The Runesmith

Chapter 405: Possible Departure.

Chapter 405: Possible Departure.

“Ah, Mr. Wayland, always diving into new challenges, I see. What seems to be the issue troubling your brilliant mind today?”

The cat's voice echoed through the room, its tone a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Roland hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. The cat professor and he had a business relationship, so there needed to be an equal exchange of information or other tasks. Usually, he took some old research to help him study the inner workings of the runes, but his current question was a bit more specific, something that could cost more than he could give back.

“I'm currently working on a project involving the creation of a prosthetic limb that can interface with something that I like to call a mana phantom. It's a challenging task, and I thought you might have some insights or resources that could aid me in this endeavor.”

Roland went ahead and just asked the question. In this world, prosthetic limbs already existed, but not much research had been done on them. It was a costly undertaking, and most mages and craftsmen gravitated towards endeavors that would earn them more money or give them more levels. Creating a fully functional limb might have given them a unique class or title, but it also might not. Wasting years of research to get nothing in return was not something many people would risk.

“A mana phantom you say? Interesting choice of research, Mr. Wayland. Artificial Limbs, mana phantoms... fascinating! Such endeavors delve into the realm of both runesmithing and rune magic. A bridge between the physical and the magical, wouldn't you agree?”

Roland nodded, feeling a sense of relief that the cat professor seemed intrigued rather than dismissive.

“Indeed, Professor Arion. It's a delicate balance, and I believe there's much to be discovered in this intersection of disciplines.”

“Well, you've certainly piqued my curiosity. But, I’m not truly informed about this ‘mana phantom’ you’ll have to explain, perhaps you could send me a research paper that I could examine, and I’ll get back to you?”

“Uh…Are you that busy? How about I just give you the gist of it here first? It won’t take long…”

While the two mostly just exchanged magical letters, usually whenever he brought up some runic research, the cat professor took his time for a longer chat. It did seem like there weren’t many people interested in runic themes, so whenever Roland brought up new ideas, he listened to them with interest.

“If I was only busy then it would be fine, they already reduced my funding and that girl hasn’t shown herself for a while, how am I supposed to make do without an assistant? Everything and everyone is working against me!”

“Your assistant… you mean Lucille, did something happen to her?”

“Happen? No, she should be fine… just some noble tomfoolery as always, think her family has been pushing for marriage or something, I say she should just decide to be a mage and just work in the academy full time, bah.”

Roland could sense a hint of annoyance in Arion's tone. It seemed like the cat professor was going through a challenging time. Runic magic wasn't highly regarded among mages who preferred more direct and practical approaches to their craft. Many mages saw runes as unnecessary tools, believing that creating spells directly was more potent. The only widespread use of runes was in mage towers and other magical artifacts.

“I see…”

The connection between Lucille and his brother Robert wasn't common knowledge. Lucille, a mage with a promising career as an assistant to an academy professor, was likely a desirable prospect for any noble house. Roland wasn't certain about the current status of the romantic relationship between his brother and Lucille. If his memory served him right, she was in her mid-twenties, an age where many young women were often already married. The intricacies of their personal lives remained uncertain to Roland.

‘I guess she was given time to finish the magic academy but she probably graduated a while ago…’

The prospects for Robert, being a third son from a lower noble house, might not be seen as overly promising in the eyes of other nobles. The common assumption might be that he would serve as a knight commander on a noble estate rather than having the potential to marry a count's daughter. The rigid social structure often determined the expectations and opportunities for individuals within the noble hierarchy. Even if he became a war hero like his father, it would probably be too late. Perhaps if the girl became a full-time mage academy professor instead, then their relationship could actually prosper.

“Well, I suppose that’s the nature of things. Now, back to the matter at hand, the mana phantom.”

“Yes, yes, do enlighten me, Mr. Wayland.”

Roland proceeded to explain the concept of the mana phantom, describing it as a residual magical imprint left behind by the interaction of mana with a person’s body. He tried explaining that it probably possessed storage capacities and how it was also probably aided in the activation of holy spells through that storage feature. As he engrossed himself in the explanation he could tell that his college was quite intrigued as he allowed him to finish without asking any questions.

“Fascinating, truly fascinating! The potential applications of such a concept are vast. And you wish to create a prosthetic limb that can respond to this mana phantom? A tool that can be seamlessly integrated with even an amateur's understanding of mana?”“That’s the general idea.”

“I must say, Mr. Wayland, your ambition knows no bounds. It's a commendable endeavor, bridging the gap between the magical and the physical. I'm intrigued by the challenge you've set for yourself!”

“Thank you, Professor Arion but I’m stuck at an impasse. I think my knowledge of mana is still limited, so I was wondering if you could aid me in this endeavor?”

Roland glanced into the crystal ball to see Arion pondering for a moment, his feline eyes narrowing in thought.

“I suppose you wish to borrow some research material involving mana research?”

“Yes, I need something more specific…”

“I’m afraid that I have lent you all that I can spare…”

“Is that so?”

“Don’t get me wrong, there might be something in the inner library that you could use alas… this is restricted knowledge, only members of the Academy have access. Even I can't simply waltz in and grab whatever I desire! Even if I could, this is lengthy research, if we keep to our old exchange it would take years for any progress!”

The professor's perspective made sense to Roland, and he acknowledged the challenges of seeking information without direct access to the location in question. Recognizing the limitations of a proxy, he realized that relying solely on the cat professor for this specific inquiry might not yield the desired results. The complexities of studying the mana phantom required firsthand exploration and detailed examination, which he couldn't accomplish through mere book exchanges.

“Is there no other way…”

Roland mumbled under his breath as he was lost in thought and it was something the cat quickly picked up on.

“Oh, there is a way.”

“There is?”

“Well, yes? You need research material and I’m in dire need of a new assistant!”

“A new assistant?”

“Indeed! Just come over, you’ll have to do a few things but I’ll guarantee you access to the Academy’s archives!”

This was not a possibility he had given much thought. Leaving the area where he held responsibilities would pose quite a challenge. Though there was no immediate danger, the threat from the cultists remained tangible. Moreover, being a Knight Commander, he had obligations to his lord. Nevertheless, if he were to approach Arthur about it, he would likely grant him leave. With the Golden Order present and numerous platinum-ranked adventurers available for hire, the pressure exerted by his comrades would no longer be a concern.

“I appreciate the offer, Professor Arion but…”

“But? I see that you need some time to think, this is the best way of tackling this issue my friend. How about I give you a few days to think about it? I really need to go back to my research, please think about it, I could use the help!”

“Wait I… He ended the call…’

The crystal ball flickered a few times as the connection was cut from the other side. He was left contemplating the offer that Professor Arion at the Xandar’s Institute of Wizardry gave him. It was the place that he was supposed to go as a child was, which quickly fell through after his elemental affinities were revealed. Perhaps if he went there he would even be able to unearth this mystery.

The Academy could provide him with unparalleled access to the knowledge and resources he needed for his research on the mana phantom. It was an enticing proposition, with the potential to expedite his progress and overcome the current obstacles. Given his current stats, he could swiftly absorb the information. What might take a novice mage a decade, he could likely accomplish in a year or even half that time. His primary focus was on acquiring specific knowledge, possibly shortening his stay to just a month or two.

‘Aren’t there similar institutions here, there is an academy at Isgard, maybe he could give me a referral letter?’

He started to ponder his options, how could he acquire the knowledge in the fastest way possible? Money wasn’t really an issue, the thing that he was mostly worried about was his home and the people he wanted to keep safe.

‘No, that won’t work and I don’t even know if they have any proper rune mages and research there…’

He wasn't well-versed in all the magical institutions across the kingdom, but heading to Xandar's Institute of Wizardry seemed like his best option. The success of his research would also depend on establishing a connection with a professor there. Access to the old mages' research papers often required navigating through certain hoops, and there were additional hurdles in the form of magical contracts and restrictions.

‘I could probably have Arion get me any problematic papers and avoid signing any contracts if the need arose but…’

For someone with trust issues like him, abandoning his current situation wasn't an easy decision. However, one thing was evident - remaining on the defensive wasn't always beneficial. Similar to the latest tier 3 trial, there were instances where he needed to take a more proactive stance. Attending the academy held the potential for great gains. New research could bring about increased knowledge and possibly lead to improved weapons in the future.

‘I can’t ignore how much I could gain from a visit like that but… the trip will probably take at least a few months, a week just to reach the institute…’

The Kingdom of Caldris spanned vast distances, and transportation methods were considerably slower compared to modern counterparts. The planet they inhabited was larger than the Earth he came from, leading to increased distances between settlements. Moreover, the necessity to consider potential monster attacks made nighttime travel impractical.

‘I could probably barely afford to take an airship from the main city… Am I really considering leaving?’

Roland found himself somewhat surprised that he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea. There were numerous compelling reasons that made the prospect of this trip worthwhile. Enhancing his rune knowledge could potentially elevate his inventions to new heights. Transforming this location into a genuine rune capital of the world required an expansion of his expertise. The academy likely housed mage towers that he could analyze with his debugging skill, enabling him to uncover rune secrets even without following conventional channels.

If there were no responsibilities anchoring him here, there would be little to impede him. The only potential drawback lay in entering the inner kingdom, where old enemies and family might reside. Fortunately, the Knight Academy attended by Robert didn't have any close relatives or acquaintances of his.

While his face bore a resemblance to Robert's, he could always keep his status screen private. With Arion's assistance, and the option of wearing a mask, he had means to navigate any challenges. Mages were generally considered an eccentric bunch, so even appearing in full plate runic armor might not attract unwanted attention. The more he thought about it, the more he felt compelled to follow through on this beneficial endeavor.

However, before he made a proper decision he needed to get a few things sorted. When morning came, he quickly made a throughout analysis of the current situation. The Golden Order was still within the city and the church building had begun its transformation. It would soon become a larger cathedral with a smaller cloister outside the city next to the new barracks. There new Paladins would begin their training and act as perhaps the first line of defense against his enemies. He made sure to have their base of operations be on the side of his home and have them be able to arrive at his home quickly if trouble arose.

This upcoming period promised significant growth and transformation. Architects were already in the process of designing plans for the expansion and creation of an additional outer wall. A completely new city was to be constructed to accommodate the influx of new residents arriving with little more than purses filled with gold coins. Though his runic shop might become understaffed, the influx of new money meant that Arthur could cover most of his expenses.

The influx of new residents raised the possibility of less-than-stellar individuals slipping through the cracks, some potentially even belonging to the cultists. Given that this was evolving into the new Golden Order stronghold, having someone on the inside was a strategic move. However, it was also a big gamble, considering that identifying corrupt energies was the forte of these paladins.

The process of repairing his home had already commenced. Although his armor had suffered damage during the confrontation, some of the red mithril it was crafted from remained usable. With assistance from the Union, he could likely expedite the process, allowing him to concentrate on the runesmithing aspect. All repairs could feasibly be completed within a few weeks, giving him the freedom to explore, provided a certain person approved it beforehand. Without her consent, he wasn't going anywhere.

“I don’t think it should be a problem?”

Elodia replied after hearing his condensed explanation of the issue at hand.

“Just like that?”

“Did you think that I would start weeping? I know you, Roland. You're not one to make decisions lightly. If you believe this journey is essential for our safety, then I trust your judgment. Besides, with the Golden Order stationed here, the immediate threat seems to be under control…”

Roland was surprised by the response but also knew that Elodia was quite worried. Her hand made its way towards his and she exchanged a look.

“... Just make sure to keep in touch and let me know if you need anything and please stay out of trouble.”

“I promise, Elodia. I'll stay safe and make this trip as short as possible. I'll keep in touch through magical letters and the crystal ball. But you also need to promise me something in exchange, if there is any trouble, call me immediately and if not me, go to Arthur or one of his knights.”

Elodia sighed but soon brightened up after knowing that they both were equally worried about their wellbeing.

“I promise, Roland. But don't take unnecessary risks. Remember, your safety is just as important to me as it is to you.”

With a nod of agreement, Roland felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. Having Elodia's support was crucial, and her understanding made the decision easier to bear. They spent the rest of the day discussing the logistics of his departure. She was still his wife and would be the de facto owner of his ‘estate’ in his absence. Her status was now above that of a commoner but not really that high either. Nevertheless, everything here would be hers to control along with one rowdy new employee who had already started a small fire in his new laboratory.

One more hurdle stood in his way before making a decision, and that was Arthur Valerian. His noble friend, being the Head Knight and main Knight Commander within the city, held the literal authority to prevent him from leaving. Although the current situation was relatively safe, Roland had no insight into Arthur's future plans. As the city progressed, the other smaller nobles were beginning to take notice of this previously unknown Valerian brother.

He had already witnessed some sealed letters making their way towards Arthur. They probably contained some flattering words and maybe invitations to some noble parties. If he decided to take part in those, then he as the Head Knight might also have to participate. A lot of things were happening around him and it felt like his life would be becoming a whole lot more troublesome.

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