The Valiant Farmgirl’s Blackhearted Husband Wants a Hug

Chapter 106 - 106 106: Storing Grain

106 Chapter 106: Storing Grain

Previously, her Sister Sanya’s figure was the size of a small mountain.

Now, she was at most the size of a young bull.

“Sister Sanya, you… Do you eat like you did today for every meal?” Big Girl Li asked suddenly.

Qin Xiaoyao was caught off guard.

“No, I don’t. I made a lot of pancakes today, so I ate until I was 90% full. Normally I eat until I’m 70 – 80% full.”

The reason was that she and her husband were not staying here for the time being. If there were any pancakes and dishes left, they could only heat them up for lunch tomorrow.

She might as well increase her intake and finish up the extra food.

Big Girl Li was somewhat surprised.

She ate until 90% full for this meal, while on normal days, she ate until 70% or 80% full.

Judging by the way Sister Sanya was eating today, even if she was 70 – 80% full, the amount she ate would still be quite substantial.

Moreover, the dishes from the Song family had always been rich in oil. She should have put on more weight more easily after eating such food…

“Sister Sanya, you… are not lying to me, are you?”

Qin Xiaoyao placed the bowl and chopsticks on the stove.

She turned around and looked at Big Girl Li.

“Why would I lie to you?”

“Then why do you look like you’ve been losing weight?” Big Girl Li scrutinized Qin Xiaoyao’s body.

Qin Xiaoyao was caught by surprise.

She also lowered her head and looked at her own body.

“Oh, it’s probably because I’ve been moving a lot more. Although I’ve spent less time in the mountains recently, the work I am doing hasn’t decreased by much.”

“It’s not like you don’t know my family’s situation. I’m the one doing all the laborious work,” Qin Xiaoyao explained.

Of course, that was not the reason.

After all, even though she did a lot of work, she also ate a lot.

However, she couldn’t tell Big Girl that she lost weight because her strength-attribute special ability was making adjustments to her body.

Hehe! If Big Girl knew, she would probably die of jealousy.

“Oh, I see…” Big Girl Li said with a disappointed expression.

Then, she also put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hands.

“Alright. You can go out and rest in the courtyard. We can clean up the house after I’m done washing the dishes.” Qin Xiaoyao waved her hand at Big Girl Li.

“Okay.” Big Girl Li looked at the situation on the stove and knew that she couldn’t help even if she stayed, so she went out.

Qin Xiaoyao could finally heave a sigh of relief and began to wash the dishes.

After washing the dishes, Qin Xiaoyao tidied up the kitchen.

Then, she went out into the courtyard to call for Big Girl Li.

Following that, the two of them got busy together.

With one more person’s help, the speed of work was indeed much faster.

After an afternoon of hard work, the two of them finally cleaned up all the rooms.

They even spread fresh straw on the beds and covered them with new bedding.

Qin Xiaoyao also bought some tools and repaired the broken furniture too.

In addition, Qin Xiaoyao had also bought the things that the house lacked, and she put them up.

In short, their current new home was more or less tidied up.

After they were done with everything, Qin Xiaoyao suggested they return to Brook Falls Village without even taking a break.

This was because if she didn’t go back immediately, it would delay her from going into the mountains to hunt for bamboo rats.

Big Girl Li had no choice but to drag her exhausted body and push the handcart along with Qin Xiaoyao.

Looking at Qin Xiaoyao pushing Song Que with a smile and a refreshed, energetic look, Big Girl Li conceded that she felt envious again.

She was already dog-tired, yet her Sister Sanya was still so energetic.

Was there really such a huge difference between people?

Qin Xiaoyao could also see how tired Big Girl Li was, and she couldn’t bear to see her like this.

“When we reach the village later, you can go home straight away.”

“Then, later on, when your Daniu comes to my house to deliver the goods, ask him to follow me to the river to haul up the fishing net.”

“As for the bamboo rats, I’ll process them today,”

Big Girl Li stared at Qin Xiaoyao pitifully. She really wanted to show off and say that she could do it.

However, in the end, she still couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Instead, she said, “Then I’ll go back and tell Daniu.”

She was really exhausted today.

She was tired from delivering the goods in the morning. After that, she set up a stall in the market on South Street. Although she was only standing there, her throat was tired from all the shouting.

In the afternoon, she cleaned up the house with Sister Sanya and went out to buy stuff. She was so busy that her feet almost didn’t touch the ground from the constant moving.

Qin Xiaoyao smiled and said, “Alright.”

She then suddenly remembered something and said, “By the way, don’t forget to give Daniu the list I gave you. From now on, we have to manage the bamboo goods business well.”

“Alright. I know,” Big Girl Li replied weakly.

Qin Xiaoyao couldn’t help but laugh.

The next day, after packing up her stall, Qin Xiaoyao finally started the task of digging the cellar.

Even though she had no experience, she did a good job with Song Que guiding her by the side.

Due to her great strength, she only took half a day to dig out the cellar that Song Que had requested.

“We’re almost there. Next, we’ll polish it a little more, and then buy some lime and wooden planks.”

“Lime can be placed in the cellar to get rid of moisture and dampness. As for wooden planks, we can put some inside and outside. If placed outside, you must make sure to cover the exit well,” Song Que said.

Qin Xiaoyao nodded.

“It’s getting late. Let’s go back to Brook Falls Village first.”

“Then, I’ll buy the things tomorrow. After some more tidying up, it will be almost done.”


Thus, Qin Xiaoyao cleaned up the site and left with Song Que again.

“Hubby, what are you going to do with that cellar?” On the way, Qin Xiaoyao finally asked the question that had been lingering in her mind.

She wasn’t stupid, so how could she not know her husband was planning something?

From insisting that she be the one to dig the cellar to choosing the most inconspicuous spot in the courtyard for her to dig, he even personally supervised her carrying out the work.

And he didn’t allow her to tell anyone.

It would be strange if nothing were afoot.

Even though she enjoyed the feeling of being trusted by her husband, how could she not be curious?

Song Que turned around and glanced at Qin Xiaoyao.

“To stock up on food,” he said.

Qin Xiaoyao got a shock.

Stocking up on food?

The new house had a separate storage room. If he wanted to stock up on food, he could just put it in the storage room.

Furthermore, it wasn’t difficult to buy food in town.

From their new house’s courtyard, if they walked out and turned right on the main street, there was a grain store less than 100 meters away.

Wouldn’t the food be fresher if they bought it only after they had consumed those in the house?

If they hoarded grain, even if they bought fresh grain, it would become old after a year or so.

Yes, she had no doubt that her attractive husband intended to stock up on a large amount of food. Otherwise, there would be no need to build such a cellar.

After experiencing the apocalypse, Qin Xiaoyao was actually not really against her attractive husband’s arrangement.

In fact, she herself even had the same idea that was akin to a hamster’s behavior.

She had thought that after she earned money, she would buy more food to keep at home to ensure that the family would not go hungry in the future.

However, the thought of stocking up on so much food in one go never once crossed her mind.

After all, she felt that her money pouch was not exactly bulging with coins now.

Song Que saw Qin Xiaoyao’s expression change, but he didn’t respond.

He then continued, “When the cellar is completed, exchange all the money in the family for food. It’s best to fill up the cellar to the brim.”

Qin Xiaoyao’s expression finally changed drastically.

Song Que ignored her and asked, “Have you calculated how much money we have left?”

“One… 130 over taels, I think,” Qin Xiaoyao said with uncertainty. She had wanted to dissuade him initially, but somehow those words didn’t come out of her mouth. Instead, she ended up answering Song Que’s query.

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