The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 45

Chapter 44 – Give Me A Hug (1)

The warm breath sprinkled behind the ears, and gently brushed, but Xia Zhinian seemed to be scalded by the temperature.

The voice of the boy nearby was clear, and he froze suddenly, his whole body tensed up, his heart stopped beating for a moment, the hairs all over his body stood up instantly, and he stuttered.


Yan Ci leaned over to look at him, looked down, his eyes were a little cold, and seeing his bloated hair, he let out a soft snort, and raised his hand to flatten him.

“Why, I didn’t speak clearly enough?”

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up into a smile, gentle and gentle to the point of being almost terrifying, he said in a gentle voice: “When the teaching downstairs saw me and Chu Qingjian, I left, and outside the cubicle, I found Chu Qingjian and me staying together…”

He paused, his voice was exceptionally gentle, and he smiled coolly, “My boy, at that moment, your excitement will be unbearable.”

Xia Zhinian: “…!!”

Aww, help, help, he doesn’t have it.

Maybe at that time, the black sesame glutinous rice **** were being held down and popped in the brain?

He was wrong, the black sesame glutinous rice **** will not be pressed down and popped.

No one can hold him down.

Xia Zhinian swallowed hard, her heart beat fast, and hit her chest with a thud, her tongue was dry, and she shivered slightly, “I…”

“You what?”

Yan Ci’s eyes were cold, and he was forced to suppress him again. He looked at him with a half-smile, stroked his hair, and his palm slid down to the back of Bai Nen’s neck.

Xia Zhihou’s neck was clasped by Wei Liang’s palms, he was stiff and did not dare to move, he vaguely felt his fingertips rubbing against the side of his neck, he trembled, his almond eyes opened round.


Yan Ci noticed his trembling, pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled softly, and lowered his voice with a biting chill, “How can you tell that Chu Qingjian and I might be together, eh?”

…Yan Ci was angry.

Oops, what now.

The young man’s fingertips turned white, his eyelashes trembled uncomfortably, he pursed his lips tightly, and remained silent.

“Why don’t you talk, baby boy?”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and his eyes fell on him right and wrong. He looked back and forth from top to bottom, and always felt that there was an elusive feeling about the young man, and his voice was soft.

“I’m curious, don’t you like Chu Qingjian very much? Why did you suddenly give up and match me with Chu Qingjian instead?”

“Is there any special reason for such a bizarre transformation?”

Xia Zhinian: “?!”


Xia Zhinian’s heart skipped a beat, he clenched his fingers tightly, and looked at Yan Ci with round eyes.

Yan Ci stared at him, smiling lightly, nonchalantly, with a soft voice that almost seemed to be coaxing, “Hey, tell me the reason, okay?”

He needs to know why.

In order to hold people firmly in your hands.

Xia Zhinian was frightened, his back felt cold, and his heart was pounding heavily.

Bad bad bad, the black sesame glutinous rice **** were too sharp.

He panicked, subconsciously opened his mouth to say something, closed it again, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Yan Ci’s expression was a little cold, and he pinched the back of his neck.



Xia Zhinian was agitated, his body became more and more tense, his almond eyes were round, his lips were pursed, his head was running wildly, and he said with difficulty: “I, I know, Brother Chu… doesn’t like me.”

His head was buzzing, searching for words quickly, his throat was dry.

“I-I’m not outstanding, not good enough… not good enough for him, so uuuuh-!”

Caught off guard, his lips were covered, and Dali led his body almost backwards, his straight back pressed against the person behind him, Xia Zhinian panicked and groaned.

“Forget it, I don’t want to hear it.”

He was upset when he heard the young man’s words, Yan Ci’s eyes were deep and cold, he gritted his teeth, and sneered.

“Baby, I’m angry.”

Xia Zhinian: “!”

Help, help.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened, trembling slightly.


The front door of the classroom was pushed open.

“Students, how did you choose?”

Lao Qin came in with a smile and looked at the votes on the blackboard.

Yan Ci raised his head to look in front of him, and then at the boy who was tense and motionless with a pale face, he hummed softly, returned to his seat and sat down.

Xia Zhinian could barely breathe a sigh of relief, before his heartbeat slowed down, the stool under his buttocks was suddenly pulled, and the whole body shook, and he was forced to touch Yan Ci with the stool.


God, black sesame glutinous rice **** are really scary.

Xia Zhinian’s heart collapsed and she wanted to cry without tears, so she tried to move her body crookedly to a distance.

The wrist was suddenly grabbed.

Yan Ci grabbed him firmly, turned his head, and smiled with the corner of his mouth, his eyes were slightly cold, “Hey, don’t move around, be honest.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian’s wrist was held tightly, bitter in his heart, and he froze.

When Lao Qin saw on the blackboard the primary election of Yu Ji, the two with the highest votes were tied, so he let out a cry.

“It’s a tie. Let the two of you get up and talk separately, and try to fight for it? It’s an interesting event.”

He looked to the back row, “Squad leader, come first.”

Yan Ci suppressed the coldness in his heart, and his voice was calm and gentle, “Teacher, this is a primary election by the public. I haven’t asked the candidates for their opinions. I won’t participate.”

“Ah, don’t participate.”

Lao Qin felt a little regretful, but he also knew that the squad leader usually didn’t participate in these activities, so he turned to look at the next one, “What about Xiao Xia?”

“So does he.”

There was a bit of indifference in Yan Ci’s tone, and he continued to talk calmly, without giving the boy a chance to speak, he grabbed his arm and tightened his knuckles.

Xia Zhinian took a few breaths and tried to calm down a bit. He didn’t care whether he wanted to participate or not. It was originally the role of the protagonist, but now…

He looked at Yan Ci beside him who was suppressing his coldness, then looked at the whole process of looking at his mobile phone, and occasionally looked back at Chu Qingjian who also had a strange expression, and sighed tiredly.

The original text, “Sweet Cookies”, in the play, the protagonist Gong Shou borrowed the performance to hug and sprinkle sugar, the length is not short, but now…

“You still watch.”

The clear voice snorted, and the cold swish fell into the ears.

Yan Ci looked worried.

Xia Zhinian’s wrist hurt from being pinched, she flattened her mouth, lowered her eyes and sighed, and compromised in a low voice, “I don’t want to look at it, just relax, it hurts.”

Yan Ci twitched the corners of his lips.

If the top two voted out do not participate, there will be a new election. Lao Qin organizes to let those who want to act come up to speak first, and then vote again.

The whole last class was full of this, the class was restless, there was laughter and laughter in the front, only the last row, the atmosphere was weird.

Xia Zhinian was worried, almost all the chapters in the cookies were full of emotional lines, and there were not many plots in total.

Judging from the previous situation, the current plot points of this world are roughly consistent, which can be put in a cookie, and the space occupied by the plot points that are consistent is almost not worth mentioning.

And most of the emotional lines, such as this drama, are completely crooked.

The next day, the study committee and the art committee jointly finalized the first draft of the drama script, which was circulated to the class in the afternoon to solicit public opinions and help find problems.

Xia Zhinian looked at the script in his hand, the overlord of Chu, Yu Ji, drank and bid farewell, hugged each other sadly, and there was also a kiss scene that borrowed the seat.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

If this is the original text, maybe it is a real kiss.

Xia Zhinian looked at Yan Ci, then at Chu Qingjian, and sighed faintly.


Yan Ci was at the side, he could read the content of the script very clearly, and instantly guessed what he was thinking about, raised his hand to hold his arm, and smiled warmly, as if he had a very good temper, with a gentle tone.

“Why, do you want to see the kiss scene between me and Chu Qingjian?”

Chu Qingjian turned her head silently, with a strange expression.

Xia Zhinian: “…!”

“…no, no.”

Xia Zhinian shuddered, glanced at Yan Ci’s smiling face, his scalp was numb, he shook his head very knowledgeable about current affairs, and looked at Chu Qingjian in front of him.

He was originally on the left back of Chu Qingjian, and he had to look a little to the right, but he was pulled and squeezed together by Yan Ci, and he almost only needed to look straight ahead.

Chu Qingjian looked at the figure of the two of them next to each other, hesitating to speak.

The two of them in the last row yesterday were not talking loudly, only he and Yuen Long who were the closest could hear them.

Yuen Long was very shocked, now he ran to another place to pretend to be dead, Chu Qingjian frowned, hesitated for a moment, then turned around.

It was during the class break, and the script was passed to the front row, and many people gathered around chatting and laughing.

Only the back row was quiet and the atmosphere was eerie.

Chu Qingjian frowned tightly, with an indescribably awkward expression, and cleared her throat, “Xia Zhinian.”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian raised his head in response, and glanced at Yan Ci who looked at the two of them with a smile that was not a smile. He felt a lot of strength in his arms, and his heart was pounding.

Yan Ci didn’t make a sound, Chu Qingjian frowned and continued: “You yesterday…”

It was only yesterday that he found out that Xia Zhinian wanted to match him and Yan Ci. When he heard it, he almost dropped his phone. After thinking about it, he still felt that this was not going to work, so he hesitated to speak.

“I have something to tell you.”

Xia Zhinian’s heart skipped a beat for no reason, with round almond eyes, he nodded, “Okay, Brother Chu, let’s go—”

“Just say it here.”

Yan Ci held Xia Zhinian’s arm and did not let go, interrupting his words with a cool voice.

Chu Qingjian and Yan Ci looked at each other and clicked their tongues, “Okay, it doesn’t matter here.”

“Xia Zhinian.” He looked at the young man in the back row, frowning tightly, his expression shocked, “Do you really want to match me and Yan Ci?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

For some reason, Xia Zhinian had a bad premonition in his heart, pursed his dry lips, and his amber eyes were covered by long eyelashes.

Now that he had been discovered, there was no need to cover it up. Instead of looking at Yan Ci’s expression, he lowered his head, nodded, and responded in a low voice.


Yan Ci snorted softly, his tone cold.

Chu Qingjian’s face was full of indescribable words, and she frowned, “Before you said you liked me, you followed me gloomyly all day long, I think Aunt Jiang didn’t say anything, and you didn’t tell you the specific situation for fear of provoking you.”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian was stunned for a moment, “What’s the specific situation?”

Chu Qingjian looked at him, then at Yan Ci, and clicked, “Don’t like me, and don’t do anything to match me up.”

His voice was exceptionally clear word by word, and he frowned and said—

“I’m a straight man and I don’t like men.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes widened a little, round and round, with a dazed expression, as if he didn’t react.


What straight man?

Seeing him in a daze, Chu Qingjian sighed and said again, “I said I don’t like men.”

The clear words fell into his ears, Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened, his amber pupils flashed blankly, he reacted for a while, tried to laugh, and was a little dazed.

“Brother Chu, don’t be kidding, how could you…”

The protagonist Gong, the protagonist Gong who knew his sexual orientation since childhood, how could he be a straight man.

If the protagonist Gong is a straight man… then he is not the protagonist Gong, and the world collapses completely, which is completely different from the original text.

Xia Zhinian’s fingertips trembled, and his face suddenly turned pale.

“I’ve been in so many relationships, but I’ve never had a boy partner.”

Chu Qingjian did not hesitate to puncture his self-deception, “I have always been straight, and I have been close to Yan Ci these two days because Lao Qin has something to do with us.”

Xia Zhinian was stunned, “…always, all the time?”

His face was frighteningly pale, his breathing was light, and confusion spread in his amber eyes. He looked at Chu Qingjian in a daze, and then turned his head to look at Yan Ci. He was in a trance for a moment, and a layer of fear slowly spread in his eyes.

Always, straight.

Chu Qingjian is in love, Yan Ci is sick and thirsty.

The emotional line that deviates seriously from the original text, and the plot points that match up from time to time.

…he was mistaken.

He was wrong.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were wide open, and his breathing was slightly rapid.

This is not the world he saw in that book, it might be the same book, not the original plot.

Therefore, there is no protagonist attack at all, so naturally Chu Qingjian and Yan Ci will not be together.

…What about the original owner?

He is, how is it?

Xia Zhinian’s expression was empty, the blood on her lips faded, and her fingertips trembled.


There was a sharp sound.

The water glass was knocked over and hit the ground heavily.

Xia Zhinian shuddered, woke up and raised his eyes, and saw many people were attracted by the noise, and looked back.

“Xia Zhinian?”

Yan Ci called him lightly.

Xia Zhinian took a small breath with his mouth open, his ears were buzzing, he couldn’t hear it clearly, he bent down slowly, and picked up the cup that fell on the ground.

The water spilled out and spread to his feet, and he vaguely saw his own face from the reflection, pale and terrified, terrified and restless.

This is his face, and it is also the face of the original owner.

He didn’t know when the character of the original owner died, and he didn’t know the final outcome of the original owner.

He didn’t even know if the character “Xia Zhinian” really existed in the original text.

…then how will he go back.

What is he going to do, return the original owner’s things?

Xia Zhinian was dazed, trembling uncontrollably, bent down to look at the water stains on the ground, a little out of breath, her arms were pressed on her knees, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, she bit her index finger, and put two deep strokes on it. teeth marks.

“Xia Zhinian.”

The wrist was caught, and he pulled his hand out with a little force.

Yan Ci held his arm, his black eyes were pitch black, and his voice was very soft, “Don’t bite.”

So sad?

Xia Zhinian was stunned, his almond eyes were a little empty, he looked at him, then at Chu Qingjian, pursed his lips, slowly pulled his hand out, and murmured in a low voice with a pale face, “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Xia Zhinian didn’t speak any more, and didn’t look at the two of them again. He lay on the table with his back facing each other, looked at the crooked characters on the open homework book, and tore off a piece of dead skin on his mouth, feeling anxious and anxious.

This is the identity of the original owner, the body of the original owner, and the life of the original owner.

How to… go back.

“… Xia Zhinian.”

Yan Ci lowered his eyes, seeing the young man next to him trembling uncontrollably, looking at a loss, he pursed his lips, and his heart shrank a bit, a little soft-hearted, and a little unstoppable jealousy.

The scorching flames scorched the tip of his heart, so hot that he wished he could find a place to hide him.

No one can see it.

Raising his hand and touching his head, Yan Ci stared at him, his voice was very soft, “Since you want to bring me and Chu Qingjian together, you probably don’t like him anymore, why are you so sad?”

The look of panic.

Xia Zhinian didn’t respond, curled up beside the table, trembling slightly.

Yan Ci’s black eyes were dark and bottomless, he pulled the corners of his mouth, and calmed down, “It’s okay if you don’t say anything, it will be fine in two days.”

After all, he won’t let go.

One afternoon, Xia Zhinian’s mind was in a mess, and he lay on the table, thinking about things after wearing the book, and thinking about things before wearing the book, his thoughts were confused, and his ears were buzzing.

He vaguely heard someone calling him or talking to him, but he didn’t hear clearly and didn’t respond.

It was only after school that he barely got up, stood up with the help of the table, staggered out with his eyes downcast, and when he got out of the teaching building, he realized that someone was following him.

Xia Zhinian turned her head and saw a clear and handsome face, but at the moment this face had no expression, the gentleness faded a little, and she looked at him with a good eye.

“What are you following me for?”

Xia Zhinian stopped and didn’t speak for a long time, her voice was a little hoarse.

Yan Ci looked down at him, always feeling that something was wrong with the young man’s state, so he followed him out with a steady and gentle voice.

“On the way.”

The boy faced the setting sun, and his own shadow fell on him. Xia Zhinian raised his eyes, his thinking reaction was a little slow, he tilted his head, suddenly thought of something, and asked him softly.

“Are you suffering?”

Yan Ci looked at him, paused, “No—”

Before he finished speaking, a cool body suddenly came into his arms, and he froze for a moment.

Xia Zhinian approached gently, raised his hand to grab Yan Ci’s clothes, slowly put his head on his shoulder, rubbed his forehead against his neck, his nose was filled with a faint fragrance, and his eyelashes fluttered.

“Touch it…anywhere.”

“… Xia Zhinian.”

Yan was at a loss for words, frowned slightly, and looked at the boy in his arms.

The inexplicable sense of emptiness climbed up to the apex of his heart again. He was clearly in his arms, but he felt an emptiness that he couldn’t grasp.

Chu Qingjian is a straight man, there’s no way to bring him and Chu Qingjian together, that’s all, the blow is that big?

It doesn’t make sense.

Yan Ci touched the root of his teeth with the tip of his tongue, covering up the bewilderment and jealousy that surged out of his eyes, rubbed his head comfortingly, and pulled him out of his arms.

Xia Zhinian’s amber eyes seemed to be covered with dust, and he reacted very slowly, “Don’t touch it?”

Yan Ci stared at him with dark eyes, “I don’t feel bad.”

Xia Zhinian lowered her eyes.

“…it is good.”

He continued to walk towards the school gate, and Yan Ci followed, watching him get into the driver’s car of Xia’s family.

The car door was closed, the privacy glass tightly covered the figure of the boy, the car started, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Yan Ci watched from a distance, but still felt that something was wrong, so he thought about calling Jiang Yuan to ask him to watch more.

The youngest son hasn’t come home yet, Jiang Yuan is a little puzzled, “Did something happen at school?”

Qin Xu had already arrived in his car, and Yan Ci tapped his fingertips twice, frowning, and told the truth.

Jiang Yuan sighed, “Okay, I see, thank you Xiaoci.”

During dinner at night, Jiang Yuan could clearly see that something was wrong with her youngest son, she lowered her head and said nothing, being too quiet.

“Every year.”

Jiang Yuan was a little worried and called him softly.

Xia Wenhan and Xia Hongyu had already heard about it from Jiang Yuan, and now they all looked over there.

Jiang Yuan didn’t want to say that she already knew about the school, she was afraid of irritating him, so she just sat closer and asked softly, “Why are you unhappy, did something happen in school?”

She wanted her youngest son to speak for himself, so that he would feel better when he said it.

Xia Zhinian raised his head, met those familiar almond eyes, pursed his lips, and said softly: “No.”

Jiang Yuan’s voice was soft and concerned, “Then why are you so unhappy, please talk to your mother.”


This is the original owner’s mother, not his.

Xia Zhinian curled up her fingertips, lowered her head even more, and clenched her teeth to hide the soreness in her heart.

“Every year.”

Jiang Yuan was a little worried, “Mom knows that you have been lost by your parents for more than ten years, and you are not close to us, so you are angry with us, but no matter what, we are a family, and you can talk to your parents if you have something.”

“Although your brother is cold-tempered, he still cares about you.”

“Niannian, you were a lot more lively before, and your parents are very happy. Don’t keep things in your heart. Tell me, okay?”

There was a soft voice in his ear, as if he wanted to tell him that his family was there, would help him, and comfort him, but Xia Zhinian shivered more and more, his heart seemed to be grabbed, and it was difficult to breathe.

He is not…

It wasn’t that child, it wasn’t Xia Zhinian who had been lost for more than ten years and was found again.

He shook his head hastily, his eyes were red, his head was lowered, and his fingertips were deeply embedded in his palm.

“I, I went up first.”

Xia Zhinian got up and went upstairs, quickly returned to the room, closed the door, and wiped his eyes with his hand.

It may be the same person who watched it before. He didn’t know whether “Xia Zhinian” was alive or dead in the original plot, and he didn’t even know whether the character “Xia Zhinian” existed.

He didn’t want to steal other people’s things, and he didn’t want to occupy the identity of the original owner and occupy everything he had.

Maybe the original owner is not dead, accidentally passed into his world, and is anxious to come back.

Two people are two people, even if they have the same name and appearance, after a long time, someone will always be able to see the difference.

Instead of waiting for one day to be found out, to be found out that he occupied the body of the youngest son of the Xia family, to be disgusted, and to be accused, it is better to solve it as soon as possible.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes were wet and red, his lips were pale, and he touched the long, hard thing in the cuff and pushed it forward.

A little bit of sharp and cold light was exposed from the cuffs.

It was the fruit knife he had just stolen.

The original owner was about to die in a car accident. He wore it in, but couldn’t figure out how to get it back, so he took the plot as the only straw.

Now the straw sank to the bottom.

Xia Zhinian gritted her teeth.

…Perhaps the same state can go back and find the original owner.

If you can make it, if you can’t…

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were empty, and he pulled out the knife. The sharp blade was hidden in the sleeve against the flesh, and a few vertical bloodstains were wiped out.

“Every year?”

The door was pushed open suddenly, Jiang Yuan’s voice appeared, and it hit his ears like thunder.

Xia Zhinian woke up suddenly, quickly hid the fruit knife under the pillow, and looked back in a little panic.

Jiang Yuan stood stunned at the door, she just knocked on the door, but no one answered, she opened the door and came in a little worried, only to see…

The younger son hid…a fruit knife that he couldn’t find downstairs?

Several red marks on the wrist are clearly visible.

Jiang Yuan’s expression changed, and she pressed her fingers on the door until the veins bulged for a moment, then pressed down firmly to stabilize her voice, and said softly, “Niannian, mother cut the fruit, do you want to come down and eat some?”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were very round, she looked at her in a panic, blocked the pillow where something was hidden, her whole body was tense, trembling slightly, she shook her head, “I, I won’t eat.”

She saw it.

Jiang Yuan tried to get closer, Xia Zhinian took a step back in panic with red eyes, “I, I want to go to sleep.”

Xia Zhinian was in a panic, his head was buzzing, he was in pain and confused, he took a few steps forward and pushed Jiang Yuan out, and closed the door.

“Every year!”

Jiang Yuan was not as strong as him, and was suddenly shut outside the door. There was a sound of the lock coming from inside, and there was a sound of keys clinking. She opened her eyes and knocked softly on the door. Her movements were uncontrollable and hasty. it is good.”

“Mom, mom wants to see you, every year.”

Xia Zhinian shuddered, stuffed the key into the keyhole, and then closed the lock, breathing slightly short of breath.

Don’t let the Xia family see it.

They will worry.

No, you can’t let them see it.

The door was knocked, Jiang Yuan’s voice sounded anxiously, Xia Zhinian’s head was in a mess, he hurriedly opened the pillow and picked up the fruit knife under it, rummaging around the room trying to find a place to hide.

Jiang Yuan broke out in a cold sweat at the door, and turned around to call Xia Wenhan and Xia Hongyu to come over. They heard her voice anxious, and came in a hurry, bringing another Qingjun boy with them.

Yan Ci frowned, “Aunt Jiang, where is Xia Zhinian?”

When he went back, he thought of the rice cake dumpling he brought up after school, and he thought something was wrong.

Xia Zhinian didn’t like being touched by others, but at that moment he said…you can touch anywhere?

He was inexplicably uneasy, and when he drove over, he happened to meet Jiang Yuan calling for someone.

Jiang Yuan spoke eagerly, her voice trembling slightly, “Xiaohan, go get the spare key, Niannian, Niannian… hid a fruit knife.”

fruit knife?

Yan Ci’s expression suddenly turned cold.

Xia Wenhan frowned and quickly took the key up, but it couldn’t be inserted, the door lock was blocked by another key.

Xia Wenhan’s expression darkened, and he immediately wanted to kick the door, but was stopped by Jiang Yuan, “Will it irritate him?”

Yan Ci’s eyebrows and eyes were gloomy, his gentleness faded away, and his voice was cold, “Kick away, now is not the time to be exciting or not.”

He stepped forward and kicked the door directly.

There was a loud bang on the door.

The locks of Xia’s villa are naturally expensive. When Yan Ci stepped down, the metal lock was slightly deformed, but it was still closed and did not open, but the wooden board at the door lock was broken.

The door was pushed open violently, and Yan Ci stepped in. At a glance, the young man inside was stepping on a stool, holding a hanging rope in his hand, stepping on the edge of the window sill, ready to run out.

“Xia Zhinian!”

“Every year!”

Xia Zhinian was startled by the huge movement, turned around, and was caught off guard by a pair of angry eyes.

Yan Ci? !

His palm was wet and his heart was beating fast. Before he had time to think about it, he stepped on the other foot.

Yan Ci’s expression was horrifying, his teeth were gritted sharply, and he flew over quickly, grabbing his waist, with such strength that he wished he could crush him to pieces and press him into his bones.

“Well, let go.” Xia Zhinian snorted, his eyes were wet and reddish.

“Xia Zhinian!”

Yan Ci firmly grabbed the man, dragged him off the window sill, put one hand into his bosom, took the rope by the window with the other hand, and quickly tied his wrists in front of him to prevent him from moving.

Xia Zhinian panicked, struggling stiffly, “Yan Ci, what are you doing?”

“Wrist, his wrist!” Jiang Yuan exclaimed.

The young man’s wrist was strangled by the rope, and his right hand bulged strangely, bleeding out. Yan Ci frowned and untied some of the rope, and pulled out the fruit knife hidden inside, with a terrible expression on his face, raised his hand and threw it away, watching the wound to tie him up again.


Xia Zhinian opened his eyes wide, with a few drops of water on his eyelashes, he was hugged up and held down to keep him from moving, “Yan, Yan Ci.”

Yan Ci gritted his teeth, his whole body was ferocious, and he glanced at him with dark eyes, supported him with one hand, pressed the back of his head with the other hand, and pressed the man on his shoulder, not allowing him to speak.


Yan Ci twitched the corners of his mouth and pursed his lips. There was still a lingering coldness in his voice, trying to calm down, “Aunt Jiang, Uncle Xia, I will take them away first.”

Xia Zhinian’s toothache from knocking on his shoulder, eyes wide open, tried to raise his head, Yan Ci pushed him back with one hand.

Xia Wenhan frowned tightly, “Take him away, his house is here, where do you want to take it?”

“You can’t see him.”

Yan Ci’s hands tightened, and his eyes swept over the Xia family.

Jiang Yuan was very flustered. She looked at her youngest son who was bound and couldn’t move, and then at the fruit knife on the ground in the distance. She wondered whether she should ask Yan Ci to put him down.

“Xiaoci, what happened in school?”

Yan Ci pursed his lips, “It’s just like what I told you on the phone, knowing that Chu Qingjian is a straight man, and then something is wrong.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian didn’t move, slowly gave up resistance and lowered his eyes.

Yan Ci asked what they had said to Xia Zhinian after they came back, but they really didn’t say a few words, they only cared a few words as a family member, the younger son’s eyes were a little red, and he stole a fruit knife and ran up.

When the two sides combined, they both felt that something was wrong, and they didn’t know why, so they went to the point of opening the window with a knife, and asked Xia Zhinian, but he stopped talking, curled up, buried his head in Yan Ci’s neck, and said nothing. language.

Yan Ci felt a little damp in his neck, pursed his lips, still angry, and wrapped around his wrist twice more.

Seeing that her youngest son was quite obedient in Yan Ci’s arms, Jiang Yuan felt lingering fears, “Xiao Ci, take Nian Nian and stay here for one night, don’t go out.”

Yan Ci frowned, hesitated for a moment, and still refused, “Forget it, there may be excitement at school, and there may be some at home. I will take it out and send it back in two days.”

Jiang Yuan thought about it again and again, looking at the fruit knife, she was still a little terrified, and gritted her teeth, “…Okay, then, then I will go with you, I really don’t feel relieved.”

“I’ll go.”

Xia Wenhan interrupted, patted Jiang Yuan on the shoulder, “I’ll go and watch.”

Yan Ci didn’t refuse any more, Xia Wenhan took the medicine kit at home and went downstairs to drive.

Yan Ci stuffed the boy in his arms into the back seat, followed by himself, Xia Wenhan locked the car door and handed the medicine box to the back.

Xia Zhinian sat on the side, looked at the closed compartment with the doors and windows closed, and then at Yan Ci who was holding his hand while untying the rope. He couldn’t tell what it felt like, but his nose was sore.

With his head down, his forehead hair covered his eyebrows and eyes, and his reddish eye sockets.

Yan Ci looked down at him, his eyes were cold, and he lifted his wrists to look at him. Fortunately, there were no deep wounds, only a few vertical shallow marks. out of the blade.

His face was very cold, he treated the wound and wrapped it in gauze.

The fingertips penetrated into the root of the boy’s hair, and tightened his fingers, forcing him to raise his head. At a glance, the red eye sockets were particularly clear.

Yan Ci bit the soft flesh on the side of his cheek, looked at him coldly in a low voice, “Why are you crying, I haven’t cried yet.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian shut her eyes and turned her head away, she really didn’t know what to say.

After leaving the place where his emotions fluctuated violently just now, he was indeed much calmer, but his soul seemed to have been sucked out, and he was stunned, with his head hanging down in a daze.

Yan Ci snorted coldly, clasped the young man’s waist, exerted strength with his arms, and easily picked him up and put him on his lap. Xia Zhinian lowered his head and met those black eyes.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian turned his head again, and Yan Ci broke his chin back, his voice was cold, “Come on, don’t talk, just be in a daze, that good boy just look at me in a daze.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Who is your good boy.

Xia Wenhan was driving the car, looked back in the rearview mirror, frowned, coughed coldly, “Fasten your seat belt.”

Yan Ci: “…”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci hugged him back again and put on his seat belt. Xia Zhinian thought in a daze that he seemed to be disabled, but when his emotions got out, his head was a little empty and he didn’t have the strength to earn it, so he let him hug him.

Arriving at Yan Ci’s villa on the outskirts of the city, the car stopped, Yan Ci went upstairs with one arm in his arms, and briefly explained the layout of the villa to Xia Wenhan.

“Brother Xia can just choose a guest room to live in.”

Then Xia Wenhan watched Yan Ci carry his younger brother into the master bedroom, but his younger brother did not resist.

Xia Wenhan: “…”

Xia Wenhan’s narrow eyes swished coldly, and he chose the room closest to the master bedroom.

The sky is already dark, the night is shrouded, and there are few people in the suburbs, so the night is extraordinarily quiet, with only a little insects and birds singing.

Emotional ups and downs took a lot of energy. Yan Ci put the person on the bed and went to the medicine box to get new gauze. When he turned around, he was asleep with his eyes closed and his breathing was shallow.

…It’s pretty good to be asleep.

Yan Ci stood by the bed, watching condescendingly, his gaze swept over the boy’s gauze-wrapped wrist, his eyes darkened a lot.

The last time I brought rice cake dumplings back, rice cake dumplings didn’t take a bath, and I thought that next time I must wash them in water and change clothes. Now it’s a waste of time.

It happened that my wrist was injured and I couldn’t touch the water.

let’s talk tomorrow.

Yan Ci stared at the young man for a while, making sure that he was not pretending to be asleep, that he would not wake up suddenly, went to the bathroom to take a shower, came back, said a few words to Xia Wenhan outside, and returned to the master bedroom.

The young man curled up, his brows were slightly frowned, he didn’t know what he was dreaming about, and his breathing was a little short.

Yan Ci looked down at him for a while, still wondering what stimulated him.

If it’s Chu Qingjian’s straight man, I can’t be with him, chasing him for so long is useless and sad, but since the young man already wants to get him and Chu Qingjian together, it doesn’t matter whether Chu Qingjian likes him or not .

The problem seems to be that Chu Qingjian is a straight man.

There are also a few words of comfort from Aunt Jiang after returning to Xia’s house.

…but why.

Where is the problem?

The young man did not sleep well, his body curled up badly, Yan Ci frowned slightly, lay down, pulled him into his arms, and patted him on the back.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were dizzy, as if covered by clouds and mist, there was a loud “bang”, like the terrifying movement of a car accident, the clouds dispersed and turned into three blurred figures.

A man, a woman, two very young people, and a child, all could not see their faces clearly, and their voices were angry.

“Why didn’t you die.”

“Xiao Nian, you are not in good health, how could you survive?”

“Why do you want to steal other people’s things?”

“Take other people’s lives.”

Immediately after the cloud and mist changed, a very familiar face appeared, gnashing his teeth and staring at him, furious.

“That’s my parents, my eldest brother, give it back to me.”

Messy voices staggered.

“If you take something from someone else, you have to pay it back.”

“Niannian, my mother is here.”

“My mother, my mother!”

“Go back!”

…other people’s stuff.


Xia Zhinian woke up suddenly, with a splitting headache and difficulty breathing, biting his index finger, sweating profusely all over his body.

The air seemed to be stagnant. He sat up, a little out of breath, his eyes were dazed, the end of his eyes were red, he covered his oppressed chest, got out of bed, ran to the window and pushed it open, breathing hard.

“Xia Zhinian!”

“What are you doing?”

A low and hoarse voice came, and the wrist was suddenly grabbed and pulled back vigorously.

Yan Ci heard some movement, opened his eyes and saw the young man lying by the window with half of his body leaning out.

Xia Zhinian staggered, clutching his chest, breathing very shallowly, slowly bowed his body to breathe, his body was exhausted, he slid to the ground with his arms propped up.

Yan Ci paused, frowned, and supported him, “Where’s your medicine?”

Xia Zhinian shook his head slowly, with deep tooth marks on his index finger, took a few breaths, and said softly: “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Yan Ci squatted down halfway, looking at the pale young man, his heart twitched sullenly, and he was a little worried that he couldn’t use his strength to catch him.

Obviously people are right in front of you.

But there is a sense of nothingness that cannot be touched or grasped.

“Xia Zhinian.”

Yan Ci sighed softly, lowered his voice, and touched

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