The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 . You have to show some sincerity

Chapter 50. You have to show some sincerity

“Look at what I am now, what is the difference from you before? You follow me, are you afraid that I will take you back to the old way?”

“No, because I was going to be a bastard, and I was afraid that other male **** would take advantage of me, so I dressed up like that. There may be a reason for you to dress like this, but I believe that this kind of dressing will definitely not follow you for too long. ”

Cheng Lisha said affirmatively. It is undeniable that what she said is the truth. The reason why Xia Wei’an is still wearing such an ugly look is because she has to show her true face to others at the right time, for example, not long ago. After the birthday banquet, she will definitely slap those who once despised her in the face!

“Even if you are really right, so what? You were the person who slapped my face at the beginning, why do you think that I will ignore the predecessors and take you in? And why do you think that I am not guarded against you? Maybe this is another strategy for you. Take the opportunity to get close to me and give me a knife when I am not prepared.”

Xia Wei’an took another sip of milk tea, full of doubt.

“I, I, I can swear to the sky!” Cheng Lisha became anxious when she heard this. She knelt to the ground, facing the bright moon outside the window, stretched out her right hand, and pointed out three fingers: “I, Cheng Lisha to the sky. I swear, if I approach Xia Wei’an not because I have reformed, but because I have other plans, I will be killed by a telephone pole when I walk, choke to death when drinking water, choke to death when eating, scared to death in dreams, and be bombarded by lightning everywhere dead!”

Xia Wei’an hesitated to see that her face was firm and not like a lie.

After being betrayed in the previous life, except Emperor Xingchen, she no longer believes in others, but at this moment Cheng Lisha has shaken her a little. This is a feeling, an indescribable feeling.

“Okay, I believe in you, but to follow me, you have to show some sincerity.”

Xia Wei’an decided to give her a chance, not because of how conceited she was, but because she was confident. Since Cheng Lisha chose to trust her, she should show some sincerity.

“No problem, you say, I will definitely be able to finish!” Cheng Lisha heard Xia Wei’an relieved, and hurriedly got up from the ground, clenched her right hand and placed her fist on her chest, as if she was sure to win.

“Are you sure?”

Xia Wei’an raised her eyebrows and asked, this question made Cheng Lisha hesitate, but this hesitation passed quickly, and she said firmly with her eyes: “I can do it even if I go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire!”

“Very good.” Xia Wei’an nodded, and said: “Someone drove me and splashed mud on my body a few days ago. I haven’t gotten revenge yet. This person is Gu Qianye, the president of the Gu Group. You help me take this revenge. .”

Xia Wei’an spoke calmly, but Cheng Lisha was stunned.

“Gu Gu Gu, President Gu of the Gu Group?”

“Why, there is a problem?”

“No, no, I promise to complete the task.”

Cheng Lisa responded with a bitter expression, but she is a superior president, how will she complete the task?

“Okay, then I will leave first.”

Xia Wei’an got up to leave, Cheng Lisha also got up, and the two walked out together. When they arrived at the counter, Cheng Lisha shouted boldly: “Check out!”

“Hello, the total is one hundred and sixty-eight yuan, are you cash or credit card?”

The cashier with a standard smile, politely looked at Cheng Lisha, Cheng Lisha was taken aback, and said, “Cash.”

Then I searched everywhere in my pocket, in my trouser pocket, and grabbed a large amount of change and threw it on the cashier counter. The cashier instantly smiled and counted them one by one. After counting, he said blankly: “Madam, you are fifty-eight yuan here, which is one hundred one short.”

(End of this chapter)

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