The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 487: Confrontation 2

How will they deal with that I wonder? 

Sadly, they do manage to block it all. I guess that's the downside of homing projectiles, it will throw itself at any kind of barrier without distinction. Wait! I'm actually supposed to be preventing this fight, not fan it! The best would be to find a way to immobilize them before slowly figuring it all. 

That is when comes a victorious laugh from the other side. With a crazy loud BANG, the Naked Emperor gets catapulted out of the fight. His state is clearly pitiful, with many bones showing. Wait, does this mean we now have to fight three of them?! 

The way the Water Queen is slowly walking toward us with an ominous smile makes me believe it's the case! She then opens her mouth. Will she finally go into details, telling us the why?! As she comes closer the other two enemies are slowly encircling us too. I get the feeling we are about to get a talkative evil hidden mastermind speech! 

"You truly are foolish aren't you. The both of you really. *Sigh*. You, little girl, were way too busy self-isolating in that house of yours. Then the only time you actually came out you somehow managed to fall for a stranger. I'm not sure the kind of magic he used to turn you to his side, but it doesn't matter." (Queen) 

"What are you talking about?!" (Princess) 

[Yeah, seriously!? What the hell?!] 

"Even to this day I'm not sure of your intentions, but it doesn't matter anymore. We simply cannot accept something as ridiculous as to remain cooped in the city until we eventually get destroyed. It is bound to happen if we simply cower." (Queen) 

"This whole fight is all so you can march to war?!" (Princess) 

"Indeed, it is so." (Queen) 

[That's crazy! Aqua herself doesn't care one bit about such a thing! Aren't you guys supposed to be worshipping her?! Wait, are you guys switching God somehow?!] 

"Switching god? How are you so naive! Such a thing is pretty much impossible. No, we will follow her will. She wants us to prosper. We will do all it takes to accomplish this goal. This is the vow we have done toward her and toward our people." (Queen) 

[She simply wants to protect you guys! It was never about conquering the world or anything like that! Don't claim your own thoughts as her own!] 

"Please! What would you know about the Goddess's thoughts? You are simply a stranger here, one that came by chance. You aren't even qualified to take part in this conversation!" 

[Not qualified? Not qualified?! Please! I recently went with the Water Princess to visit Aqua's statue! I even directly spoke with her! I can assure you, seeing you guys fight between yourselves is not something she'd want! At all!] 

That is when the Water Fairy comes closer. She seems disappointed for some reason. Also, why are we all having this chat right now? Well, at least my emperor friend should be recovering right about now!

"*Sigh* They were right about you. You really are a compulsive liar. Can't you just be honest for a change?" (Fairy) 

[Liar? What are you even talking about?!] 

"I'm talking about all these crazy stories of yours. None being remotely believable. Did you think we are that easy to fool?" (Fairy)

"What now? Even attacking me. How are you guys going to justify that to the Goddess?" (Princess) 

"This is actually easy. I'm sure you remember that a majority vote is enough to deny a Head-mage from its title as one? It just so happens that all of us are here. Well, of course, the Empress is quite busy sleeping right now. But, no worries, she did allow me to make decisions in her stead in case of emergency a while back." (Monarch) 

"Talk about a great way to betray the sect. Usurping authority, is it? You guys disgust me so very much right now. I really thought you three were better than that. Guess I was wrong. Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. You talk of conquering other sects and yet are scheming internally to reduce our fighting power by kicking me out." (Princess) 

"Let's not kid ourselves. You haven't truly been one of us in a long time." (Fairy)

"Wrong? You sure are wrong. It's not us that betrayed the sect, but you. You did! You aligned with their crazy ideas. You brought him to visit the whole city. Apparently, you even brought him to see the goddess's statue. We simply are lucky that he didn't have much time to plan our demise." (Queen)

[Are you guys perhaps insane? I literally just pledged to protect this place. Why would I try to harm it in any way?!] 

My pink-haired friend is looking regretful. In her eyes, I can see self-blame and also pity as she looks at me. She seems to have lost all her radiance all of a sudden. 

"*Sigh* I can't believe they tricked you. I should have warned you about that. I'm sorry my friend. Truly sorry." (Princess)

[Wait, why are you apologizing to me?!] 

"Because this thing, the Water Pledge, is literally a slave contract. One that allows the Head-mages control over your existence. They will be stripping me of the title too, pretty much making you their personal slave. *Sigh*" 


"That's your reaction?! Wow! It sure is anticlimactic! Don't you have a story prepared to convince us to let you go?" (Fairy)

My friend seems very depressed and for a good reason. But honestly, this whole thing isn't much of an issue for me. So, how do I break them the news? Do I just go, pranked! I'm still a free man! Wait, I should probably try to get us all off the lake before that.

That is when comes running my disciple. She seems to be carrying something with her happily. Ah, actually I should say someone. There is my naked friend. The good news is that he's perfectly fine. The bad news is he's in a water prison. Now, what are they planning exactly? 

If I'm guessing it right, they'll probably try to make him pledge too. I need to stop that!...

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