The Quick Transmigrator of the Female Supporting Role Always Wants to Kill the Male Lead

Chapter 378

Chapter 378 – I Snatched The Hero’S Cornucopia (51)

Chapter 378 I stole the hero’s cornucopia (51)

“Your Majesty, the host doesn’t want to come here, as before, he doesn’t want to meet His Majesty.”

“Tell her, if you don’t want to come, then don’t come, the widow will come here in the future.”

“The subordinate will go now.”

She left quickly and saw that His Majesty was angry this time. When she got to the host, she added fuel and vinegar to make the host feel the seriousness of this matter, so she dared not come here.

Soon, the maid brought a person over. This person was holding a Buddhist bead in his hand. When he walked over, his steps were not too fast, he was not in a hurry, and he was not afraid of the majesty of the empress.

“See Your Majesty, All Bless Your Majesty.”

The host is very old, her face is covered with wrinkles, she holds a prayer bead in her hand, and keeps turning her master, with a kind face on her face, her clothes are clean, and there is no need to be stained by petals.

“Lian’er, you can go down now. My widow and the host have something to say, and the widow wants to ask the host about some old stories.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Lian’er left, she didn’t linger, and went to guard the door outside, not letting anyone come in to disturb her.

Your Majesty distracted himself for his own good, because he was afraid that he knew too much, and in the end he needed to solve himself.


“Your Majesty, why are you looking for me?”

She looked at His Majesty in front of her. His Majesty is young and promising. After so many years, she has managed the Xingyue Kingdom in an orderly manner and allowed the people to live a good life. The invasion of the Star-Moon Kingdom.

“Your Majesty, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look at me like this.”

“Master Bai, I remember that Bo Chaoxi was born in Huguo Temple. I wonder if the host still remembers what happened back then? I remember there was another woman who also delivered the baby with me. I don’t know if the host still remembers that. Do you have any impression of who that woman is, and does the host know her whereabouts?”

“Why does Your Majesty suddenly ask such a question? Is there any problem?”

She spoke dumb, and didn’t intend to tell the host that she owed the Yan family a ninja, and she did it on purpose when the civet cat was replaced for the prince that time, in order to repay the favor of the Yan family.

For so many years, she has been guilty. At the beginning, because the members of the Yan family promised herself that they would take good care of the child, she agreed to exchange the two children. After so many years, why did His Majesty suddenly ask about this matter.

“Bai, just tell me, is that child my child or not? You are not young anymore. In two years, you should pass away. If I want to ask at that time, I won’t be able to. Come here Asking you, I have some evidence, let me confront you, you’d better tell the truth, and don’t make dumb words to the widow.”

She looked at the person in front of her indifferently. This host had been avoiding her for so many years. When asked the reason, she said that she was unwell. She should have suspected it from the beginning.

“Your Majesty…”

She hesitated to speak, she didn’t know what to say, the Majesty’s side has the grace to save her life, but the His Majesty has the grace to know her, she can’t offend either side, and she can’t give up, how should she solve it things ahead.

Bo Chaoxi has never been Bo Chaoxi, she is a child of the Yan family, and the Yan family has laid out a big chess game, including Baili Kingdom, but she can only watch all this, and she can’t tell anyone.

“Master, tell me, you probably don’t want to see your disciples splattered with blood. I don’t like getting angry, but if getting angry can solve the problem, I don’t mind letting blood flow here.”

“Your Majesty, they are innocent…”

She knelt down at once. Not many people can stop what His Majesty has decided. She can’t ignore so many lives for her own selfishness.

“Tell me honestly, what is the reason, what happened that year, and why I feel that there is something wrong with Chaoxi. I have been looking for opportunities to ask you for so many years, but you have refused in every possible way, unwilling to see the widow.”

“The widow doesn’t like being deceived, you’d better make it clear.”

The host told the empress what happened, and the empress was furious, ordered the host to be executed, sealed up the Huguo Temple, and imprisoned Bo Zhaoxi in the temple.

“What’s the matter, Your Majesty? Why did you suddenly attack Huguo Temple? Isn’t Huguo Temple a place where Your Majesty often goes?”

“Have you heard that His Highness Bo Zhaoxi is not His Majesty’s own child. The whereabouts of His Majesty’s own child is unknown. His Majesty has already sent someone to look for it, and is preparing to fight the next door Dynasty Kingdom.”

There are different opinions among the common people. They don’t know why the empress wanted to attack the allied countries, and even formed a cooperation with the Baili country to attack the dynasty together.

“The reason for your majesty’s anger this time is why you suddenly attacked the Dynasty. I don’t know what the Dynasty did wrong. How could the Empress be so angry that she would tear up our contract.”

The envoy who came here asked with a serious face. He was really confused, and he was suddenly sent here to deal with difficult things.

“What is it, what your dynasty has done has not been counted in your mind! Since the widow’s daughter is dead, I don’t mind bringing down your dynasty. This time there is no discussion.”

She reprimanded indifferently. After she investigated, her daughter had passed away. She was still a fool and was often bullied. It lives there like grass roots.

“If you want to blame, blame the Yan family. The Yan family has stretched out so many hands. Even the widow dared to make a decision. The civet cat replaced the prince, and even tortured the widow’s child to death. The widow told you, this time, you don’t even want to stop the war. You will die until you die.” stop!”

“Break the leg of the envoy, let their people take the envoy back, and tell their majesty that the matter between the Xingyue Kingdom and the Dynasty Kingdom cannot be resolved, and wait for the war.”

“Think twice, empress. This is a big deal. People in all countries don’t like wars. Once there is a war, the smoke will rise everywhere, the people will live in dire straits, their wives will be separated, and their families will be destroyed. Are you sure you want to break thousands of families? You are an empress, do you want to fight?” For the benefit of the people, not to provoke wars, and let innocent people in various countries fall into dire straits.”

“Hehe, do people in the dynasty still care about this? If they care so much, why did they take away the widowed prince and separate us from our mother and daughter for so many years. Now that there is so much trouble, she doesn’t even have a decent tomb.”

The Queen’s anger is hard to appease. She just wants to take revenge on them now.

Baili Kingdom also agreed to form an alliance with me, the reason is very simple, and it made me feel sad, the princess of Baili Kingdom was rescued by her daughter, and it was the Li family of the imperial dynasty who hurt Princess Baili, Baili Kingdom was furious , I feel that this is deliberately done by the people of the dynasty.

the other side.

Shang Ling also formed a dark guard, and these dark guards were following her to the dynasty, to the Li family, and snatched away the cornucopia of the Li family.

(end of this chapter)

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