The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: To Be Taken Note Of, Never Marry Mo Qijue

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Tong Lele was startled by Mo Qijue’s burst of anger.

Tong Lele immediately stopped crying and looked blankly at the enraged man in front of him. He then cried out loudly, “What do you want? Bash me up?”

“Do you want to be bashed up?” Mo Qijue looked coldly.

“Bastard father, you dare to hit me?” Tong Lele raised his brows and provoked Mo Qijue.

If he dared to bash him, he would go and tell his mother!

“Be good and go to sleep! You are not allowed to talk in your sleep!” ordered Mo Qijue.

Especially talk that involved his mother!

“Did my sleeptalking disrupt you? Why are you so agitated? I just want my mommy!” said Tong Lele indignantly while hugging the doll. “You woke me up, and now I can’t sleep! And I am hungry too!”


He has been crying all day, and nobody had actually offered him food.

Luckily, he had hidden some snacks in his room previously so he would not starve.

Tong Lele had only meant to scare that man when he went on a hunger strike.

This was supposed to make it easier to change the rules and let him interact with the outside world.

If his plan followed through, he could return to his mother’s side very soon.

But who knew that his father had a heart made of stone!?

Didn’t Mo Lisi ever want to rebel?

“You started the hunger strike, so you have to pay the price,” said Mo Qijue coldly.

He then turned and left Mo Lisi’s room.

“Humph! What a cruel dad!” Tong Lele said towards Mo Qijue’s towering and cold figure, “Even if you beat me to death, I will not let my mommy marry someone like you!”

If he were to reunite with his mother, Tong Lele would have a serious discussion with her as to which type of man she should not accept!

They would especially take note of people like Mo Qijue!

Tong Lele was a food lover. Even though he had eaten a lot of snacks, without his soup and main course, it felt like he had not eaten. At this point, his stomach was already growling.

Mo Qijude left the room and proceeded downstairs. He then ordered Butler Feng to tell the maids to cook something to eat.

Left upstairs, Tong Lele’s stomach growled even louder when he smelled the nice aroma.

‘Eh, is Mo Qijue joking with me? He still cares for me despite his cold appearance?’

Tong Lele secretly felt delighted. He wore his shoes and proceeded downstairs.

However, when he walked towards the dining area, he only saw Mo Qijue eating. Tong Lele widened his eyes and looked at Mo Qijue in astonishment. “Why did you eat my food?”

“Since when did I say that the food was cooked for you?” Mo Qijue glanced at Tong Lele while eating the noodles.

Tong Lele stomped his foot on the ground. “How cruel! Do you plan on starving your son? Are you that heartless? Did you not know that your son has been hungry for one whole day? How could you eat and not cook my share? Are you serious???”

‘Don’t all television shows act that way?’

‘The female lead would refuse to eat as she was angry with the male lead. The overbearing president would then personally cook for her and show off his caring side.’

‘But why is that, when it came to Mo Qijue, it became ineffective?’

‘Mo Qijue is eating the food himself? And did not call for his me?’

‘Is it because I am not the female lead? Or is it because he is my Daddy?’

‘How did Mo Lisi even survive till today?’


Mo Qijue even ate messily and loudly.

This slurp made Tong Lele lose his mind. However, he came up with an idea and said, “Oh my gosh! At this rate, you will lose me!”

As he talked, Tong Lele climbed onto Mo Qijue thigh. Without caring about the consequences, he snatched away the chopsticks and bowl from Mo Qijue and ate the noodles.

“Emmm… blech!’

Tong Lele devoured the noodles down and burped when he was finished.

His face filled with satisfaction.

“Once you are full, go upstairs and sleep.” Mo Qijue felt his body turn stiff when Tong Lele sat on his thigh.

Ever since he had brought this child back five years ago, he still had not straightened the mindset that he was now a father of a five-year-old.

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