The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 9

9. Extremely evil princess, connect.

A few days later.

As soon as Style was perfectly better and got the doctor’s permission, he began to invest in manners and studies of the castle again on the first day. Still, if it’s a break, you’ll come to me again.

We didn’t talk to each other about that day of sympathy.

Maybe I’ve forgotten the style that was floating in the heat. Then I don’t mind. There’s nothing you can do about my apology where it was done, and it’s absolutely better if you forget how pathetic my sister-in-law looks. Besides, I was too unscrupulous to “kill” a seven-year-old. I knew the game’s pride was right in me, too.

It was me who was somewhat awkward and couldn’t make it to see Style’s room after that, but I didn’t do anything in the meantime.

After I finished my lunch, I took Style to Father’s because I wanted to give him something between my next study hours.

“This is a special case, to be sure to keep it a secret even in the castle.

So what my father gave me was a single note with a seal.

Style, who strangely cuts the note seal, was unwittingly leaking his voice as soon as he saw the letter inside. I can’t help but be surprised, because the contents…

Because it’s a letter from my real mother.

“Pride asked me, and I promised your mother a bounty from the castle, but I decided to give her only a certain amount of money each month, not once. Instead, I’ll keep just one letter from your mother when I give you some of my monthly bounty. Except you can only write back to me once a year on your birthday.

Of course, the contents of the letters are always strictly checked by those in the castle, including yourself, and there is no need to say anything else to the mother about the circumstances in the castle. Father went on to say that he had permission for his mother to do so… but would probably say it again.

Because before that, Style cried out loud.

Wow, oh, and I’m crying trying to hold the letter from my mother tight. Pride was also surprised to see how he was doing with his hands on both shoulders of the style from behind. I didn’t think Stayle was such a crying kid.

Not yet… you’ve been patient.

I knew you wouldn’t admit to telling your father that you wanted me to allow Stayle and her mother to meet.

That’s why I came up with the letter. In my previous life, I had internet and SNS and was able to stay away from each other’s families, or just be connected by that without having to make a phone call or fit directly.

No frequent interactions, but at least if we know a little about each other, if we can get connected. I asked my father many times to finally think about it when he complained that it would surely help the politics of the country to hear the raw voices of the common people under the castle. “The vessel of the boulder queen, you both have a wide will,” he laughed when the Chancellor, Jilbert, had a slightly troubled face, but still had permission from his mother. My father had a slight look on his face when he heard it.

But good.

As I stroked the head of the crying style from behind, the style looked back at me physically and held me tight.

It was the first time he had ever touched me like this from me, although it was a style that had taken my feelings many, many times before.

I suppressed my crying, and my chest warmed up when I wondered if he might have accepted me just a little bit for the groaning that was going on.

“Me, my father, my mother,… your mother. Everyone loves you.

When I said that and hugged him back, the cry I was burying in my clothes was getting stronger.

My father is laughing at me for looking at me and staying like that.

Style… my brother-in-law. Like this, I wish I could love Tiara too.

He looked out the window of the room and gave his thoughts to his sister, whom he had yet to see.


Then back in the room, Style didn’t come out of the room that day with a letter from his mother on his chest until he was called for dinner.

I was also worried that my desire to go home might have recurred… but when I came to dinner I looked fine and I was horrified.

It’s just… I was reminiscent of my style in the game with a quiet, calm grin, unlike the dimness I first met or the bright smile I had afterwards…. it’s your fault…?

Since then, in addition to calling me “sister” and “pride”, there has been an increase in the number of people calling me “pride first princess” in public.

I don’t care what happens if they keep their distance and they hate me like this as per the game, now I’m a little scared.

Ten years until the time of the plea.

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