father says it’s good.

He came out saying the same thing to the guard in front of my room. It’s a lie, but I’m not saying you can’t do it if you give me your father’s name.

The guards let me through.

“Stail…? I’m coming in.

The room is already dark. The door closes and I stare relying solely on the moonlight from the window.

“Dear Pride… Can I help you…”

There he is.

He was there with his knees on the bed.

He had a worse look when he looked up than he had at lunch.

“I’m sorry in the middle of the night. I really wanted to talk to you before tomorrow’s contract.

Don’t be scared, don’t be scared. Slowly approach the style. It’s like we’re dealing with wildlife.

Style said, “Her Royal Highness the First Princess tells me…?,” he tilted his neck.

“Hey, Style. Do you want to see your mother?

The look on Style’s face changed sharply when I started.

Oh, this rhetoric and all that goes with the game at all! Because that’s how Pride shows his contract.

I think I’m starting to be able to remember that game vividly for what it is because I’ve been having a chase experience lately.

I make the things I keep hidden in my clothes look like stays there.

“Is that…?

Style’s eyes are opening wider and wider.

“The key to your shackles. I snuck in from my father’s drawer. Now you can get away with it.

Yes, as long as there are no shackles, Stayle can travel instantaneously with his ability to get to his mother.

Even in the game, Stayle took the protagonist on instant travel and flew down to the castle, or even assassinated him on the orders of Pride.

Style’s mother must have received a lot of money from the castle for handing over Style, who would be the First Princess’s assistant. It should be easy to flee the country with that mother and the money. Then the style…


I knew it, and they turned me down.

Unexpectedly, I was more distracted, and I managed to move my pompous, empty mouth and say, “Why…?” I ask.

“Mother said I shouldn’t come to see you anymore. He said to dedicate himself to Lord Pride and forget about me and be happy in the castle. He said before the castle people came here that if I went to see my previous family or ran away from the castle, I and my family would be badly punished. I don’t want my mother to be punished…”

Steel looks down as he strengthens his ability to grab his knee all the time. Nile’s eyes, which seemed to overflow with tears, were shaking like the surface of the water.

Well, that’s why I drank the “see your mother” condition of the game’s pride. If you get official permission from Pride or Castle, your mother won’t have to be punished.

… even though there’s no way I can do that.

The castle is strong. It is not permissible for an adopted person to meet the original, let alone the common people, on a regular basis. I worry about assassinations and kidnappings, and I can’t even show them to the people as royalty. That’s understandable to me, even when I’m eight years old, to see how the grownups are talking.

“I didn’t like being told the next day when the first people from the castle came and it was amazing, and a lot of them fled and broke out. But His Royal Highness the King gave me two weeks, and in the meantime I talked to my mother a lot. No more regrets on the day we split up, we could say goodbye properly, and we could love you a lot…”

“I was crying so much…” Style muttered in a voice that seemed to disappear with a small voice as it was.

“Besides, if I run away, they’ll call me a different kid this time… I have a friend and only a sister with a family, and he’s capable too… I don’t like it if he calls me instead…”

Oh, my God. He’s only seven years old and he even worries about the other kids. I am ashamed of my shallowness.

If I remember correctly, there was no scene in the game where I would hear the mood for this style.

My chest is tightened for every word of a young boy. Really, pride is… what a shitty person I am. Such a thing, such a child.

I can’t believe I let you kill my mother.

Knowing that it was a lie to be offered a contract of servitude and to have his mother see him, Style hates pride, but he cannot speak otherwise of the contract of servitude because of the order, and is moved as he thinks pride. And the day before she withheld Tiara’s birthday, she says what she came up with.

“That’s right, Style. You promised then, didn’t you? He wants me to see your mother.

That’s how I hand the knife to Style.

“Kill your mother without anyone noticing you with this knife.

“Oh, I finally see that face,” said Pride, laughing at Style complaining about it, throwing up on Style in despair. And Style, who killed his mother without disobeying orders, leaves a terrible heartbreak.

But I guess I’d do it. I’m sure.

I don’t think I would have understood this cruelty if I hadn’t remembered the memories of my previous life, when I was free to do my best. Instead, every day, I would think about how my toyed style would react more awesomely.

Thoughts of redemption fill the style that is now squatting in front of me when I think so.

Gratefully, I don’t know what to say, but I hold the key to the shackles that have just become unnecessary.

You cared about me being silent. Stayle keeps the word going.

“Thank you for caring about me like this. Good Lord Pride… it’s not an honor. I don’t need a key. Please go to your original location. Best wishes for tomorrow…”

If you noticed, I was hugging a small style of body.

Although one down there, his body, even though he’s a boy, seems finer than his own, is likely to break if he puts a little more effort into it. I wonder how much patience and how much kindness you have in this body.

I’m not the one who can save him, Tiara.

Only the presence of his sister-in-law, who is young and has a gentle heart and purity, heals his heart and serves as a base. It was her happiness that became his hope as she protected the young Tiara from sight, lest Pride noticed her as her brother-in-law. He did not lose his mind when he dyed his hands with outrageous politics and sometimes his abilities on orders of pride, and was only made human by his sweet brother in front of his sister-in-law, Tiara.

I can’t save him.

I can’t even let you get away with it.

All you can do is tie him to me for the rest of his life.

If only…

“I promise… I will never hurt you any more… I will make sure that you and this country with your mother are all laughing…! Mine, as long as I have life…”

How pathetic, I’m crying first when Steele says I’m patient.

I rub my eyes and snort with my own arm holding him so he wouldn’t at least be noticed over my back.

I wonder who can count on my sister-in-law crying in here.

I kept hugging Style, who wouldn’t say anything for a while, and I heard a knock through the door of the room. I guess it’s time the guards called it.

Good, I can’t stop crying anymore.

He stared straight at my face from the start without leaning down this time as I slowly left the style. I don’t see it well in the moonlight, but I do have tears in my eyes… oh again, I reflect that I was all about myself and couldn’t even wipe his hard tears for you.

with his tears at his fingertips. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Good night, get some rest.” and left the room behind with a lousy making laugh.

Style tried to say hello back to me, or he was shaking his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t hear the words.

Ten more years. At least do what you can as the First Princess. It was the day I decided to do so again.

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