The Reincarnated Young Lady Aims to Be an Adventurer

Chapter 9

We held 9 measures meeting

“Selefione, tomorrow is finally a magical test … hasn’t the feeling of becoming a knight changed?”

After dinner, I move to a small common room where my father asks me.

I hug a stable papa knee on a two-seat sofa. Lou on my knees. And Larousa sits wrinkled between her eyebrows with anxiety next to her.

“Yes. In the last two years I have gained a little bit of strength, but I haven’t made much progress, but I’m still looking for a knight school.”

Eventually, before the magic test, I could not put another person in the house, risking that Lou and my secrets would fall off, I did not hire an outside teacher, I was mainly my brother, and my father on holiday From Martial Arts. It was too early to hire an instructor because they weren’t able to handle the assignments.

“What are you talking about? Selefione has a good foundation. After running without a break around 20 circumferences, I can throw a knife exactly into the straw doll’s neck deeply, and then run another 10 circumferences Not so in my year. ”

“Eh, you said that everyone can do this?”

“I thought it could be done with Selefione!”

Smile smiles, my brother stroking my head … I thought it was strange. My brother wasn’t just a cute person … In other words, this task is more an assassination than a martial art, right? The armor to be held is also an Anchan’s special shuriken …. Where is my brother going?

“Yes … but the selephy has a tremendous amount of magic. After the inspection, she was reported to the country and, naturally, decided to enroll in Magic Academy.

“Even if you have the magic, can’t you justify choosing an extraordinarily strong knight school?”

“It’s not determined by law, but it’s virtually impossible. The country wants to manage its magicians in a magical institute.”

“Is your brother managed too?”

“Well. But Selefione feels at ease. I’ll eventually go to the managing side like my father.”


“How about setting a sickness? It’s magical, but you can’t go to school because you’re sick. Fortunately, I haven’t come to society.”

There seems to be a lot of socializing places in the world of children, but my home has no mother, so there is no role to work on. But neither my brother nor my brother feels the need to socialize, and my dad never forces us. Anyway, three of our families are too busy to disclose Lou’s secrets. And if you participate in a tea ceremony for children, you may encounter future enemies!

“Selefione, you can’t go to knight school.”

“It is set to recover by the entrance examination of the knight school.”

“If the magical daughter knows that she is sick, the country will send a healing magician. That is the power that determines the national power.”

Lou, who had been eating cookies, looked up while all three of them were thinking about a yayai solution.

“Magic test, what is the procedure?

When I translate, my brother

“Seven years ago, when I put my hands on a flat stone slab, the magical power would raise the value in the sky.”

“Isn’t it necessary to work on that device?

“Lou, the place for the inspection was a very small space, surrounded by magicians from three different nations.

“The building itself is magically invalid.”

That’s right. Until now, there must have been people who wanted to commit fraud. Anyone who wants to go to a magical institution with a ruling of high magic power whatever. It’s just the opposite of our house. The magician of the country inspects while being glared at a fairly scary ossan ……… I can’t find any loopholes.

But I never go to Magic Academy! Whatever means you take!

I took the shuriken out of my ankle.


“Hmm? I’ll help you, if it’s for a cute Selefione.”

My older brother also laughed refreshingly and took out a magical blue glowing knife from some space. My brother teaches me a useful magic, if I need it. I use it right away because I have a good taste.

“Please calm down, both of you”

“Dad, don’t worry. I just crush the blade and put in the sleeping pills.”

“Sleeping pills? Where did you find Selefione and Nene’s grass?”

“My elder brother, when he returned to his territory, was quietly crowded in the rift on the hillside behind the cliff.”

“As expected, my Serefione can’t stop preparing!”

“Both of them … it’s bad to go to the examiner! It just makes a strange impression!”

“What should I do with the stones? Leave it to me ”


“Lou might be able to sneak up on that slate.”

“… That’s right. If you’re a sacred beast, you may know how to set the number of selfies to 0 in a way that we don’t know, even in a magic-disabled environment. It’s like Lou. ”

Not really.

“But can Lou enter the test room?”

“All right! Leave it to me!

I want to powder the cookies in my face, so if I get breasts … hey?

Three humans cannot hide subtle expressions …

There was no other solution, and tomorrow was to rely on Lou.

The cheeky Mofumofu stomachs out of tension and sleeps in my bed.

It’s a bit of anxiety going through ………… I ca n’t help …………

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