The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 90: Evil Spirit (1).

Chapter 90 < Evil Spirit (1). >

Scene 2: The Black Night Cult’s Altar (N, Past – 28 years ago)

On the altar, Leo Mo is giving birth, assisted by the cult members, while the priest chants a spell. A sinister aura surrounds the altar.

The actress playing Kim Leo’s mother screams in agony as if she is really in labor, and the actor playing the priest trembles and mutters with his hands.

They were all theater actors who had been invited by a troupe, and their acting skills were very high. The assistant director reads the script.

Black smoke is absorbed into Leo Mo’s body. With her last strength, Leo Mo hears the loud cry of her baby, and the black smoke that was absorbed disperses into the air.

“Tsk, another failure.”

The priest, who had been looking forward to it, shakes his head in disappointment. A cult member approaches him.

“But it’s hopeful that she didn’t die. And besides…”

He looks at the baby in the arms of the cult member who helped with the delivery.

“Isn’t this the first time we tried the ritual on a newborn?”

The priest strokes his chin with interest.

“He’s too bloody. Let’s watch him for a while before we do it. We still have one more candidate, don’t we?”

“Yes, I understand.”

The cult member steps back politely and prays to the statue of the devil in front of the altar.

“His advent is not far away.”

As the priest turns his back, the black smoke is absorbed into the baby’s body. Leo Mo looks at the priest’s back with anxiety.

All the actors who participated in the reading turned the script to the next page. The assistant director, who had a sip of water, reads the script.

Scene 3: The Room at the End of the Black Night Cult’s Hallway (N, Past – 28 years ago)

A small one-room, young Raphael hugs his father’s leg and whines.

“Dad, this place is weird. Let’s go home.”

“This is our home.”

“They say there are real ghosts here!”

“My son, were you scared of ghosts? You have dad.”

Raphael’s father makes a tongue-clicking sound and tickles his son. Someone knocks on the door and he gets up and opens it.

“May the evil teachings spread in this world, brother.”

Raphael’s father responds with a prayer to the priest’s greeting. Young Raphael peeks out from behind him.

“Brother, you have been chosen as an apostle candidate.”

“Me, me?”

“Yes, it’s a glorious thing. Congratulations.”

Raphael’s father cheers.

“Then I’ll see you at the next ritual.”

The priest turns away without hesitation, and Raphael looks at his back with unease. Raphael’s father closes the door and hugs his son with a big cheer.

“We did it! We did it!”

“Dad, do we have to do it?”

“Son, this is an opportunity.”

Raphael’s father kneels on one knee and grabs his son’s shoulders, reassuring him, but his son still shivers with anxiety.

“If it goes well, dad will send you to school and buy you lots of toys.”


Yoo Yeon Seo, who played Raphael’s father, scribbled on the script. The cult must have promised to help with the child’s birth registration and make him a member of society. He didn’t know that the price was his own body.

The child actor smiled brightly and delivered his lines, and the other actors looked at him fondly.

The reading continued.

“This is crazy.”

Leo’s mother, who used to be a faithful cult member, realized the priest’s intention to use her child for the devil’s incarnation and prepared to escape.

“Dad! Dad!”

She finished her preparations and ran away from the cult with Raphael, who witnessed his father lying dead on the altar as a sacrifice.

“Let’s go. We have to go.”

“But, dad…”

“You’ll die if you stay there!”

She couldn’t use a seven-year-old child for the devil’s incarnation, let alone a newborn. The mother of two children, who hadn’t even recovered from childbirth, ran away from the cult members who were trying to catch them, and stopped in front of a church.

“Here, stay here.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be back soon. Please take care of my son.”

Leo’s mother ran in the other direction to lure the cult members who were chasing her. And of course, Leo’s mother never came back.

The seven-year-old Raphael, who held the newborn in his arms, crouched down and scanned the alley with anxious eyes. And then, the door of the church opened.

“My goodness… Weren’t you cold?”

Young Raphael shook his head. Father Bedro was startled by the situation of the child holding a baby, but he smiled warmly to comfort him.

“Let’s go in.”

The scene ends with Father Pedro, who would later become Leo’s grandfather, leading the children into the church.

“You’re a good actor!”

“Good job.”

The child actor who played Raphael covered his face with both hands as he received the attention. The actors smiled at his shy gesture.

“Let’s take a break and continue.”


The actor who played Raphael’s childhood left his seat with his guardian. He would later film the flashback scenes, but the reading time was so long that he left early.

“Excuse me… can I take a picture with you…?”


After taking a picture with the child, Leo sat comfortably in his seat and closed his eyes. He didn’t have many lines in the first and second episodes, which mainly showed the black night cult and the devil worship ritual, and the special bond between Father Pedro and Leo. He listened to the other actors’ readings and imagined the scenes.

‘Evil Spirit’ is about a devil worship cult called Black Night, which conducts experiments to possess people with demons, and the victims of those experiments are Leo’s mother and Raphael’s father.

The first scene shows that the two leads had a connection since they were young, and then the story moves from the past to the present.

The baby that young Raphael was holding became Leo, who grew up and became a priest following Father Pedro. The actor who played Leo was Seo Hajun, a member of the five-year-old idol group ‘NV’.

“Is that car yours, ma’am? Isn’t that a very expensive car?”

“Me, that? That’s not my car.”

“What do you mean it’s not yours! I saw you get out of it!”

A quarrel breaks out between Father Pedro, who runs a charity house with the church, and a person who came to get free meals.

Director Choi Sanghoon’s eyes sparkled. He portrayed Leo, who was irritable and rebellious, very well. His pronunciation and vocalization were not bad either.

“You can’t come here for free meals if you drive a car like that. Have some conscience.”

“Geez. I can’t even get this if I have a car? The menu is disgusting anyway… Hey, hey! Father! Is this person really a priest?”

He retorted back with a defiant attitude, and Leo let out a sigh of disbelief. As people’s attention gathered, Father Pedro quickly approached and stopped Leo.

“He’s still new to being a priest. Sister, please have a lot to eat.”

“No, Father. He can’t have this! Why does he come here with a car that costs over 100 million won!”


Father Pedro shouted loudly. Seo Hajun flinched. It wasn’t because he was immersed in acting. His body moved involuntarily.

Father Pedro, played by actor Ryu Changhoon, had such a presence and vocalization that he could kill the other actor’s spirit.

‘He’s famous in the theater world, after all…’

Father Pedro was the spiritual pillar of Leo and Raphael in the play, so he had a lot of weight in the beginning. Leo looked at Ryu Changhoon with interest.

“Go and carry that!”

“Why are you always picking on me?”

He hesitated for a moment, but soon regained his senses and recited the next line. He had a brief conversation with him before the reading started, and he seemed to have received a good education. Not the general education, but the acting, etiquette, and how to deal with people in the industry.

These days, idol groups receive thorough education from their trainee days, and it was true. The director and the writer also smiled slightly while keeping their eyes on the script.

Leo grumbled and backed away.

“The rice is too sticky. Father, please pay attention when you cook next time.”

“But that lady…”

“Oh, Leo, Father! Calm down!”

The parishioners and nuns who were nearby restrained Leo.

The actors turned the script.

Scene 7 Inside the church (D)

“You need to calm down. You still haven’t forgotten the thug habits you had when you were a student?”

“No, Father. Aren’t you angry? Last time, there was a weird old man who came and demanded meat.”

“There are a lot of people like that when you run something like this. Don’t get excited every time. Why are you like this after becoming a priest?”

Father Pedro’s voice was mixed with affection as he scolded him. Leo softened for a moment and snorted.

“You run a baby box and an orphanage, and you also do free meals, but if you accept all those people, how are we going to live? We barely get any donations, and we’re already in the red…”

“Be quiet.”

Father Pedro cut off Leo’s words and turned up the volume of the TV. A staff member replaced the news anchor.

(Last month, the spontaneous combustion incident that occurred in Nowon-gu, Seoul, was finally concluded as a suicide.)

(Two days ago, there was a similar incident in the same area, so the police are keeping the possibility of a crime open.)

“That’s really weird. Right, Father?”

Leo tapped Father Pedro’s shoulder.


“Huh? Oh… yeah.”

Father Pedro, who was staring blankly at the screen, came to his senses. He made a meaningful expression and sank into his thoughts.


The end.

As Kim Leo muttered that the priest was acting differently than usual and turned his gaze back to the TV, he heard someone scream.

It was the voice of a middle-aged woman who was arguing with Kim Leo and Seung Kang. The two priests rushed outside and gasped at the shocking scene.

“What, what is this?”

“You have to evacuate the people.”

“Yes, yes!”

A man was on fire. But he didn’t fall down and stood upright.

“Lady! Get away!”

Kim Leo shouted as he helped an old woman who had collapsed from the shock.

“Fire extinguisher! Where is the fire extinguisher?”

“Someone call an ambulance!”

The burning man staggered but walked one step at a time. Even though Father Peter and the others poured water and sprayed fire extinguishers, the fire didn’t go out easily.

“Why won’t it go out!”

“Oh, be careful, Father!”

The burning man was getting closer to Kim Leo, who was holding an empty fire extinguisher.

“He is finally descending on this land!”



The extras who cried out for the priest and Father Peter’s urgent scream added to the tension.


The man laughed loudly as if he wasn’t in pain. Everyone swallowed their saliva at the sight of his madness. Soon, the burning man fell right in front of Kim Leo, who was cornered and crouched.

“What, what is this…”

With Kim Leo’s panting voice, the actors turned the script to the next scene.

Scene 9 Inside the church (N)

“We need to ask for help from the Vatican.”

“Do you think they will send someone so easily?”

“I know someone.”

“Who do you know?”

Father Peter answered in a heavy voice.

“I met him in Africa before.”

The actors, director, writer, and staff turned the script over.

Scene 7 Inside the Vatican (N)

“He is the best exorcist among the priests.”

Father Peter’s narration, and dissolve.

“Father, we have a call from Korea.”

Normally, they would use a foreign extra, but since he didn’t attend the reading, the assistant director said it in Korean. Yoo Yeon Seo straightened his posture. It was instantaneous.

“*Korea? Korea…”

How did Raphael feel? He got a call for help from the country that abandoned him. Yoo Yeon Seo delivered his voice as coldly as possible.

“*That’s strange. I’ll be there soon.”

Yoo Yeon Seo answered in fluent Latin. He didn’t have Latin in his head, but he synchronized it through beta the day before the reading. That’s why his head still hurt.

‘Wow, what is this.’

The director, Choi Sang Hoon, who saw this, restrained his body from jumping up. For a moment, Yoo Yeon Seo’s appearance in a light T-shirt and jeans looked like he was wearing a neat priest’s robe.

‘Wow, crazy… I heard he changed.’

It was different to hear the rumor and see it for yourself. But it was more than he imagined.

Foreign dialogue was hard to act because of the pronunciation. But he showed various emotions in that short dialogue. Ryu Chang Hoon, who played Father Peter, also looked at Yoo Yeon Seo’s face with interest, fixing his eyes on the script.

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