The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 . Do I need a reason for beating?

Chapter 13. Do I need a reason for beating?

Gu Chenyang was taken aback by Xia Wei’an’s attitude. He still had explosive curly hair in front of him, and his face was so ugly that he couldn’t see the original Xia Wei’an, but he didn’t see the heat he had in the past, not only that. , There is still a hint of impatience between the eyebrows!

She is actually impatient? Gu Chenyang’s eyes sank, his ability to speak to her is already a great gift to her! She actually doesn’t know what to do!

“You come out, I have something to ask you!”

He pressed a sentence angrily, turned around and left the classroom, Xia Wei’an gave a disdainful “cut”, bowed his head and continued to do the question as if nothing had happened.

Gu Chenyang, who walked out of the classroom early, waited at the door for several minutes and no one came out, so he stretched his head into the classroom and took a look, and saw Xia Wei’an sitting on the seat without moving, still biting his pen and lowering his head to do the question without putting his words at all. The look in his heart suddenly became angry, and he took a few steps and walked to Xia Wei’an’s table.

“Xia Wei’an, I originally wanted to save you some face and go out and say it. Since you don’t know what is good or bad, then I don’t have to think about you. I ask you, why are you naive?!”

Gu Chenyang feels that she is very angry now! He couldn’t tell whether it was because Xia Wei’an played Xia Wei’an, or because of Xia Wei’an’s attitude.

A person who had always been madly infatuated with him suddenly became indifferent to him, and he was very unhappy in his heart!

As soon as his question came out, the classroom instantly exploded.

The classmates who watched the excitement on the sideline immediately started talking with each other.

“I said why the innocent face was swollen. It turned out to be Xia Wei’an! It’s really disgusting, she can beat her with such a cute face!”

“I knew she had no bottom line in her life, but I didn’t know that she had no bottom line! Even my own sister can do it!”

“I see, she is jealous and innocent than she is more beautiful. Both of them are daughters of the Xia family. One is a school girl and the other is an ugly girl. Of course, this is not a taste!”

Everyone is usually troubled by Xia Wei’an, and she didn’t dare to say things like this in front of her. But today, thanks to Gu Chenyang’s presence and Xia Wei’an has been silent all the time, this gave them the courage to speak freely.

“I think she is not only jealous of innocent beauty, but also jealous of innocent study. Naive is the deputy squad leader who serves as the study committee member and the representative of the English class, and she, the countdown to the grade, is a complete scumbag!”

“Yes, you have to tell Teacher Geng about this matter…”


Xia Wei’an smashed the pen in his hand onto the table and made a “pop”. The accusing classmates around him were taken aback and stopped subconsciously.

Pushing the stool back, she slowly stood up, looking straight at Gu Chenyang, in a lazy tone: “Don’t you know what reputation I am? I need a reason for beating?”

The voice fell, and his gaze swept around slightly, and the classmates who had accused her just stepped back silently.

Yes, does Xia Wei’an need a reason to beat someone?

She has always been arrogant and domineering. After a fight, she relied on some money from the family to give her the aftermath, so she has no scruples. Even if the fight is her own sister, she is not afraid of the slightest.

Gu Chenyang was really anxious to see her look like she was so proud of her without repentance. If there was a boy in front of him, he might have smashed his fist on the other side’s face long ago, but he was a hateful girl, and their Gu family men never beat girls!

(End of this chapter)

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