The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 – Find

His body was scorching hot after exercising just now, Yan Ci’s hand was soft and soft, he was slightly startled for a moment, and wanted to withdraw his hand.

“do not…”

Xia Zhinian was still curled up holding his hand, but he didn’t recover. The touch between his movements made his whole body tremble, his almond eyes widened, and he instinctively took the hand out of his arms.

Yan Ci paused, his fingertips were still delicate, and the corners of his lips were slightly curved, sincerely apologizing.

“Excuse me, I want to pull your clothes.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

The boy quickly touched his belly through his clothes, his head seemed to be thrown out by a passive version of sit-ups, before he regained consciousness, he slowed down and his voice was weak.

“Stop pressing my feet, I want to get up.”

Yan Ci laughed lightly and stood up, giving him a hand.

There is almost no intermission in the exam, and after one test is followed by the next one.

Xia Zhinian tried his best to pass the test, but when he passed the 1,000-meter test, he stopped in Bengbu.

Sit-ups, push-ups, etc. can be mixed with water more or less, but not for one thousand meters.

Xia Zhinian was heartbroken. Seeing the people in his group running far away, he was the only one who fell behind more than half a circle away, wanting to cry without tears.

no more.

Shake him off, he can’t run anymore.

Xia Zhinian struggled to breathe, her lungs hurt, her speed dropped again and again, and finally she gave up resistance, her steps were like a turtle moving, she breathed hard with her mouth open, and slowly ran across the finish line under the staring eyes of the teacher.

The physical education teacher looked at the time on the timer, shook his head, and pronounced the sentence ruthlessly on the spot, “I failed the 1,000-meter pass, and I will make up the exam next semester.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Huh, my brother just yelled in vain. In his eyes, there is no difference between failing one grade and failing many grades.

Xia Zhinian’s heart collapsed with bitterness. After the hospital examination, it was said that the allergic asthma in this body is not too serious, and there is no problem with proper exercise.

But after such a rigorous physical examination, a make-up exam is required. Now he is considering whether to go to the hospital to certify that his allergic asthma is more serious.

The next day, after falling asleep, Xia Zhinian found that there was no pain in Xia Zhinian’s body, limbs and torso.

Her body was as stiff as lead, plus there were bruises on her **** and bruised and purple fingerprints on her wrists.

The boy lamented, feeling that he had no good place in his body.

He sat down slowly, leaned on the table with his creaking waist, leaned his head against the table, and took a deep breath.

Seeing his sloth-like movements, Yan Ci smiled softly, “Is this not enough?”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian shook his head on the table for half a circle, with round almond eyes, flat mouth, soft voice, “You are amazing, how about helping me retake the 1,000-meter test.”

Yan Ci heard that his voice had recovered a lot. After a physical examination, the cold was almost gone. He touched his head and said with a casual smile: “At the same table, why are you so ruthless.”

“Yesterday I called you brother, but today I turn my face and deny anyone.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian’s ruddy lips were flattened, and he moaned unhappily, “If you call no, you still fail.”

Yan Ci had a slight smile on his face, and the thin scars at the end of his eyes spread loosely. He said casually, “Then I’ll help you retake the exam. I’ll change my name to Xia Zhinian when the next semester starts. How about it?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”


The black sesame glutinous rice **** are just sarcastic.

“Go away.”

Xia Zhinian flattened his mouth and glared fiercely, trying to shake his head to shake off his hand, but his whole body was so sore that he couldn’t use his strength, instead he seemed to be rubbing against someone’s palm.

Yan Ci hooked his lips in joy, and his fingertips sank into the boy’s soft hair.

The sky was clear yesterday, and I hurriedly finished the physical examination. Today, it started to rain outside. Xia Zhinian lay still on the table, watched the fine water droplets outside for a while, and closed his eyes in the sound of continuous rain after a while. Close eyes, unconsciousness.

The picture in the dream is chaotic.

The news of the car accident was broadcast on TV, and the voice of the host explained it.

“This car accident was extremely tragic. There were four members of the Xia Group’s family in the car, and only the frail and sick eldest son survived…”

The frail and sickly child was almost healed, and had to move from his grandparents’ house back to his original home, but he wasn’t the only one. Grandparents moved to the big house with their second uncle and sister-in-law.

At dinner, several people gathered around the dining table to make a fuss. The milky-white child, who was not as tall as his legs, stood at the edge of the living room, at a loss, not knowing whether to approach or not.


he cried softly.

The delicate old woman with gorgeous hair looked up, with disgust on her face, “What are you doing down here, and what do you want to steal from others?”

The child stood there blankly.

Did he… steal other people’s things?

The child was sent back to the room, the tall door was closed, and the child stood behind the door, bewildered.

After a while, the aunt opened the door and put down a meal condescendingly.

There was a clear voice of conversation downstairs.

A young female voice came, “I’m so unlucky, I can’t even eat after seeing him.”

“My eldest brother has a family of four, and only such a sick man survived. How strange it is to think.”

Grandma snorted coldly, “Evil star, he took the life of his parents and brother, you should stay away from him.”

“Heh, if it’s not your own, even if you rob it, you’ll have to return it sooner or later.”

“If it weren’t for him, maybe my elder brother wouldn’t have died. Now that all the money is locked up, the sick man can get a little bit every month.”

“I owe three lives, and I will have to pay it back sooner or later.”


Auntie turned and left, the door was closed heavily, and the sound outside disappeared.

The fine sound of rain penetrated the dream and fell into the ears, accompanied by a soft voice.


“Xia Zhinian?”

With slightly warm palms on top of his head, he rubbed his hair with some weight, Xia Zhinian slowly opened his eyes.

“…What’s wrong?”

He just woke up, his voice was soft and his tone was very slow.

Yan Ci looked at him, the young man’s face was slightly pale, his amber eyes were a little dim, and his breathing was very shallow.

“Did you have a nightmare?” He patted the boy’s head and asked in a soft voice.

I was just shaking while sleeping.

Xia Zhinian slowly regained consciousness, sat up straight with her arms propped up, exhaled lightly, and rubbed her face vigorously.


How could this be considered a nightmare, he was almost used to this kind of thing every day when he was a child.

In the middle of the class, the teacher was still lecturing on the exercises. It was raining heavily outside. Xia Zhinian breathed a sigh of relief. A hand suddenly appeared in front of him, with the palm flattened, and two warm orange fruit candies on it.

Yan Ci shook his hands and smiled, “Eat?”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

Xia Zhinian was stunned for a moment, vaguely felt that this scene looked familiar, and tilted his head.

Last time he fell asleep in class and dreamed about his childhood, did Yan Ci also give him candy?

Yan Ci passed his hand forward, the joints were clear and slender, Xia Zhinian pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, reached out and took one away.


The weather is getting hotter, and the original owner was brought back to Xia’s house in March, and he didn’t buy too many clothes.

In the evening, Jiang Yuan took the time to take her younger son out shopping, while the older son frowned and acted as the driver in front.

When they got there, Xia Wenhan sat in the driver’s seat and looked back at them with a cold voice.

“My company still has some things to deal with, so I’ll wait for you here, I won’t go in.”

“Ah, Xiaohan, are you in a hurry for work?”

Jiang Yuan regretted, “Mom wants to pick some clothes for you too.”

Xia Wenhan: “…”

Xia Wenhan picked up the phone without changing his face, “I’m in a hurry, I need to call a partner back to discuss things.”

Xia Zhinian was sitting right behind, because of the angle, he just watched Xia Wenhan open…

Xiaoxiaole? ? !

Xia Zhinian: “?!”

Xia Zhinian’s expression was shocked and confused, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Xia Wenhan didn’t get out of the car. He quickly experienced women’s passionate desire to buy alone. He was pulled to try on countless sets of clothes.

However, Jiang Yuan was very happy, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

“Niannian, it’s hot now. I see that you’ve been wearing long-sleeved clothes before, and it’s easy to get hot. Mom will buy you some short-sleeved ones, okay?”

“I…” Xia Zhinian was stunned, he generally didn’t like to wear short sleeves, and Xia Zhinian would easily run into others if he was not careful.

“What’s the matter every year, do you like it?”

Jiang Yuan smiled pleasantly, hoping to get feedback from her youngest son, “How about this one?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian didn’t want to spoil her interest, nodded, and whispered: “It’s pretty good.”

Jiang Yuan was in high spirits, “Like it?”



Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian felt an indescribable feeling, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, he couldn’t help smiling, he resigned himself to his fate and went in to change his clothes.

After wandering around until dark, and buying a lot of messes, Jiang Yuan was finally satisfied and prepared to take her eldest son and son back home.

Xia Zhinian followed her, seeing the relaxed smile on her face, for no reason, suddenly thought of the dream during the day.

…Does this count as stealing the original owner’s family and the original owner’s life?

Xia Zhinian’s heart shrank like a pinprick, his fingertips slightly curled up, and he lowered his eyes.

Hurry up, don’t delay any longer.

The next day, the noise in the classroom was higher and higher.

“The program has been set long ago, and now it’s time to choose people.”

“So suddenly?!”

“Why is Sheng Guang next door engaging in activities between the two schools at this time, isn’t there a final exam?”

“People’s international high school doesn’t care about the results of the college entrance examination, so the end of the semester is nothing.”

Yuen Long smiled, and waved his hand to attract attention, “Hey, let’s not talk about this, let’s choose the actors first, I am brave and I will say first, I am at the same table, Brother Chu, this must be the first one!”


Zou Ziqian laughed loudly, “That’s right, Brother Chu must be the first one. The play is Farewell My Concubine, how can the existing Chu Bawang not be in it!”

“Hahahaha nothing wrong!”

Xia Zhinian was sitting in the last row, stepping on the front bar of the stool, resting his chin on both hands to watch them making a fuss.

No. 3 Middle School is close to Shengguang International High School next door. From time to time, this kind of two-school activities will be held, and the two schools will take turns to set the time.

The time and content of the last visit was determined by the Third Middle School, and this time it was Sheng Guang’s turn to engage in drama performances.

The topic was already thought up in the class. At that time, the teacher was talking about the history of the Seven Kingdoms, and someone had a whim, and said, “Why don’t we play Farewell My Concubine in the next drama”.

Instantly won wide approval in the class.

And then it was settled.

Xia Zhinian stuffed a piece of candy into his mouth, it was sour and sweet, his almond eyes were round and fixed, watching them booing, he turned his head, and looked for the protagonist to attack and accept the figure with implied excitement.

There is this plot in the original text, which said that Chu Qingjian was promoted to the leading role, and Yan Ci’s black sesame glutinous rice **** felt sour and unhappy.

There was clamor outside to decide candidates, Chu Qingjian and Yan Ci hid in the compartment at the back of the classroom, closed the door, and the noise seemed to be pulled away.

The air in the compartment was thick, Chu Qingjian smiled and comforted her little shou, hugged him into her arms and gave a boo.

Xia Zhinian bit the candy in his mouth.

Although he felt that Yan Ci didn’t look like he would be slapped, but thinking about that scene, he was still a little excited.

…Black sesame glutinous rice **** are also available today.

Let him bully people all day long!

I just don’t know if the protagonist’s emotional line is pulling his hips now, whether this paragraph will be directly skewed.

He turned his head to look back, his eyes swept over, and there was a sudden pause.

There is a water dispenser in the compartment, and the door is usually not closed, but right now… the door is tightly closed.

Xia Zhinian: “?!”

I giao? !

This meow… is it true? !

Is there anyone in there?

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes opened wide, and he looked over there in shock and excitement.

There was a movement from behind the compartment door, the brown wooden door was opened, and the protagonist Gong Chu Qingjian walked out first, grabbing her hair.

One step behind, followed by… the protagonist Shou, Yan Ci with a clear, dignified and elegant face.

Xia Zhinian bit the candy in his mouth with a click, his eyes widened bit by bit.

My God, My God, My God!

This, this is…

The boy’s almond eyes were round, and he looked stunned. Yan Ci walked back to his seat, didn’t sit down immediately, and stood beside him, raising his hand and snoring his hairy head.

“What are you looking at?”

Xia Zhinian glanced at Yan Ci’s lips, trying to see something different, then looked at Chu Qingjian, glanced back and forth, and asked in a clear voice.



He was hesitant to speak but stopped, and he stopped talking and then wanted to, not knowing whether he should ask or not.

Yan Ci tilted his head, raised his eyebrows, and said in a gentle tone, “We…we? Me and who?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

He hesitated for a moment, swallowed the words back, and smiled with his eyes bent, “It’s all right, there’s no one.”

In short, the protagonist has made great progress during this time.

During class, Chu Qingjian’s eraser fell to the ground and rolled to Xia Zhinian’s side.

He leaned over to pick it up, and put it on Yan Ci’s desk, “Here.”

Yan Ci: “??”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, “What are you going to do for me?”

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes were round, “Help me to Brother Chu, his.”

Yan Ci’s eyes fell on the young man, his brows were slowly frowned, and that inexplicable feeling of strangeness surged up again, his voice was soft and careless.

“At the same table, you and Chu Qingjian are not far away, why do you want me to pass it on?”

Rice cake dumpling used to treat him as a rival in love, but now…letting his rival hand over items?

He thought of the outside of the teaching building and saw him standing with Chu Qingjian, implying that he turned around and ran away in excitement.

Yan Ci’s eyebrows were pressed down, and the thin scars at the end of his eyes were clear. He looked at the young man with unknown meaning, his eyes were probing, and the corners of his lips curved more and more moistly.

Xia Zhinian’s heart skipped a beat.


He just put it away, but the black sesame glutinous rice **** became suspicious too quickly.

He turned his head quickly, pursed his lips, and whispered: “It’s not you who told me to stay away from brother Chu, so as not to dirty your medicine.”

Yan Ci frowned slightly, the sense of uneasiness that the development of the situation did not match expectations climbed to the top of his heart again, his dark eyes were bottomless, and his voice was very soft.

“I said so, and you will honestly do what I say?”


He smiled, looked at the boy, and said in a soft voice, “Why don’t I know, you are so obedient.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Depend on.

Xia Zhinian’s heart tightened, his scalp became numb from his laughter, he secretly sighed that the black sesame glutinous rice **** were too sharp, bit his lip, turned around and tapped on Chu Qingjian, and handed over the eraser.

Yan Ci was still staring at this side, Xia Zhinian gave him a careful look, and bit the bullet and muttered, “It’s just a piece of eraser, there are so many things to do.”

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci didn’t speak, but still felt something was wrong.

Looking at the young man, his eyes passed inch by inch, as if he wanted to make a hole in his body, go straight to the heart, and see what he looks like inside.

Xia Zhinian looked away.

In the evening, in the last self-study class, the class made a preliminary vote on the candidates for the drama.

Xia Zhinian lay on the table, sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, her eyelashes drooping, her rosy lips parted slightly, and her breathing even.

The classroom yelled, “Vote, vote, hurry up, who else hasn’t voted.”

“Xia Zhinian!”

Yuen Long turned his head and turned to the back row, his voice was loud, “Xia Zhinian didn’t vote, hurry up!”


Xia Zhinian vaguely heard his name, sat up straight, his hair drooped softly, and his voice was soft.

“…calls me?”

The back table was woken up by him in his sleep, Yuen Long looked left and right, he was relieved that he didn’t see Yan Shen.

After waking up, Yuen Long rubbed his nose and smiled, “Xia Zhinian, hurry up, you still haven’t voted.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”


What vote?

Xia Zhinian rubbed his eyes, not sober, and looked forward.

A few large characters on the blackboard—

“Farewell My Concubine” short drama Yu Ji’s primary election vote.

The first name in the first row is Yan Ci (need to reverse the string).

Immediately following the second row is Xia Zhinian (reversed).

There are still some scattered names behind, but the number of votes is obviously low.



Xia Zhinian woke up suddenly, opened her eyes wide and looked over.

What’s the situation, why is the protagonist’s role listed on the list?

Zou Ziqian smiled wickedly and said, “The former tablemate, hurry up, you are the last vote, and the right to choose is in your hands.”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

What the hell?

He opened his round eyes and looked at the blackboard, took a second look carefully, and suffocated for a moment.

He and Yan Ci each had nine votes behind their names, and the competition was fierce and deadlocked.

…and the last vote is in his hands.

This, this meow…why is there such a situation.

Xia Zhinian looked dull.

Yuen Long looked at him in a daze, looked around, the corners of his lips rose wildly, and he chuckled.

“It’s okay. At this moment, Yan Shen and Brother Chu have been called away by Lao Qin, and the votes on the blackboard can be finished verbally.”

“Farewell My Concubine, there must be some teary-eyed scenes of embracing and parting. You want to vote for yourself, right? Hurry up and they’ll be back in a while.”

The grievances and hatred of the three people are inseparable and inseparable, which is extremely exciting!

Yuen Long was secretly excited.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Seeing that Yan Ci and Chu Qingjian were indeed not in the classroom, Xia Zhinian blinked, “Are you called away together?”

“They…are they always together recently?”

Yuen Long thought for a while, and it was true. He nodded, “It’s true that we are always together, and I don’t know why.”


Xia Zhinian was a little excited and a little guilty, and asked in a low voice, “The vote is anonymous, right?”

“Of course it’s anonymous, you can tell the art committee directly.”

Yan Ci and Chu Qingjian had just returned from the office and were about to open the door to go in. Through the window, Yan Ci saw the ballot on the blackboard and the white tender boy who was buttoning up his sleeves and being forced to vote.

Xia Zhinian bit her lips, her eyes were round, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, her almond eyes were shining, she lowered her voice, and her mouth was clear.

“Okay, then I vote for… Yan Ci.”

Yuen Long: “…??”


The back door was knocked unexpectedly.

A dull but clear sound seemed to land on the heart of a person.

Xia Zhinian and Yuan Lang Qiqi turned their heads to look over, a gentle and handsome face appeared behind the glass, looking straight at the boy.

His eyes were dark, the corners of his lips were lightly raised, and the smile on his face was extremely gentle.

Xia Zhinian: “?!!”


Xia Zhinian’s head was buzzing with alarm bells, his eyes suddenly widened, his almond eyes were round, and he swallowed with difficulty.

After being pushed away, figures of Yan Ci and Chu Qingjian appeared outside the door and stepped in.

Xia Zhinian’s whole body was stiff, and he instinctively wanted to hide, but the classroom was full of people, so there was nowhere to run, so a hand was gently placed on his shoulder, close to his neck.


The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and his voice was soft and deep, “Who did you vote for just now? I didn’t hear clearly.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Oh, it’s over, it’s over, it’s over.

Overlord Concubine Yu has a hug scene, but he, Concubine Yu, voted for… Yan Ci.

Yuen Long quickly turned around and pretended to be dead, Xia Zhinian’s heart was beating like a drum, his body was tense and motionless, he was almost holding his breath, feeling the back of his neck being brushed by his fingertips, he suddenly shivered and shivered.

Yan Ci had a smile on his face, and his voice was so gentle that it was cool, he pinched the boy’s earlobe, “Hey, tell me again, who are you voting for?”

Xia Zhinian: “…” Woo!

Xia Zhinian was shocked, with a terrified expression, and said, “I, I vote… myself.”

“Oh?” Yan Ci smiled.

The soft flesh of the earlobe was pinched, and the slightly cool fingertips brushed against the tips of the ears. Xia Zhinian trembled, his body stiffened, and he was completely surrounded by the shadow cast by the people behind him. His eyes were wide open, and he changed his words pitifully and crazily.

“Choose me, my subordinates… Zhao, Zhao Jinjin.”

Yan Ci stared at him unblinkingly, his dark eyes were bottomless, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and his smile was gentle.

“Xia Zhinian.”

He leaned closer.

Xia Zhinian became more and more stiff, the shadow behind him pressed down, and a warm breath passed by his ears, his voice was strange and gentle.

“Baby, what do you want to do?”

Yan Ci stared at the side of his face, scrutinized him carefully, his voice was cool, his eyes were cold and he pulled the corner of his mouth, his voice was soft, “Tell me, I’m listening.”

Xia Zhinian: “…!”

Help, help.

Xia Zhinian’s body was so tense that he didn’t dare to breathe, his heart was terrified, he tried to make up for it, and hummed softly, “I, I wanted to choose my own, but…”

He glanced at Yan Ci, bit his lip, and tried to lean forward to stay away from Yan Ci, with a light voice, “But you… will get angry.”

His mind was running fast, and he opened his mouth to say something ironic, “I don’t think you and Chu Qingjian have a very close relationship, and there are rumors in the class that I am—!”


Xia Zhinian’s heart beat violently, his pupils shrank and he let out a scream, his shoulders were clasped, and his back hit the body behind him.

Yan Ci stared at him, his fingertips dug into the roots of his hair, tightened his fingers, and forced the boy to look up.

Xia Zhinian’s heart seemed to burst out of his chest, his chin was pinched, and he couldn’t avoid meeting those jet-black eyes with thin scars at the end of the eyes full of hostility.

“Yan, Yan Ci.”

He stutters.

Yan Ci pulled out a smile, warm and terrifying, with a soft voice, “Hey, I want to hear the truth.”

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

He shuddered for a moment, trying to look away, feeling a chill down his spine.

“…That’s right, it’s the truth.”

“Is it?”

Yan Ci’s heart was cold, his fingers tightened, he pinched his chin and turned back forcefully, looking straight into his eyes, his voice was low and cold.

“Why do I think that you want…to bring me and your Brother Chu together.”

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