The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 73

Chapter 72 – Early Knowledge

The boy was gentle and elegant, but his words were blunt and fierce, and he was extraordinarily presumptuous. The strong sense of conflict made Xia Zhinian a little sluggish, his almond eyes opened, and his lips suddenly hurt.


The teenager snorted.

Yan Ci smiled softly, grasping the boy’s wrists with one hand, and brushed the boy’s body slowly with the tip of the other finger, with a low voice.

“Mid-Autumn Festival sent me a regular message to break up, and he helped me in the morning.”

“Good boy.”

He hooked his lips lightly, with an unclear smile, and said in a low voice, “At that time, you didn’t think that you wanted to break up with me. Let’s go.”

When he received the news of the breakup, he wished he could tie him to the bed and make it worse, so that he could not go anywhere while lying down.

The province is so dishonest every day.

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

Xia Zhinian’s face was flushed red, the bases of his ears seemed to be on fire, it was so hot, he couldn’t move when he was pressed down, his eyes were round, his eyelashes trembled slightly, he groaned, “No…”

In fact, he did think so.

But he dared not say it.

“Umm… Yan Ci, Yan Ci!”

The boy’s voice suddenly rose, and he called the boy’s name repeatedly. He opened his eyes wide and instinctively wanted to curl up.


Yan Ci carelessly took control of the young man’s body in his hands, and curled his lips lazily, “Do you think I will believe your nonsense.”

Xia Zhinian: “!” Woo.

Xia Zhinian wanted to cry but had no tears, so he pursed his mouth and admitted his mistake first, “I was wrong, I really know I was wrong…”

Before the words finished, the body was gently rubbed by the fingertips, and the boy trembled suddenly, his almond eyes widened.

The voice beside the ear was exceptionally gentle.

“Hey, let’s break up. That’s not how you shoot guns. I’ll show you a teaching exercise.”

The waist was clasped, and the hands on the waist moved down little by little. The boy’s body blocked the light, and the shadow shrouded his body. He had a plaster cast on one leg, and his hand was caught again. one time.

“It doesn’t hurt…”

There was a sudden sharp pain in the side of the waist, the boy froze, his breathing was slightly rapid, and he hummed with a pale face, “It hurts.”

Yan Ci paused, frowned slightly, laid the young man on his back, lifted his clothes and took a look.

The boy’s waist is slender, and the upper part is wrapped in circles of gauze, with a little blood on the left side.

The wound was bleeding.

Yan Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, clicked his tongue, and pressed the restless young man with one hand, his eyes darkened, “Be honest.”

The wound on the waist of the rice cake dumpling was very deep. It is not sure whether it was scratched by the deformed and broken car body or by the glass.

Xia Zhinian pursed her mouth, her almond eyes were round, looking at the red and severe wound, she looked pitiful.

“I don’t move, I don’t move.”

Yan Ci stared at him with black eyes, dark under his eyes, like a bottomless abyss, meaning unknown, he helped the boy up to sit on the bed, raised his hand, and slowly unbuttoned him.

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes widened, “What are you doing?”

“Change the medicine.”


The boy hesitated and stopped talking.

Yan Ci looked down at him, turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, unbuttoned the boy’s thin pajamas from top to bottom, and brushed his fingertips over his body.

The boy shrank back a bit.

The clothes peeled off, revealing a body of white and tender skin, white and tender, sitting on the bed, like a cute white ball.

There were circles of gauze wrapped around the boy’s waist, and there were some wounds on his body that were not healed and covered with small pieces of medical band-aids. They were scattered, which added a bit of fragile and delicate beauty to the boy.

Yan Ci took off the gauze from his body, the wound on the side of the boy’s waist was blood-stained, and had just begun to scab. It hurt and itched.

He cleaned up the wound again, took the medicine, dipped a little on his fingertips, and gently touched the wound.


The boy gasped, trying to hide.

Yan Ci pressed his shoulder with one free hand, and said in a calm voice, “Don’t move.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

He couldn’t think about it either.

But he couldn’t help it.

Fingertips touched with ointment, slightly cold, and a little itchy, the skin that was usually covered under the clothes was directly touched without any barriers, Xia Zhinian instinctively wanted to hide, his eyes were round.

The young man was restless, Yan Ci held him down, looked at his wounds, pulled his lips for some unknown reason, and slowed down his voice, “Is it itchy? Or are you not used to being touched?”

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, and said in a soft voice, “All of them.”

Yan Ci’s dark eyes fixed on the young man, “Why don’t you like being touched by others?”

He has wondered about this question for a long time.


Yan Ci stood in front of him, Xia Zhinian sat on the edge of the bed, looked up at him, calmed down, lowered his eyes, hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly.

“When I was young, I heard my grandma say that if someone touches your skin and you don’t feel disgusted, it means you have a good impression of this person, or at least you don’t hate it.”

“Then you hate me?”

Yan Ci’s deep eyes looked at the young man.

Xia Zhinian buttoned the corner of the quilt with her fingertips, and said softly, “…No, I don’t hate it.”

How could he hate Yan Ci.

It’s just that he was stupid when he was a child. When he heard that, and saw his grandparents hugging other children, he also wanted to get closer.

But grandparents don’t want to touch him.

After that, he didn’t want to touch people anymore.

After a long time, if you have physical contact with people, you will become a little indescribably…sensitive.

Taking advantage of his obedient sleep, Yan Ci quickly wiped off the medicine, and put on another pajamas for him.

Xia Zhinian stayed in the villa to recuperate, and Yan Ci followed him every step of the way. It was obviously time for class, but Yan Ci never asked for leave, so he stayed in the villa.

Xia Zhinian was fine for the first two days after waking up, but from the third day onwards, he felt unstoppable anxiety.

This is the body of the original owner. He can’t take this body for granted, and he can’t act as if nothing happened. He stays in the villa with Yan Ci every day, enjoying every minute and every second, as if he never The original owner seized the stolen time.

Before going to bed at night, Xia Zhinian looked at the jingling bell on his wrist, his almond eyes were a little puzzled, “Why do you hang a bell for me?”

Yan Ci stood by the bed, handing over a glass of milk, his voice was low and gentle, and it fell clearly into people’s ears in the quiet night.

“The bell will ring, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, I can hear it.”

Xia Zhinian’s movements froze, his heart felt a little queasy, the conflicting feeling of eagerness to leave and reluctance surged up again, his chest was a little congested, and he said in a muffled voice: “What if I haven’t woken up all this time.”

The chin was raised, and the young man was forced to raise his head, and when he met those dark eyes, the voice in his ears was slightly cold.

“Will not.”

Yan Ci patted his head, his eyes darkened, his lips curled slightly, and his voice was a little frighteningly crazy, “My dear boy, I can always find a way to wake you up.”

Xia Zhinian’s eyelashes trembled, his heart felt numb, and he looked away.

Milk helps him sleep, he drank it and fell asleep quickly, but the scene in his dream was deep and chaotic.

Grandpa and grandma, second uncle and sister-in-law, the Xia family, the original owner, occupied his mind in a mess.

Why is he still here, why is he still occupying this body and not leaving.

He didn’t want to steal other people’s lives and identities.

really don’t want to.

Xia Zhinian woke up with a start, and then fell asleep again, her heart pounding in her chest with a pounding sound, and the cold sweat on her forehead was clear.

It was a long night, the boy fell asleep, woke up, and fell asleep, thinking too much, dreaming too much, coupled with various injuries all over his body, he started to have a fever in the second half of the night.

Yan Ci looked at the rice cake dumpling with his eyes closed, and patted his head lightly.

Early the next morning, there was a sudden angry sound outside the window.


It seemed to be a huge movement of kicking the door.

The building is well insulated, but with the windows open, the sound came directly up.

“Yanci, it’s the tenth day, return Niannian.”

Xia Wenhan’s body was cold, his brows were tightly furrowed.

On the tenth day, when Yan Ci came out of the emergency room of the hospital, Yan Ci took Nian Nian away, and he never saw Nian Nian again.

The family came to the door every now and then, but Yan Ci never opened the door.


“Yan Ci, where is my younger brother?”

Xia Zhinian suddenly woke up.

…This is Brother Xia’s voice.

He came for this body.

Xia Zhinian was stunned, his heart beat a little faster, thinking of the scene in the dream where the Xia family hated accusations, he felt a little flustered, he instinctively grabbed Yan Ci’s clothes, but then he felt something was wrong.

This is the body of the youngest son of the Xia family. It is normal for Brother Xia to ask for it back. What should be given to him should be returned to him.

Xia Zhinian let go, his heart shrank slightly, his eyes looked a little empty, he stood up with his arms propped up, and was about to get out of bed.

“Good boy.”

Yan Ci pressed his shoulder from behind.

The young man turned his head, his amber eyes dimmed, flustered and eager, Yan Ci’s heart sank.


During this period of time, he was concerned about the body of the rice cake dumpling, and did not pay attention to how the Xia family reacted to the fact that the youngest son was not the youngest son, but no matter what, he would not give out the rice cake dumpling.

“…Yan Ci.”

With a soft voice, Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, and said with a sore nose, “I have to return it to the Xia family.”

I have to pay it back.

Yan Ci’s face darkened, seeing the boy’s obviously not right state, he raised his hand and stuffed the boy back into the bed, wrapped him in the quilt, got up and stood in front of the window.

Seeing him, Xia Wenhan’s face became more and more grim and ugly, “Yan Ci, young master Yan, if it wasn’t for Nian Nian still in a coma, I would have found someone to break in the door a long time ago. Just a word of advice, send him down immediately.”

Yan Ci looked at Xia Wenhan’s reaction, guessing in his heart what he thought of the sentence “it’s not Xia Zhinian”, he was gentle and calm, with a flat voice.

“Impossible, Brother Xia, go back.”

“…Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian had a plaster cast on his leg, and it was inconvenient to move, so he urgently called him.

“Niannian?!” Xia Wenhan heard a voice, his narrow eyes showed a little surprise, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Just wake up.

He raised his voice, “Niannian, brother is below.”

Xia Zhinian tore off the quilt wrapped around her body, hurriedly trying to get out of bed, Yan Ci glanced back at him, raised her hand to close the window, and turned back.

Xia Wenhan frowned, his voice was cold, “Yan Ci!”

The windows were closed, and the sound-proof villa blocked all movement. Yan Ci carried the boy back to the bed.

Xia Zhinian’s face turned pale, his fingertips sank into his palms, his fever had not subsided completely, and there was no blood on his lips, he looked as if he wanted to go out, but he was a little afraid to go out, he pursed his lips, and made up his mind.

“It can’t be like this, or, I have to return it.”

Just go back.

No matter how the Xia family reacts, return this body.

At least he doesn’t have to take another life.

Xia Zhi was young and shivered.

Yan Ci frowned and looked at him.

…the boy reacted incorrectly.

He patted the boy’s head, and said softly, “Have you ever thought about what the Xia family will do to you if you go out?”

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, her throat tightened, her heart constricted, and she slowly shook her head, “No, but…anything is fine.”

If he went back, he would have less pain.

The color in Yan Ci’s eyes suddenly sank, and his voice was very soft.

“what about me.”

“Good boy.” His voice was light and soft, falling into the young man’s ears a little bit, “You don’t want me yet?”

“…Yan Ci.” Xia Zhinian’s nose was sour, his heart was numb, and his eyes were red.

It would be great if the body and soul could be separated, the body could be given to the Xia family, and the soul could follow Yan Ci.


Yan Ci stroked the young man’s hair soothingly, lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and said slowly: “Have you ever thought that the Xia family might not believe that letter, or… treat you as their own child?”

Xia Zhinian smiled slightly.

…how come.

In his last life, even blood relatives who should be close by birth, people who should stand with him, could abandon him and leave him, not to mention those people or things that did not belong to him in the future.

The Xia family is very good, but what they care about is the youngest son, not him.

Xia Zhinian sighed while looking at the scenery outside the window.

The more you hope, the more you look forward to.

But when expectations fail again and again, the young man is afraid of hope failure again and again, and then fears hope itself.

Xia Wenhan left outside, Yan Ci comforted the young man, took antipyretics, and fell asleep again in a drowsy state, but woke up frequently, woke up but was not fully awake, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Yan Ci sat on the side and looked at him, pursing his lips slightly.

Rice cake dumpling has become more and more anxious these days.

He almost had a fear of taking other people’s things. Even though he didn’t show his face a few days ago, he hasn’t slept a full night since he woke up from a coma.

Obviously thinner, the chin is pointed a little bit, and the almond eyes are more rounded.

He is like a shattered glazed stone, with a broken edge supporting the outer shell, and the inside has already collapsed.

Yan Ci saw that his state was not even as good as the days when he was in a coma, and his heart sank.

The account of the car accident has not yet been settled, but he watched that the worries of the rice cake dumpling had almost overwhelmed him.

Yan Ci stared at the young man with dark and cold eyes.

Anyway, this is his rice cake dumpling, his and always his.

No one can take it away.

The fever subsided in the afternoon, and the boy managed to regain his energy.

Xia Zhinian was pushed by the window by Yan Ci and sat basking in the sun, her plastered leg was lifted up on the soft stool, the other was propped up casually, covered with a blanket, she sat quietly by the window, a little lost in thought.

His ankle was suddenly rubbed by something soft.

Xia Zhinian: “?!”

Xia Zhinian was startled, his eyes were round, and he turned his head to look down, “What—!!”

Before he could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

…What is this? !

The boy’s almond eyes suddenly widened.

At his feet, a pure white kitten with mandarin duck eyes squatted on the ground, rubbing his ankle lightly, with a sweet and soft voice, “meowing”.

Rubbed him again, and then “meowed”.

Xia Zhinian: “?!”

Xia Zhinian opened her eyes wide, held her breath, and her body froze and remained motionless.

There is a kitten rubbing against him!

A kitten meowed at him!


Xia Zhinian’s eyes brightened slightly, and he wondered if he was hallucinating, so he stretched his body and looked straight at the pure white kitten with his amber eyes.

The kitten has a round bun face, looks sweet, and has a sweet voice, “Meow, meow, meow.”

Pushing **** his legs, he jumped lightly onto the boy’s lap, rubbing against his palm.

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

Ow! What kind of happiness is this? !

It’s so soft.

The palm was warm and soft, Xia Zhinian’s eyes were shining, he looked back at Yan Ci, and said in surprise, “Where did the kitten come from, it doesn’t scratch me!”

Yan Ci looked at the boy’s rare smile, and then looked at the cat. The tip of his tongue touched the roots of his teeth, and he felt a little sour. For a moment, he suppressed his emotions and said slowly, “Touch and try.”


“Can I still touch it?!”

The teenager lowered his head, looked at the several-month-old kitten on his lap, bent his almond-shaped eyes, stretched out his hand carefully, and stroked the kitten’s back.

The soft fur is warm and cozy.

“Meow.” The kitten rubbed against his palm without any resistance.

Xia Zhinian: “!”


Xia Zhinian was pleasantly surprised, the corners of her lips raised, and she petted the kitten again.

Small animals really can relieve stress.

Yan Ci murmured silently, suppressing his unhappiness, and stroked the boy’s hairy head with a gentle voice.

“Like it?”

“I like it!” Xia Zhinian hugged the cat and couldn’t help laughing, “Thank you.”

Yan Ci bent his lips, “As long as you like it, this is a birthday present for you.”

“You didn’t get it on the day of the car accident, so you ran away in a hurry.”

Xia Zhinian paused, glanced back at him, pursed his lips, not knowing what to say, lowered his head, and petted the cat.


Birthday on August 15th.

Yan Ci stared at him, and the boy hugged the cat and remained silent for a while, his voice was very soft, “When did you find out? When I was drunk?”


Yan Ci’s voice was calm, “I only know when your birthday is when I’m drunk, and I know that your identity is different, so you have to be in the front, and there are some clues in your handwriting.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Okay, he said that the original owner’s bad handwriting was too difficult to imitate.

“Meow, meow, meow.”

The kitten rubbed against his hand, meowing softly.

Xia Zhinian came back to his senses, touched and looked at the anxious kitten, with a puzzled voice, and turned to look at the boy.

“Yan Ci, is it hungry?”

“should be.”

Yan Ci took out his mobile phone and clicked something, and there was a sound like beans being poured outside the bedroom door.

It should be an automatic feeder.

The kitten has keen ears, and ran away without hesitation.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

He was petting it, but the cat ran away suddenly, without missing it at all, Xia Zhinian was shocked, and smacked his lips.

But he was still very happy, having grown up so big, it was the first time he touched his cat that didn’t scratch him! For the first time!

He smiled, turned his almond-shaped eyes to look at Yan Ci, “Why doesn’t this kitten scratch me?”

Don’t talk about being obedient, he has grown up so big, no matter how obedient a cat is in front of others, when it comes to him, he will blow his hairy ears.

He doesn’t like small animals by nature, he’s used to it.

The young man pursed his mouth and sighed faintly.

Yan Ciqing smiled slightly, with the corners of his lips slightly curved, and touched his head, “You will know in two days.”

Soon it will be night again.

Xia Zhinian was almost afraid of sleeping.

He obviously didn’t want to think about it, but his brain just didn’t listen, and kept showing him some messy pictures.

Slightly familiar decoration, Xia’s house, in the original master bedroom.

The boy was sitting at the table writing, when the door was knocked open.

A tall and stern man walked in with a tray, “Niannian, eat something before doing homework.”

Xia Zhinian smiled, “Thank you brother.”

Xia Wenhan approached, looked at his homework, lowered his long and narrow eyes, but saw that the paper was full of—

“He’s not Xia Zhinian.”

“He robbed me of my body.”

“Brother, save me, save me quickly!”

Brother Xia’s expression froze instantly.

Xia Zhinian was slightly stunned, followed his gaze, saw the words on the paper, was startled suddenly, tried desperately to block, his heart trembled.

“I’m not, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to, sorry.”


His neck was caught off guard, his breathing was difficult, and his throat and lungs were throbbing with pain.

Xia Wenhan pinched him coldly and angrily, “Where is my brother, why did you rob his body and return it!”

Xia Zhinian was in a daze, seeing the same disgust as her grandparents, her heart was blocked, her breathing became more and more difficult, her voice trembled, “I still…I will still.”

“It will definitely be paid back.”


With pain in his lungs, Xia Zhinian suddenly opened his eyes, and found himself buried under the quilt, his throat was a little itchy.

The weather turns cooler, the air is dry, and the floating dust can sometimes induce asthma.

Xia Zhinian sat up, buried her face in her palms, took a few quick breaths, bit her index finger, trembling uncontrollably.

…what a load of bullshit.

Even if brother Xia gets angry again, he can’t strangle someone’s neck.

Xia Zhinian was a little terrified, he even felt that he was going crazy, his head seemed out of his control, and he arrogantly piled up these messy things in front of his eyes.

Force him to think.

“Yan Ci.”

He turned his head and called out in a low voice, but when he looked over, he suddenly stopped.

The other side of the bed was empty, and it was cold to the touch.

The villa was also extremely quiet.

…Yan Ci is not here.

Yan resigned?

Xia Zhinian opened his round eyes, looked around the room scatteredly, curled up his fingertips.

“Ding dong, ding dong—”

The windows were closed, and the door intercoms on the first floor suddenly rang in succession.

Xia Zhinian was startled, his almond eyes widened a bit, he got out of bed, his feet in plaster slumped to the ground, he moved the front of the talker, and his breathing became tight.

who will it be.

This time… who will it be.

He bit his lip hard, a name clearly appeared in his head, his throat hurt a little, and his heart felt numb like a pinprick. He raised his hand and clicked on the conversation.

He didn’t turn on the video, only the voice came over instantly.

“Every year!”

Xia Wenhan was pleasantly surprised at the door, “Niannian, you woke up, how is your recovery? Yanci has gone out, you open the door, and elder brother will go in to pick you up.”

He went back yesterday and told his parents that Niannian woke up, and he continued to come to ask for someone this morning, but his parents insisted on accompanying him. It was a coincidence that when they arrived here, they saw Yan Ci driving out.

So ring the doorbell and give it a try.

I didn’t expect it to work.

“Every year? Every year?”

Xia Zhinian shuddered, moved back a little, his eyes panicked.


here we go.

Xia Zhinian knew it was a dream, but he still couldn’t help touching his neck, his whole body was cold, his head was messed up, and he was a little at a loss.

“Every year?!”

A familiar gentle female voice came out again, anxiously, “Why don’t you talk Niannian? How are you? Mom is so worried about you.”

“Niannian, you open the door, or, you cover your ears, stay away, and your brother kicks the door right in.”

“Let’s go home.”

“Xiao Han.” A voice sounded from over there, “Look quickly, how does this door open.”

Wanting to break the door outside, Xia Zhinian’s eyelashes trembled, and finally a sound came out of his swollen throat, soft and fragile.

“…do not.”

“Niannian!” Jiang Yuan laughed, as if she was about to cry again, “Mom is worried to death, are you feeling better? Is your physical injury healed? Seriously, Xiaoci, how can we not let us see you?”

“Go home with Mom and Dad.”

Xia Zhinian’s breathing was tight, his whole body seemed to be soaked in ice water, he shivered from the cold, a little flustered, “…don’t, wait a minute.”

Yan Ci is not here, this body has to be returned, it has to be returned.

But he was not the original owner, and he didn’t want to see the scenes in those dreams.

“What happened every year?”

Xia Zhinian pinched her fingertips into her palm, feeling a little dazed, her voice trembling slightly, “I’ll pay it back right away, I’ll pay it back right away, you guys… wait a minute, wait a minute.”


Jiang Yuan didn’t understand, why don’t you pay it back?

Xia Zhinian couldn’t get back to his senses, he wanted to return his body, and then, and then…he was reluctant to resign, and he didn’t want to see those scenes in his dreams that might or might not happen.

…what to do?

He wants to escape.

Xia Zhinian’s head was blunt, his heart was numb, his eyes searched around unconsciously, and his fingertips tightened.

At the door, Xia Wenhan’s phone rang suddenly.

The ringtone was urgent, he glanced at the caller ID, hung up directly, but the other party called again.

Xia Wenhan frowned, walked a little further to connect, and asked coldly, “What’s the matter?”

“Brother Xia, are you at the gate of the villa?”

The voice of Yan Ci came from the opposite side.

Xia Wenhan twitched the corners of his mouth, “If you can take Niannian away with the hospital, I can naturally find a way to bring him back.”

Yan Ci looked at the monitor on his mobile phone, then at the traffic in front of him, pursed his lips, and his eyes were dark.

He went out for the first time today, and Yan’s family had something to do, so he specially chose rice cake dumplings to come out when he was sleeping. Unexpectedly, rice cake dumplings woke up early.

“Brother Xia.”

Yan Ci looked at the dazed figure of the young man on the phone, and pursed his lips, “I’m going back on the road, Xia Zhinian is not in the right condition, you guys just find a way to get in.”

Xia Wenhan frowned, “What do you mean?”

Yan Ci didn’t explain, his voice was hoarse, and he just said: “You can guarantee his safety.”

“Young Master Yan has too much to worry about.”

“It’s good to have more.”

Yan Ci looked at the phone, the young man covered his chest and frowned.

Xia Wenhan looked at the door with a trace of urgency in his heart.

Among other things, he still believed Yan Ci’s words about Nian Nian. At least, without Yan Ci, Nian Nian would not have survived the car accident on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Xia Wenhan returned to the door, looked at the door coldly, his long and narrow eyes flashed with deep meaning, and kicked it violently.


A loud bang.

When Xia Zhinian heard it through the intercom, she was startled, her fingertips were numb, and her words didn’t make sense, “Return it, don’t… wait a minute, I will pay it back.”

Yan Ci: “!”

Yan Ci’s heart tightened, and his voice sank, “Brother Xia!”

He quickly said: “The door can’t be kicked open. There is a small warehouse in the southeast corner. There is a telescopic ladder inside. Go to the window on the second floor directly opposite. The wire gauze there is loose and can be pulled down. Quick.”

Xia Wenhan went straight to the southeast corner, followed Yan Ci’s instructions on the phone, quickly went up, removed the gauze, and turned into the room.

“He’s at the stairs on the third floor.”

Xia Wenhan went upstairs with long legs.

“Every year!”

Xia Zhinian was a little stunned, turned around, and caught off guard to see a tall figure with frowning standing at the bottom of the stairs, his almond eyes widened, and his fingertips trembled.

“Every year!”

Xia Wenhan strode forward and stepped up the stairs, Xia Zhinian retreated instinctively, his eyes were almost full of fear, and he was a little wary.

so fast.

Xia Wenhan stopped, looked at him from five steps away, and tried to keep his voice as soft as possible, “Niannian? Brother is here to pick you up.”

The sound of messy footsteps rushed over, and Jiang Yuan and Xia Hongyu stepped in behind.

Jiang Yuan saw the plaster cast on the boy’s leg, the small scratches on the arm and the medical bandages, and her eyes turned red instantly, “Niannian, mother is here, does it hurt you?”

Xia Zhinian looked down at the original owner’s body, pursed his lips tightly, apologized softly with a dry throat.


The body was injured by him.

It hasn’t been raised yet.

Jiang Yuan sobbed softly, looked at the young son who was in a trance, and said softly: “Why do you have to apologize? Every year, mother, no matter what the car accident is, let’s go home first, shall we?”

Xia Zhinian looked at their concerned reactions, his head was almost empty, his heart contracted finely, he tilted his head, and his voice was light and low.

“Didn’t you see that letter?”


He clenched his fingers tightly and felt pain in his palm. Thinking of something, he let go of his fist again.

Averting his gaze slightly, feeling numb all over, he explained the matter straightforwardly, with a low voice.

“The car accident was because of me, but I didn’t expect to hurt… your youngest son’s body.”

He shivered, lowered his head, his voice was hoarse, “…I’m sorry.”

“What are you talking about?” Jiang Yuan opened her eyes wide.

Xia Zhinian rubbed the knuckle of her index finger with her left thumb, her amber eyes were slightly empty.

“I’m not the original Xia Zhinian.”

“Not your children.”

“I…” He paused, his breathing was abnormally shallow, half of his chest was numb and trembling, and he smiled slightly, “I don’t know where the original Xia Zhinian is, but…you can, you can try it, I’m leaving , can he come back?”

“Xia Zhinian!”

Jiang Yuan’s voice sharpened, completely different from her usual gentle appearance, she raised her voice, “Just because of this?!”

Because of this, there was a car accident? !

Jiang Yuan looked at him almost angrily, tears rolled down her cheeks, and her voice softened.

“Mom knows, mother knows that you are not Niannian before.”

“I already knew.”

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