The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: First Encounter

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Tong Lele didn’t expect to have such a surprise right after setting foot in Mo City!

There was a boy that looked exactly like him!

“The one apologizing, who are you? Did you find some cloning techniques to duplicate me? How dare you spy on my appearance?” said Tong Lele aggressively as he stood up with his arms akimbo.

“The one compensating me, who are you? You have some nerve to look like me!” said Mo Lisi, also standing with arms akimbo, staring coldly at Tong Lele.

Tong Lele berated. “Where is the evildoer, show yourself!”

Mo Lisi said, “I’m Mo Lisi. Monster, tell me your name, and I’ll spare your life!”

Tong Lele smiled cutely. “My name is Tong Lele!”

The two cute children were like actors, trading lines from a script.

After Mo Lisi heard Lele’s name, he felt a hint of jealousy. He looked at Tong Lele with admiration in his eyes. “Wow, your name is so cute!”

“But of course! My mother named me, how could it be anything but cute? You—”

“Quick, I saw Little Master run this way!”

The moment Mo Lisi heard that the bodyguards were heading that way, he fled before Tong Lele could even finish his sentence.

“Hey, what kind of family raised you, you’re so rude! I haven’t finished speaking!” shouted Tong Lele after Mo Lisi’s retreating figure.

At that very moment, a voice came from behind him.

“Little Master, we’ve finally found you!”

No sooner than the words were spoken, the four bodyguards surrounded Tong Lele.

Tong Lele looked quizzically at the four bodyguards surrounding him with furrowed brows. “What nonsense are you spouting? I don’t understand.”

“Little Master, Young Master is waiting for you back at the castle. Please leave with us,” said the bodyguard.

“I’m not your Little Master! You’ve got the wrong person!” In a baffling turn of events, Tong Lele came to be regarded as the Little Master.

“Little Master, you’re being naughty again. Of course you’re our one and only Little Master,” said the bodyguard as he picked up the small child.

Tong Lele suddenly recalled the frequent news reports about human traffickers pretending to be relatives in order to get close to children, waiting for the right moment to kidnap them.

As soon as the thought of being trafficked crossed his mind, Tong Lele shouted loudly, “Someone help me, someone is trying to kidnap me!”

But then—

The passersby were enraged when they heard about child trafficking, but they fell silent as soon as they saw Tong Lele’s face.

‘Huh? Are all people in Mo City so cold-blooded, abandoning people to their fate? These are child traffickers, they should be sentenced to death! Why do these people not lift a finger to help even though I’m being kidnapped?’ thought Tong Lele.

“Humph! I will remember this! You just wait until I deal with these people!”

“Little Master, please stop struggling. Behave yourself and follow us back to the castle!” The bodyguard hoisted Tong Lele onto his shoulder before exiting the airport and leaving in a car.

Meanwhile, Mo Lisi looked back while running, but he didn’t see any bodyguards catching up to him. Not looking in front of him, he ran straight into a soft embrace.

The next moment, he was hugged tightly.

“Tong Lele, try running again! If someone kidnaps you, I won’t be around to save you!”

Mo Lisi stared at the mesmerizing lady before him, stunned by her beautiful and exquisite appearance.

“M- mommy?” said Mo Lisi, uncertain.

Tong Jiumo thought he was badly frightened, and slowly let go of her anger. While hugging Mo Lisi, she gave him a kiss on his small face.

Mo Lisi had never been kissed by anyone. The sudden kiss by Tong Jiumo made his face flush red, and his body temperature also rose.

“If you cause any more mischief, I’ll bring you back to London immediately!” said Tong Lele, clearly annoyed.

Mo Lisi looked at the breathtaking beauty before him and thought to himself, ‘Could it be that she’s the mother of that kid who was identical to me? She’s so gentle and pretty, I really like her.’

‘So this is a mom’s embrace… why does it feel so familiar?’

“Lele, are you alright? Why are you so quiet?” Tong Jiumo was worried about the lack of response from Tong Lele.

Usually, it was impossible to get a word in edgewise with Tong Lele talking, but seeing how quiet he was now, she was worried that something was wrong with him.

Mo Lisi immediately reached out with his little hands. “Mommy, can I have a hug? It’s best that we go back to London, alright?”

If he could escape his father, nothing could be better!

Wouldn’t it be a good thing to live with Lele’s mom?

“What are you saying, the assets have all been transferred to China, we can’t just leave on a whim.” Tong Jiumo had given up. If her son wanted to return to China, then so be it.

After five years, no one would come looking for trouble, right?

Had the mysterious man already forgotten about her existence?

“Mommy, I want a hug!” Mo Lisi didn’t resist Tong Jiumo at all and naturally acted cute before her.

After seeing Mo Lisi’s cute demeanor, all of Tong Jiumo’s anger had dissipated. She embraced him closely, saying gently, “Darling, you must behave, alright? You look so cute and handsome, if you were kidnapped, I’d cry till I had no tears left.”

However, those who had no tears left were the men who had abducted Tong Lele…

Only God knew what kind of son she had given birth to—

He was number one on the International Wanted List…

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