The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 67: (1)

Feel Free to Prostrate Yourself, to The Enchanting Melody Played by A Superior Spirit!

En’ou Zonmer. Faced with its majestic presence, Tanaka was overwhelmed… or not.

「Huh? Is it an optical illusion now? Somehow… a terribly bad feeling is….」

Rubbing the inner corner of his eyes, he adjusted his eyes. He then took a look at Zonmer again.


As expected, something was not quite right. Tanaka, despite managing to perceive the source of this feeling, somewhat overcome with pity, had no heart to say it out loud.

Perhaps sensing the feeling of the cautious man, Tanaka-san, who would reserve some rare consumable items to be used at critical moments and end up not using them until the ending, Suke-san casually opened his mouth.

「It’s small-degozaru.」

「Isn’t it?! I was worried that perhaps it was my sense of distance that was not right! It’s somewhat not right, isn’t it? Based on the build up of the story up until now, it’s a little too small, isn’t it?」

Yes, despite the impactful voice and the fantastic figure it was revealing, Zonmer was way too small.

To put it simply, it was as small as a fighter plane sweet, which you couldn’t tell whether it was the piece of gum or the plastic model that was the freebie. It was a fascinating food-toy bundle that never failed to capture the heart of childhood Tanaka-san. He couldn’t help but be immersed in happy memories of the past.

This meant that although Zonmer’s appearance had stimulated Tanaka-san’s lingering childhood heart, he was not shaken by fear even in the slightest. That was amazing, Tanaka. You were unusually dependable, Tanaka.

『Hmph, to think you’re one to judge someone’s power based on their appearance…. What a folly.』

「Ah, crap!」

Tanaka immediately realized the big mistake he had just committed. The foolish mistake he had committed as he had involuntarily let guard down, given the overly convenient development they had gotten themselves in….

It was no exaggeration to say that the seemingly weak at a glance but actually boasted extraordinary power was now already the orthodox pattern in anime and video games. It could even be said to be common sense among his kinsmen back in his native land.

It was a mistake that would be forgiven for an amateur, but Tanaka-san, an expert Akiba wanderer, couldn’t forgive himself. A blunder in the field in which he excelled the most. This humiliating defeat was coldly eating away at his heart.

『Well, as I’m in the brink of death, I’m as weak as I look, though.』

「You turn out to be weak, huh?! The serious conflict that has been raging in my heart is all for nothing then!」

It was doubtful whether that was really a serious conflict, but Tanaka being messed around with was surely the truth. What a fearsome supernatural being. And then, faced with such an appearance displayed by Zonmer, Kaku-san immediately recognized its true identity.

「It can’t be…, a superior spirit?」

『Hou, there’s my kinsmen over there, huh. At any rate, do something about that exaggerated thing of yours. For my worn out self, even engaging in telepathic communication is strenuous.』

En’ou Zonmer— its true identity was a spirit just like Kaku-san. Moreover, a superior spirit who held higher status than Kaku-san.

「Telepathic communication, you say? Does that means what we’ve been hearing is not normal voice?」

『Due to that wall of air of yours, sound can’t reach you.』

「Ah, I see. Sound is a vibration, so if the air between us is restrained, it won’t be able to reach us…. No, I knew it all along, alright? I knew it even without you needing to tell me…. It’s true! It’s just that it’s so obvious that I didn’t see the need to say it out loud! The vastness of my knowledge is really amazing, alright?!」

Soon after saying that, he took out a silky fabric, holding it in both of his hands, he then rubbed it on his head. And then, still holding the fabric, when he raised his hands–.


Tanaka’s hair stood on end. This was Tanaka’s secret technique that made him feel as though he became fifty times stronger temporarily. Witnessing that idiotic appearance of his, Suke-san and Kaku-san, as well as Zonmer, let out voice of astonishment.

「How is it? This divine technique that can be performed exactly because I’ve comprehended the principle of air.」

Tanaka was relieved as he had managed to somehow maintain his honor as a leader, given their positive reactions.

「Ahem! Well, let’s leave the joke at that…」

It truly was nothing but a joke.

「Though, about your suggestion from earlier…, it’s crazy hot here so we can’t afford to cease this air membrane!」

The smug expression as he eagerly displayed exaggerated air, sink, and leader-ish appearance. That figure as he declared as such in a resolute manner was truly the embodiment of a perfect little man.

『In that case, let’s change the location.』

In response to Tanaka-san’s overly heavy over the top heavy behavior, Zonmer lightly answered as such before then flapping its fire wings and rising toward the outside of the crater.

「Hmm, I see. You’re dodging it that way, huh…. not bad.」

After spitting out whatever cool line he could come up with as if to cover up the fact that he was a little lonely that he failed to make it eat his bait, Tanaka and the others also hurriedly turned back along the transparent path and headed out of the crater. Then, Tanaka and the others and En’ou Zonmer faced each other again in the sky above the volcano.

「So what kind of business do you have in a place like this?」

「… Somehow, your dignity has suddenly vanished.」

Faced with Zonmer, who was speaking in a voice as though having inhaled helium gas, Tanaka’s tension sank. Its dignified air until just a moment ago was something that stirred Tanaka’s urge to run away, but its current air, which sounded like the voice of a bomb-threat perpetrator on the phone that appeared in a detective drama, was something that seemed to spoil the fantasy world view, thus reducing his motivation. Truly a man with complex personalities.

「Well, whatever…. I’m the representative of a group that’s trying to cross this mountain. While we were looking for a chic Samurai, who once left words that they could do something about the monsters around here, we ended up arriving at this place.」

Just as Tanaka and Zonmer began to talk, Suke-san and Kaku-san also began to discuss between themselves.

「What’s a Samurai? Even I know nothing about it, though.」

「Samurai is Samurai-degozaru. Based on what Tanaka-dono said, I think it’s referring to Uesama-degozaru.」

Suke-san had truly grown up. He was displaying quite an insight.

「I see. It indeed seems Samurai-like.」

「It is quite Samurai-degozaru.」

What they were saying was no longer comprehensible. Zonmer also displayed its keen sense.

「I don’t know what Samurai means, but it’s a word that has a certain elegant integrity to it.」

「It’s Samurai, after all. That why, do you know something about it?」

It was not a total mystery as to why they were so fixated on Samurai, but get the conversation moving already, Samurai.

「Indeed, I do feel that I once said something along those lines a long time ago, when I helped an injured man.」

「Critical hit! Phew, as expected.」

Given the similar trait in their flame bodies, he had somewhat expected it, but the true identity of the rumored monster was this Zonmer. Tanaka was delighted with this unusually smooth development.

「That’s why….」

Tanaka skillfully shifted into dogeza posture in the air and moved to accomplish their goal at once.

「Uesama! I’d like to humbly implore you to lend us your assistance, please.」

Tanaka-san, who had an established reputation for his expertise in acting humbly, performed a brilliant display of dogeza.

「Once we manage to cross the mountain, this humble Tanaka shall become your number one retainer, Uesama, and purge all evil that is rampaging in the world.」

「Hohou, what an admirable goal you’ve got there.」

「Yes, let’s show your wild and majestic figure to those who say they have forgotten your visage, Uesama.」

「I was intending to lay low for a while, but if you’re willing to go that far, I guess I have no choice. Let’s stand in the front stage.」

Thus Tanaka successfully managed to convince Zonmer to step up.

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